March's Misfit's and Heroes

Currently reading:
March's Misfit's and Heroes


A Hug, Wrapped in a Cuddle and Soaked in Affection
Local time
Tomorrow 1:57 PM
Fantasy Characters:

Name: Sakura Mizu
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Sakura was born in a small town miles from any other settlement and had a fairly happy childhood, except for one thing.
Her parents entered the village only long enough to place Sakura in the middle of the street. She was adopted by an old hermit who raised her with assistance from a village woman.

Her lack of biological parents rarely concerned Sakura and she grew up happy, though her father's odd ways rubbed off on her and most people who encounter Sakura find her her personality to be a little odd, though they would be hard pressed to name specific flaws.

She had a fairly traditional upbringing, with her mother teaching her the appropriate skills for a woman, while her father made sure she learnt her letters, a rare luxury in her village which she honestly never excelled at.

The differences in her parent's attitudes towards society began to show as Sakura entered her teen years and her mother began looking for a good match amongst the village men, while her father was more prone to scaring off suitors and encouraging Sakura to build up an unapproachable image like he had before taking her in, so that she would be left alone and perhaps become a scholar.

Sakura discovered her magic by accident one day after she accidentally summoned hundreds of magical flowers, crushing a (fortunately empty) house.
Needless to say this ruined any chance of her mother finding a match, no man wanted a wife who could crush houses at will.
Whats more is that this ostracised her from much of the village, which like most rural areas feared and mistrusted any form of magic.

Eventually Sakura's parents reached the point where they could no longer raise her, her father had only taken her in as a learning experience and though he loved her it was time he returned to other studies and for Sakura to learn on her own.
Her mother couldn't afford to keep feeding a full grown adult forever as she had retired from her work as a seamstress and was unable to find anyone willing to marry Sakura.

Though she attempted to find work and her skills in cooking, cleaning, gardening and sowing would normally guarantee a job as a general servant, Sakura's magic was all that it took to deter potential hirers.
It was on her nineteenth birthday that an answer appeared before Sakura, a group of traveling merchants arrived in the village on their way across the border and wowed the village children with stories of the cities they had seen and mages fighting monsters to protect the weak.
Amazed by what sounded like an amazing world, Sakura approached the caravan leader and offered to work in return for traveling with them to their destination.
Fortunately the merchants were neither experienced at cooking or repairing clothes and Sakura managed to use those skills to buy passage to a fairly large city where she hoped to find her purpose in life and perhaps a teacher to help train her powers.

Magic: Sakura's magic allows her to summon vast amounts of magical sparks shaped as an unidentifiable flower, a skilled mage could use these flowers to make barriers, weapons, imprison an enemy, or simply make them explode, unfortunately Sakura is not a skilled mage and can so far only manage to make the flowers explode.

Skills: Sakura's mother drilled many skills inter her, such as sewing, cooking, singing and dancing.
While her father taught her the more practical skills of reading, writing, map reading, and how to properly tend to a small herb garden.

Weaknesses: Sakura is both short at only 5.3 feet, and a little clumsy, occasionally breaking flower pots or other objects.
She also has very few physical and can be quite timid around strangers, usually responding to fights by hiding under a table or frantically blasting any attackers with magic.
Sakura has difficulties with mathematics, and can never quite budget enough or tell if she is being underpaid, this has unfortunately caused her to accumulate a sizable debt.
Unlike most mages who have masters or guilds to teach them how to use their magic, Sakura has had no training and despite technically having a large amount of magical power she has no idea how to do much more throwing magical petals at opponents until they drop.
Sakura also has an irrational fear of the ocean but not of rivers and lakes, a fact her father once attributed to her parents before shutting up and refusing to elaborate.

Extra: Sakura doesn't quite understand weather and has been known to wear very little in icy environments.
What she wants most of all is somewhere to live where she fits in and can have a normal life and perhaps even find someone to love.

Name: Chiara Lil Grande
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Chiara was born into a lower middle class family in a fairly large city to a pair of very loving parents, they raised her well despite the occasionally lacking funds. Their financial situation actually helped to stop Chiara becoming spoiled as she learnt to budget from a young age due to a small allowance that her parents gave her to make up for working most of the day.

It didn't take long before Chiara was testing her parent's patience, on her eleventh birthday she managed to become wanted for a day after stealing an extremely valuable amulet from a noble who left it within arms reach while Chiara was wandering around the wealthier parts of the city.
She was caught trying to sell it to a pawnbroker and promptly arrested, earning her parents a fine that ate up their meagre savings, and 48 hours in a pitch black cell.
As a result Chiara is now terrified of the dark and never travels at night.

On her thirteenth birthday Chiara's parents took her to a professional mage appraisal as a combined twelth and thirteenth birthday present, figuring that it might help catch the eye of a man that wanted magic in his bloodline of Chiara tested positive.
The appraiser searched Chiara's mind and soul for hidden abilities before declaring her a weapon summoning mage, most likely of the firearm variety, unfortunately the only person willing to teach the art of weapon summoning was far out of the Lil Grande family's price range.

Chiara had one particularly close friend during her childhood, a merchants daughter who she did everything with, and who even taught Chiara what she knew about magic once they both developed weapon summoning magic, which was just one more thing that drew them together.
At the age of sixteen, Chiara had been reading romantic novels that her mother had once enjoyed and as a result she had a fairly idealistic idea of love.
So when she began feeling strange around her friend and getting nervous while speaking, the answer was obvious in her mind and she took her friend aside one day while visiting, and kissed her.
Before Chiara could gauge the reaction or even finish the kiss, her friends mother entered the room and pulled them apart, after having dozens if insults shouted at her she was told never to associate with that family again and nearly did, before her friend began crying and Chiara fled.

When the incident eventually reached her parents ears, Chiara felt nothing but shame and guilt upon seeing the looks of disappointment on her parent's faces.

After three years of frosty treatment and ashamed looks from her parents, who had believed her mad for the first year and almost sent her to the cities asylum, Chiara's parents finally seemed to forgive her completely out of the blue, telling her that family have to make compromises for each other and that surely it was just an accident.
Chiara was thrilled at this sudden acceptance, that is until she met her parent's new favourite person.
A noble was looking for a wife with magical abilities to strengthen his claim on several magic based family enterprises and had chosen Chiara.
Completely horrified at the prospect of having to marry a thirty something man Chiara fled the city with no real goal in mind.

Several days later she had finally reached a point where she felt safe and began to worry about her family, they had been relying on the marriage to stay afloat in a collapsing economy and Chiara had ruined that.
Out of a sense of loyalty to her family she almost returned and went through with the marriage, but instead caught sight of a poster advertising a bounty for defeating a certain monster.
On a whim Chiara took the job and managed to use her magic to great effect, which convinced her to become a mercenary and support her family that way as long as possible.

Magic: Chiara uses weapon summoning magic, specifically she summons firearms which have a bottomless clip fueled by her magic.
These guns all have different ways of doing damage such as explosive rounds or ice shots.

Skills: Chiara has picked up a few skills in her life so far, such as haggling, hiding and shooting almost as well as someone with professional training.
She also knows a fair bit about patching up scrapes and cuts from her time wandering around the city as a child though she would have no idea to treat something serious.

Weaknesses: Chiara is surprisingly easy to embarrass and a kiss from an attractive girl will actually distract her so much that she will struggle to use magic.
Due to being locked up in the dark Chiara has a crippling fear of darkness and shuts down completely if caught at night with no light.
Chiara has focused entirely on her shooting and magic skills, and is useless if someone gets into melee range.

Extra: Chiara was once described as a 'tsundere' by a strange traveler she met on the road.
The noble's marriage offer still stands and Chiara is still not sure that she should refuse when her parents need the money.

Name: Koun'na Yoroi
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Magic: Enhancement
Background: Koun'na was born to a family that rarely practiced magic due to their warrior ancestry and as such it was an incredible shock when at the age of twelve she was found to have latent magical abilities after creating a basic barrier.

After a fairly long argument, her family agreed to Koun'na's request to awaken her power and took her to a professional mage who performed the ceremony, which Koun'na and her parents regretted immediately.
Her power was that of 'enhancement' a rare ability that allows someone to boost their physical abilities massively and who usually have a larger store of magic power than most.

However this comes at a cost.
Enhancer mages lose an ability, the magnitude of which effects the size of their magic reserves.
Koun'na was horrified to find that she had lost the use of her legs and left ear, which shattered her parents dreams of an all warrior family.

Fortunately Koun'na made somewhat of a recovery when she managed to purchase magical greaves that allowed her to walk, and an earing that restored her deaf ear, (though that was just a lucky bonus to her).

After getting used to walking again she immediately set out to travel the world and use her magic for fun, adventure, and... Admittedly a little profit.

Weaknesses: Koun'na is unable to walk without her greaves and if they sustain enough damage she is pretty defenceless.

Extra: Koun'na is a lot more physical than most mages due to her extremely rare magic type, which catches other mages off guard and has helped win quite a few battles.

Sci-fi Characters:

Name: Aria
Age: Maturity tests place at between 19 and 22.
Species: AI (Marigold 9.03 Architecture).
Gender: Female
Background: Aria is one of a dozen AI in her particular line, which was discontinued after it was discovered that they had a tendency to fall for people they worked with, which deeply disturbed most people.

Aria was given packages to allow her to work in most fields, and is capable of navigation, accounting, advanced social interaction, and even coding.
Though her clothing was designed as intentionally flashy and a little bit skimpy in order to help Aria gain attention and distract people.

Weaknesses: The 9.03 model of Marigold has several flaws such as entering a drunk like state after running too many processes, and often crashing when experiencing large amounts of negative emotion.
Also as a program, Aria has no physical body and therefore would be unable to defend her AI core without assistance.

Extra: Aria is capable of communicating with all surviving AI that share her architecture.
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Name: Rèidi Takara
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Born to the prestigious Tamara family, third generation millionaires with investments in dozens of powerful companies dealing with everything from medicine to weapons manufacture.
Rèidi's mother fawned over her from birth, telling her that she could have whatever she wanted, as soon as she wanted it.
Her father, though willing to spoil his child, had a strong business sense and constantly told her that she must get married one day to produce heirs to the family fortune.
These mixed messages confused the young Rèidi and combined to make her believe she absolutely must marry someone, as soon as she decides she likes them.

This behaviour obviously distressed her parents, who hired dozens of psychiatrists, doctors, and at one point a professional hypnotist, though they had little effect and her parents were forced to hope that she would eventually grow out of it, needless to say, she didn't.

Two major events took place in highschool that would prove to have very lasting effects on her life. Firstly, she discovered that she did not necessarily want a husband but would much prefer a wife. And secondly, she faced rejection for the first time as she was publicly turned down after confessing to an old friend.

Years later and she is now a student in college, her parents still don't know about her hunt for a female companion, and she has become far more discreet in the search.

Strengths: Smart. Well Connected. Rich. Great Cook.

Weaknesses: Emotionally Unstable. Obsessive Romance. Easily Distracted.

Likes: Pretty girls. Strawberries. Anime. Frills.
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Name: Lucrezia/Lucy
Age: 18
Species: Humanoid Monster
Gender: Female
Background: One of three children born to her parents and the youngest of the three. Lucrezia or Lucy as she prefers, grew up eager to prove herself, though her wings grew slower than everyone else and she was teased mercilessly as a result, which assisted in the development of a rather submissive personality, since it was easier to just go along with them.

As she got older Lucrezia's wings began to slowly grow, and on her eieteenth birthday she had her first proper flight, taking to the air above the village she lived in, and was quickly shot down by hunters who captured her and performed a horrible act, smashing her wings with hammers to stop her flying away.

Lucrezia's people, like many beast folk, have a different understanding of modesty than most, as long as all sexual organs including nipples are covered, you are considered decent.
Her silken bandages are actually traditional garb.

Strengths: Agile. Quick Healing. Cold Resistance. Light Body.

Weaknesses: Crippled Wings. Hollow Bones. Socially Inexperienced. Inhuman.

Likes: Flying. Kind People. Silk. Sweet Things.

Name: Daitana Tsuma
Age: 27
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Daitana was born in Ein, and was slated to join the sisterhood from a young age due to her incredible strength, which made her seem almost inhuman when compared to even the country's soldiers.
However, in an effort to protect her Daitana's parents had her smuggled out of the country and into Vetitum so she wouldn't have to join the sisterhood as an enforcer.
This was when she was only eight.

As she lived there Daitana slowly became used to Vetitum, where her freakish strength was celebrated as useful and less odd than most of the continent's inhabitants anyway.
She made many friends amongst the inhabitants of her town and was mostly happy.

Unfortunately later in life the sisterhood found Daitana and the only way to legally escape them was to marry a local swordmaster, making her a citizen.
She never truly loved her husband, but they grew to respect each other deeply and were great friends until he was killed after being forced into a senseless war against some of the less intelligent beasts of the world.

Daitana picked up several tricks from her husband while he was alive, and has adapted them and several moves from the Ein military into her own style of combat which usually involves a frying pan but she has been known to draw a sword when particularly angry.

Strengths: Super Human Strength. Skilled Cook. Unique Fighting Style.

Weaknesses: Hates Violence. Easily Confused. Can't Read.

Likes: Unique People. Cooking. Strong Convictions.
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Name: Risty Dezal
Age: 25
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Risty was a pilot in the United Earth Defence Force, following in the steps of her parents she quickly climbed the ranks and was in line for a squadron leadership before the last of Earth's space fleets fell.

During the evacuation of Earth Risty was shot down and taken on board an evacuation ship to receive medical assistance, this worked in her favor as the ship took off minutes later, saving her from the destruction of Earth.
She did not come out unscathed however, and received a minor brain injury that can cause headaches and occasional fainting in high stress situations.

Strengths: Combat Training. Quick Reactions. Lucky.

Weaknesses: Stress Weakness. No Computer Skills. Can't Cook. Unskilled Writer/Reader.

Likes: Chocolate. Bodysuits. Exercise. Strength.

Name: Chruby Peray
Age: 20
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Background: Chruby (Shrooby) Was a citizen of America on Earth in the 24th Century living in moderate wealth which was enough to keep her clear of most of the overcrowding and pollution, though she still saw her fair share in school and travel.

Chruby was educated in advanced engineering, crop management, and basic cryogenic sciences, a combination that caught the attention of a colonisation recruitment agency and she was quickly approved as a possible colonist.
Wanting to escape the pollution of Earth and have an adventure, she signed up for the next ship and was immediately allocated a pod, actually replacing someone who had only minimal skills.

Strengths: Engineer. Quick Thinking. Brave. High Emotional Strength. High Mental and Physical Health.

Weaknesses: Excitable. Insatiable Curiosity. Hates Blood.

Likes: Anime. Old Movies. New Things. Well Built Structures.
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The Synthetics:
Created from an engineered piece of DNA fed into bio constructive nano machines that construct a body around a pre built frame, Synthetics are born as blank shells, and for the first five years of their life their bodies and personalities are super susceptible to change as they begin to construct identities and looks with the only meddling done being the installation of combat protocols directly into their semi computerized cyber brains.

As well as being more durable and generally more athletically powerful than humans or even most cyborgs, the synthetics have a wide range of standard abilities.
Nano constructors: A sub variety of the nano machines that created them, these machines are capable of rapidly transforming a synthetic's vulnerable flesh into armored biometal and back again as well as assisting in recovery by redistributing bio mass.
Super Dense Matter Storage: Synthetics carry a unique arsenal within their bodies that has been compressed into tiny super dense materials, when the right signal is sent nano machines decompress the weapons and armor for use.
Nano Cloning: A synthetic can use large amounts of bio mass to rapidly clone a perfect DNA match of an organ for humans, though this feature leaves the Synthetic in a coma like state.
Synthetics also tend to develop unique abilities.

Name: Timidos Custos
Title(s): Unit 017. Guardian.
Species: Self Developed Combat Synthetic.
Gender: Female Body and mostly feminine personality.
Background: Timidos or Timi for short, was created by the Lancer corporation as a desperate attempt to counter other corporations and like many of their creations fell short of expectations.
Timi isn't as smart, or fast as other Synthetics in existence, and her energy weapons are less numerous and powerful.
However, to counter this she is more heavily armored and carries weaponry geared around defence and maximum damage.

Timi's personality development team were inept to say the least, and in their attempts to create a loyal guardian to protect VIPs and that would obey any order Lancer created what most resembles a slightly meek tsundere with a tendency to freak out when her charge is inconvenienced.

Unique Ability, Arcite Reactions: Timi has discovered how to process the rare power generating mineral Arcite with her nano machines, integrating it into her weapons and combat form and adding an element of energy to her defences and attacks.

Strengths: Heavily Armored. Synthetic. Protective.

Weaknesses: Overprotective. Low Grade Synthetic. Tsundere. Meek.

Likes: Yuri Manga. Frilly Aprons. Anti Tank Weaponry.
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Characters that I am Slightly Ashamed of:

Name: Taoru Eroe (Rue)
Species: Human
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Background: Rue had a fairly average upbringing as the child of a Japanese and Italian American couple, despite the mixed heritage and helping at the family restaurant she was a pretty average kid.

That is until she was 'gifted' with two abilities.
Telekinesis, allowing her to enormously heavy objects and even stop objects in motion.
And Explosive Energisation, allowing her to imbue either inanimate objects or her own limbs with energy that is released as an explosion.
This seemed great until Rue realised there was a price. In exchange for her power she has to spend four hours a day in a towel, more if she actually uses her powers, which of course can only be used while in a towel.
As a result she gave up on any intentions to use her powers, though she often gets caught up in things.

Strengths: Brave. Intelligent. Fit.

Weaknesses: Easily embarrassed. Heroic. Unlucky. Bad Timing. Terrible Costume.

Likes: Fluffy Things. Italian/Japanese Food. Magical Girl Anime.

Name: Kitti
Species: Cat-Aspect Humanoid
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Background: Kitti was one of several exotic creatures taken from Vetitum at birth to be raised as servants for the emperor of flame and his family, and as such she knows little apart from serving the emperor's will no matter what the demand.

Kitti never actually became a servant as the emperor had a female firstborn who demanded that all non humans be immediately banished from the castle, as such she was turned onto the streets with no idea how to survive.

Strengths: Quick. Good Manners.

Weaknesses: Inexperienced. Slave Training. Beast Girl.

Likes: Pretty Clothes. Shiny Things. Petting. Playing.
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