FxF Looking for something

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FxF Looking for something


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I am RD and I have RP'ed on and off for about 12 years now. I prefer to write realistic stories with ordinary human characters. What I like storywise depends on my mood, but I tend to write romantic leaning stories. My posts tend to be about a paragraph long. That said, it is also heavily reliant on input/what kind of posts I do recieve or sometimes even the scenario taking place. I don't mind gore and violence, but I prefer to keep it to a minimum if the plot does not ask for more (which is what I am open to). And yes I do like sexual content. And I do prefer it taking place (although how much might depend on the story itself). I do like the K-ON! anime a lot, and would love to use adult versions of the characters in the RP. I thought of basing the plot off of an high school reunion type of scenario. THey all meet again as adults and then they get to talking and we go from there. I don't really have a detailed plot set up and actually prefer not to, unless I do so with my partner. If there are people that are interested or have questions, please feel free to get in touch!
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