MxF Looking For A (or multiple) Roleplay Partners!

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MxF Looking For A (or multiple) Roleplay Partners!


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Today 1:44 PM
Hello! I have taken a long hiatus in writing, and recently I have wanted to get back into it. I am looking for literate writers who respond multiple times a day/week. I understand having a life outside of this website and I won't get upset if you have things to do, because I have two jobs and friends and what not. I primarily play female characters as my male side isn't quite too uh, experienced. ^^; My characters are more submissive based when it comes to sex scenes however they're definitely more dominant in the streets or on the battlefield. I have many ideas, and I will list them below. The role I would prefer will be bolded. If you're interested just let me know via PM or comment below!

Angel x Demon
Dark Angel x Angel
Angel x Human
Demon x Human
Demon x Demon
Dragon Queen
x Dark Powered King
Dark Pokemon Plot; Regional Champion x Upcoming Trainer
Assassin Plot; Russian Sniper x Militant Specialist (or whatever you'd prefer your character to be)
Supernatural Training Facility Plot; Would include multiple characters & would be better suited for a public roleplay (Will set up if enough people are interested)
Werewolf x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Werewolf x Human (possibility of human getting turned)
Vampire x Human
Zombie Apocalypse; Lone Survivor x Group Leader

All these ideas have plots written out, just don't want to take the time to write them out if no one is interested. :) If you have any ideas you'd rather do, don't hesitate to ask me! Just comment below or PM me if interested, thank you!
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