Challenge Submission LOST JOURNAL OF SANDRA

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Challenge Submission LOST JOURNAL OF SANDRA


Beloved shithead
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 12:20 AM
Laying down on my couch like a potato.... Probably
Lost Journal of Sandra

Whoever finds my journal, if I don't make it out of this hell. There were about Eight of us down here in this bunker system at the beginning. But slowly people disappeared one by one. I am alone now; I will try to recollect on what happened and give you a timetable. Please someone come help me.

October 1st,

It was like any other day. The fall colors started to hit the trees with the leaves. Slight tinges of burnt orange were the starting point. Green still obviously dominated the landscape of trees, nothing was out of the ordinary, or at least no one noticed anything.

October 2nd – 10th,

It was a lot of the same old daily stuff. The colors slowly overtook the greens, Halloween was all setup in the traditional empty chain stores, and the front yards were getting makeovers. It was about the 8th or 9th people like me started noticing that our daily apps that track sunrise and sunset were 'off'. When I say 'off' we are talking about a full two hours. It was around 3P.M. that it was full nighttime. It didn't seem like most people cared enough to be concerned with the change how early night was. But I, wasn't taking any chances. I spoke with my neighbors about what was happening. Everyone was nervous. Living in an older neighborhood, those who preceded us had a crazy tunnel system all of them attached to each other's fallout shelters. When I first moved it, I thought it was insane, and apparently everyone else did as well. The individual tunnels were all boarded up and sealed, for the obvious reasons. But now, we have unsealed those tunnels and did a walk through for damage and such. Luckily none of it was damaged. So, we made use of it, picking up items from the houses and moving them under.

October 12th,

We didn't notice it yesterday as we were all working on the bunker, making it comfortable. When we got back up on the surface, it was impossible to miss. Those beautiful orange, red and yellow fall leaves, were now black as night. It was an Omen if I ever had seen one. This night was the first I decided to sleep in the bunker and close the door to the house. Only one of my other neighbors thought the same way.

October 13th,

Friday the 13th. Talk about bad luck. It was reported early this morning on the television that more then a dozen people had vanished. Most of their vehicles were at the RV parks, and city and state parks. It was almost like they walked off into the woods with whatever they had on them and left this realm of reality. After that, I just stopped going to work as I was scared. I grabbed all I could, moved into the bunker, and locked the doors to the house.

October 19th(?),

Since I moved down here, my dense of days has been thrown out the proverbial window. I am guessing it is the 19th. My neighbors moved to their bunkers and locked their doors. From what we talked about; thousands of people were disappearing nightly. What none of planned on was the minimal amount of food we all had. Everything happened so fast no one had gone grocery shopping. It felt like we were that stereotypical group in horror movies who are just completely unprepared, besides the luck of the bunkers.

October 20th, (?)

There are 8 of us in the bunker in total. Well, now 4 of us. The Johnstons and Cable, departed mid day to go to the nearby store. Should have only taken about 2 hours on foot. But it is deep into the night. We don't believe they are coming back. We grabbed their supplies and moved them over before Sealing off their homes and the tunnels to their bunkers. But something terrible happened. Knocking started to happen the homes. We can even hear the footsteps and voices. Deck heard her husband in her house. We tried to tell her not to go, but she didn't listen to reason and unlocked her door and ran up. What followed was horrifying as there was a scream followed by what could only be described as a body being ripped apart. Then there was the blood flowing down the stairs. The lights shut off in the bunker and we ran, leaving all of the resources behind, while we sealed off the bunker.

October 21st and 22nd,(?)

No way to know if the time is right. We are taking turns in shifts; we can hear Decks voice as well as Cables. But there is no way they are still alive. There is banging from our houses and its even louder from the fallen bunkers. Radios have long gone silent; the generator only has a few hours left of fuel at most. All we have left is candles.


I don't know the days anymore. The generator is empty, and we are down to candles and a few propane bottles. We lost Casper and Sonya earlier. Something had broken into the bunkers on their side. The sounds were terrible. The three of us retreated to Zions bunker and sealed the tunnels. We extinguished the candles, and everything quieted down. Voices stopped as well as the knocks on the barriers. It didn't seem like any of us were going to be able to get out of here alive.

We ran out of food and have only a bit of water left. Jack and John kissed me on the head and said I should be able to survive. I begged them quietly not to leave me, but they had made their decisions. First they crawled on their hands and knees and retrieved food and water for me. Then they closed the bunker off and light a candle and departed. I hope they are still alive. I didn't hear anything happen, so I think they made it out.

October 31st,

The radio came to life, and the voices of everyone came pouring through. I'm so scared, please someone help me, I don't want to die. There is movement and knocks at the 2 tunnels, no voices yet.

The radio is dead, but the voices haven't. They beckon me to "come look at the beautiful leaves". But I know they were black as night. They voices want me. I hope this is just a nightmare, but if this is the life I am going to end up living I don't think I can handle it. If you find this journal, and I am not here, then I wasn't able to survive to the end.

Sandras's journal was found in an old bunker system underneath a neighborhood. Barriers that were erected were all destroyed by something that could break through 4x4 beams and other items used to be a barricade. This was located a month after what became known as the Black Leaves of Halloween, where millions of people seemingly disappeared across the continent.
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