Unspecified Miss P's Plots and Such

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Unspecified Miss P's Plots and Such


Gentle Earthquake
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Today 1:36 AM
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Howdy! Just gonnna say I'm more than open to modifying my existing plots or creating new ones, just feel free to ask! I'm looking for some writing partners that are willing to do at least three full paragraphs worth of responses, as that's what I feel I'm capable of doing myself. My personal favorite genres to write are fantasy, sci-fi, and romance.:)

Plot Concepts
(Fun fact, almost all of these have been inspired by dreams I've had.)

Lamprey's Lament
Hundreds of years after global warming began, most of the planet has been flooded by the melting ice caps and endless monsoons that wreaked havoc on the earth. Society crumbled under the pressure of their newfound climate, and traditional government fell to the wayside as time went on, the remaining survivors following an honor system moreso than actual laws. A lot of the power that exists is fought over by groups of bandits and mercenaries, though a small cult has been seen spreading word of their beliefs in the ports of major cities. Much of the plant and wildlife has changed as well, and some say a touch of otherworldly force has returned to the planet.
Clarity, a young woman who's spent most of her life surviving on her own in this wild and foreign world, has grown weary of sleeping without a roof over her head, and has been seeking the rarest creature of all. A group of bandits or mercenaries that have morality, and on one surprisingly gentle dawn, she stumbles across a crew returning to a large flooded plantation in the deep south of North America. Sneaking in alongside them, she only longs for a day's rest, when her gaze locks onto him, their enigmatic leader. Her only thought when she sees him for the first time is, "I must prove myself to this man." (Bandit leader must be male, sorry ladies.)

The Others
This plot is the one that's most in the "concept" phase. YC and MC would awake in a house with an infinite number of rooms, with five other npc's, no memory of how they got there. Outside, the distant lights of a city can be seen, and through the sliding glass doors, the shadowy shape of a fenced-in backyard. As time goes on, The Others will make themselves known. They look like average people, each wearing white shirt and sweatpants, their gazes blank and distant. They come from the bowels of the house, and its up to us to find their weakness and a way to escape. (YC can be either gender.)

Jedida's Lullaby
Raised in a convent, Sister Jedida took her vows early on and has lived a humble life, living each day in the name of God. She sings her hymns, practices her rosary and recites her prayers as a dutiful nun should, enjoying most the peace of the convent garden. A great secret has followed her since she took those vows, however…an angel visits her in her dreams, his/her face a vision of the heaven she hopes to become a part of someday.
Jedida feels she can tell no one of the angel's presence, though she longs for the comfort of knowing it truly is a creature of the Lord, rather than something more sinister. As time goes on, the angel appears outside of the nun's dreams as well, and its clear forces out of the Sister's control are at work. What exactly is going on, and will Jedida be able to keep her wits about her as the angel toys with her? (Angel can be either gender)

Can't Wait Forever
Princess Elyse was leading the normal royal life, educated as a proper young lady should be, when her world began to decay around her. A strange illness began to claim her family's kingdom, most of those infected, including the King and Queen, dying due to its severe symptoms. Not everyone infected dies, however; some morph and evolve into large, twisted creatures. These mountains of flesh destroy all they come across, and through some blind instinct, they all congregated on the suffering kingdom to tear it down altogether.
The princess and her Knight Captain escape the crumbling kingdom together, stumbling upon the leader of a local band of highwaymen along the way. Tensions are high between both groups, but its clear all are loyal to the princess, who only longs to reclaim her kingdom and rid it of the horrible plague consuming it. (I'd love for my writing partner to play either the Knight-Captain or the leader of the highwaymen, both roles can be either gender.)

Note: I'll never be afraid to add more concepts to this, if you're interested in doing a roleplay, feel free to send me a message! Thanks for reading. :D

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