MxM LongTerm RP Search!

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MxM LongTerm RP Search!


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  • Hello, my name is Avery! I'm 20 years old and have been roleplaying for about six years! Here are some things you should know about me, alongside my rules;

    About Me
    • I heavily prefer MxM, NBxNB, or NBxM.
    • My Time zone is EST
    • I don't mind ghosting! While I would like a heads up if you decide to stop replying for any reason, I have no problem with you doing so!
    • I prefer drawn-face claims over anything else, but if you feel better using realistic ones, that's fine; just know I'm sticking to drawings!
    • I'm huge on references sheets/bio's for your character. It doesn't have to be anything long or super detailed, but I would like to have a little something to work with.
    • With that said, it can take me a bit to reply back with a reference sheet, depending on how many characters will be used!
    • I won't be able to give out daily responses, but I will try a minimum to reply once a week. So don't feel pressured to respond right away, even if you can't reply that week, just let me know. I completely understand!

    RP Rules/Expectations
    • Story-driven roleplays only, please, I don't mind smut, but I would really prefer it not to be the main focus of the roleplay.
    • When it comes to smut rps, my characters vary on position and sexual preference (Dom or Sub). I don't do just one or the other; when I create their reference, I just pick whatever might suit them best.
    • I don't roleplay any fandoms. I don't mind rping with an oc that's based on a piece of media, but I will not roleplay any character that is not my own.
    • Third person only.
    • Unless explicitly stated beforehand, the rp with follow a romantic plot line where our characters at some point fall in love and so on. If you want a strictly platonic rp, let me know, I don't mind.
    • 18+ only, most of my character games will range from the late twenties to mid-forties.
    • I love OOC, so please don't hesitate to chat me up; it makes the rp a lot more enjoyable that way. But if you don't, that's fine as well.
    • I tend to try and match my partner's reply, but I would prefer at least 200 words minimum! I tend to write 400-1000+; it just depends on who I'm writing with and what I'm receiving.

  • * means I'm really interested in rping this


    • Drama
    • Fantasy
    • Historical Fiction
    • Mystery
    • Romance *
    • Western *
    • Heroic/Superhero*
    • Occult
    • Dystopia *
    • Robots/A.I *
    • Steampunk *
    • Crime *


    • Enemies to lovers *
    • Childhood sweethearts
    • Forbidden Love
    • Opposites Attract *
    • OmegaVerse


    • Gentle big person has small rowdy partner
    • Overprotective x Overprotective
    • Hero x Villain
    • Prince x Equerry
    • Demon x Angel
    • Demon x Angel x Angel/Demon
    • Mythological creature X Mythological creature
    • Mythological creature X Human
    • Mafia Leader x Rival
    • Demon x Priest
    • Knight Commander x Knight

  • (MxM OCS) Plot List #1

    Worldbuilding Plots! - Romantic/Platonic

    |Western plots!|

    1. It's the mid-1800s, and Muse A is the Sheriff of a homey town called Kalivin County. They've been sheriff there for a good five years, and they know the ins and outs of the town and townsfolk there even better than the mayor, Muse B, does. You could go as far as to say that the townsfolk thought of Muse A as their Mayor, which caused some tension between the two. It doesn't seem to get any better for Muse A when Muse C, an amateur thief, along with two of his partners in crime, comes along trying to attain authority over the town. Now Muse A has to juggle with Muse B's patience running thin and the ever so-obnoxious Muse C running around and causing a bit of trouble. The thought of quitting and skipping town never sounded so good to Muse A.

    2. Muse A is the Sherriff of a rapidly growing town, meaning they'll need all the help they can get when it comes to helping protect it. They seem to be in luck when Muse B comes around and seems eager to become a deputy. Everything goes smoothly for some time, and Muse A and B hit it off quite well, that is, until a telegram comes into the sheriff's office along with a wanted poster and- "Hey, Muse B? This person looks an awful lot like ya'."

    |1900's plots!|

    3. Muse A was known around his town for being a peacemaker, even more so when the war started. They'd walked down the rundown street of their town singing about world peace, and no one seemed to mind. This is why it was such a shock when the news came out they were arrested for disturbing the peace.
    Muse B was a grouchy, seemingly emotionless police officer who took his job very seriously. So when they saw Muse A walking downtown, singing about nonsense, they were quick to tell them to stop and quiet down, and when they refused, they apprehended them and drove off to the station. Feeling a bit proud of themselves, Muse B told his commanding officer about the ordeal and was shocked to hear the others tell them to let Muse A go. But Muse A didn't seem to want to go, saying they didn't have an actual home to go to.

    So, in a turn of unfortunate events for Muse B, he was told to let the others stay at his home until he could get back on his feet and keep him out of trouble.

    |High school/College plots!|

    (These are Teacher/Teacher plots only)

    4. Muse A is a well know and very much loved teacher, while Muse B is very much disliked. But, the two have been caught countless times holding hands, hanging out in the teacher lounge, and texting each other in the middle of class. And the students are wondering what Muse A sees in Muse B. But under closer inspection, they catch glimpses of Muse B being a huge softy towards Muse A, and they make sure to hang it over their head whenever they can.

    5. Muse A and B are rival teachers from different schools, and they take their school competitions very seriously. At first glance, you would think that they hated each other, but on the other hand, they have been seen out of school acting a bit more than friendly.

    |Supernatural plots!|

    6. Muse A and B were both ghost hunters and had been working with each other since the beginning. Muse B loves their job and firmly believes in what they're doing and encountering is real, while Muse B still thinks it is all for fun and doesn't believe it. One day Muse A noticed Muse B's behavior had been strange. They chalked it up to their last hunt, with them having spooked out. But, when they wake up in the middle of the night to Muse B standing at the foot of their bed, they know something is wrong and- oh mY GOD, HOW ARE THEY FLOATING???

    7. Muse A has been haunting Muse B for a good year now, and they hate it. They've tried almost everything to get the other to be scared of them, but they always managed to ignore it or shrug it off. After one particular stunt, Muse A gets annoyed and shows themselves to Muse B, and out of any reaction, they weren't expecting to be called attractive; who do they think they are?? Why are you flirting with me? Are you that lonely??

    |College plots!|

    (Student/Student plots)

    8. Muse A had been late for registering into a university which ended up with them getting a dorm in the oldest wing there. A couple of other people resided there, but for the most part, it was empty. Besides that, Muse A makes friends with Muse B, who also resides in his wing, and they get along pretty well. The only off thing about Muse B was the fact that they refused to leave the University's property. Muse A decided to tell his other friend, Muse C, about the weird situation that's been going on with Muse B, and since Muse C has never encountered Muse B, he decides to go and meet with them. Upon entering Muse A's dorm, he introduces Muse C to… thin air? As Muse A was pointing at absolutely nothing.

    Muse C knew college was stressful, but god, they never experienced something like this.

    |Domestic Plots!|

    9. Muse A works late into the night every night and doesn't seem too fond of breaks. Muse B is always there to give them a hand with whatever they need. Coffee? Dinner? Massage? On it.

    10. Muse A loves the summertime! Muse B hates it. Muse C wouldn't care if the earth was on fire or if they'd freeze just stepping out of the house. But, one thing they all could agree on was road trips across the country, no matter the weather. Even if it's filled with Muse B's complaints, they buckle in and enjoy the ride.

    11. Working at the same jobs and living with each other has its perks..and downfalls. Like both Muse A and B waking up late in the morning and rushing around to get ready, while also occasionally stealing kisses from one another.

    12. Muse A works a 9 to 5 job as a secretary and, every 15 minutes gets a call from Muse B, with him complaining about how boring it is here with the others there.

    13. Muse A and B both love to bake, so why not have a bake-off? It would be an official competition without some commentary from Muse C.

    14. Christmas is here, and now it's time for Muse A and B to be at their jolliest! Christmas Shopping? Decorating the tree? Planning a Christmas party? Watching 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' for the 4th time that day while cuddling by the fire and softly telling each other how much you love them and cherish them? Sign them up.-

    |Superhero and Super Villian Plots!|

    15. Muse A is a world-renowned supervillain and has defeated and, to put it plainly, obliterated many superheroes. And if they're honest, it's pretty disappointing. All they want is a hero to last through one fight. That's all. But when Muse B comes along, Muse A is pretty sure they're about to quit the whole villain gig. That was until Muse B manages to last the whole fight and lays some hits on Muse A, does he reconsider.

    |Barista Plots!|

    16. Muse A has the unfortunate job of keeping the local coffee shop open until late evening. Muse B comes into the shop early morning and stays for an odd amount of time. Muse A asks Muse B if they are going to leave anytime soon, seeing it is Christmas and all. Muse A didn't miss the way Muse B seemed to shakily get up and head to the door without saying a thing or how red and puffy their eyes were.

    I guess they were just going to have to close the shop early. They weren't going to let Muse B leave sad like that. Nu-uh. Not on Christmas day.

    |Friends to Lovers Plots!|

    17. Muse A and B have been friends for a long time; they tell each either everything and were supportive of each other. So, of course, Muse B told A how they had a crush on a certain person, and they were quick to encourage them to confess. Sadly, it ended in rejection and Muse B being left at the park alone, waiting for A to pick them up. Muse A did everything in its power to cheer Muse B up. Movies, junk food, video games, you name it. It wasn't until B had gone to sleep did A think about how happy it made them to do this for A, and they wished they could do it all the time.

    Huh. I think Muse A just caught some feelings.

    18. Muse A, B, and C had been living together since they graduated from high school. They all work retail, have a lovely pet(s) (Dog, Cat, Bunny, etc.), they make time for each other and are altogether the best of friends. Or are they more than that?

    "Hey, Muse B?"


    "Did you kiss me yesterday before we went to work?


    "Oh, okay. I just wanted to make sure."

    "Bro, what? I ain't get no kiss."

    "You have to earn that kiss, Muse C. Unlike you, Muse A, did the dishes."

    (Just giving the homie a little kiss, dynamic)

    |Other plots!|

    19. Muse A's dad is the head priest of the catholic school he attends. A hates it there for many reasons, and considering their father is head of the school, they pretty much have a strict life. So what other things to do to get back at your parents for ruining your life? Summon the second-worst demon there is besides Satan! Asmodeus! The prince of demons!

    20. Muse A's parents take a trip to the country to escape the city for the summer. A has a feeling they'll hate the trip, and it doesn't help that they know no one down here. After getting situated in their newly renovated home, they deiced to get something to eat at a local restaurant. I was just trying to get the day over with and went to tell the waiter what they wanted, and omg, they're so pretty and nice. An A just found out Muse B live across from their house and, for the rest of the trip, tries to befriend and get closer to B.

  • Name: Nicolaus G. Boyle
    Security Clearance: Level 4
    Education: Specialist Diploma, University of Heidelberg; Doctor of Humanistic Sciences,
    Specialization: Geneticist, SCP Research, Containment procedures.
    Site of Operations: Site-19. Formerly Site-73 & Site-91.
    Profile: Researcher Boyle is currently located in Site-19 after being moved from Site-91 a few days prior. He is currently being assigned to Scp-082 alongside Scp-049.
    History: Born in Panlian, China. Four siblings - Older Niàn zhēn Crop Manager, currently unemployed, younger Gong Xue, Stay-at-home Mom Qian Xiaobo, with her two sons, and ████ ██.
    Joined the Foundation in 2005 after ████ ████he was sent to Site-73 for two years, only to be transferred to Site-91, where he spent most of his time. In 2015 he was permanently transferred to Site-19, where he now resides.

    Name: Louri Vadim

    Security Clearance: Level 4
    Education: ████
    Specialization: ████
    Site of Operations: Site-19.
    Profile: Removed from death row in 199█ and made a guard for Security director. Has been active since 199█.
    History: Born in Samoylovka , Russian Federation. No siblings to date.
    Joined the Foundation in 199█ after being taken from death row. Held the skills and ability to work alongside and with SCPs, Researchers, and directors alike and was soon working with Dr. Boyle after the researcher was transferred.

    Name: Rohmer Hill (alias)
    Age: 39 y/o
    Gender: Cis-Male
    Sexuality: Unlabeled, hasn't put thought into it
    Home Town: Claims he was born in Deadwood, SC
    Nationality: American
    Height: 5'11"


    Family / Relationships

    Relation with their family: While Rohmer really doesn't go into great detail about his family, you can catch him on a good day reminiscing about some of his childhood memories. Outside of that, his teen years and early adulthood seem to be absent of them.


    Bo Rincliff
    ; Out of the three, Bo and Rohmer seem to have the most friend-like relationship. Often relying on each other for help, whether involving the horses or something more personal, they are ready to help one another. It could be because they have similar backstories and were easily able to relate to each other, or after years on the road with just the two of them, it was easier to build some type of relationship.
    While they have their boundaries regarding certain things, on days that are slow and seem made for slacking off, the two find themselves more often than not at each other side.

    Deacon Wilson; Rohmer's relationship with this man seems to be more on the 'I help you; you help my side of things. A partnership built solely off of materialism and the will to survive side of things. While Deacon has loosened up after years on the road with both Bo and Rohmer, he still clearly has his walls up enough to only engage in minor chit-chat about his past life on slow days or long travels.

    : Thieving, though any actual crime that involves materialistic gain, is a personal favorite of Rohmer. His conversation and hobbies (Both good and Bad) heavily center on this.

    Dislikes: Any type of authority, Those with morality complexes, people who fighting chances rely solely on their use of weapons (Guns more specifically)

    Personality traits: At first glance, Rohmer seems very level-headed and calculated in his actions and wordings. Always thinking about his next move and what to say. While that sentiment is still true behind closed doors, he gets a bit more relaxed when around 'friends' (His partners), feeling no need to keep up a closed-off and serious persona.

    Common mood for them: Usually between energized and paranoid, but can be easily interpreted as simply being alert and aware of their surroundings at first glance.
    Skills / Strengths and Weaknesses

    : Planning and strategizing, Hand to hand Combat, Self-control

    Weaknesses: Horse Riding, Gun Control, Acting out a plan the way it was intended (Keeping to the plan)

    Hand to Hand combat (0-10): 9/10; he feels more in control this way

    Riding skills (0-10): 3/10; usually riding side by side with one of his partners or riding on the back of their horse.

    Shooting skills (0-10): 2/10; doesn't like the way it feels in his hand, and even if he does use it, 9 times out of ten, he's going to miss his target. (His partners are the ones that use a gun, he's either doing hand-on-hand or using a Bowie knife)

    Preferred weapon: Bowie Knife, or really any type he can get his hands on

    Preferred weapon skills (0-10): 7/10, he may be able to hit you a few times, but his opponent will catch on at some point.
    Background Story:

    From what's known of him, he spent his early days on a ranch near the north with his first employer. For some 'unknown reason', he was forcibly removed and left to fend for himself. After some time, he came across his first partner in crime, Bo, a man in his late forties who worked as a farm hand, was eager to jump at the opportunity of easy money. A small span of time after that, the two came across Deacon (a much older man who, while hasn't disclosed his age, looks to be a bit older than Bo), a small town outlaw that found himself hiding away in an abandoned cabin near the outskirt of some rickety town.
    From the way Rohmer tells the story, both he and Bo took Deacon in, in good faith. (However, Deacon recalls a more cowardly introduction but lets the two enjoy their twisted lie of a story.)
    From then on, the three have been known for wandering aimlessly to any small town or wagon train to terrorize for the day.

    (The story seems to change with each and every person to who the story is related too; even if it's half of the truth, small details that weren't there before find their way into the mix.)

    Alias: Symbiotic
    Legal Name: Lucio Adams
    Gender: Male (He/They)
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'9"
    Race/Species: Human/Parasite

    Powers and Abilities

    • Regenerative Healing Factor
    • Body Manipulation (Ex. Turn his hand into a knife/spear)
    • Attachment (Ex. Able to attach a parasite onto a host to control. Either to gain assess to a certain area, along with information or to use as a hostage)
    • Parasite Creation

    Body Manipulation:
    • If the appendage that has shifted is removed it will weaken the user and the healing process could take up to a few hours to days.

    • If the parasite cannot gain control over the machines, organic, or spiritual material it's after it will die and weaken the user that sent it.
    • If the host dies with the parasite attached it will weaken the user that sent it.

    Parasite Creation

    • Less effective if there is no organic material to give to parasites. (Ex. No host to feed off of)
    • Users of Internal Bodily Cleansing or Foreign Forces Removal

    Personality and Relationships
    (From what's known of him)​

    Primary Traits:

    • Decisive
    • Purposeful
    • Self-reliant
    • Scornful


    He was rumored to have run away from his family, but no one knows where they live.

    Full Name: Jai Atkinson
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male (He/Him)
    Date of Birth: February 13, 2000
    Star Sign: Aquarius
    Species/Race: Human, Central American
    Occupation: Works at a gymnastics park
    Status: Single, no past relationships


    Height: 6'1

    Clothing: A mixture of casual and streetwear

    Accessories: Has glasses, never wear them

    Grew up in a large family, close-knit family up until his pre-teen years when both he, his parents, and two siblings moved out on their own. While he took moving schools hard, he found his footing rather fast and was very sociable among his peers, only for them to move again, and again, and again. Once he hit sophomore year, they'd stop moving after Jai's mother had found a stable job.

    The constant moving had made it a bit harder for Jai to make friends since he was used to them moving constantly. Even when he did start making friends he never really invested in them. Whether that meant, Sleepovers, Birthday parties, or even prom, he never attended unless he was dragged into it by his parents or close friends.

    • Patient
    • Organized
    • Warm-hearted
    • Reliable
    • Can find himself paranoid or worried over small things
    • Secretive
    • Attentive

    Other Information:

    • Mystery/Crime shows, or anything closely related to the Twilight Zone
    • Soft foods, says his teeth are sensitive
    • In the evening time, for some reason, all motivation comes out just before nightfall.
    • Going out to eat, It's an 'experience'
    • Insects, anything akin to a worm is his favorite

    • Winter, the cold sucks to him
    • Working. Period. He hates his job and any job he had in the past, but tries not to complain too much.
    • Romantic movies, he gets secondhand embarrassment.
    • Hallmark movies.
    • How easy he can get emotional, and half the time it's on other people's behalf.
    • Reptiles.

    • Trying out new places to eat, is a pastime for him.
    • Organizing, it's therapeutic putting things in order
    • Swimming, specificity in rivers or lakes.

    • He wants to go to school, shooting for a private university.

    • Quickly stopping what he's doing when someone walks in as if he was caught doing something wrong.
    • Picking up other people's habits
    • Touching whoever is nearest to him.
    • Fidgets when having a serious conversation with someone.

    • Any type of transportation that's, not a car or bike.
    • Losing those closest to him.


    Full Name: Gabriel Monet
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male (He/Him)
    Date of Birth: April 4, 2002
    Star Sign: Aries
    Species/Race: Human, French
    Occupation: Doesn't have a job yet, but does pull some money on the side by doing photoshoots.
    Status: Single, has a few exes


    Height: 5'10 (½)

    Clothing: Streetwear, Techwear, or a mix of the two

    Accessories: Any type of jewelry (both body and hair), chains, bags


    Gabriel was born and raised in France, and spent a good amount of his childhood there, before moving out of the country to live with his grandparents. He did homeschooling for two years before starting his seventh-grade year at a public school. He was a smart kid pulling all A's and high Bs, gaining scholarships, and joining clubs. While he wasn't closed off, making friends wasn't a priority for him, but the ones he did make he held close and didn't plan on letting them go.

    • Clever
    • Intelligent
    • Ambitious
    • Thrifty
    • Unreliable
    • Sneaky
    • Logical

    Other Information:


    • Photography
    • Seafood
    • Early mornings, where the ground is frosted with ice
    • Trying new recipes
    • Waterparks or really any type of theme park

    • Fast foods, never agrees with his stomach
    • Overly sweet foods
    • Action movies, he can't deal with how fast-paced it is
    • Scary movies
    • Pure quiet, especially at night. He keeps a fan on at all times.
    • Bugs.

    • Photography is a major hobby that he hopes can turn into a job.t.
    • Editing, whether it be photoshop or video.

    • Buy an official photography studio

    • Creating his own white noise when its too quiet
    • Follows a very irregular sleeping schedule.
    • Changing his clothes multiple times a day.

    • Traveling and realizing he's forgotten something.

    Full Name: Phoenix Marov
    Age: 30
    Gender: Cis-Male (He/Him)
    Date of Birth: February 13, 1992
    Star Sign: Aquarius
    Species/Race: Human, Afro-latino
    Occupation: Works part-time at a Casino. And part-time as a highschool teacher
    Status: Has a lot of flings but mainly has an on-and-off thing with his boss.

    Height: 5'11 (says he 6'2)
    Clothing: A mixture of Vintage and Lazy casual wear
    Accessories: Painted nails and a few chains and piercings

    Was Born and raised in a cult until he was seven after his aunt managed to get him out. He pretends not to have any memory of it, but it has messed him up enough for him to make life-changing decisions. His aunt took him and raised him till he was 19, to which he moved out and started living independently. Against better judgment, he joined a cult of his own, got a few connections, and started to work at a nearby casino.

    • Careless
    • Possessive
    • Charming
    • Honest
    • Compulsive
    • Secretive
    • Attentive

    Other Information:

    • Mystery/Crime shows, or anything closely related to the Twilight Zone
    • Parties or really any place that holds a lot of people
    • The evening time, for some reason, all motivation comes out just before nightfall.
    • Anything sharp
    • Insects, anything akin to a worm is his favorite

    • Storms of any kind
    • Deafening silence.
    • Romantic movies, he gets secondhand embarrassment.
    • Doctors, hospitals, anything medical
    • Being left in the dark, which is ironic to how easy he'll leave you in the dark
    • Reptiles.

    • He's in a cult, so I'll let you use your imagination.
    • Swimming, specificity in rivers or lakes.

    • None so far,

    • Quickly stopping what he's doing when someone walks in as if he was caught doing something wrong.
    • Picking up other people's habits
    • Touching whoever is nearest to him.
    • Fidgets when having a serious conversation with someone.

    • Any type of transportation that's not a car or bike.
    • Losing those closest to him.


    Name: Jonas Abney
    Age: 26
    Height: 6'0"

    Loose pants that get tucked into high ankle boots, topped with a sleeveless/backless turtleneck, with a scarf.
    (It took me too long to fish this up, and I really wanted to post this before bed so I'll finish up his outfit tomorrow!)

    Astral Construct + Tattoo Animation;

    Significant Abilities: The snakes on his body become animated and can fight alongside the host. (If cut in two, as long as the head is still stable, two snakes will come from them. Significantly weaker, but faster.)

    Other: Can create minor weapons and shields to fight with. Has enhanced stamina and physical strength (25% higher than average.)

    Strengths: Self-regulation, Perseverant, Agility, Thinking outside the box
    Weaknesses: Paranoia, naïve, tightly closed-off spaces, heavy rain, relies on one ability too often

    He was raised in a village-like household and had always been treated as a unique individual because of his gift. It's always been set into him that he was favored by some higher power and needed to walk a certain way. Because of this, most of his childhood was very sheltered and strict living.
    Once finally on his own, it became apparent that while knowledgeable on some spiritual level, he wasn't very good in general knowledge.



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Hello! I think we could fit well together, can i Dm you please ?
Hello! I think we could fit well together, can i Dm you please ?
Hello there, I'm super super sorry for the late reply! A lot of things have come up recently, but if you're still interested then yes! You can dm me!
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