FxF Meet Oscar - Seeking partner(s)??

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FxF Meet Oscar - Seeking partner(s)??


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  • I've been writing fiction since I was about 12. I'm in my early 30's now. I like writing with another person, balancing out our characters so we're not overloading each other with too many extras that could hinder the process. My replies depend on the scene in question, but I try to write at least a small paragraph of 3-5 sentences. At the moment I'm completely free, otherwise whenever I can break away from what I'm doing, I enjoy typing up and submitting a reply. I'm open to horrifying imagery, such as gore and violence, but no sexual assaults, it can happen 'off screen', but unless it's specifically necessary to the plot I won't be able to handle it. Sex, except for what I mentioned above, is welcome, I enjoy writing sexual scenes. I follow what the character's might want, although my limits are scatological and urinary, and no vomiting. Blood is fine depending on what we're doing, but that would require negotiation well beforehand. I enjoy writing ABO dynamics, typically playing female alpha's or omega's, including making up another subcategory or two for the ABO dynamics that I'm happy to discuss elsewhere as I feel it introduces a true spectrum to the whole ABO thing. I enjoy writing for some fandoms, at the moment it's for The 100, Zelda: BoW, Supergirl, Gwitch, and a few others. Pairings from each respective fandom I did mention: Clarke/Lexa, Urbosa/Zelda, Kara/Cat, Suletta/Miorine. I tend to default to almost self-inserty characters, my ideal self, but that person is not me which allows me to customize them from a 'base' model. As attached, I have created a version of the base model. Fairly butch, a woman, she has a penis and balls, how/why? Who cares? Maybe she's trans, maybe she's gifted? Who knows. A good heart, but physically imposing enough to scare off the 'bad' guys and confuse some people who see her cooing over a kitten in her hand. Sometimes she's a shifting werewolf, or perhaps the knight at the foot of the Princess, ready to take up a sword in her name. She might be a normal person, works 9 to 5 to make a living, volunteering sometimes or helping out her neighbors. Threatening the local hooligans to stop bothering the girls and some of the boys on the block before going home, feeding her fish, and calling a friend over for a hook up. Her name is Oscar. But anyway, looking to play one-on-one, if more than that, then I'd like to max it at a group of maybe 3, so one more person. Please and thank you for your time.
  • Justified cheating, as in, Person A is in an abusive relationship, meets Person B without the intent to be anything more than acquaintances/friends, but Person B begins to see how Person A is treated and while they try to keep things platonic, they just get closer and closer. This can be adjusted of course, open to negotiations/clarifications.
  • There's something in the woods. Oscar knows it, feels it, has seen the remains of its attacks. Unfortunately, the local villagers think it is her, being the known hermit, and the first on the scene at a recent kill site, covered in blood, no one bothered to listen to her and rocks were thrown. So she decides if she's being hunted herself, she may as well try to find the Beast herself. Beast can be anything/one, meaning the beast could perhaps be you, unfortunately shifting into something and wreaking havoc.
  • Oscar thought she had the perfect life. Wife, high priced lawyer, but able to come home often to spend time with her family, as well as a son about to start university locally so he can stay at home. Oscar's best friend, who she'd not seen in decades, moves back to the area with their family, including a daughter who's also in university. Oscar, invigorated by the youth around her, decides to go back to school, seeing as she doesn't need to spend all her time at home. Oscar sees herself getting closer to her friend's daughter. Meanwhile the daughter sees how Oscar's wife treats her, neglects her, openly shit talks her when the son isn't in the room. How the wife looks down at Oscar and blames her for things that go wrong. Oscar came from a poor family/background, and a faulty condom brought them their son and marriage before they finished high school. Will Oscar find the strength to leave her wife? Will she even entertain the idea? Least of all the feelings she's been developing for the young woman her son's age, the daughter of her best friend.


  • College Oscar butch hair 2.png
    College Oscar butch hair 2.png
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  • College Oscar no scars 1.png
    College Oscar no scars 1.png
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  • College Oscar no scars 2.jpg
    College Oscar no scars 2.jpg
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  • House Spouse Oscar 1.jpg
    House Spouse Oscar 1.jpg
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  • College Oscar butch hair 1 (2).jpg
    College Oscar butch hair 1 (2).jpg
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Added image link to the post for Oscar's character reference.
Added House Spouse as a story idea! :D
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