MxF Looking for Roleplay Partners!

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MxF Looking for Roleplay Partners!


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Today 5:25 PM
Hey, my name is Silver. The last roleplay site I was using seemed to have been slowly dying out on the roleplay side, so I thought I'd try it here! I have been doing roleplays for 10 years. Though I'm very much trying to learn how to be better with it in terms of being creative, length, and being evil. I do struggle a bit with evil characters (Find it hard to keep them evil). I am also fine with having multiple characters. I also enjoy messaging Ooc. Talking with the person I'm roleplaying with about the roleplay or whatever else is something I enjoy. So please feel free to message me if we start roleplaying!

The main thing I like in roleplays is romance. I always love reading how characters get together in their strange ways! Then having the many struggles come up after they get together. I also love having magic or powers of some kind in the roleplay. I feel like it adds more ideas to the roleplay in general. As for general settings I like medieval settings, though I am certainly fine with more modern or apocalypse type of settings. A frozen apocalypse setting sounds like fun. I don't mind gore or violence, having characters being injured can add to the drama! I don't mind having sexual content in my roleplays. I generally like to have a story that has more plot than smut. like a 60/40 plot to smut ratio but can change based on the roleplay idea we are going with.

I can write up to two paragraphs give or take. It depends on what is going on in the roleplay. I do try to write as much as I can. I am free most days so I can reply every day or every other day if I have some delays, I will certainly message you about it as a heads up!

I don't write fandoms much at all, I like to have original characters even if they have an ability idea or whatever that is similar to a show or anime.

Other than that, here are some pairings ideas that I enjoy:

Guardian angel x human (or whatever race you want really)
Vampire x human
Prince x Princess. (Peace between two kingdoms at war)
Demon x human
Angel x demon
Fallen angel x??? (Fallen angel sounded like fun recently just not sure who to pair it up with!)

Always open to ideas so feel free to message me if you have a certain pairing in mind.

I don't have specific plots in mind yet, though I am always willing to talk about a plot idea that comes up. I'll probably add plot ideas I enjoy here as I run into them!

I have a few characters that I'm certainly interested in using again. Little inside to them below. Most of the time I will create a character for the roleplay.
I will probably add more characters to this list if I feel like they are really fun characters to use again.

Lucas: His age is 23 and he has long white hair and dull red eyes, a skinny guy. He has a lot of magical power but is scared to use it due to his past. He was a test subject to many scientists and he had escaped through means unknown to him. Due to being a test subject most of his life he is scared of humans and tries to keep to himself. Though once he breaks his walls down for someone, he can be fun and silly. Lots of stuff that has happened to his past that would be explained better in a roleplay!

Dragon: A magical being that has been cursed. Every time he talks magic leaves with his words and damages things around him. For that reason, he stays silent most of the time, usually having another way of talking. He has blonde hair and blue eyes; he is a pretty average size guy. His age is 25 and cares for those who are willing to deal with him

Atlas: (For apocalypse roleplays) He is 24 and he is half robot and half-human. Visible robot eye which he likes to cover with an eye patch while any other robot parts are inside of him. He like wearing long cloaks, generally black clothing. He likes to be a bounty hunter or mercenary. Realizes on himself to deal with situations he gets put into. Keeping to himself most of the time because trusting in the apocalypse is risky.
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Hi I quite like the Prince x princess theme. I'm pretty new on the scene as I took a long hiatus.
Hello! Vampire x Human sounds alright, Can we discuss a plot ? Look forward to hearing back.
Hi I'm Summer! I could play the human pair for any of yours. If you check out my postings and are interested I'd love to talk more. My stuff can be pretty niche so I understand if not!
I would be interested in the fallen angel if you are still looking šŸ˜Š I feel as if that could have lost of interesting turns.
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