MxF Men In Tights (and other lower body garments too)

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MxF Men In Tights (and other lower body garments too)


not a ferengi
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I see this site has a handy template for request threads. Not my first rodeo, but this is actually kind of helpful for me to remember what people want to know.

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

As my avatar implies, I'm a random guy on the internet. At the time of last update (September 2024), I'm 41, and I've been roleplaying on and off since college. I'd say during the past ten years or so was when my best work took place; before that I was just messing around. I'm always trying to improve my skills, of course, learning new things and incorporating them into my writing. I normally like to do action/adventure/romance in the fantasy and sci-fi genres, and I am also partial to historical eras. I like to do smut as well sometimes, although that has its own separate place, and shouldn't mix with serious stories. I think I'll do a separate thread in the Gender Unspecified section for my smutty ideas where I'm more likely to be playing female or multiple characters, and I'll save this thread for my more serious ideas where I'm playing male.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

Reply length depends on what kind of post it is. Typically when I start a new story, the intro post will be several paragraphs long, because there is a lot of background information I need to lay down at the outset. Likewise if I'm introducing a new character or a new location, my posts will be very long. The more information I need to get across, the more space on the page it will take. But I may also do short posts, for example if our characters are in a conversation, there's no sense in padding it out with useless information. In that case I'll just stick to dialogue, tones, gestures, and facial expressions, so as not to disrupt the flow of the story with too many words.

Reply frequency typically settles down around once a week. It's much faster at the beginning of a story, when the ideas are new and fresh and I want to get them out quickly, then it might be once or twice a day, but after a few weeks I'll get busy with work, and so I'll usually end up pushing replies off to the weekend.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

cue that Disturbed song

I'm cool with extreme violence, especially in the context of a medieval battle, where limbs are being hacked off and so forth (I enjoy writing medieval combat in all its gory detail). I'm not into torture porn though, like in those Hostel movies. I find that stuff kind of gross, and I'd rather not go there.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

Sex: Yes please.


As mentioned above, I want to draw a line between smutty stories and serious stories. If we're doing a romance or adventure, I want everything to flow naturally based on what the characters would want to do in that moment. I don't like listing specific kinks, because then they get shoehorned in where they don't belong. I'd rather play it by ear and see what my partner responds well to or doesn't.

Do you write any fandoms?

Often I will use a video game as inspiration for some of my ideas, but typically I don't do direct fandom. For starters, I haven't watched very many movies or TV shows in the past 20 years, and hardly any anime, so it's hard to even find someone whose fandoms match my own (unless they're the most popular ones like Star Wars or Game of Thrones). Secondly I don't like the idea of playing a character someone else created, unless it's a character that's only loosely defined, and I'm giving myself the challenge of adapting that character to my own tastes. Same with my partner, I don't like telling my partner to play a specific character, since that just feels like I'm making it all about me.

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
Do you have any detailed plots prepared?
Do you have any characters you want to write?

The answer to all of these is yes. See below:

* Outer Sanctum update * I have an OS character, but she's female. Her name is Zareta Moon. Always up for playing her with any pairing.

* 2024 Update * Lately I've been playing this indie strategy game called Battle for Wesnoth, which is set in a fantasy world and has some elements in common with Fire Emblem and those types of SRPG games. Just like with FE games, I couldn't help but start shipping the randomly generated characters in my army. But more importantly, I am now drawing inspiration from the battles and campaigns I played through to turn them into romance stories. It's not necessary for you to have played the game to understand these plots. The setting is fairly simple and I can fill you in over the span of a couple PMs.


Plots and pairings broken down by campaign:

In this campaign, a group of villagers are being raided by orc mercenaries hired by an evil queen who has usurped power in Wesnoth. The villagers form a militia and are forced to become enemies of the state after they refuse a royal summons to answer for their actions. Forced to go on the run to evade the royal army, they come into contact with a group of dark mages and thieves who offer their expertise in the dark arts in exchange for the raw manpower that the village militia can provide against their common enemy. They work together to ambush and slaughter some royal army troops which are passing through the forest, and then this culminates in a daring raid on a major fortress to break in and plant bombs on its foundations to topple it.


Harper (male main character) x Female Thief/Rogue/Assassin

The above character, Harper, is the nephew of the village elder, Baldras, and one of the critical characters to the story of this campaign. During my playthrough there was a female thief who had some close calls and went on to survive, and it made me want to ship her with this guy.

To elaborate on the thieves of this campaign, in my head-canon they belonged to a cult-like group led by a mage named Helicrom, who was kicked out of the academy for massive ethics violations. He went underground with his acolytes and started his own school hidden away in a lawless forest region. The thieves act as mercenaries to guard his school while benefiting from his magic. And no doubt, the women among them are expected to have sex with the mages there, as part of the deal.

After the final battle, everyone scatters and Helicrom is never seen from again. My story goes that Baldras and Harper and the surviving villagers regrouped somewhere, and YC approached them, having been abandoned by the mages or chosen to leave them and be with Harper instead.


Male Poacher/Trapper/Ranger x Female Footpad(Scout)/Outlaw/Fugitive

Some unit types in the game are always male, and some are mixed male and female. Thieves are a mixed unit type, and so are a type of scout unit they call 'footpad', which can move quickly through rough terrain and harass enemies with sling stones while evading counterattacks. Of the footpads I recruited, none of them turned out to be female, but if there had been one, I might have shipped her with an archer unit, as just two regular members of this rag-tag force getting a front row seat to all the drama.

This is the primary campaign of the game. It takes place 20 years after the evil queen usurped the throne of Wesnoth. When she had taken over, she had all of the children of royal blood killed to ensure there was no rival claimant, but one infant prince, Konrad, was carried to safety by the archmage Delfador, where he grew up in exile among the elves of the western forest (the Aethenwood). The campaign is a long one, covering Konrad's epic journey through different lands to build up his army and challenge the queen for the throne.


Konrad x Any female elf

Game canon pairs him off with a princess named Li'Sar who was at first his enemy but then joins his side. While holding to that, I imagine that he must also have been dating some of the elf women during his time in exile, and should likely have had an elven girlfriend at the start of his journey, perhaps an archer or a shaman (a healer unit that can promote along a healing path or an offensive spellcasting path). So while at the end of the campaign he must marry Li'Sar for political reasons, in his private life he instead shares his bed with an elf who had been by his side from the start.


Male Elf Captain x Female Elf Druid

The leader of Konrad's elven fighting force, shipped with his best healer. These two are necessarily close together a lot, because of the benefits they both provide to surrounding units (damage bonuses for standing next to the captain, and healing each turn for standing next to the druid). There was a particularly tough moment I had during the siege of a city named Elensefar, where we broke through the orc garrison and got into the city, only for a force of skeletons to counterattack and start slaughtering us. In that moment, first captain character died to shield my druid from being attacked, and in the next turn another elven fighter stepped into the same place to keep up the fight. That second fighter later promoted to be captain's replacement and went on to lead Konrad's elves for the rest of the campaign (until he died in the final battle). So I just wanted to turn that story into a heroic ballad.

This campaign takes place a generation after Konrad's rise to power, during the reign of his son, Konrad II. A powerful lich brings a massive army of undead out of the eastern swamps to sweep across the land of Wesnoth, killing and destroying everything. The commander of one of the eastern outposts was forced to abandon his fort and move his fort across the wilderness and into orcish lands to find the key that would allow the forces of Wesnoth to destroy this evil lich.


Male Soldier x Female Mage

Most of this campaign was just frantic battle with precious little time to rest, but there was a moment in this campaign where the entire army was captured and imprisoned by trolls and orcs in a cave complex, and while the army leaders were being interrogated, three lower-ranked units found a way to discreetly escape from their cell and sneak down a back passage to facilitate a general breakout of the whole army. It put those individual units in focus, and during my playthrough one of them was a female mage (the only mage I had that was female, in fact). I thought the romance there wrote itself, so I decided to put this up as a pairing.

After a narrow escape from orc lands, the campaign concludes with the heroes joining the king's army as the capital city of Weldyn is under siege by the undead. Our forces fight side-by-side with the king to defend the royal city, after which point our senior mage lures the lich out by challenging him to a duel, owing to some longstanding history between him and the arrogant person the lich used to be before his undeath. The duel involves a handful of each side's best units, and this becomes our final test.

Older plots from 2022-2023 listed below:

The Dragon Crown

I had started this idea a month ago but it didn't take off, so I'm hoping to try it again with someone else. The story takes place during a civil war in a medieval kingdom where dragons are tamed and used as weapons in battle. Following a palace coup, the victorious king goes on a purge to kill off all other claimants to the throne, until the last one left alive is a princess in exile who narrowly escaped the headsman's axe. The story begins when she is saved from a group of bounty hunters by a knight who once served her now deceased brother and had made a promise to him to find his sister and protect her. The plot would take them into contact with the remnants of a crushed rebellion that is searching for a new hope, and a risky plan to get an edge on the king by taming a powerful ancient dragon that has never before been tamed. If successful, the symbolic value of that accomplishment would bring all the noble houses together under the princess' banner. But it will be a very dangerous quest, not just because of the difficult terrain surrounding the dragon's lair, but also because the king's best hunters will be trying to intercept them at every turn.

In The Rogues' House

Although the title is a play on an old Conan story, the premise of this plot idea is the Diablo games. In this plot, I would play a middle-aged barbarian (mid-to-late 40s), which I describe in more detail in my other request thread in the gender-unspecified section. Through a long chain of circumstances, this guy has ended up in the custody of an all-female quasi-ascetic paramilitary organization called the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. The sisters ("Rogues", as they're often called) are based in a fortified stone monastery in the mountains, which they operate as a commune, growing their own food, brewing their own ale, managing their own defence, and earning income by hiring their scouts and rangers out to local communities to track down criminals and settle disputes that the ruling lord does not bother to address. My barbarian is working on the commune to pay off a debt that he incurred when a passing caravan brought him to the monastery in a near-death state. Although initially feared as a savage outsider, in his time working for the rogues, he has come to make friends among them and even catch the romantic interest of one or two. But then disaster strikes, when a mysterious wanderer passing through the monastery unleashes a horde of demons straight from Hell. The survivors of the massacre are forced to flee into the wilderness, and my character is one of the few leaders who emerge to rally the scattered survivors and shepherd them to safety.

Your character would be one of the rogue sisters, and it's up to you how old she is and what position she holds. Young rogues typically train as wilderness scouts, although many of them who are not suited to that work choose instead to focus on skilled labour, or they serve in the monastery's garrison. A select few train as priestesses, so that when they are older they will shape the future of the sisterhood, for it is the priestess caste which exerts leadership in times of peace, while the warrior caste rules during emergencies. I'm just as fine developing a romance with a 20-something scout with daddy issues as I am with dating a commander or high priestess or veteran ranger in her 30s or 40s.

Varangian Guard Variant

This involves the same barbarian character as above, but it takes place earlier in his backstory, where he is working as a mercenary in service to the sultan of a prosperous desert-coastal city named Lut Gholein. A forbidden romance here could emerge between my barbarian and one of the sultan's older wives, who is frustrated that her husband does not spend time with her anymore, because he is so fixated on his younger wives. My barbarian holds sympathy for her situation, although he is also conflicted because he still has a wife back in his home country from which he was exiled. Despite both of them knowing that it's wrong to do so, they begin to see each other in secret. But ultimately, it all ends in tears when someone discovers them, and my barbarian has to flee the city to avoid losing his head.

The Necromancer's Apprentice

I have a character named Prince Ulric of Westmarch, based on the necromancer class from Diablo 2, which I have elaborated on in more detail in my gender-unspecified thread. The gist of it is that he is the prince of a small kingdom resembling the Welsh and Saxon kingdoms of the dark ages. The second son of the king, his place has always been in the shadow of his older brother, whereupon he spent his years studying the dark arts and the ways of spycraft, to better defend his kingdom against enemy spies and assassins, and threats of a magical nature.

Your character would be his apprentice, around the 18-25 range, while my character is in his mid-30s. He would be training YC not only in magic, but also to be an effective spy that he can plant into the court of a rival kingdom. At the same time, a new threat appears in the form of monsters and the undead walking the earth, and Ulric's expertise is needed to deal with this menace. This would at some point connect into the plot of the first Diablo game, where the rival king, Leoric, goes mad and starts a pointless war with Westmarch, to create the human sacrifices needed to summon an army of demons from Hell to invade the world of the living.

Sex Slave Variant

A variant of the above plot is that your character is a rogue scout (see the top plot), who was captured and held prisoner by a group of demons within one of the many caves in the region. She is rescued by my character, and they reach an agreement that she will repay her debt to him by serving as his lackey and concubine.

Samus Origin Story

This was originally an idea where I wanted to play Samus, but I could also turn it around and play the male interest, if you're willing to play Samus for me. The premise is that before Samus became a bounty hunter, and before she even adopted the codename of "Samus", when she was still in her early 20s, she was working for a private security company that was contracted by the galactic government to handle security at one of their high level xenobiology research facilities. She was only a lowly checkpoint guard at this facility, collecting a steady paycheck to build for the future (example image), when everything went wrong. Alien monsters escaped containment, automated systems failed or went rogue, and everyone scrambled in a panic to evacuate the facility.

Samus had one major problem, which was that her older sister was still trapped in the lower floors of the facility, and she did not want to leave without her. So while everyone else was scrambling to get topside, Samus started making her way down deeper into the chaos below. But she didn't have to do this alone. She was soon joined by my character, a private bounty hunter in his late-20s/early-30s, who was also her sister's fiancé who had come here to visit her. You may recall, if you ever played Metroid Fusion, that there was a story about Samus having an old mentor who used to call her "Lady", and that his consciousness somehow ended up in an AI system that she was interacting with at various terminals. I want to write the story of that mentor, who teaches Samus the tricks of the bounty hunting trade, though he is rather caustic and dismissive of her at first, before he warms up to her through shared adversity.

The two of them will work together to navigate the facility, open passages, fight off monsters, and reach their shared goal, but they arrive only for Samus to find her sister pinned under some rubble and doomed to bleed to death if she were to be extracted. Tragedy aside, they discover that the emergency was all created by the facility's director, a top scientist named Dr. John Ridley, who was working on a device to enable telepathic communication with alien life forms, but ended up becoming controlled by the will of an ancient dragon-like monster that they had reconstructed from old bones. The human Ridley is now dead, but the dragon that is now a fusion of Ridley's mind with its ancient consciousness is running amok down below, trying to secure for itself a way off the planet before the facility self-destructs.

The one card that Samus and my character can play in this situation is to make use of some experimental exo-suit technology they found, so that Samus can endure the environmental hazards on the lowest floors, while my character interfaces with a terminal to clear her way forward and try to halt the self-destruct. Naturally, the end game involves Samus using her high-powered anti-tank beam canon to damage Ridley enough that he flees, leaving behind some objective that Samus needs to secure. In Ridley's escape, he activates an override that freezes MC out of the system and locks in a self-destruct timer. MC can only tell Samus to haul ass topside and meet him at his ship, the last one left, promising to wait for her until the last second if he has to.

Star Wars: Adventures of Biggs

A while back, I watched a deleted scene from the original 1977 Star Wars movie, where Luke is talking to Biggs on Tatooine at the start of the movie, and Biggs reveals his plans to seek out and join the Rebel Alliance. I want to write that story, where Biggs and some of his friends from Starfleet Academy jump ship at Bestine and follow up on this friend of a friend that he mentioned. Your character could be one of the rebel operatives on Bestine, not necessarily the first contact, but someone he runs into soon after. In the course of trying to find the Alliance, we end up having to evade stormtroopers, deal with an Imperial spy among one of Biggs' friends, make a narrow escape (perhaps hyperspacing out of the system in a two-seat A-wing trainer), have some space battles, and all that adventure, ultimately leading to their arrival on Yavin 4. I want to draw a lot of inspiration from Rogue One, as far as the type of asymmetric warfare the rebels engage in, while also presenting some tough opposition from the Empire, both in terms of TIE fighter pilots and stormtroopers actually shooting straight and using effective tactics, and in terms of Imperial intelligence making clever plays to try to trap us and find out where the Rebel base is.


This is based on a character I created earlier this year that was based around the Russia-Ukraine war. The story takes place several years after the war, where one of the returned volunteers has acquired supernatural powers of perception and is using them to hunt werewolves and other monsters of the night. Your character might be an amateur ghost hunter who follows his trail but stumbles upon a very dangerous situation that MC has to rescue her from, at which point he grudgingly agrees to take her under his wing, lest she get herself killed without him, now that she's known to the forces of evil and will be hunted regardless.

The full backstory is that my character is a Ukrainian-Canadian from Quebec who went to Ukraine as a volunteer but found himself trapped in Mariupol with the city encircled. As things got heated between him and the Azov soldiers there, the Azov guys pinned him down and tattooed his forehead with a wolfsangel symbol, so that the Russians would think he's one of the Azov commanders and they could use him as a decoy to escape. Ultimately, after the fall of Azovstal, this guy was taken prisoner and sent to Siberia for hard labour, where he and the other inmates were made to fight each other for the amusement of the guards. He picked up "Wolfsangel" as his fighter name (pronounced "wolf's angle", like an angled hook), and he quickly discovered that the tattoo on his forehead was giving him a supernatural advantage in these fights, where he could predict his opponent's movements a split second in advance, but he only had this ability when the symbol was not covered up.

His powers soon caught the attention of a mysterious colonel who commands a secret regiment dedicated to fighting supernatural threats in Russia's forest hinterland. They got his prison sentence cut short in exchange for him joining the regiment. They trained him to track and fight werewolves and other monsters, and he learned to use the power of his tattoo to detect things that would otherwise be invisible to ordinary humans. After a year with the regiment, he hatched a plan to escape across the border into China, and from there he paid an organized crime gang to smuggle him onto a ship bound for Vancouver. When he reunited with his family in Quebec, he wasn't able to integrate, having to keep his forehead covered by a bandana all the time to fit in. But when he took it off at night and began detecting monsters in his home town, he resolved to become a vigilante monster hunter and pursue these creatures wherever they could be found, in the rural forests, on the streets and subways of Montreal, in the big sprawling cities of the States, wherever.

I also have a fantasy character I created for a group RP that went dead, and I would like to reuse him in some way:

Character sheet can be found at this link, in the spoiler tag.

This character lives in a world created by Ottoman for the Endzeiten group, which we don't have to use, but it helps as some parts of his backstory are tied to the setting. In summary, he is a bastard from the rural north, conscripted into the army as a teen, captured in battle by a horde of nomadic elves, held as a slave for 2 years, and then bought by a merchant who later freed him and arranged for Lothar to marry his daughter. That dream was dashed by a plague that killed his wife while Lothar survived, and so now he wanders as a mercenary without much direction.

Plots that I could see this guy getting into:
  • Sheltering in a walled city during a long night (a days-long eclipse when monsters roam the earth), when he runs into an old ex-girlfriend (of a race known as alptraum, which are essentially goth chicks with bat wings).
  • Riding through a desolate war torn land to deliver a message between towns, he comes across a traveler who needs help, perhaps an exiled princess or noble, or someone with urgent news about an evil rising in the north.
  • He is hired to guard a caravan but trouble finds them on the road.
  • He and a female bounty hunter are both tracking the same fugitive and have to find a way to work together.

The plots below are ideas I wrote up in the past, but now I'm either already doing them, or I don't want to anymore. I'm keeping them here for reference in case I want to do them again.

Shadow Monsters and Lost Magic

This is inspired by the Fire Emblem games, and based on a roleplay I had been doing on another site. In this one, it's a medieval world that once was filled with magic, so much that mages were placed on battlefields to support their armies, and the most powerful mages ruled kingdoms and founded great noble houses. Some generations later, all that magic went away, turning the old social order on its head. The wizardly classes of society had to reinvent themselves as aristocrats, bureaucrats, or knights, clinging desperately to their families' past glory with no hope of ever measuring up to their illustrious ancestors. At the same time, magic didn't go away completely, but changed form, and so the world was hit with multiple plagues of a magical nature, causing disease epidemics, crop failures, widespread madness, and also the appearance of monsters who emerge from dark places, seemingly made out of shadow, and brutally massacre entire villages overnight.

In this world, my character is a wealthy duke mid-to-late 20s, the descendant of a powerful fire mage, which is evidenced by his vibrant red hair. His land was hit particularly hard by these plagues, and so in hopes of finding a magical solution, he went traveling to a place called the Spirit Forest, which was said to be the origin of all magic in the world, and the region with the highest concentration of supernatural events. There, he meets a simple village girl, your character, who is able to perform actual feats of magic, though she is reluctant to reveal her secret to anyone. The reason for her abilities turns out to lie in her heritage, where although she grew up an orphan, she is in fact the last living descendant of a dark and powerful emperor who terrorized the world a century ago.

Dune With Dragons
(alternate title: Dragonpunk?)

The world is a post-apocalyptic desert plagued by toxic winds and giant bugs, but up on the mountain peaks the air is clean and medieval/renaissance cities have developed, which rely on air travel, both from airships and by taming dragons and other flying animals. In this world, my character is a dragon-riding prince, in his late 20s, who is shot out of the sky in an ambush set up by his a rival, following a dispute over which noble scion should marry the Emperor's daughter. The Emperor being the man who controls the largest reservoir of clean water in the entire region, and who depends on the combined military forces of all the surrounding noble houses to defend that reservoir, somewhat like how the Emperor of Japan had to rely on his Shogun to enforce his will, and therefore the house with the strongest army can impose itself as the true rulers of the land, so long as they revere the Emperor in public.

My character crashes into the desert, where after some initial close calls with the local hazards, he meets your character, a scavenger from one of the desert-dwelling tribes, who helps him to survive. MC gets involved with the politics of YC's tribe to stop her from being forced into marriage, and in return she helps him in his quest to find a way back up the mountains to where he can call for his retainers to come and rescue him. The story would then move to MC's world, where YC is thrust into the politics of the imperial court while MC has to fight his machiavellian rival to assert his position as the one to marry the imperial princess and establish the new world order.

Generic Science-Phantasy

This idea takes place on a planet that was once a colony of an interstellar empire that collapsed centuries ago and left behind ruins full of advanced tech, but at the same time the planet has a unique energy field that allows for what we'd call magic, which can be harnessed by the planet's native species (which look like goblins), as well as a genetically engineered variant of humans (which look like elves). And this results in a sort of weapons triangle, where magic defeats guns, guns defeat swords, and swords defeat magic. It's partly inspired by the Phantasy Star games, but it's 90% my own ideas. Characters and plot are up in the air, but it would largely revolve around exploring ancient ruins and being hunted by a technocratic paramilitary that wants to capture the same ruins for their own purpose. As an example, in a previous iteration of this setting, I played a young (18) human swordsman opposite an elf mage.
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