Unspecified Looking for a Role-play partner!...or more

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Unspecified Looking for a Role-play partner!...or more

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Today 12:24 AM
Hello all! My name is Yang, and I've been roleplaying for a good long time and I'm in the mood to try and role play!

Now, to start, I'm going to list some preferences when it comes to writing:

- Please, no one liners. Sometimes I get it, but I cannot do anything to advance a story with one lines of texts.

- I am willing to writing smut, but I need some context before the smut. A little story is definitely needed before any of my characters hop into the virtual sheets.

- I have some limits, as we all do, so please talk to me if you feel like we are nearing a subject that might not be okay with me. I have very few limits, so don't be afraid to ask!

- I am more than willing to play female or male, but I do prefer female characters. Though talk to me! I'm sure we can come to a good medium.
Don't feel intimidated by my preferences, I am not scary, and I swear I am pretty laid back! If you have a proverbial itch that needs to be scratched I am here to talk to you!

I don't need any resume-esque drops in the inbox, just send me a message and lets talk!
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