All Looking for an RP Partner! [F4A] (Doubling possible!)

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All Looking for an RP Partner! [F4A] (Doubling possible!)

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Who I am

I have many names, though currently, most people call me Fae or Ysoria, so take your pick, or give me a new name, I do not mind either way.
My gender is always shifting, I am fine with any gender-neutral pronouns, that include it/its.
I have been writing RPs for ten years now, find a lot of happiness in it and always are looking for someone new to join me.
Know that I will not play any teenage romance, I am too old for that. I would prefer if all OCs were 21+ but at the very least 18+​

What I offer

I always break the Discord Limit (without Nitro) and my messages can range from 400 to 2.000 words, depending on what you give me to work with

"LGBTQIA+ friendly"
I am part of it myself and many of my OCs will be part of that community of some way

My OCs will be of various ethnicities, some of them will have disabilities, and many of them will not fit the social beauty standards

I am well into my twenties and I will treat people as they treat me, if you are respectful, so will I be and I certainly would like to make new friends

Sadly I work 40 hours a week and cannot write as much as I´d like but you can be certain I will try to write at least one RP message every day, if not more

"OOC friendly"
I am not comfortable telling you about my problems immediately but I would love to gush about our OCs and story from the beginning to build a connection​

What I expect

I do not need you to write 2.000 words each time but your average messages should be at least around 300 words, though more is always welcomed, less not so much

"LGBTQIA+ friendly"
I do not expect you to be part of it, nor do you need to play OC who are part of that community but I will not tolerate any slander of it

"Accepting of Diversity"
Once again, I do not expect your OCs to be the same, but I will not RP with Fatphobes, Racist, Sexists, Disabilities… etc

I do not RP with people below 18, though 21+ would be preferred I am willing to RP with 18+ as long as we get along

Life sucks, I do not expect you to be online 24/7 but I would like a partner who can write an RP message every 1-2 days, otherwise I sadly lose interest quickly

"OOC friendly"
I do not expect you to become best buddies with me immediately, we can focus on our RP at first and befriend each other that way

Who I write

First off, I am a huge fan of doubling. Double-up means we have two main couples, we both get exactly what we want. I can play your favourite type of character and you play mine. I scratch my back, you scratch mine kinda deal. No one has to neglect their own desires or needs for this. I also love having a large main cast interacting with one another.

If you do not want to double up then you should know that I prefer to play F, though I am not picky regarding the pairing. No matter if FxF, FxM, FxNB… I am open to it all regarding sex and gender. However, I am a bit more picky regarding the personality. If we only have one single couple I prefer to play against serious, grumpy, morally grey, and/or even villainous characters. So unless that is exactly the kind of OC you enjoy playing I would love to double with you.

If we do end up a single pairing know I cannot do slow-burn. I will do it for your side of a doubling. But not on my side nor in a single couple. It just bores me and I lose interest way too quickly. Medium-paced romance all the way. Please Note I am fine with all kinds of drama and angst but I will always demand comfort and a happy end. I am simply sappy like that. So if you just want to torture some OCs I am not the one for you.​

Genres I will write in

Please do not come at me with a modern slice of life. I am open to many things, but that is not one of them. You might be capable of convincing me to a slice of life before the 1900s. Just like you could tempt me for a modern RP but then with fantasy/horror/supernatural elements. Overall, I would prefer if we have something before the 1900s which is not slice of life. Otherwise, I am open to many things as long as I have my romance included. If you desire a platonic RP then I will gladly do so for your side when we double. But I am just a slut for some good OC x OC.

I am always itching for Fantasy in all forms, no matter if dark, high, low… I am your fantasy gal. Retelling of Folklore/Myths is also high up the list. Historical and Horror is also a favourite of mine and you can always tempt me with a post apocalyptic setting where barely anything of humanity is left and nature started to reclaim the earth.​

Tropes I like

Reborn Past Lovers // Soulmates // Opposites Attract // Forbidden Love // Arranged Marriage // Runaway Bride // Matchmaker // Secret Idenity // Age Gap
Polyamorous Relationships// Mutual Pining // Enemies to Lovers // Friends to Lovers // Fake Relationship // Second Chance // Love at first sight​

Vague Pairing Ideas

The role in bold is the one I would prefer to play. If we do a double-up then I am more than happy to play the bold roles for you by your side of the RP. Of course, pairings can be mixed, matched, and changed to our liking. I am just offering you some ideas that have been twirling in my head since a while now.

Mentor x Chosen One // Enemy x Hero // Magical User x Apprentice // Grumpy x Sunshine // Royal x Seer // Knight x Royal // Knight x Seer // Witch Hunter x Witch // Royal x Servant
Vampire x Magical User // Knight x Magical User // Knight x Servant // Royal x Commoner // Vampire x Mortal // Devil x Priest(ess) // Demon x Magical User // Knight x Commoner
Demon x Mortal // Knight x Priest(ess) // Rebel Leader x Throne Heir // Bounty Hunter x Bounty // Dragon Slayer x Dragon // Pirate x Royal
Pirate x Sailor // Pirate x Merfolk // Human x Merfolk // Sailor x Merfolk // Fey x Fey // Fey x Morta // Royal x Royal // Fey x Magical User // Fey x Seer

Specific Ideas


I have my own high fantasy world with my own fantasy races and a ton of OCs to choose from, especially when we do a double-up. Always willing to mix and match our ideas together too! Honestly endless potential for plot ideas!
Also more than willing to take on the role of a DM. As said, my world is already pretty established and although there is always space for other people's ideas, no matter if you want to include the classic races or your own! I do not mind having your characters explore my world as long as you still contribute character and plot ideas as a whole!

Warning it´s VERY High Fantasy. And it´s a LOT. So don´t tell me I didn´t warn you. If you are interested I shall send you everything through the DMs!​


VERY MUCH A WIP!!! Medium Fantasy World. Still at the beginning of creating this. Not very established, most of it are just some vague ideas. Things will change, maps will be changed, OCs will be scrapped and new ones will emerge. Interested in creating this world for me by forming it through an RP? Well then be welcome to join me.

Fair warning; I put most of my energy in Valor so this is really just a side project, so this is really not much and not settled in stone either... So far I have only humans planned here with magic and stuff but if you want to throw in classical fantasy races be welcome to do so. If you are interested I shall send you everything through the DMs!​

Scandalous Courting

I am looking for a romance set in either the Regency or the early Victorian era! I want the scandal of disregarding the etiquette, the expectations placed upon women broken, arranged marriages broken, and true love found outside of one's own class! We can either keep it realistic or even turn it into a low fantasy if so desired!

Either way, my idea was that a gentleman of the upper class falls in love with a young lady of either middle or working class. I would like an age gap to be present, somewhere between 5-15 years, whatever you feel the most comfortable with.

I imagine the man to be the typical trope of "grumpy morally grey character with a soft spot for only one person" - if that makes any sense. Perhaps even a little bit cruel, is used to having power and influence over people... and then this lower-class lady pops up and is sweet but also sassy to him.

Something along those lines. Nothing else settled yet, as I would love to brainstorm with you, no matter if a single couple or a double-up!​

A Crown Given

Medieval times baby! I´ve been thinking about a widowed king re-marrying. Namely a princess from an enemy kingdom to establish peace. Age gap would be implied; 10-20 years, whatever you feel the most comfortable with. It would obviously be an arranged marriage. We can play with politics, betrayal, and of course the potential difficult dynamic between two people so widely different - not just in age.

Would love to go with opposites attract and grumpy x sunshine here. Maybe the king has turned cold after his late wives death but the princess manages to actually warm him up again. We can keep this rather fluffy or throw in more angst. It´s a loose idea that I am, as usual, more than eager to brainstorm with you!​

The Deity on Top

Humans live in a fantastical, towering ziggurat for as long as they can remember. This spiraling structure reaching high into the sky was home to them for seemingly endless generations. The ziggurat is divided into distinct levels, each inhabited by a different people with their own culture, technology, language, and beliefs. The higher you go the better life becomes.

Everyone believes a god-like being resides at the top of the tower. Rules forbid people from lower levels to move to the upper levels. And which upper-level person would enjoy going to the lower level? Conflict is doomed to arise from the upper levels disregarding the lower levels and people trying to break out of this system.

This plot idea is heavily inspired by a video game called Chants of Sennaar. If you are familiar with it, then that is wonderful but previous knowledge of the game is not required. I would love to brainstorm with you and create something we both like. No matter if low or high fantasy, the moment people start to question ancient rules and try to break out of their levels there is going to be chaos.

Starters - Writing Samples

Starters I wrote for RPs which never happened, if you feel drawn to any of them, I am very much open to RPing them with you! Either way, they two nice samples of my writing. If you are interested in writing with me please do send me a writing sample as well when reaching out to me.​

Witch x Demon // Low or High Fantasy // Forbidden Love // Potential for Opposite Attract maybe even Enemies to Lovers?

That was one of the last things she expected to happen. It was such a beautiful night. The full moon stood high. It was not too cool, not too warm. One might even say it was the perfect night to die. Normally she would laugh at such dark humor. Yet right now she did not feel like giggling at all. Not only was she out of breath but she was also afraid.

No matter how hard she tried her steps were not silent at all. Her cloak long abandoned, was left on the very bush it got stuck on. She darted between the trees, feeling the weight of the hunter's pursuit. She could hear them approach from the distance, drawing closer with each moment.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she raced through the darkness. Her magic previously crackled around her but at this time it was no longer humming with power. The barriers of root and thorns she had cast before in the hope of slowing her pursuers down had certainly done their job. Sadly, it was not enough. Fear and superstition certainly could feel people's confidence. But she was not going to give up either. She fled deeper into the heart of the forest, through the tangled maze of trees.

At this point, she was pushing herself to the limits of her endurance. Her body was already bearing the scars of those hunter's weapons. Blood stained her black robe, a grim testament to the violence that she had endured already.

Pain laced through her side, the bleeding wounds were only one of her issues. She clutched her side tightly while stumbling further onward. Somehow she managed to disappear into the shadows. Out of sight but sadly not out of mind. Hidden well enough to escape the witch hunters view just for a moment. Yet that was very much enough for her to find something important. Apparently, some kind of deity had finally mercy upon her. An abandoned manor. Looming above her with its crumbling facade.

With no other choice, she hurried inside. The front door was unlocked and she hoped that was no bad omen. Hopefully, no one else was waiting inside for her and it was just some lucky coincidence. She could see no light burning inside, so she could only hope for the best. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she sought sanctuary within its walls.

The air was heavy with the scent of decay and neglect. Dust motes danced in the moonlight that filtered through broken windows. Normally she would delight in such a scene. She would find the eerie shadows pleasant but the urgency of her situation forced her to think quickly.

Why had she never developed a talent for illusion magic? She could see a tucked-away alcove in the shadows of the manor, she could hide there and use an illusion to stay hidden but no. That was not within her abilities. She would need to find another way. So she hurried into the next best room, hoping that no droplets of blood would reveal her presence to her hunters.

Amidst the pain and uncertainty, there was a flicker in her eyes. She refused to be cowed by those maniacs. She would not allow them to erase her from existence like a forgotten memory. Fear and hatred would not be her end. There was one way out of this. A chance she really did not want to take but she knew it was the only chance left to survive. A risky gambit. Summoning a demon was nothing she had ever done before. However, she would rather go through this than perish.

With trembling hands, she set about preparing for the ritual that would determine her fate. Her heart was heavy with desperation but the pain shooting through her side was a constant reminder of what was to come.

Quickly she cleared space on the ground of the room she was in before pulling out her chalk. She drew a pentacle on the ground before shrugging off her backpack. How good that she had only lost her cape and not her belongings. Without any care, she dragged out some candles and placed them on the tips of the star. With a wave of her hand, she lightened up all those candles with magic.

She started to mumble incantations she had learned with the hope of never having to use them. All the while she pulled out a bundle of dried herbs and held the tip of the candle to make them burn and smoke. As the scent of incense filled the air, she dropped the herbs on the ground and stepped onto them. The last she needed was to burn this manor down.

At the center of the circle, she fell to her knees, her vision slowly blurrying. She pressed her bloody hand down on the ground, leaving a bloody handprint. The witch closed her eyes and began to whisper the last part of the summoning spell. her words echoed through the chamber like a haunting melody. With each repetition, the air grew thicker with anticipation.

The summoning of a demon was her last desperate bid for survival. She stood up again and stumbled out of the summing circle, making space for the otherwordly creature who would hopefully arrive soon. As the final syllable left her lips, a sudden gust of wind swept through the chamber, extinguishing the candles and plunging the room into darkness.

Human x Supernatural of any kind // Modern Times // Open for all kind of tropes

There were many advantages to living in the countryside. She appreciated the fresh air, the silence, the nature, the animals - she could go on and on. However, if there was one thing that bothered even her it must be the isolation. The bus station she waited at currently was nestled amidst the wilderness.

It was only her, a solitary figure standing beneath the canopy of her umbrella. Impatiently tapping at her phone which was slowly wasting away. The battery was quickly dying. Not that she had any signal out here anyway. At least the soft patter of rain against her umbrella provided a soothing rhythm. With the rustle of leaves in the surrounding forest it could almost be described as a melody. The main street was the only semblance of civilization in this remote landscape.

The forest loomed ominously. Gnarled branches intertwine like skeletal fingers. Normally she would consider this beautiful, if the sun wasn´t dying out and the bus was already way too late. It really was an eerie patchwork of light and darkness. "A shit." With that, her phone died and she stuffed it angrily into her pocket. She shifted her weight from one leg to another.

Slowly she was growing impatient and of course, today was the day she forgot her watch at home. The silence was oppressive and the dying light made her feel uncomfortable. Her gaze flicked anxiously towards the empty road stretching into seemingly nothingness. As far as she was aware, she had not missed the last bus. If this one was even going to arrive in the first place. Living in the middle of nowhere also meant working in the middle of nowhere.

With no license and incapable of affording her own car she had to rely on public transport. Which was everything but well-established, as proven right now. The lateness of the hour gnawed at her nerves, a relentless reminder of her dwindling options to return home before it became dark. Maybe her only option was to walk. Not a very tempting thought right now.

"Come on, come on, please come." She mumbled while her grip around the handle of the umbrella tightened. Each distant rustle of leaves only served to fuel her unease. She always had a lively imagination but she really did not need the fear of being watched right now. There was no distant rumble of a bus, no light in sight. She struggled with the decision of waiting longer or walking down the road. With a deep sigh, she chose to do the latter.

All she had to do was follow the road and after a long march, she would arrive home. She would be fine... hopefully.

Regarding Triggers and Smut

I do not really have triggers, however, I do not feel comfortable with animal abuse (hunting for food and self-defense excluded), dub, and non-con along with sexual assault.

I am also not going to engage in toxic or abusive relationships of any kind with our main couples. That includes cheating. People can have their flaws without all that bullshit.

I am totally fine with all kinds of trauma and angst but I will always demand comfort at one point.

Smut is alright with me, as long as it doesn´t dominate the RP and doesn´t happen immediately, I do not feel comfortable with "sex first - relationship later". I need time to get comfortable with my partner and I do not consider smut to be necessary in an RP. Though as said before, I am not opposed to it should it come to it. Your choice really.
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