MxF Looking for Adventure, Romance, and Fantasy!

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MxF Looking for Adventure, Romance, and Fantasy!

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Medieval
  3. Supernatural


A heart's a heavy burden.
Local time
Tomorrow 3:40 AM
So, as you may have guessed from the text, I'm looking for romantic, fantasy, drama, and action-filled rps! I also like to dwell around dark themes, but I do have themes I don't enjoy.

I don't enjoy:
  • When the rp is only about sex. The story is most important for me.
  • scat
  • vore
  • I might have more limits, but I can't think of more off the top of my head :P I'll let you know, if anything comes up.

Little about me:
I tend to write long replies, as in 3 pages in Word; or longer, but I adapt to my partner. I need at least three paragraphs to keep my attention if it's too short I get bored.
I write in third-person and I expect you to do the same.
I only play female- but all sorts of types.
If in doubt about anything, hit me up and I'll try to answer any questions about whatever.
I'm currently looking for a dark fantasy rp, horror, suspends, plot twists, and of course, dark romance is very welcome

What I'm looking for
I'm looking for a rp-buddy who can play a male part. I don't care what your gender is in the real world, that's your business XD
I'm looking for someone with decent grammar. It doesn't have to be perfect (English is not my first language and I'm dyslexic, but I use Grammarly to check my responses for grammar errors)
I want someone who wants to paint the picture for me: describe what their characters are feeling, the world around them, adding characters, and whatever comes in between.
Only anime/art/semi-realistic-face claims.

I expect you to have read all of this and if you reach out, you have somewhat of an idea of what you want to do. Even if don't want to do any of my plots ;)

Here are some pairings/settings that I enjoy!

Vampire, romance, demons, fantasy, medieval, dark themes, horror, arranged marriage, triangle-drama( mostly mxmxf), drama. PrincessXKnight, PrincessXservant/slave.

Plot idea:

Duty or love - holy knight x witch

YC is a holy knight who has been assigned an important mission: to capture the blood witch, mc. Yc finds her far away from his own kingdom, he captures her and now the journey goes back to YC's kingdom. Yc have heard many horrible tales about MC, but as they travel together those stories becomes harder to believe…. Yc slowly lets his guard down and the two grows closer. Suddenly YC has too choose between duty and love.

Unexpected encounter - Prince x maid
In the kingdom of xxx, a maid, mc, serves the royal family. Her family has served the family for generations and finds it to be an honor. The royal family is very respected and very powerful. Mc, a young woman, has worked in the castle since she was a child. She started with washing plates in the kitchen, but now as she has grown into a young woman, she is working as a maid, dusting and cleaning the castle. All the maids in the castle fawn over the crown prince, YC. He is good-looking, athletic, and smart. Of course, it's highly forbidden for a mere maid to do anything with the prince. Such a crime would be punished by hanging. So even if MC does find YC handsome, she would never do anything. One night, Mc and the other maids have a night off. They decides to go to the town and celebrate, drinking a lot and dancing. MC stumbles drunkenly into a handsome man, he seems familiar, but she thinks nothing of it as she is rather drunk. She quickly finds herself alone with the man and they spend a heated night together. The next morning the man is gone and MC rushes back to the castle as she has to work. Her mind lingers at night, yet knowing that she will probably never see the man again, she tries to shrug it off. That is until she makes eye contact with the man again. The crown prince, YC. No wonder he looked familiar! YC for the first time notice MC, shocked to see her in the halls of your own castle. In that moment, YC feels blessed that a new plaything has made it into his lap. At first, YC uses the opportunity to calm his desires. Yet suddenly he finds himself wanting to dote on her, wanting to see her smile, caring if she made it back safely to her room. These are new feelings... Dangerous even, one bad step and a noose will wrap around MC's neck.

Spellbound - demon x witch
At MC's engagement party, when they are finally to announce the engagement between her and the crown prince, the prince suddenly calls the wedding off?! With another woman by his side, he declares that MC has done evil acts, witchcraft, and deserves the death penalty?! It's true that MC is from a witch, but she has strayed from magic ever since they met. Even so, she has never used her magic for anything evil. As the guards pin her down, the prince is about to cut her head off, MC uses a spell that has been passed down her bloodline for generations.
Mc does come from a Line of powerful witches, but her powers are very rusty. Even so, she manages to pull the spell off and summons a powerful demon that whisks her away.
Safe and far from the castle, the demon stands before her, Mighty and ancient.
As the demon, YC sees MC, he believes it's his old master, the one who trapped him in the spell. They look completely alike! But he quickly realizes that MC is not the grand witch that has tormented him and kept him spellbound. At first, the demon ponders if it can just kill her and get his revenge. But despite being a poor witch, the spells protect her. Mc promises the demon if he helps her, she will set him free.
The demon hesitantly agrees. And as they venture out to figure it all out, the Odd pair slowly grows closer….
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Would you possibly consider an action and romance based roleplay involving an original superheroine character?
Hello there, how are you doing? I am interested on a possible RP involving Vampires if that is still something that you are interested on.

I am dyslexic as well, I do use Grammarly and I'm not English native, but I try my best to make my posts make sense. Plus, I do try to make my posts as immersive as I can, that including putting music, images to help you dive on that world, also I consider myself a literate/advance roleplayer and I am active mostly during the week, most of the time so I can post multiple times a day and don't be shy when it comes to post sizes, I do love me a good and juicy post!

Besides that, I'm not sure what else to put here, so if there is something you want to ask, just let me know!

Looking forward to hear from you, either in here or in DM's. :)
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