Any Middle-aged magic

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Any Middle-aged magic


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Today 10:23 AM
Hi! I've been thinking about a world/scenario in which certain people are born with magical/super powers that stay dormant for the first few decades of their lives before suddenly becoming activated in their 40s or later. I'm imagining an RP about a couple navigating all the normal ups and downs of a long-term, adult relationship...and then one of them develops these powers out of the blue. I'm wondering about the possible implications and complications this situation might bring to their relationship: maybe access to these powers affects the magical partner's personality, goals, or values in some way...maybe the non-magical partner starts to feel uncomfortable about all the time their partner starts spending with their new magical friends...maybe the partners have different ideas about how, or if, the magical partner should use their powers. Stuff like that!

I'm imagining this as a fairly fluffy/moderately angsty slice-of-life story (not interested in smut, sorry!). I'd be happy to play a male, female, or nonbinary character, and I don't mind playing either the magical or non-magical partner. I don't have super fixed ideas in my head about either of them at this point, and I look forward to fleshing them out together. :)

If anything about this idea piques your interest, feel free to message me!
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