Character(s) Medieval Cast

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Character(s) Medieval Cast


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Name - Lilith Organa Vega
Aliases - Princess Lilith
Gender - Female
Orientation - Bi-curious
Marital Status - Single
Age - 18
D.O.B. - February 25, 1565
Birthplace - Edenia
Occupation - N/A (Princess; Formerly)
Race/Species - Vampire (Mortal; Formerly)


Height - 5'2
Body type - Petite with some muscle mass
Skin - Ivory
Hair - Lilac (Brunette; Formerly)
Eyes - Ruby (Sapphire; Formerly)


Lilith is the princess of a kingdom in Edenia. She's born to King Geralt & Queen Athena. Her father had a one time affair with a succubus from the outer rings of Hell, thus having his first child out of wedlock, Sylvia. He secretly banished his own daughter from the kingdom in an attempt to hide his scandal, allowing her to live with her mother. Years later, he had Lilith with the queen. No one in the kingdom ever knew he had another child except for his trusted butler. One night, Princess Lilith was awakened by the sounds of blood curdling screams and the sounds of furniture being destroyed or knocked over. Even though she was scared to death, she managed to witness the brutal deaths of her parents. Unable to identify the murderers, she went into a panic and that's when the enemies had spotted her. Without thinking, she hurried over to an open window, thus making her escape from the castle. Running aimlessly in a random direction, Lilith eventually settled into an empty cave of a large forest. When night fell, a high level ranking vampire snuck into the same cave as she was sleeping in and took advantage of her well being thus quickly turned her into one of his kind. After injecting his vampire venom into her bloodstream, he abandoned her in the dark forest, thus leaving her to fend for herself. She experienced the crucial and excruciating transformation to the deadly monsters of the night. Weeks went by for the newly turned vampire. She had such a terrible time adjusting to her new life. Suppressing her hunger for human blood the best that she could, the poor princess continued to hide in the shadows in an attempt to avoid any human and social interaction. As by some miracle, Lilith was finally discovered by her long lost sibling, Sylvia the succubus. After finding out that she had an older sister after all of these years, Lilith was soon taken under Sylvia's wing. The experienced succubus hybrid has been teaching her sister about the cruel outside world by teaching her how to hunt for potential prey in the busy streets of the huge city.

  • Naïve
  • Good natured
  • Elegant
  • Graceful
  • Shy
  • Curious
  • Can be impetuous
  • Sympathetic
  • Loves children
  • Teleportation
  • Flying
  • Vampiric strength
  • Loved ones around her getting harmed
  • Bronze
  • Having her kind nature taken advantage of

Known Family -

  • King Geralt (Father)
  • Queen Athena (Mother)
  • Sylvia (Half-sibling)
  • Estella (Future half-niece)
Significant Others -
  • Cain Orthodox (Crush; Romantic Interest)
  • Jason Dris (Crush)
Enemies -
  • Queen Athena
  • Lukael
Allies/Friends -
  • Sylvia Vega (Succubus/Mortal Hybrid)
  • Peter Sullivan (Werewolf)
  • Cain Orthodox (Vampire; Formerly; Djinn)
  • Jason Dris (Mage)
  • Galabad (Mortal)


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Name - Sylvia Lucy Vega
Aliases - Mistress V
Gender - Female
Orientation - Bi-sexual
Marital Status - Single
Age - 25
D.O.B. - October 23, 1555
Birthplace - Hell
Occupation - Escort
Race/Species - Succubus/Mortal hybrid


Height - 5'8
Body type - Athletic
Skin - Tan
Hair - Black/Purple
Eyes - Crimson


Sylvia didn't have the best upbringing due to the fact that her father was not in her childhood whatsoever. She was raised by different demons after her mother was found dead by a vengeful human who had ripped her black heart out with his bare hands. Being a hybrid of a succubus and human, it was very difficult for her to fit in Hell. There was only one father figure in her life whom she completely trusted in - Lukael - a high level ranking demon and right hand man for Lucifer. He taught her everything she knows from how to survive in the human world to do whatever means necessary to step up in the world. If it wasn't for Lukael, she would have never known that she had a long lost sister who had a very easy upbringing by being born into the royal family. So with that crucial information, Sylvia made it her mission to find her half sibling. So she set her destination to the enormous city of Veronaville that was located between Lilith's kingdom and Hell. After taking refuge in an abandoned cottage right outside the city limits, the young succubus used everything she learned from her pseudo father to survive in the human world by disguising herself as a mere mortal. There she could pose as a typical human by day and give into her demonic instincts and act on those obscene urges by night. Now her little sister currently resides with her at the small cottage and together they make a goal to find a cure for Lilith's vampirism.

  • Snobbish
  • Arrogant
  • Confident
  • Charismatic
  • Cool composure
  • Demanding
  • Seductive
  • Bigoted against most humans
  • Flying/Levitation
  • Teleportation
  • Invisibility
  • Demonic strength
  • Telekinesis
  • Can manifest just about any object into her hand
  • Having her heart ripped out of her chest
  • Any crucial damage to the brain


Known Family -

  • Lilith (Half- sibling)
  • Esmeralda (Mother)
  • King Geralt (Father)
  • Estella (Future daughter)

Significant Others -
  • Galabad (Flirtationship)
  • Sasha Adler (Elf; Flirtationship)
  • Donavan Omar (Flirtationship)

Enemies -
  • Queen Athena
  • Lukael

Allies/Friends -
  • Lukael (Formerly; High Ranking Demon)
  • Lilith Vega (Vampire)
  • Galabad (Mortal)
  • Jason Dris (Mage)
  • Donavan Omar (Demon)
  • Esmerelda (Succubus)


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Name - Damion Peter Sullivan
Aliases - N/A
Gender - Male
Orientation - Straight
Marital Status - Single
Age - 21
D.O.B. - May 16, 1562
Birthplace - Veronaville
Occupation - N/A (Errand boy; Formerly)
Race/Species - Werewolf (Mortal; Formerly)


Height - 6'2
Body type - Athletic
Skin - Tan
Hair - Jet black
Eyes - Sapphire


Peter Sullivan grew up poor in the large town of Veronaville and was raised by his single mother who also had another son from a previous one night stand. His mother managed to get knocked up by both of her clients, thus resulting in giving birth to two boys. None of their fathers ever cared that they had a son, even after she told them. They stopped visiting or calling upon her services and this had done some emotional damage on her sons. Peter's older half-brother, Alexander Specter, managed to make something out of himself in that wretched town. He decided to teach kids of all ages about the economy of this world and how to survive the outside walls of this large city. Peter had always assumed that his mother loved Alexander more than him since he was the first born. Now after Alexander left to live on his own, it was up to Peter to take care of their ill-ridden mother who contracted an STD from 8 years ago. She had been feeling sick and malnourished which had been a huge weight on Peter's shoulder and conscience.
One evening, Peter was sent to run an errand through the large forest right outside of Veronaville. On his journey to the other side of the forest, Peter had been surrounded by a large pack of wolves who had met him with nothing but animosity. Before he knew it, the pack leader bit him on his arm and left him with the curse of lycanthropy. By nightfall, he had excruciatingly transformed into one of the werewolves. Ridden with fear and shame, the teenager ran as far as he could with all four of his legs into a random cave for a place to hide and rest. The people of Veronaville frowned upon lycanthropy and were very fearful of anyone who was one of the large beasts of the forest. So, he decided to never show his face back into that town ever again unless he somehow miraculously found a cure. For five long years, he resided in that cave and learned to fend for himself and eat from the wild; avoiding any human contact of any kind.

  • Anti-social
  • Overprotective
  • Caring
  • Difficult expressing emotions
  • Loner
  • Perceptive of his surroundings
  • Cautious
  • Patient

  • Animal like speed
  • Enhanced sense of smell
  • Greater than mortal strength

  • Fire
  • Chains


Known Family -

  • Evelyn Blackwell (Mother)
  • Alexander Specter (Half-sibling)
  • Unknown father
Significant Others -
  • Princess Odette Seagrave (Wife; AU)
  • Emily Datton (Ex-Girlfriend; AU)
Enemies -
  • N/A
Allies/Friends -
  • Jerec Malik "Midnite" (Alpha Werewolf)
  • Lilith Vega (Vampire)


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Name - Queen Athena
Aliases - Empress
Gender - Female
Orientation - Straight
Marital Status - Widowed
Age - 45
D.O.B. - January 21, 1520
Birthplace - Veronaville
Occupation - Queen (Formerly)
Race/Species - Mortal (Formerly) Zombie Revenant


Height - 5'5
Body type - Athletic
Skin - Ivory
Hair - Blonde (Formerly) Silver with green highlights
Eyes - Sapphire (Formerly) Glowing yellow

Queen Athena once lived in a large palace with her king and daughter in Edenia. She grew up in Veronaville at a brothel before she was selected to be the new queen of Edenia. Athena used to be loved and praised by all of her subjects and was a very benevolent type of queen. One fateful night, a group of raiders and bandits attacked the kingdom of Edenia and murdered Athena and Geralt in cold blood. Their daughter, Princess Lilith, witnessed the tragic event. Many years have passed, and the royal house was left abandoned and in ruins. A high ranking demon, right hand man of Lucifer, used his dark magic to resurrect Athena and brainwash her into becoming his ally against Earth. Now Athena and Lukael are one of the most unstoppable foes of Hell.

  • Confident
  • Royalty entitled
  • Privileged
  • Arrogant
  • malevolent
  • Superior complex

  • Hair can extend nearly 100 feet and grab an opponent by their limbs
  • Flying
  • Banshee screams
  • Blood-bending.

  • Any brutal blunt force to her stomach, chest, or head
  • Having her heart ripped out
  • Relations:

Known Family -

  • King Geralt (Late Husband)
  • Lilith Vega (Daughter)
Significant Others -
  • N/A (Widowed)
Enemies -
  • Sylvia Vega
  • Lilith Vega
  • Petunia Raymond
  • Galabad
  • Jason Dris
Allies/Friends -
  • Lukael


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Name - Esmerelda
Aliases - Lady Elda
Gender - Female
Orientation -Bi-sexual
Marital Status - Single
Age - Unknown
D.O.B. - Unknown ; created by Lucifer
Birthplace - Hell
Occupation - Hell's consort
Race/Species - Succubus


Height - 5'9
Body type - Athletic
Skin - Tan
Hair - Black/dark emerald
Eyes - Crimson


Esmerelda resided in Hell ever since the dawn of time. She was perfectly sculpted by Lucifer himself and created as a succubus. She serves as his personal consort in his palace of Hell. Her duty is to serve her king and appear on Earth's surface to steal all of mortal's souls and return them to Lucifer. However, one night she had managed to seduce the king of Edenia and ended up carrying his seed. After she had given birth to the king's first born, Slyvia, he banned them both from the kingdom in an attempt to cover up his scandalous affair. Esemerlda and Lukael both raised Sylvia in hell and have taught her everything there is to know about being a demon.

  • Haughty
  • Arrogant
  • Persuasive
  • Demanding
  • Diva
  • Seductive
  • Confident composure
  • Bigoted against mortals

  • Flying/levitation
  • Fire-bending
  • Telekinesis
  • Materialize objects out of thin air
  • Summon portals to other realms

  • Having her heart ripped out of her chest
  • Having her spine ripped out
  • Holy Water

Known Family -

  • Sylvia Vega (Daughter)
  • Estella Flynn (Future grand-daughter)
Significant Others -
  • King Geralt (One night stand)
Enemies -
  • Queen Athena
Allies/Friends -
  • Lukael
  • Slyiva Vega (Succubus/Mortal Hybrid)


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Name - Estella Sylvia Flynn
Aliases - N/A
Gender - Female
Orientation - Straight
Marital Status - Single
Age - 14
D.O.B. - October 30, 1600
Birthplace - Veronaville
Occupation - N/A
Race/Species - Succubus/Mortal Hybrid


Height - 4'2
Body type - Slim
Skin - Tan
Hair - Black
Eyes - Magenta


Estella is the future daughter of Sylvia Vega. Her father is unknown at this time. She is a very mysterious child that fell out of the sky via a portal and landed on Sylvia's back. They have a strained relationship since Estella is unable to recognise her own mother; so they have more of a sibling rivalry type of relationship. Estella is extremely shy initially, yet can be rude as well to strangers. She doesn't talk often unless she has to and would rather have her nose in a spell book. She doesn't have any friends except for her pet cat, Luna. Estella gets bullied at school for her species and that has caused her to become an outcast.

  • Loner
  • Rude
  • Reserved
  • Shy
  • Bookworm
  • Quiet
  • Easily irritated
  • Levitating
  • Fire-bending
  • Telekinesis
  • Any blunt force or punches

Known Family -

  • Sylvia Vega (Future mother)
  • Father TBA
Significant Others -
  • N/A
Enemies -
  • N/A
Allies/Friends -
  • Lilith Vega (Vampire)
  • Petunia Raymond (Succubus/Angel Hybrid)
  • Taylor (Angel)


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Name - Alexander Samuel Specter
Aliases - Prof. Specter
Gender - Male
Orientation - Straight
Marital Status - Single
Age - 30
D.O.B. - October 10, 1550
Birthplace - Veronaville
Occupation - Teacher
Race/Species - Human


Height - 6'4
Body type - Slim with some muscle mass
Skin - Pale
Hair - Black
Eyes - Hazel


Alexander was the firstborn of Evelyn, a sickly woman who contracted an STD from one of her clients. She became pregnant with Alexander's father, who is unknown to him. His father refused to seek Evelyn's services after she revealed that she had carried his seed. Alex never had any father figures in his life, he had often witnessed his poor mother get beaten by any man she was currently seeing at the time. He kept his nose in every book he came across and dreamt of becoming a teacher to any of the kids in town. Once he was finally of age, he found work in a nearby church to teach any one who seeked knowledge. He abandoned his ill mother with his little half brother, Peter while he worked hard to get to where he is now.

  • Calm
  • Smart
  • Stern
  • Level-headed
  • Logical
  • N/A
  • Any blunt force to the head and chest

Known Family -

  • Evelyn Blackwell (Mother)
  • Peter Sullivan (Half-brother)
  • Unknown Father

Significant Others -
  • Alice Smith (AU; Human)


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