Modern Day Civil War

Currently reading:
Modern Day Civil War


Southern Belle
Local time
Today 9:49 AM
I am not only posting this for myself, although my character is a self insert, I apologize in advance. I do like to live vicariously through my characters. Putting them through different parts of their life and creating impossible worlds for them to live in. Any group request thread I create I don't mind if others use my ideas to create their own stories as long as I can see and read what world you delve into that I inspired you to create. I like to think of myself as the idea person, although I am working on the executioner part of myself.

I am currently thinking of a modern day apocalypse for a setting. More specifically a story of a more modern day civil war. Were everyone who joins in can expose their own hatred in a safe place. I know for myself I dislike a lot of my modern, 1st world issues. So why not create a world were nothing matters, except what you have you have to offer to advance civilization in a world were modern technology does not exist (i.e. sewing, cooking, fighting, farming).

My personal life is usually quite hectic, and so I can't promise more than two post, perhaps a single post, per week. But as I state any planning that comes from this thread I would at least like to read so I can see that my ideas sparked. To those who choose to write with me, what I can promise is a well thought out post even if I post rarely. And I would like to apologize in advance for my absence, as I stated before my personal life is pretty hectic.

The following is something I wrote in advance to jump start any ideas and conversation starters:

Modern Time Civil War

Between the trannies and republicans nothing was right and everything was wrong. It didn't take long before factions of different, pardon my lack of education, stereotypes began to form. Everyone was taking victim points, thus creating new victims to create new factions that ultimately joined other, more powerful, factions. It was a vicious cycle that seemed never ending. Much like the sentences I write. It all came to a head when the radical blacks and radical whites exploded on the streets of Atlanta. So many lives were lost that day…for absolutely nothing. There were no victors, in case you were wondering. Everyone watched as man destroyed man, child murdered child. I can remember hoping for a meteor strike or fantasizing about some fantastic story of a zombie apocalypse. Ultimately, it didn't matter. The reality of it was…nothing mattered. The world was coming an end, right before our very eyes. And we were too blind or too dumb to see it. If only we had seen it.

It happened right after Donald Trump's victory for his third term. The first in American history since Franklin D. Roosevelt, who served four. And he was a man to follow. Bombs were detonated in multiple parts of every major city in the United States. After all the accusations thrown at other nations, we brought on our own destruction. Blood ran down each street in America in Biblical proportion, but it was never enough to calm the vicious storm of human entitlement.

The funny thing is, no matter how the story is spun, from any side of the spectrum the end result is royally fucked up. Another funny thing, most people died out within the first three years, they were too busy taking material things that would sustain them; from television sets to WiFi routers to toasters and coffee makers. For a very long while our world went mad. Down to the point the only news we heard from regions outside our own vicinity was through static filled radio stations that were now ran by a the few tech savvy people in the nation. And that was getting rarer and rarer with each passing week.

But hey, we brought it on ourselves.
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