Hello! I am looking for a female Characters for Rp and there will be a list of plot. And if your interested message me right way! =) PLEASE NOTE ALL CHARACTERS IN ALL THE RP PLOTS ARE 18 Years and older. This is for the recorded. Thanks!
Other Important Notes!
All The Ideas will be about A Paragraph to Two Paragraph long with details and Please Note that A little longer Is Ok. I am Not looking for Over too much long post!
Thanks for reading and DO ENJOY The Ideas!
SAO Death Game
Month In
First Floor
Asuna would still get one of the few rare looks as a Neko. And she would still be playing a bit solo and some party groups. And she was still being hunted by the many groups. But she would turn them down. And during this time she would not be in a happy place. Then during the exp grains she gets trapped against higher level creatures. And she would be close to losing most of her hp when The Lion would show up. Kira would save Asuna when nearly lost his. And they would pair up and continue together. After the first boss battle she will end up staying with Kira and she would learn some different of his real life secrets and what gives him an advantage. But things will turn when Kirito is after Asuna. And things would get worse. There was still no pain canceling. And blood and gore was more and more. Body didn't disappear. Unless they were put underground. Which leaves the world very real and dangerous. With some unknowns. But Asuna would have Kira by her side and his Legion group known as the 9th Lion Legion.
Hope you like this idea?
Asuna Romance Rp
15 Years ago The Six Kingdoms all forged a peace to push back the attack by the Two North and South empires willing to split up the Six Kingdoms after the victory. But this Victory and Peace would come at a great cost of life. And over half of the military leaders were killed. Asuna, Father's Kingdom, would lead the alliance and the Legion of the 9th Lions. However the Sacrifice of over 15,000 that was over half of the legions and its commander. Arcturus Caesar Yamato the III, Would lead the attack. It would gain the Alliance time to reform and build a defense, leading to the final victory of the second war. But the Legion would disappear again, But their Orth returned in order to service their commander's son. Kira Artorius Yamato is named after the first King Arthur of the Six United Kingdoms that was split into Six after his death.
15 Years late to the present. Six months after Princess Asuna's fathers death. The kingdom is in trouble. Princess Asuna has turned 18 and she is to take over the throne. But she needed to be married under the law. The Council is split; most want to just have Asuna rule and worry about her marrying later. And the other half is the other mindset. As one of them has been after Asuna hand in marriage for the last two years. But Asuna's father was waiting for other options. Asuna's military leader and advisor she knows for young. Their parents brought peace. Kira was given his father's old post when he turned 16. And he was four years older than Asuna. He had the trust of many of the council and of course Asuna. The Council had decided to have a fighting and military hastilude. And Nobles would come to try and win Asuna's hand. But she would askes Kira to fight in the Tournament as her champion for her rights to choose. She had feeling for him as well. He felt the same for her.
Kinky Asuna Idea
In a world of power and slaves. Asuna has become the new leader of a large kingdom. And she would want to get her own personal sex toy and prize to show off her power. And she goes on campaign. Raids several towns and then she turns her power to the capital. But she had some luck at the fort camp. One of the patrols would find the princess and capture her for she was spying and trying to get information. This was perfect. They were the savage princess before Asuna. And after the city would fall. The princess would be put on trial and be treated to Asuna as a captured savage. And she would be forced to be sex slave and to go through the humanition of Asuna victory March and her sex bdsm crucifixion for the princess for her pleasure of seeing her sexual kinky in public.
A new VR game came out and there were a lot more players that most of the other games out there. Over 10,000 players. This game was offering more graphic and new weapons and advanced tactics in the game. There would be blood and gore. And many new types of weapons and Armors. Hp would be the most important there was a bleeding a critical hit happened. This world would have many different maps and rare locations. As well a epic boss fights and other things that made VR games made crazy. But the other thing was the more sex things that can happen in the game was a bigger draw. But little did the players know that the world was going to become a death game. And that had to fight to live and that clear the game or fine the way to get log out controls. With risk, love, and death many new things can be born.
Here a plot outline.
Four Years After, Sword Art Online event. And For some reason Asuna can't get the guy face who save Her out of her mind. But she got into some trouble and learn some new skills. She took over kinky sex company that makes equipment and other toys. Then she would build and create her own strip club. That doubles as a kinky sex clubs Privet. As she start to branch out to building and Estate on large Privet land that was used for kinky movie making and other special live show and weekends. But then Six months later she would see the News. A new person running for laws and government overseas spot. And sure see his face and it was the same face from SAO nearly six years ago. She will start making her long plans and she do her search and inform getting on him. She made him her next target to blackmail. And make money off. And even if she destroy his chance to get elected she then could turn him into her slave. But she would not expect falling in love with him as she try to play her games.
What you think of this one
Ok that fine. Here are two ideas I have. So take a read.
Plot idea 1
This was about a year after SAO and ALO incidents. Kirtio has drifted a way from you and so you decided to join a New VR world. And it turns into a other death game. Then you will meet me and a few of my friends in this new game. And soon you find out I was a former savior of SAO. But I was someone who stay around the middle floors and help train other players how to make it well on their owns. In this game there was alot different blood and gore and the bodies don't disappear they slowly rot way like in real world. And you will join me and my friends to clear this game. And as we clear the floors things start to reveal that this game was forcus on my real life and my past. You fall in love with me. But as we fight our way through and more we are inmate the stronger and more power I was becoming and more aggressive on the battlefield. We make a promise to stop this game and kill those behind it. And to meet again in the real world and fall in love all over again.
Idea 2
So you going to meet me at a party that one of your friends is having. And you relized that i was new to the area and school. And you took this chance to get me before the other girls have a chance. As a very popular you got the name Heart Breaking Sexy Cheerleader, because of all the guys you have tryed and turned down from dating. You get me to come play the sex game with you and Alice and Mayrin and Luna. And you start to fall for my alot more.. you start feeling things you haven't felt with any of the other guys. You invite me to homecoming events witch are the Sword Art Dueling team battles. And the build your own team battle suit for the top spot event chaplains Alice give you the idea have me as your prom date. But you never expect you be also handling my PTSD and the flashback from the war. Witch was give you a challenge as a who loves to know my feelings.
Hope you like?
Asuna and her small team of girls have completed all the challenges and they have got ranked fourth out of sixty other teams. And they had a long way to go for the nine million dollars prize. And different colleges scholarships. Asuna and her close friends are in they first year. And the college year is just beginning. They need many new wins in the different sports as well. And this year Asuna was looking for a boyfriend for the dance and well during the homecoming events. Of course she would chase after many of the other guys and she didn't have an interest in them. And then she would meet a new guy who was very different and who had scars and then she would realize who he was. And after a little while she would have been friends with him in the past before he disappeared for a while. It's was about 6 years since they last saw each other. But she was also being chased after other guys. But before they know they will be fighting for survival the outbrake and the Dead would walk and attack people. They be called Zombies. As they have to escape and make it the island or Warship Victoria. And then try and find a vaccine.
Hope you like this idea?
Plot one
After being chased after and hunted by the guards. Esmeralda found herself in the house of a recently returned Captain from the military who was on campaign for the last eight long years. He took a liking to her. And he didn't realize that he would be put in charge of searching for her and as well as the sexual interrogation of her if he did get her. But as he would end up in a romance with her. As he kept her one step ahead before they both got caught and he had to save her and get her out. And maybe bring back part of the military that he was with to save the city. But in turn that started a rebellion. But to keep her safe. Now he will promise to protect her and they may become the rulers!
Can they make the epic change and save the world they love and each other?
Plot Two
After the new Commander of the guard was assigned to the city to help keep the peace. And this time the New Judge would still have it out for the Gypsies. As more so after the Festival of Fools. And the girl's name Esmeralda. After the big riot and her getting away. Because the new commander of the guard helped her. He was enlightened by her, after that they started a relationship knowing that if they get caught both of them could be in big trouble, but later Esmeralda would get Captured and be put into the place of pain. And after he makes a rescue attempt he would have to save her. But he end up getting captured too. And they have to plan they escape and start a massive rebellion and maybe take the city back. But the New Judge would still be hunting them. And this time if they get caught he would have them executed in the most harsh way and public.
Now one can hope that they can make a change and will over the City?
Plot Three ( Present Day )
After about three world wars and several other wars. Most of the valuable Arts and Artifacts would be stolen and traded as money. And after several Years Kira would be hunting down several different valuable pieces and would return them to the right owner. But the only problem is that he's wanted by several law groups, he steals them back to the rightful owners, But this would lead him to be chased after by a Art and Artifacts Appraisal and well Investigator. She got her hand on him when he broke into one of her places when she happened to be there and she will arrest him. But she found him attractive and when she started a relationship with him. She learns the truth about him and she helps him. But she also knows that he's being hunted by several other people and governments.
Can he help her return the special artifacts and artwork to her people?
Plot One
After nearly 12000 years Atlantis was discovered after a new Warship had trouble and sank, and the crew made it a special pocket that leads them to the city of Atlantis. The Commander Officer, Rua Le Crusade. The Masked man most people call him he hides his identity. And Lieutenant Commander Kira Yamato, have come at odds at uncovering the lost city. And a civil war, Kira and his friends those who follow his lead are on the side of The young Princess Kidagakash or Kida, and the Commander is looking to take the Capital City of Atlantis and its technology back to the world and used it power to seal the world. Kira and Kida have to work together to unlock the seal and secrets of the city to save the Princess world. The Princess life put into danger when capture by Rua Le Crusade and trying to get her to tell him the secrets and power of Atlantis. And Kira must save the Kida without revealing his true family name and his abilities, and his feeling for your princess of Atlantis.
Can they change the fate that may be coming or will Evil have the say?
Plot two
After nearly over 12,000 years missing the world of Atlantis would arrive to the world again. And then before a peaceful alliance or any talks could be put out. The Organization know as Military Alliance ZAFT. Attack and would try and get the advantage and get the technology and weapon. But the Independent Organization Compass group would try and fix things. But the Princess would have been taken captive by the ZAFT Alliance. And they would try and get information out her. As they where planned a full force invasion. The young princess would come in contact with The Lion of Orb, or The Last Knight name Kira. And he would end up saving The Princess Kida and get her back to her people. And before the invasion. He help her set up way to push back and save her world. During this time Kira and Kida would fall in love.
Well the idea is that Atlantis had resurfaced. And then all the main powers has send force to try and clam the power for themselves. during on of the battles Princess Kida will get capture and she will meet my character who was sent to recuse her. but they both capture and they have to escape and get her back to her city.
Plot three
After a failed mission, Kida was able to capture one of the leader for the group that was trying to get some of the advanced technology that Atlantis has. And Kida can then be able to used him how she likes and have him as her sex slave. For other pleasures. As she could do her own fantasy and what not with him. She want to learn more about him too.
Kidagakash (Kida) Nedakh
Born: 6586 B.C.E.
She is over 12,000 years old. But her health and looks are of those of 21 to 25 years old.
Kidagakash Nedakh is the daughter of Kashekim Nedakh, the king of Atlantis during its height of power. Kida is a warrior princess, making her strong and very skilled at combat. It is mentioned that several thousand years ago, Kida would have killed outsiders on sight. By the present time, however, Kida has become so curious about Atlantis's past that she is willing to let in outsiders hoping that they could help her rediscover Atlantis's history. She is shown to love her father. Although she can seem quite forceful, violent, and aggressive at times, she has a kind heart and general respect for all creatures.
She is very strong and independent. She will fight. And she has some Dominant personality. And she can be very sexy to one's who fallen in love with. And she would have a strong connection to someone who would save her and try and protect her.
Like all Atlanteans, Kida is a master linguist, with the ability to decipher non-native tongues by simply referring to Atlantean, which is regarded as the root dialect of the ancient world. She has also acquired excellent hunter-gatherer skills, due to millennia of scavenging through the planet's many caverns and catacombs in search of food and resources. A true warrior princess, Kida is among the finest protectors of Atlantis. Using Atlantean martial arts and tactics.
I hope this give you some of the information to work with for Kida.
Plot One!
After five long years (YC Neko) was her third year in college. As a lawyer, she would get a rare chance to work in the military court. Known as Court Marshal. And she gets to help clear the name of a young up coming officer in a special operation team. During the time working and learning about him. She would develop some feelings for him. And she would start a relationship with him. And then she would end up knowing about his rough past and the PTSD that he was dealing with from many different hard choices that he had to make. And then she ends up getting kidnapped and held. And he goes after her to try and save her.
Plot Two
Neko was a 4 year college student and she was about 22 years old. And she majored in Writing, News, and Articles. She had a minor in Law. She was very active in sports at the college. In her last year of college. She would get a very unique experience. She would get an inside look and several months Writing about a special operation group known as Archangel. Here she would meet the command of the group and she would get his story and all that he went through. And before she knew it she fell in love with him. She would end up going on a tour that would end up being Six months. And getting all close to the others and Writing about their stories. As events would unfold she would find some dark things behind the last war that happened, one that changes a lot.
Plot Three
(YC Neko) is a very sexy Neko. Who is into a lots of different things and she is 18 year old freshmen at a college. And when she not doing the sport. She is a cheerleader. And several guys where always after her. But she didn't like them at all. And then she will meet one of the older college guys who is into a lot of the other sports. He had a liking to her. But he also knew that she is very nervous about guys. But do to his past and things that had happened he was still in the military and doing his officer courses from college. He can romance her and did trips. And many new things. And new friends who are like him. So he know that she would be happy and safe around them for all the other fun they would do. And she would be open up more when she found out that he was willing to do a lot for Her.
Plot Four
YC was going to a college, and she was studying to be a medical pro, as well as a minor in law. She was in her third year. But this year something different will happen. She and her friends would get trapped in a terrorist plot and there were several big threats. And when the team was sent in to rescue them she and the team leader get cut off by a bomb and he would end up saving her. But they would get taken hostage and out of the country. He would continue to protect her and soon they would plan an escape and then have to find a safe way home and she would have fallen in love with him over this time period.
Plot Five
It's been close to 7 long years and she hadn't heard anything from her close friend. Who she was very close to. Then when he had to leave with his parents. And now she is in college. This would be her second year. And being a very sexy female and a Neko. She would have a lot of guys who would be after her. She was the Captain of the Cheerleaders. And she played other sports, like Volleyball, and she ran track. And stuff. She had several close friends who also live in the same very nice floor apartment. They came from money. But it wasn't a big deal; they didn't make a deal about it. But that same second year of college. Her close friend returned. And he was a lot different from what she remembered. And he was more than willing to fight off the guys who were after her. She wants to try and win him over and to have him stay with her. And she didn't really want him to go back. Or at the very least just have him work at a special operation training center. So she could have him around more. Of course she was hiding some very special sexy kinky things from him that she wanted to share with him and well her close friend knows about this side of her.
Hope you like this plotline?
Plot Six
After the powerful kingdom king died earlier. Leaving the kingdom to his young daughter. And the other kingdoms started eye up the land and holding looking to take advantage of the kingdom. And her Commander of the Knights and the military did grow up with her and her father trust him. So he took a Orth to protect the princess. But he had feeling for her. And even though the other kingdom has sent suitors and it was up to her to choose who. And before things could be finalized war break out. And she will have to fight to kept her kingdom.
What do you think?
Ashley and her small team of girls have completed all the challenges and they have got ranked fourth out of sixty other teams. And they had a long way to go for the nine million dollars prize. And different colleges scholarships. Ashley and her close friends are in they first year. And the college year is just beginning. They need many new wins in the different sports as well. And this year Ashley was looking for a boyfriend for the dance and well during the homecoming events. Of course she would chase after many of the other guys and she didn't have an interest in them. And then she would meet a new guy who was very different and who had scars and then she would realize who he was. And after a little while she would have been friends with him in the past before he disappeared for a while. It's was about 6 years since they last saw each other.
Hope you like this idea?
NEW IDEA Special for Krystal Fox!
Plot Idea
After the mission Kira would end up rescuing a Fox. and she was in danger. She was the Princess of her people. But during the invasion she was taken and held as a Captive during the assault and take over. After her rescue she knew she would join Kira. And she would become part of the group known as Compass or 9th Special Legion Lion. But she would not expect to have even more strong feelings for Kira. As they were together. And hunting down the ones responsible for the attack on her planet. And when several old enemies would be behind it and open up some very old wounds and the world would be in great danger. So would Kira and Krystal relationship.. and Krystal would have to find out about Kira's past and things that happened to him.
Would they be able to stop this new thread and maybe have a chance at happiness?
Some more information on Krystal and Example!
Krystal is very kind and caring, always being willing to help others out and constantly maintaining a gentle nature towards others. While she can be stubborn at times, she is still supportive of her friends and shows a strong will, she would have a stronger and more romantic and sexual feeling to male who had shield her and protect her. How ever she have more attrition to the one who save her out of captively. But she can have real hate and vengeful against those who try to hurt those she care about. And she can feel the past and emotional side of those who are very close to. And if she get sexual with her partner she can see in to the past and it's like a dream. But as if she was there when it happened. She has natural abilities of telepathic reading.
Hope this is more helpful for you?
Other Important Notes!
All The Ideas will be about A Paragraph to Two Paragraph long with details and Please Note that A little longer Is Ok. I am Not looking for Over too much long post!
Thanks for reading and DO ENJOY The Ideas!
SAO Death Game
Month In
First Floor
Asuna would still get one of the few rare looks as a Neko. And she would still be playing a bit solo and some party groups. And she was still being hunted by the many groups. But she would turn them down. And during this time she would not be in a happy place. Then during the exp grains she gets trapped against higher level creatures. And she would be close to losing most of her hp when The Lion would show up. Kira would save Asuna when nearly lost his. And they would pair up and continue together. After the first boss battle she will end up staying with Kira and she would learn some different of his real life secrets and what gives him an advantage. But things will turn when Kirito is after Asuna. And things would get worse. There was still no pain canceling. And blood and gore was more and more. Body didn't disappear. Unless they were put underground. Which leaves the world very real and dangerous. With some unknowns. But Asuna would have Kira by her side and his Legion group known as the 9th Lion Legion.
Hope you like this idea?
Asuna Romance Rp
15 Years ago The Six Kingdoms all forged a peace to push back the attack by the Two North and South empires willing to split up the Six Kingdoms after the victory. But this Victory and Peace would come at a great cost of life. And over half of the military leaders were killed. Asuna, Father's Kingdom, would lead the alliance and the Legion of the 9th Lions. However the Sacrifice of over 15,000 that was over half of the legions and its commander. Arcturus Caesar Yamato the III, Would lead the attack. It would gain the Alliance time to reform and build a defense, leading to the final victory of the second war. But the Legion would disappear again, But their Orth returned in order to service their commander's son. Kira Artorius Yamato is named after the first King Arthur of the Six United Kingdoms that was split into Six after his death.
15 Years late to the present. Six months after Princess Asuna's fathers death. The kingdom is in trouble. Princess Asuna has turned 18 and she is to take over the throne. But she needed to be married under the law. The Council is split; most want to just have Asuna rule and worry about her marrying later. And the other half is the other mindset. As one of them has been after Asuna hand in marriage for the last two years. But Asuna's father was waiting for other options. Asuna's military leader and advisor she knows for young. Their parents brought peace. Kira was given his father's old post when he turned 16. And he was four years older than Asuna. He had the trust of many of the council and of course Asuna. The Council had decided to have a fighting and military hastilude. And Nobles would come to try and win Asuna's hand. But she would askes Kira to fight in the Tournament as her champion for her rights to choose. She had feeling for him as well. He felt the same for her.
Kinky Asuna Idea
In a world of power and slaves. Asuna has become the new leader of a large kingdom. And she would want to get her own personal sex toy and prize to show off her power. And she goes on campaign. Raids several towns and then she turns her power to the capital. But she had some luck at the fort camp. One of the patrols would find the princess and capture her for she was spying and trying to get information. This was perfect. They were the savage princess before Asuna. And after the city would fall. The princess would be put on trial and be treated to Asuna as a captured savage. And she would be forced to be sex slave and to go through the humanition of Asuna victory March and her sex bdsm crucifixion for the princess for her pleasure of seeing her sexual kinky in public.
A new VR game came out and there were a lot more players that most of the other games out there. Over 10,000 players. This game was offering more graphic and new weapons and advanced tactics in the game. There would be blood and gore. And many new types of weapons and Armors. Hp would be the most important there was a bleeding a critical hit happened. This world would have many different maps and rare locations. As well a epic boss fights and other things that made VR games made crazy. But the other thing was the more sex things that can happen in the game was a bigger draw. But little did the players know that the world was going to become a death game. And that had to fight to live and that clear the game or fine the way to get log out controls. With risk, love, and death many new things can be born.
Here a plot outline.
Four Years After, Sword Art Online event. And For some reason Asuna can't get the guy face who save Her out of her mind. But she got into some trouble and learn some new skills. She took over kinky sex company that makes equipment and other toys. Then she would build and create her own strip club. That doubles as a kinky sex clubs Privet. As she start to branch out to building and Estate on large Privet land that was used for kinky movie making and other special live show and weekends. But then Six months later she would see the News. A new person running for laws and government overseas spot. And sure see his face and it was the same face from SAO nearly six years ago. She will start making her long plans and she do her search and inform getting on him. She made him her next target to blackmail. And make money off. And even if she destroy his chance to get elected she then could turn him into her slave. But she would not expect falling in love with him as she try to play her games.
What you think of this one
Ok that fine. Here are two ideas I have. So take a read.
Plot idea 1
This was about a year after SAO and ALO incidents. Kirtio has drifted a way from you and so you decided to join a New VR world. And it turns into a other death game. Then you will meet me and a few of my friends in this new game. And soon you find out I was a former savior of SAO. But I was someone who stay around the middle floors and help train other players how to make it well on their owns. In this game there was alot different blood and gore and the bodies don't disappear they slowly rot way like in real world. And you will join me and my friends to clear this game. And as we clear the floors things start to reveal that this game was forcus on my real life and my past. You fall in love with me. But as we fight our way through and more we are inmate the stronger and more power I was becoming and more aggressive on the battlefield. We make a promise to stop this game and kill those behind it. And to meet again in the real world and fall in love all over again.
Idea 2
So you going to meet me at a party that one of your friends is having. And you relized that i was new to the area and school. And you took this chance to get me before the other girls have a chance. As a very popular you got the name Heart Breaking Sexy Cheerleader, because of all the guys you have tryed and turned down from dating. You get me to come play the sex game with you and Alice and Mayrin and Luna. And you start to fall for my alot more.. you start feeling things you haven't felt with any of the other guys. You invite me to homecoming events witch are the Sword Art Dueling team battles. And the build your own team battle suit for the top spot event chaplains Alice give you the idea have me as your prom date. But you never expect you be also handling my PTSD and the flashback from the war. Witch was give you a challenge as a who loves to know my feelings.
Hope you like?
Asuna and her small team of girls have completed all the challenges and they have got ranked fourth out of sixty other teams. And they had a long way to go for the nine million dollars prize. And different colleges scholarships. Asuna and her close friends are in they first year. And the college year is just beginning. They need many new wins in the different sports as well. And this year Asuna was looking for a boyfriend for the dance and well during the homecoming events. Of course she would chase after many of the other guys and she didn't have an interest in them. And then she would meet a new guy who was very different and who had scars and then she would realize who he was. And after a little while she would have been friends with him in the past before he disappeared for a while. It's was about 6 years since they last saw each other. But she was also being chased after other guys. But before they know they will be fighting for survival the outbrake and the Dead would walk and attack people. They be called Zombies. As they have to escape and make it the island or Warship Victoria. And then try and find a vaccine.
Hope you like this idea?
Plot one
After being chased after and hunted by the guards. Esmeralda found herself in the house of a recently returned Captain from the military who was on campaign for the last eight long years. He took a liking to her. And he didn't realize that he would be put in charge of searching for her and as well as the sexual interrogation of her if he did get her. But as he would end up in a romance with her. As he kept her one step ahead before they both got caught and he had to save her and get her out. And maybe bring back part of the military that he was with to save the city. But in turn that started a rebellion. But to keep her safe. Now he will promise to protect her and they may become the rulers!
Can they make the epic change and save the world they love and each other?
Plot Two
After the new Commander of the guard was assigned to the city to help keep the peace. And this time the New Judge would still have it out for the Gypsies. As more so after the Festival of Fools. And the girl's name Esmeralda. After the big riot and her getting away. Because the new commander of the guard helped her. He was enlightened by her, after that they started a relationship knowing that if they get caught both of them could be in big trouble, but later Esmeralda would get Captured and be put into the place of pain. And after he makes a rescue attempt he would have to save her. But he end up getting captured too. And they have to plan they escape and start a massive rebellion and maybe take the city back. But the New Judge would still be hunting them. And this time if they get caught he would have them executed in the most harsh way and public.
Now one can hope that they can make a change and will over the City?
Plot Three ( Present Day )
After about three world wars and several other wars. Most of the valuable Arts and Artifacts would be stolen and traded as money. And after several Years Kira would be hunting down several different valuable pieces and would return them to the right owner. But the only problem is that he's wanted by several law groups, he steals them back to the rightful owners, But this would lead him to be chased after by a Art and Artifacts Appraisal and well Investigator. She got her hand on him when he broke into one of her places when she happened to be there and she will arrest him. But she found him attractive and when she started a relationship with him. She learns the truth about him and she helps him. But she also knows that he's being hunted by several other people and governments.
Can he help her return the special artifacts and artwork to her people?
Plot One
After nearly 12000 years Atlantis was discovered after a new Warship had trouble and sank, and the crew made it a special pocket that leads them to the city of Atlantis. The Commander Officer, Rua Le Crusade. The Masked man most people call him he hides his identity. And Lieutenant Commander Kira Yamato, have come at odds at uncovering the lost city. And a civil war, Kira and his friends those who follow his lead are on the side of The young Princess Kidagakash or Kida, and the Commander is looking to take the Capital City of Atlantis and its technology back to the world and used it power to seal the world. Kira and Kida have to work together to unlock the seal and secrets of the city to save the Princess world. The Princess life put into danger when capture by Rua Le Crusade and trying to get her to tell him the secrets and power of Atlantis. And Kira must save the Kida without revealing his true family name and his abilities, and his feeling for your princess of Atlantis.
Can they change the fate that may be coming or will Evil have the say?
Plot two
After nearly over 12,000 years missing the world of Atlantis would arrive to the world again. And then before a peaceful alliance or any talks could be put out. The Organization know as Military Alliance ZAFT. Attack and would try and get the advantage and get the technology and weapon. But the Independent Organization Compass group would try and fix things. But the Princess would have been taken captive by the ZAFT Alliance. And they would try and get information out her. As they where planned a full force invasion. The young princess would come in contact with The Lion of Orb, or The Last Knight name Kira. And he would end up saving The Princess Kida and get her back to her people. And before the invasion. He help her set up way to push back and save her world. During this time Kira and Kida would fall in love.
Well the idea is that Atlantis had resurfaced. And then all the main powers has send force to try and clam the power for themselves. during on of the battles Princess Kida will get capture and she will meet my character who was sent to recuse her. but they both capture and they have to escape and get her back to her city.
Plot three
After a failed mission, Kida was able to capture one of the leader for the group that was trying to get some of the advanced technology that Atlantis has. And Kida can then be able to used him how she likes and have him as her sex slave. For other pleasures. As she could do her own fantasy and what not with him. She want to learn more about him too.
Kidagakash (Kida) Nedakh
Born: 6586 B.C.E.
She is over 12,000 years old. But her health and looks are of those of 21 to 25 years old.
Kidagakash Nedakh is the daughter of Kashekim Nedakh, the king of Atlantis during its height of power. Kida is a warrior princess, making her strong and very skilled at combat. It is mentioned that several thousand years ago, Kida would have killed outsiders on sight. By the present time, however, Kida has become so curious about Atlantis's past that she is willing to let in outsiders hoping that they could help her rediscover Atlantis's history. She is shown to love her father. Although she can seem quite forceful, violent, and aggressive at times, she has a kind heart and general respect for all creatures.
She is very strong and independent. She will fight. And she has some Dominant personality. And she can be very sexy to one's who fallen in love with. And she would have a strong connection to someone who would save her and try and protect her.
Like all Atlanteans, Kida is a master linguist, with the ability to decipher non-native tongues by simply referring to Atlantean, which is regarded as the root dialect of the ancient world. She has also acquired excellent hunter-gatherer skills, due to millennia of scavenging through the planet's many caverns and catacombs in search of food and resources. A true warrior princess, Kida is among the finest protectors of Atlantis. Using Atlantean martial arts and tactics.
I hope this give you some of the information to work with for Kida.
Plot One!
After five long years (YC Neko) was her third year in college. As a lawyer, she would get a rare chance to work in the military court. Known as Court Marshal. And she gets to help clear the name of a young up coming officer in a special operation team. During the time working and learning about him. She would develop some feelings for him. And she would start a relationship with him. And then she would end up knowing about his rough past and the PTSD that he was dealing with from many different hard choices that he had to make. And then she ends up getting kidnapped and held. And he goes after her to try and save her.
Plot Two
Neko was a 4 year college student and she was about 22 years old. And she majored in Writing, News, and Articles. She had a minor in Law. She was very active in sports at the college. In her last year of college. She would get a very unique experience. She would get an inside look and several months Writing about a special operation group known as Archangel. Here she would meet the command of the group and she would get his story and all that he went through. And before she knew it she fell in love with him. She would end up going on a tour that would end up being Six months. And getting all close to the others and Writing about their stories. As events would unfold she would find some dark things behind the last war that happened, one that changes a lot.
Plot Three
(YC Neko) is a very sexy Neko. Who is into a lots of different things and she is 18 year old freshmen at a college. And when she not doing the sport. She is a cheerleader. And several guys where always after her. But she didn't like them at all. And then she will meet one of the older college guys who is into a lot of the other sports. He had a liking to her. But he also knew that she is very nervous about guys. But do to his past and things that had happened he was still in the military and doing his officer courses from college. He can romance her and did trips. And many new things. And new friends who are like him. So he know that she would be happy and safe around them for all the other fun they would do. And she would be open up more when she found out that he was willing to do a lot for Her.
Plot Four
YC was going to a college, and she was studying to be a medical pro, as well as a minor in law. She was in her third year. But this year something different will happen. She and her friends would get trapped in a terrorist plot and there were several big threats. And when the team was sent in to rescue them she and the team leader get cut off by a bomb and he would end up saving her. But they would get taken hostage and out of the country. He would continue to protect her and soon they would plan an escape and then have to find a safe way home and she would have fallen in love with him over this time period.
Plot Five
It's been close to 7 long years and she hadn't heard anything from her close friend. Who she was very close to. Then when he had to leave with his parents. And now she is in college. This would be her second year. And being a very sexy female and a Neko. She would have a lot of guys who would be after her. She was the Captain of the Cheerleaders. And she played other sports, like Volleyball, and she ran track. And stuff. She had several close friends who also live in the same very nice floor apartment. They came from money. But it wasn't a big deal; they didn't make a deal about it. But that same second year of college. Her close friend returned. And he was a lot different from what she remembered. And he was more than willing to fight off the guys who were after her. She wants to try and win him over and to have him stay with her. And she didn't really want him to go back. Or at the very least just have him work at a special operation training center. So she could have him around more. Of course she was hiding some very special sexy kinky things from him that she wanted to share with him and well her close friend knows about this side of her.
Hope you like this plotline?
Plot Six
After the powerful kingdom king died earlier. Leaving the kingdom to his young daughter. And the other kingdoms started eye up the land and holding looking to take advantage of the kingdom. And her Commander of the Knights and the military did grow up with her and her father trust him. So he took a Orth to protect the princess. But he had feeling for her. And even though the other kingdom has sent suitors and it was up to her to choose who. And before things could be finalized war break out. And she will have to fight to kept her kingdom.
What do you think?
Ashley and her small team of girls have completed all the challenges and they have got ranked fourth out of sixty other teams. And they had a long way to go for the nine million dollars prize. And different colleges scholarships. Ashley and her close friends are in they first year. And the college year is just beginning. They need many new wins in the different sports as well. And this year Ashley was looking for a boyfriend for the dance and well during the homecoming events. Of course she would chase after many of the other guys and she didn't have an interest in them. And then she would meet a new guy who was very different and who had scars and then she would realize who he was. And after a little while she would have been friends with him in the past before he disappeared for a while. It's was about 6 years since they last saw each other.
Hope you like this idea?
NEW IDEA Special for Krystal Fox!
Plot Idea
After the mission Kira would end up rescuing a Fox. and she was in danger. She was the Princess of her people. But during the invasion she was taken and held as a Captive during the assault and take over. After her rescue she knew she would join Kira. And she would become part of the group known as Compass or 9th Special Legion Lion. But she would not expect to have even more strong feelings for Kira. As they were together. And hunting down the ones responsible for the attack on her planet. And when several old enemies would be behind it and open up some very old wounds and the world would be in great danger. So would Kira and Krystal relationship.. and Krystal would have to find out about Kira's past and things that happened to him.
Would they be able to stop this new thread and maybe have a chance at happiness?
Some more information on Krystal and Example!
Krystal is very kind and caring, always being willing to help others out and constantly maintaining a gentle nature towards others. While she can be stubborn at times, she is still supportive of her friends and shows a strong will, she would have a stronger and more romantic and sexual feeling to male who had shield her and protect her. How ever she have more attrition to the one who save her out of captively. But she can have real hate and vengeful against those who try to hurt those she care about. And she can feel the past and emotional side of those who are very close to. And if she get sexual with her partner she can see in to the past and it's like a dream. But as if she was there when it happened. She has natural abilities of telepathic reading.
Hope this is more helpful for you?
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