MxF Moon's Search Thread - Seeking a long term writing partner (open))

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MxF Moon's Search Thread - Seeking a long term writing partner (open))

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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 9:09 AM
About me:
My name is Moon and I've been roleplaying for over 10+ years. Yeesh, I know it's more than that but I'll just add the + sign to make me feel younger!

I find that each time I introduce myself on this website it becomes more and more difficult because in many cases people don't respond and it's simply not a good fit. I'll be transparent and say that it's been difficult finding partners who can match my writing style and stick around. I've found, over the years, that it's better to seek out a partner who fits your personality and writing style, as opposed to seeking a specific plot first. All of my most successful roleplays have started with a match of writing style and some friendly OCC. The stories that we then create together we become invested in and that provides a healthy, creative environment to write in (in my opinion).

This being said, I'm looking for someone who is seeking to be my writing partner and to create a story with me. As for a few details about myself, I'll keep it brief: I'm 31 and still processing this fact, I love sunglasses, collect gnomes, have a terrible coffee habit, love my White Claws and espresso martinis, game a bit though I'm terrible at it, and I care deeply about those I care about. It comes across to my friends and family that I'm annoying or dumb, but I just want to see them have a good time and smile. Hmm, what else. Sometimes I'm too nice, too diplomatic, and I'm a self-conscious extrovert. I have a cat named Link (after Link Neal from GMM) and I have a really strong professional career that I'm proud of and work hard to uphold.

What do I write?:
  • I typically write in MxF pairings with my main character being female (I am extremely comfortable with playing male side characters, as I believe playing side characters is part of the story..)
  • All of my stories have romance at the core with the story driving it at all times. I've seen so many roleplays fail after page 5 because it is building up to the first intimate scene and then it ends right after. I don't want me stories to end, I would like to actively write stories that stick around for a good bit of time!
  • I'm looking for about a 70 (story)/30 (Smut) ratio - per plot this can vary a bit but my point is that I don't want a sex-driven story
  • Romance adventure/slice of life drama/supernatural are the basis of most my stories
How do I write?:
  • I'll post a writing sample below and link to some of my current threads. Please make sure to view these to get an idea of how I write and what I expect of my partners.
  • Typically I prefer a 3 - 5 paragraph post, about 500 - 800 words. This isn't to say that SOME posts won't be shorter, but I'm not looking for a few liners or short paragraph. Absolutely no character development or story plot can happen in a setting like that. I don't care who you are, unless your story is 1000k pages, that is not the same.
  • I write only in third person and I occasionally break the 4th wall and perhaps ask a question, etc.
  • My characters may have similarities to me, but they are not me. They have their own histories, characteristics, interests, and personality.
  • I write so that it is enjoyable to WRITE and to READ. This should be a fun experience for the both of us.
How do I communicate:
  • I'm friendly and will often message to say hello, comment on the story, and attempt a friendly relationship. It's not uncommon that we might chat regularly if we get along (I hope we do.. it most likely won't last long if we don't, right?)
  • I'm in a healthy relationship and I'm not looking for anything romantic outside friendship. My friendliness is a core part of who I am, this often gets misread and so I want to be rather clear that I'm here for friends and stories, that's it.
  • I can be direct if I think there is something unspoken and I'd rather tackle it together then be passive aggressive, I would hope you feel the same. We're both adults, let's act like them.
How often do I post and what are my expectations?:
  • I aim to reply every other day with most stories when I can, though with work this can occasionally be delayed to 3-4 days or weekly. On same days I could toss our a reply or two, but it is highly dependent on the story and my partner. I'm really looking for a partner who can match me with consistency - posting when we can and aware of when we're both active, etc. I might tell you up front that my responses for specific stories will be slower. This is because some themes take a bit more energy for me to write. It doesn't mean I am not interested!
  • Recently, I've become a bit bogged down and I've been trying to ensure a post ever week. Please don't be offended if I'm slow - some stories are easier for me to focus on then others. This is not to mean I don't enjoy the story!
  • I do not ghost, at all. I may be slow but I will always communicate with you what's happening. If it's not a good fit, I'll let you know. However, if you take a break and return, you need to tell me! I'm human and can lose track of notifications. I have some partners that go MIA for a month, two or even three and then post. Please ping me if you don't hear from me within a week. TBH I probably unwatched the thread or missed the notification.
  • In consideration of the above point, PLEASE do not ghost me. Part of why it took me so long to start a thread like this is because I got so discouraged by how many people abandoned stories or simply never replied to my messages.
  • Your real life is more important than this site, more important than me, and more important than our story. BUT, every post and message I put on here is a piece of my time that I'm choosing to dedicate to you. Please be kind and let me know if it's not working out. Even just an update is fine Or we can pause the story if needed.
  • Just to add here that it's really depressing to see a partner actively lose interest but be unable to communicate this. This is a hobby, it's fine to wish to end a story, but please know we can see your post history. It sucks to be ghosted by someone avoiding conflict and still proceeding to be active on the sight. You wouldn't like it either!
What are my limits/Kinks?
  • I absolutely hate this discussion because when this is asked it means that the person asking is more focused on the smut outcome than the story. My limits are what I consider to be rather obvious: extreme violence, rape, incest, bathroom functions... (please note that I understand that these are stories and items might be mentioned for the sake of context or a characters history, but these are things I will not write scenes out for. If you're unsure please just talk to me, we are adults and if you're not, you should not be here)!

  • At the end of the day, I'm a writer and my characters will fit various backgrounds. If that includes a specific kink for the character I'm playing, it'll come out in my writing. But again, it would be for the story and not for the pleasure of those writing it.

Plot ideas/Pairings:
I have a few that I'll add once I have some time.

Plot 1#: F x M x M
In this plot, MC is a woman in her 30's (librarian by day, writer by night) who has been writing a story about twin vampires - a story she's been writing for years as a labor of love based on dreams she's had. The story is full of drama, violence, and sex, a best seller for sure if it is published. She takes her dreams and flashes of ideas for creativity and nothing more but the truth is that she has a sixth sense or at least some sort of supernatural connection with these men because they're REAL. The twins have lived for a few hundred years, living their best life and keeping under the radar rather expertly. But when they see some chapters of her story appear on an online forum, they realize that they must track this woman down for their own sake and by the request of the council. A human who knows about their kind? That cannot be allowed. They seek her out to remove the content and of course the source. What they don't expect is to fall in love with her in an odd twist of fate, an odd twist of fate that the council will not allow. This is a romance adventure, with a focus on drama between the three and a lot of on the go running from the council who seeks to end what they couldn't. I see this as a long term role play and I'm looking for a partner to play the twins. Note: Please keep in mind that though this involves two brothers, it is not meant to be an incest driven story. The brothers share a partner, not each other.

Plot 2 #: M x F
A vampire x werewolf romance (fueding families, forbidden love etc). Takes place in a modern, small town.

Plot 3 #: M x F
A slice of life RP about a couple where one loses memory and they basically go through falling in love again, with challenges ofc.

Plot 4 #: M x F
A woman inherits a small farm and a nice home from her grandfather who passed. She's from the city - hardly can boil an egg on her own and now has to run a farm. She meets a local who helps her out, a handsome small town hunk who thinks it's ridiculous she can't do some of these things but knew her grandfather and feels and obligation to help her. It's a bit of a love hate relationship but you get the picture.

Plot #5: M x F

One idea that came to mind is a dark mage becomes king - perhaps his eldest brother was king and suddenly killed. Some suspect it was murder but no one truly knows. The dark mage take his place and is now in search of a wife.

To everyone's surprise he doesn't wish to court anyone or make a political arrangement. Instead, he seeks out a specific woman who he secretly loved all these years, pining for her while she had no idea. It's a woman who he grew up with (MC). They were close as children, but she was eventually separated as she was considered too common for the royal family to mingle with. Her father is the local black smith.

YC makes a deal with the new king to marry his daughter and he makes her father the castle black smith and armorer. YC and MC have had a platonic relationship for years but MC would not know the extend of his true feelings.

Plot # 5: (Werewolf or Shifter) This one is a bit brief, but you get the idea - MC is married to YCs brother or best friend who died tragically in a fight for either territory or some other reason. MC is pregnant when he passes but it wasn't known yet. When YC finds out he steps in to take care of her and a relationship develops. We could add more, maybe he had feelings for her but his brother was higher ranking, etc. We can also add more politics, maybe his brother was a leader and now he is pressured to lead as well but he is a bit of a black sheep.

Pairings (plot planning would need to follow, but here's some starters):
  • vampire x werewolf
  • vampire x vampire
  • viking x raid captive
  • demon x human
  • ghost x human
  • Childhood friend left for the city and returns x childhood friend who stayed (either)
  • princess x knight
  • princess x prince
  • singer x best friend turned manager
  • Single parents (Children of course must be npcs basically. The parents are the main characters according to the rules)
  • Bar Tender or barista x Customer/Owner
Plot ideas for stories I enjoyed and would like to try the plot again:
None atm

If you would like to continue or restart at a similar point to the above stories, please do not post in the threads. Instead, we can make our own as to not plagiarize of course :) Instead, we can pick up where the story left off or start a new with the plot.

My writing samples:
View my Post history for an accurate sampling of current stories, some examples that are a little dated are below:

What's next:
If you'd like to start a story with me, introduce yourself in PM! And please also share a writing sample as well as some information about your preference in a writing partner, how often you post, etc. Help me to get to know you and what you're interested in.
Last edited:
Open to taking 1 more story with the right partner
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