Closed Looking for original fantasy or romance

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Closed Looking for original fantasy or romance

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# Tempered's roleplay request thread

## Purpose

I am looking for a heroic fantastical adventure, that includes a traditional romantic pair. I intend to write the main male hero. I need someone to write the female heroine.

Fantasy only. Maybe science fiction. No to most fandoms, with few select exceptions. No slice-of-life or modernity.

Gender relationships are complex. Lives are difficult. Despite it, In my writing, I want to emphasize how goodness and purity overcome adversity. The origin of sexual attraction is pure. Love transcends both mind and matter.

## Writing experience

I am an amateur writer at best. I never received any formal education regarding literature. I roleplayed sporadically over a few years, mostly on forums like this.

A few paragraphs of structured text per response is to be expected from me. I can write a complete scene in a single response, but not an entire novella chapter.

Expect straightforward language with little embellishments.

Preferred third person, past tense.

I prefer more than average amount of out-of-character communication.

## Plots

The short list is an interest check. The long spreadsheet is intended to explain the rationale behind the list. If none of the ideas listed appeal, probably safe to stop reading.

### Short list

  • sorcerer (or sorceress) with a magical creature of any kind (elemental, familiar, spirit, demigod);
  • divine being (possibly angry or cruel) with a mundane person (sacrifice, hero, heroine, stranger);
  • desperate survivors in a dark fantasy setting: cursed eldritch knight, crazy alchemist hiding from authority, amazon warrioress mercenary coming from remote lands, priest among heathen pagans;
  • epic quest for the holy grail, or what have you (generic things can be fun too);

Feel free to suggest your own plot hooks.

### Long spreadsheet

I invent original characters for each individual play. The main male hero, that is my main character, is likely to be stoic and cool headed. I may invent side characters. I may play female side characters, excluding romantic considerations.

I do not have developed story hooks in mind at the moment. Instead I will list themes and pairings that I find interesting, in random order.

My favourite dynamic is alliance of convenience gradually heated up into passionate romance. Consider an initially business relationship, like a political scheme, or a hired job, any kind of forced proximity that turns out to be fate.

I also like the idea of a supernatural character paired with a more mundane character. Sorceress and her familiar. Incubus infiltrating a princess's court. Demigod or demigoddess and a chance mortal. Archaeologist and a spirit bound to a treasure item. List can go on.

I easily accept stories where war is a device. The common request of arranged marriages or even kidnappings are acceptable, although not my personal favourites. Include stories where main heroes are rivals of opposing factions, or maybe chance allies, or maybe a hero is a third side dragged into the conflict by the other.

Dark fantasy plots or settings are acceptable, so long as the main heroine remains protected, likely by the main hero. I know enough obscure folklore to invent different monstrous enemies for the heroes to overcome.

Feel free to suggest your plots.

## Explicit sexual content

I prefer to avoid sex in the text. Assume "fade to black", where sex is a device in the story, but it is not explicitly described. Romance and not pornography. I will negotiate if necessary.

I will write pornography or "smut" in the case of miraculous compatibility in sexual preferences. This is extremely unlikely. (If you are curious, imagine vanilla and pink cotton candy.)

## Limits

No mention of rape, no infidelity, no degradation, no torture of the main heroine. Dubious consent is acceptable, so long as it "ends well" and characters end up committed to each other.

## Contact

Last update: 2023-10-28.

I am available here, via e-mail, or via instant messaging service of your choice. Prefer direct messages on this website.

If you would like to leave an impression or review, either write on the wall in my forum profile, or write a message directly in this request thread, so that others may see it.

If you would like to discuss a roleplay, write me a direct message on this forum.
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