MxF Looking for creative female writers!

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MxF Looking for creative female writers!

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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 7:24 AM
I'm a very open minded guy but there are limits. Very happy to discuss plots, ideas, characters, etc. I will post some things here and possible ideas but I LOVE talking about plot ideas that we both will enjoy. I love the sexual aspect in role plays but it does not need to be the only thing. I'm huge into romance, slow burning and so on. Length wise doesn't bother me much. At least a paragraph or more. I try and match my partner. Some situations will require more or less, I get it. Just hit me up, I'm friendly :)

So one of my pet peeves is people not having communication. If you do not like something, or want to add or change something. Please tell me. I hate when people ghost or just ignore me until I say something. Then I look like the bad guy because I'm the one reaching out asking what's up. Its getting really annoying. I don't mean to be a dick but yea. So if you do not communicate with your partner, do not message me. Thank you.

Role play Pairings:
Best friends
You are my best friend's girlfriend
You are my enemies girlfriend

You are my sister's best friend
Meet in college
Supernatural Academy

Vampire/Vampire hunter
Porn star/Fan or random guy

Steampunk type (Like Treasure Planet)
Meet Randomly
New guy/popular girl
Famous person/Random person
Band Members
Bartender/New customer
Longtime friends who haven't talked in years
New neighbors
Ex boyfriend/girlfriend
Ex best friends
You are engaged/Long lost friend
You are engaged/Random guy
You are engaged/exes
Blind Date
Road Trip
Meet online
Met online, now in a long distance relationship (Have not met yet)

I'm open to hearing others, combining some, and even adding things to these. Just let me know!

Just some role play plot ideas off the top of my head right now:
I'm open to strictly sexual experiences whatever the pairing we both agree on. Eventually down the line we can add a growing romance if wanted but nothing of the sorts in the beginning. I have a few ideas in mind but would also love to hear your ideas too.

Country Love:
Now I don't really have a plot for this one but I'm open for anything that has to do with country life. My character, your character or both our characters are country folks. So many ideas that can come out of this.

Kind of like the uncharted video games, where my character goes on adventures in finding lost treasures that are considered myths. Meets your character how ever you want to play her. Whether she is another treasure hunter or a thief? Or some random reporter? I'm open to many things.

The Escort:
This is based some what off the movie. I was thinking your character is an Escort for whatever the reasoning may be, she can either only strictly go on dates with men for money or do more than that, I will leave that part up to how you would like to play your character. Now my character either can be one of the men for either because he's tired of being alone for the holidays and being picked on by family members, or he is a journalist and curious on how your character got into this line of work, or any other reason. They get to know each other more than they wanted, fall in love and yada yada yada haha. We can plot this out together since there are too many ideas for this.


So my idea is my character is the son of some powerful warlock, demon, or whatever we decide on. He doesn't know that he is, he was adopted at a young age by an amazing couple who turn out to actually be guardian angels for him. He never knew that but all hell breaks loose when they get killed, or there was an "accident" involving their death while he was attending college. He meets a woman in college, your character, who is actually a guardian angel brought in to protect him now that he has no one to do so. Or the woman can be working for the bad people and is gathering intel on him to figure out what the next move will be. Or vice versa with the characters. I'm cool with either.

Supernatural 2.0:
This will be more like the show where two humans go after these mysterious cases, ending up with supernatural forces no one thought were real but they know. Pretty basic but I'm open to hearing ideas and brainstorming together. Or MC or YC could end up being one of the supernatural creatures the group finds? I'm open.

New Guy(Like the movie in a way):
So this idea is rather simple. I'm willing to talk about possibly adding other things to it. I like to keep an open mind. Anyway, the idea is that my character is the new kid at your character's school. He tries fitting in with the other guys, trying out for the sports team. (Haven't decided what sport yet.) He has a softer/romantic side but hasn't been able to open it up since at his other school he was made fun of. Also my character's looks have changed drastically. He's like a whole new person but he's trying to run away from his old life at his old school to become someone more liked. My character runs into your character some where in the story and he starts to open up more, but also retreats, causing fights and what not.

Supernatural(Odd Thomas in a way):
I was thinking like a group of us, like four people or something end up getting together to fight off things that normal people can't see. But we can see it. So kind of like the movie/book Odd Thomas. Doesn't have to be exactly like that but it was just an idea of what I was going for.

Internet Sensation:
I'd love to play out a role play where your character is a semi-famous YouTube streamer. Maybe your character is a singer? In a band? Acapella group? Whatever the case I'd love to play where my character runs into your character while she is on tour. Like a mini tour maybe around the country. He has no idea who she is but finds her beautiful. Or maybe unbearable. Either one. I think it would be fun

The Jerk Theory(Movie):
So I was thinking of this idea where I'm a jerk that many girls date or has a crush on because well, I'm a jerk. It's what girls are into apparently. Except you, you don't like jerks but you heard around that I used to be a really nice guy and was an amazing boyfriend. That was a long time ago and things were different because I got hurt really bad from an ex. You decide to give me a chance and to see if you could get me to be who I really am and not just what I'm pretending to be. This is a plot from the movie The Jerk Theory haha.

So my thinking was that you have been with a guy for how ever long and now are engaged. I will be the guy who comes into your life and now you are re thinking about getting married. I could either be a random stranger you met or a long lost friend you haven't seen or talked to in years. (Can have cheating or no cheating in it. Either way is okay with me.)

Academy for Supernatural Students:
Both our character's attend an Academy for people with supernatural abilities and need a place to call home. Also to control their powers. There are many ways we can go about this. I'm up for ideas, I have some of my own such as maybe our character's are part of a group of like 20 students who are known as the Elite (Or another name) who go out into the world to clean up the mess of other super naturals and/or fight off the bad guys with those kinds of abilities. That's just one idea so far.


Bugs are.....Huge!
So this idea is based off a movie that I can't think of off the top of my head at the moment, but its like an apocalypse. Some nuclear bombs went off and all the chemicals enlarged bugs. I don't have much information on it now but I thought this would be a fun one to do.

Zombie Apocalypse:
Pretty much says it all in the title. We can plot together though.

So I can't remember the movie I am sort of basing this off of, but in this plot I was thinking my character is caught in between the living and the dead worlds. Whatever you want to call that. He's still alive, but barely. He meets your character who happens to hear and see him, but no one else can and she has to figure out what is going on with him. We can plot this out some more but obviously this will have romance, and maybe some other things. Depending on how you would like to go, I'm open to certain abuse, murder, torture, and just dark themes in general for this type of story.

Good Samaritan Serial Killer (Dexter inspired):

My character is a serial killer but only kills murders, rapist and everything else along those lines. Mainly because of his trauma in his past and so he decided to take justice into his own hands, but he very good at it too. I have a few ideas with this and open to others. Hit me up if interested!

Fantasy (Dungeons & Dragons):
I'm open to MANY ideas for this one. But I feel I would like this one to be more with our imaginations. Lot of room for creativity.

Beauty and the Beast:

Pretty much what the title says, but I was thinking more of my character ended up being an experimented on in the military and therefor develops beast like abilities and a hunger to kill/eat/ or whatever the thing we both decide on. He doesn't transform full per say, more like his finger nails grows longer, becomes a tad bit more hairy, his eyes go a different color and yea. Nothing crazy like a werewolf or bear or something. I'm open to ideas though!!

Obviously this will have more smut in the story, but I still would love to have a great plot. I'm open to ideas but I also have a few ideas in mind too. Hit me up if you are interested.

Dancer or beauty pageant woman x random guy
I haven't gotten very far in brainstorming the idea for this one, but it seems relatively simple anyway. I'm happy to discuss this one with anyone who may be interested.

Off Limits Kinks:
Incest (Step bro/step sis is okay)
Extreme Torture
Anything to do with bathroom nasty stuff.
Etc. You get the picture

We can always discuss other things as well. I like to make sure my partner is comfortable as well.

Hit me up!
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Please message me if any of these sound like a story you would like to create with me 🤪
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