Any Looking for Long-Term RP Partners

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Any Looking for Long-Term RP Partners


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Hi! I am always looking for more rps. Please see more about me below to determine if you think we'd be a good match. If so, please message me a little about yourself and what you would be interested in rping together.

  • Hi! I'm Martzi. I'm nonbinary and use they/them/theirs pronouns. I'm in EST in the USA. I have been rping for about 15 years and love it so much. Other hobbies include board games and being out in nature. I'm chronically ill and disabled and my health sometimes kicks my ass - I ask for your patience when it does.
  • Length: I average 2-3 paragraphs or around 300 words. But I mirror my partner on this and can write anywhere from 1 paragraph to 5+ (700+ words). All I ask from my partner is that you give me something to work with and that you don't have so much happen in one post that it doesn't flow naturally or give me a chance to respond.

    Frequency: I am on a lot and will post multiple times a day if I can. I will rarely go more than a couple of days without posting. Sometimes health or life happens but I'll try to give you a heads up on what's happening. If I forget, feel free to give me a nudge and I'll give you an update - I'm generally able to chat even if I can't post. I do not expect my partners to post as frequently as me, I know I'm on way more than most are able to be. I would love at least one post a week but I endeavor to never make you feel pressured. I may check in to see how you're doing but that is it. This is a hobby and it quickly becomes less fun if you feel pressured, in my experience.

    Tense & Perspective: I prefer 3rd person, past tense.

    Characters: I write characters of all genders and orientations. Please don't come to me to ask me to write a main character that is cis-het, though - I prefer writing characters truer to myself. I can write many characters at once and am happy to have many main characters or to fill the world with background characters.

    Communication: To me, the joy of rping is in building a story collaboratively. As such, I will always endeavor to hold up my end of plotting and world building without taking control. I ask that you do the same. I also love chatting ooc and being friends with my rp partners, and am almost always on to chat if not to post.
  • I am still learning to rp graphic violence/gore and sex. But I am entirely willing to do so and am very open to feedback and constructive criticism so that I get better at it.

    Limits: Since I'm just beginning rping this kind of thing, I'm still learning what my limits are, so please be patient with me if I ask to change or skip a scene. I will always respect your boundaries in return, whenever they come up and without question.

    Ratio: I prefer more plot to smut. I am happy to have no smut at all but there must be plot. I'd say a ratio of 80/20 is my happy place but I'm willing to be flexible on this.
  • I am not tied to any of these plots and am happy to write a plot you've been itching to write or to create something new together! But if you'd like to start with one of my ideas, here are some barebones ideas I've had. They are all kept brief so that we can build them up together.

    Muse A is a Victor from the Hunger Games. One year, they're forced to mentor Muse B, someone they love.
    We can decide what exactly Muse A & B's relationship is (romantic, siblings, best friends, etc). I'm thinking this will be a quarter quell so that we can have everyone involved be adults without changing the premise of the Hunger Games. So we can think through what exactly that twist was. We can also decide if Muse B being reaped was a coincidence, a punishment, or part of the quell twist. I'd also be very interested in exploring the life of mentors so I'd be interested in continuing after Muse B goes to the arena, rping Muse A's perspective along with maybe another Victor friend or an escort or something (Muse C). We can talk about if we want Muse B to win or not / if we want to keep going after the games and what that would look like.

    I would love to do a Murderbot rp. We could rp SecUnits and/or ComfortUnits right after their governor module is disabled, looking at what those early stages of freedom look like. Or we could look at a rebellion against the corporations by bots, SecUnits, ComfortUnits, indentured servants, and others being screwed over by the corporations.

    Azkaban has always struck me as one of the darkest parts of Harry Potter and I would like to explore that, through the aftereffects of someone who has recently gotten out of the prison. How does the impact of Azkaban linger and how do they readjust to society?

    Muse A is presumed dead (in a coma, missing, etc). But after a few years, they come back. In the missing time, their significant other (Muse B) eventually moved on and is now with Muse C. What does Muse A being back mean for all of their relationships?
    Personally, I think it could be fun for this to wind up in a polycule but I am very open to any number of routes, depending on what you want. We can also play around with why Muse A was presumed dead.

    This is an rp I started with someone else but they disappeared but the idea never did. Credit to my old rp partner for the idea.

    A popular band (Band A) has a less famous band (Band B) open for them on tour. A member from Band A and a member from Band B fall in love. What happens when Band B starts gaining popularity, becoming even bigger than Band A?

    I'd be curious to explore the first war with Voldemort, either through the lens of Canons or OCs. There's a lot to explore here - missions for the Order, kidnappings and killings, and just looking at how they cope with such a dark time.

    I would love to do a Lunar Chronicles rp focused on Luna and their society. We could rp servants at the palace dealing with being mind controlled all the time, or we could explore nobles and how they navigate the politics there.

    An Eragon rp could be fun, maybe looking at the politics of the capitol while Galbatorix is in power! Or during the fall of the riders.

    A Dollhouse rp where the 'dolls' really start remembering more, even moreso than in the show. Do they hide it? If not, how does the company respond?

    Percy Jackson rp with adults. What if there was no Camp Half-Blood and instead the demigods have to spend their whole lives running from monsters? Maybe following a small group who realize they're demigods and have to deal with this?

    A Hundred Thousand Kingdoms rp focused on the gods and developing their mythology.

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer rp set after the show ends. Maybe looking at women who are realizing they're slayers now and how they respond, or maybe with non-evil 'monsters' who now find they're being hunted by some of the slayers.
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