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Hey everybody! Its been a while since ive created a thread so bear with me. ^^

For all those who love a long term fantasy adventure I have a roleplay idea for you that you might enjoy. It has magic, drama, sadness, monsters (both good and bad), subplots, twists and turns, and you can play just about any type of character for the roleplay i have in mind.

So the story is set in lozaria which is one of many realms filled with monsters, amazons, Spartans, and other kingdoms but the one that stands out is lothara which is ruled by the dragon king who is one of the most powerful and respected rulers in the realm. He can move faster than the blink of an eye and strike hard enough to shatter diamonds. The reason lothara stands out is because it is the only kingdom where mythics and humans live side by side as equals after the dragon war which was an event many years ago where the western dragons (who were some of the most powerful mythics in the land) decided they should rule over all. A great war began where humans and mythics fought side by side against the dragons. The war ended when the dragon slayers, a race whose origins are unknown, joined the fight. The dragon king who was known as redacted back then battle the queen of the western dragons in her human form.

The queen and king fought with such power and ferocity that their conflict created craters, burned forests, and shattered mountains but in the process they fell in love and agreed to a truce. The war ended and the king and queen created lothara while the western dragons disappeared. Everything was happy for a while but then the world grew dark as humans decided that they should be the one who keep mythics in line so another war doesn't happen. They started hunting mythics for food and enslaving others causing them to split off as well. Many different mythics created their own clans and kingdoms to protect themselves from those who would see them harm while others like the wild orc clans decided to do as the humans do and hunt, rape, and pillage. Lothara stood strong during all of this and after many years a child was born, the dragon prince of lothara.

The son grows up within the castle walls with not a care but while most prince's would be spoiled and selfish he was compassionate and somehow had a way of getting into your heart. One night however something happens that creates a darkness within the prince. His mother is killed and skinned of her scales right in front of him which many would consider impossible because of her race. The assassin escaped by unknown means leaving the prince to mourn which awakens a dark force within him of unknown origins which mixes with his dragon powers and creates an unstoppable force of sadistic rage and sadness that rampages through the castle killing all in his path.

It took the combined might of the dragon king and his best mages to create a weapon and an artifact capable of subduing and imprisoning the darkness within the prince. Now he must wear an amulet everywhere he goes so that the darkness does not return. His memories were altered so he believes his mother passed of natural causes and he has no idea what happened that night.

Many years pass and things outside lothara get worse. Joran (the prince) is now 22 years old and he wishes to travel the realm and create more alliances between lothara and other clans and kingdoms so mythics had more places to seek asylum as well as so they can inevitably put an end to the racism and slavery. The king feared for the prince because of the darkness inside him but he also felt other forces were on the move to either harm or manipulate the prince so he agreed on the condition that the prince get a protector. which is where you come in!

While I'd prefer you play a mythic you can be anyone you want from a random guard, to a mercenary, to a goddess (obviously with lesser power in the mortal realm) with a spanning origin story from being the mothers killer to someone hired to lure the prince somewhere or even someone who just wants the job. Like I said bonus points for playing an orc but if you want to play a gorgon, a dullahan, a demon, an angel, a goddess go ahead!

My main kinks are feet, harem, unique skin color, tall girls, muscular girls, moments where the female does or wears something she isn't aware is arousing to the male or does it to tease him (I call them anime moments lol), and thats all I can think of at the moment and the kinks can be discussed if you have questions or dont like one or two of them. I really hope to hear from you and if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas just say so. Also if you want to start off as more than one character then that's fine too! Hope to Talk to many of you soon!

Also below is a bit of background on the king, prince, and the darkness within so you can get a small feel of the characters:

Name: the dragon king (nobody knows his real name)
Age: unknown
Occupation: king of lothara
Species: magically enhanced human with enough power to slay dragons (no longer slays dragons)

Abilities: incredibly enhanced speed, strength, agility, and magical power. Wields a blade that can slice dragon scales and is known to be completely indestructible, Incredibly skilled with a blade.

History: the dragon king was a regular soldier during the war with the dragons of the west however after volunteering with 100 others he was magically and chemically experimented on to become one of the most famous dragon slayers during the war as well as one of the most feared and powerful warriors in lozaria (the continent). When he entered the battlefield everyone would cheer and fight twice as hard as they knew the dragon king would lead them to victory. The final battle came after he convinced the orc clans to side with him and the rest of the races against the dragons. He went toe to toe against the queen and their battle was enough to shake the heavens, shatter mountains, and rock the earth itself. In their battle they fell in love and with that love came a peace agreement between the races and the dragons.

The dragon king and jezereen formed lothara as a symbol of that peace only for time to pass and humans to begin their oppression and hatred of other races then for certain other races to begin looking out for themselves and following suit. Lothara became a home for all and developed into one of the most powerful kingdoms ruled by one of the most powerful rulers.

Name: joran Zachariah
Age: 24
Species: half dragon, half dragon slayer
Occupation: prince of lothara
Abilities: advanced magic, swordsman skills, skilled in hand to hand, has the abilities of a dragon and a dragon slayer yet is unable to summon any of those abilities for reasons unknown to him so he has the strength, speed, and agility of a normal human.
(I should note this is my main character and he will be a bit of a switch personality wise)

History: joran was ten years old when he came upon his mother who was dead in her studies covered in blood and horrifically skinned of her scales. The trauma and sadness was so great that something took control and sent him on a bloodthirsty rampage through the castle killing many guards and castle servants (paid not slaves) until facing his father in combat. The king himself as well was some of his top mages and it took an hour and a half to subdue him. The king suffered many injuries and no matter what they did they couldn't exorcise the darkness so a weapon and amulet was devised capable of defeating the the darkness and sealing it within the prince. A dagger with a golden hilt and silver blade was forged thanks to one of the greatest blacksmiths who served in the dragon war and magically enhanced so all it took was a cut to seal the darkness back within the prince and the amulet is to keep It locked away within him.

The prince has no memory of the night so he and the rest of the kingdom were told that the queen died of a rare disease and the secret was kept between the king, the guards, and the staff out of fear that if the prince were ever told the truth then the darkness would break free. Sadly the prince is isolated because of this so he has no friends and is constantly bullied by some of the soldiers and staff out of revenge for him massacring their friends and colleagues then saying it was to toughen him up and remind him that even a prince can be a nobody.

Name: zorath nazghul
Age: unknown
Species: unknown
Abilities: shadow manipulation, godly strength, razor sharp teeth for tearing flesh, unearthly speed, shadow regeneration, and more
History: zorath was a powerful being during an immense and long forgotton war long before lozaria was even given the name. He was on the side of evil but his side inevitably lost the war after great losses on both sides. Whatever his Species was he fed on negative emotions like pain, sadness, and anger so when the dragons of the west appeared restless as their lands were crumbling from a pandemic and food shortage he whispered into the ear of the dragon queen unbeknownst to her to go to war with the other races so they could have as much land as they needed. The conflict fed zorath and he slowly regained enough strength to roam the lands as an invisible spirit until the war ended. He refused to die off used all his strength to keep himself alive but thanks to the humans he was able to remain. He roamed the lands looking for a new physical form to possess when he came upon the prince witnessing the death of a mother. He took control and revelled in his rampage a bit too much which led to his being subdued. He refused to speak so as not to give any hint to his origins to the old king before being locked away by the amulet. He's still Alive and still hungry for flesh and emotions. Every time the prince is bullied or abused or even feels alone they are unknowingly feeding him and giving him more strength for his inevitable return.
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