MxF Medieval Fantasy Romance Adventure

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MxF Medieval Fantasy Romance Adventure


Killer Queen
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Today 12:29 PM
Did I include enough buzz words in my title?

I'm looking for a couple 1x1 partners. I am a lover of medieval fantasy and romance and my favorite rps are usually a mash-up of the two. I have a couple different plots that I'm looking to play out. Generally I like to play female characters that have a little personality and flair. I don't mind playing the demure type, however I feel I can act out a stronger personality better.

Anyways the plots-

Arranged marriage: This one involves elf and humans, I dont mind playing either. Basically two kingdoms that are next to each other decide to forge an alliance through marriage. We would be playing the respective prince and princess. This plot can be spiced up with a bit of evil magic.

Warrior and royalty: This one usually involves a royal guard and a prince of princess. I don't mind playing either again. The royal is engaged to be married, but is in love with their guard, who is also infatuated. They eventually decide to run away together.

Handmaidens ire: Royal/rich person gets kidnapped by bandits. They ransom the royal back but decide that the handmaiden would be a good addition to their troop of bandits. This one is the type of rp where each character influences each other and meet somewhere in the middle. The quiet shy handmaiden becomes more brazen, and the bad bandit tries to be a better person.
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