Meet the Crew

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Meet the Crew


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Today 10:43 PM
Here is an assortment of my characters. I'll probably add or remove them depending on how popular they are or aren't. I'll also detail them more thoroughly in the future as well as pictures. I want to draw them, but I might get lazy. We'll see.
Name: Kenta

Age: 27

Species: human (Japanese)

Orientation: gay. Very gay.

  • Swordsman
  • Survival skills
  • Hunter/Fisher
  • Horseback riding

Appearance: 5'5" muscular build. Average looks, tan skin. Brown eyes and dark brown long hair usually in a messy ponytail to keep out of his face. Has an ugly scar on his lower back that's parallel to a scar by his right hip and a long scar along his right forearm.

Quick personality: warrior till death, stoic smartass, calculated but tendency towards impulsive decisions due to impatience, picks his battles depending on whether it's worth getting up or not.
Distant from others, loner, me against the world, very direct, ignores most people but is very direct when speaking, no sugar coating. Dedicates his life to honing his swordsmanship, not honor bound, survivor. Has a soft spot for orphans like him and animals. Wants to move away from killing people for money, fighting the addiction of the thrill of battle. Hates nobility for their selfish superior, yet hypocritical personalities. Hates following orders

Likes: animals, especially horses, food, booze, muscular men, fighting, taking care of his sword, sleeping

Dislikes: nobility, authority, orders, food that's not filling, most fancy things, lectures, thieves

Every day carry: his sword and sheath, a rucksack filled with his clothes, oil for his sword, cloth, carving knife, his mom's old hair piece

History: Grew up very poor with his mother in an old fishing village. He loved playing pretend samurai with a stick and chased cats. One day when he was eight, his mother grew deathly ill and no one would help him buy medicine to save her. She died and he lived in the shack alone, stealing to survive until an angry merchant had samurai chase him out of town and try to kill him. He ran away to the wilderness, surviving on what he could before finding the city. He watched a dojo that trained the way of the sword and got caught one day. He was scared he'd be beat, but he was taken in by the head master and cleaned the dojo as his steward, living in the dojo. He grew up practicing with the sword, admiring his master's selflessness and masterful skills. He wanted to become a samurai and trained with the other students even though most never accepted him. At age 13, his master was challenged by a cocky samurai who was traveling with an important family. He lost and in his shame and rage, had the master arrested as well as shutting down the whole dojo for the disrespect. His master's disciples rebelled against the wrongful dishonor but were cut down for defying the family. Embittered, he escaped and joined an assassin clan. Worked for them for years until he got tired of killing for money and left the clan causing a failed assassination on him by his comrade and previous crush. A stranger saved his life but he ran away before he could learn his name, worried he'd get him killed for helping him. He's been a bodyguard for hire.

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Keahi Tora

Age: 47 (appearancewise mid twenties)

Species: Dragon people (Ahimo clan)

Orientation: bisexual

  • Sharp shark teeth
  • Immunity to fire
  • Breathe fire
  • Knife fighting
  • Hunting/fishing
  • Can play instruments: hang drum and bamboo flute
Appearance: 5'8" tall with a lean muscle build and slight pudge stomach. Tan skin with gold tattoos of intricate designs on her hands and underneath her breasts. Down the middle of her hair is long red dreads decorated with beads and rings keeping them together. The sides are white and cut short matching her eyebrows and eyelashes. Amber eyes, almost copper. She usually wears white and red eyeliner.
Quick personality: nature loving islander, a person of few words. She is usually chill and stoic, but can be hot headed. Very family oriented, her people mean the world to her, especially her brother Moakin who has always been there to support her. She's a loyal friend, but doesn't take to strangers easily. A trait all her clan share, with varying hostility.

Likes: booze, fruit, meat, spicy food, animals, flora, fishing, napping, smoking, brawling, music, fireworks, her Dragon

Dislike: strangers, obnoxious people, threats to her family

Every day carry: hang drum, curved blade, two knives, a rucksack for rations and medicine, smoking pipe, gourd for drinks

History: daughter to the commander of the guard of Wanlaok Islands and the second born out of four. She trained to join the guard with her brother and lived a peaceful life with her family until she was eighteen when a stranger arrived at the islands with the seal of the Goddess of Time. The woman warrior asked her to join her journey of redemption, promising travel to worlds beyond. At first, she rejected the stranger with as much hostility as the rest of her people, but then she helped protect them from Dragon hunters and saved her Dragon from a life of slavery. She joined her on her adventure to repay her for her help. They traveled to different worlds and fought many battles together. They wound up involved in a war they didn't belong in, making Keahi question her leader. Friends fell in battle, and in the end her friend told her to return home, that she wouldn't be needing her assistance anymore. Keahi watched her friend sacrifice herself to pay for her sins before being forced to return home. Hey family welcomed her back home with open arms. She wound up joining the guard, waiting for her next adventure with her brother.
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