Character(s) Morbid's Characters

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Character(s) Morbid's Characters


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I've noticed other people doing this and it seems really convenient to have all your characters in one place!

Just making a thread for my characters! If there are any that you see that are unclaimed already by roleplays, let me know!

I write Collaborative story roleplays with my partners, typically like 3-5 paragraphs respectively, and only play MxM or MxNB.

More info about what I might be interested in can be found here!
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Roleplay: To Open One's Eyes

Name: Wilt Briars of the Palace Riversun Reach
Age: 23
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Fairy
Recognizable features: His unnaturally large dragon fly wings which stretch about three feet from his shoulders. The width and length are twice the size of an average fairy of his height and size. Depending on the lighting, his wings shift in between iridescent colors of green to blue.

Appearance: Wilt is on the short side, even for a fairy. He stands at just under five feet tall with narrow shoulders, a lean torso with long legs and a thin oval face. His facial features are quite soft: He has soft, peach colored skin with discolored pigmentation changed to shaded tones of faded teal that spread across his skin in patches. They look almost like a faded version of vitiligo in humans, patches of skin discoloration that are lightly splattered across the tip of his nose, spreading across the right side of his face and surrounding his right eye. His neck has small faded blotches and they seem to travel down his shoulders down to his forearms, chest, back and down his legs in random patterns of various shapes and sizes, the smooth and soft teal color blending with his skin tone as it fades into almost freckles along the sides of a few of his patches. They are more predominant along the right side of his body, especially along his shoulder and down his arm towards the back of his hand. His left side has quite less patches of teal, lighter in shade almost like smaller spots that run down his arms in odd locations. His chest and stomach are almost freckled with them, and they are darker in color but quite hard to discern from average freckles. Along his back, there is the largest skin patch in between his shoulder blades, once again traveling closer to the right side of his body than his left. He has a few more on his legs as well and the tiniest teal dot on his right foot.

He has bright, round eyes of gold and green hues that swirl together on the edges of his irises and thick eye lashes that are almost silver in color. His wispy cotton candy pink and silver hair is cut and styled in layers, reaching slightly past his eyes and curling outwards down his neck. It does little to hide his long pointed ears that are covered in jewels that shimmer whenever he's out in the sun.

Inside the palace, Wilt wears a loose fitting white and golden robe that exposes his back to expose his wings and keep them open with elegant slippers made of silk and jewels that were gifted by his childhood friend, Prince Kailin. Outside, he hides his wings by binding them to his back. He wraps his chest in soft bandages and covers himself with clothing to easily move around in. He wears soft cotton tunics, and light brown pants, keeping a satchel around his shoulders at all times in case he needs to collect anything.

Personality: Though he is by no means rude, Wilt's inability to make small talk and lack of patience makes it hard for him to get along with others. He's quick to make judgments, and even quicker with his sharp spoken tongue, finding it easier to speak his mind and face the consequences than to keep his opinions to himself. That being said, it takes little effort to break his snarky outer shell and when the mood and time is right, he is able to let loose and indulge in long, meaningful conversations and even share a few laughs. The longer one gets to know him, the easier it will be to read his slight facial changes that he tries desperately to hide out of fear of being exposed.

Additional Information: Wilt was "given" to the Palace Riversun by his parents when he was but a few months old as a present from the Winderwood kingdom. He was made to become Prince Kailin's stead, as they were but a few months apart. The two of them became fast friends from an early age, and although he was never seen as anything more than a servant to anyone else in the palace, to Kailin, he is his oldest and dearest companion. He loves the prince as a brother and is determined to help him achieve his dreams of united all races in their land under one treaty.
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The Laws that Divide Us

Name: Gioryn Hostrouss
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Kingdom: Terra
Element: Summoner
Familiar(?): He wasn't trusted with a familiar but believes his summons to be familiars in their place

Personality: He is headstrong and a bit stubborn, albeit a complete airhead. Growing up living in a loving family, he does not see the bad in people right away. This makes him seem naïve, which isn't far from reality as he will choose to believe there is good in others before outright dismissing them. Though always kind at first, he tries to be weary of strangers, often finding himself getting into more trouble if he doesn't at least try to keep up his guard. He is rather quick to make friends and laugh with his fellow neighbors, but there is something else inside of him that stirs every now and then. A darkness that crept inside of his head that he tries to keep at bay. Voices inside his head that feed into negative thoughts and leave him rather scattered brained.

Appearance: One would label him on the plain side as he isn't much to look at with the first glance. He keeps his reddish brown hair at shoulder length and often ties it up in a ponytail with a ribbon gifted to him by his grandmother before she passed. His skin is pale from a lack of sun but covered in freckles. His jade green eyes are round, big and bright, often dazzled with excitement (and showing any emotion really.) He has markings on his face that came from his first summon. A brown oval mark from his forehead down his nose, blackish brown markings around his eyes and a little around his nose. While he isn't very built, he is by no means scrawny. Most of his body is toned from years of living and climbing along the canyon sides. He dresses in breathable fitting clothing which is normally a black half tank and forest green pants that are loose around his legs. He doesn't love shoes, often going barefoot in the summer so he spends extra time taking care of his feet when he needs to. His right arm is covered with a long vulture feather, the brown ink stretching down his shoulder and stopping just at his elbow.

History: He spent his childhood in the Terra kingdom under his grandmother's watchful eye as he was a bit of a trouble maker. While it wasn't always by choice, trouble seemed to follow the young boy where ever he seemed to roam. Whether it was a crumbling canyon, an unfortunate sink hole, or even something as simple as a broken glass, it seemed as though the boy was riddled with a stream of rotten luck.

Still, no one was prepared the first time he accidentally cast his first spell bringing forth a sugar glider which he was unable to control. The tiny creature stirred quite the commotion and due to an over crowded audience and the stress of his own anxiety, it accidentally offset the little creature into jumping from his hands into an open window for a place to hide. In chasing after the little creature, the boy accidentally broke a table, ripped a perfectly good tapestry, knocked over a mount of knickknacks and spilled a very expensive tea. His grandmother ('Ma Revella), while proud of his ability to cast magic, was less elated and believed that only she would be the best teacher for her grandson - despite the efforts of his neighbors in pleading with him to move far, far, faar away to receive special training and be out of their hair.

She shaped and molded his abilities with the assistance of reading material alone, tirelessly finding ways to balance his mana pool and magical abilities while he did everything he could to avoid another calamity. With her guidance and trust in him, he was able to perform summons at will, gaining the trust of his little sugar glider companion as well as the trust of a white headed vulture, feathers of gold and tree bark and a beak and talons as sharp as razors. He trusts the both of them with his life, knowing that while they are not large or mighty powerful, they are companions who have entrusted themselves upon him as well.

Other: When he begins to feel stressed or overly frightened, his thoughts begin to meddle together. The voices in his head seem to speak in hushed whispers, and while none of them sound like his own, all seem unionized by the things he believes himself to be. He is not entirely convinced that the sounds of these voices are connected with his magic somehow, as they seem to dissipate when he is using magic even in high stress situations.


His Summons:
Vinette - Sugar Glider
-His first summon. She is overly cautious and hesitant, often assisting him in ways to maneuver through intense situations instead of powering through them. Her markings appear around his face.

Saeure - Vulture
-Clear headed and ever watchful, she is most useful when patience and thought is required. Her markings reside around his right arm.

Name: Ruby Julette
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/Them
Race: Human

Quotes: "Yes, it's a girl's name. I know it's a girl's name. No one has to tell me that I have a girl's name. We all know. Let's keep moving."

Physical Appearance: Ruby can be the most distinguished by his rust reddish brown eyes and the scar aligning his nose. He keeps his russet brown hair long and pulled up in a bun on the top of his head. He has a long face with soft feminine features, pierced ears, and often wears big coats, jeans and kicks. His skin tone is bronzed from the sun, often spots a bit of a farmers tan, and dresses in jewelry from his head to his feet. Typically, he wears black crop tops and knee high shorts with leggings underneath. He dresses in converses, has bracelets on both wrists of silver and gold, rings on almost every hand and two necklaces around his neck. He has his tongue pierced and snake bites on his lips.

Personality: Ruby can be pessimistic and a bit of a doubter, but he always tries his best to pull himself out of a bad situation and will be the first to do anything he can to make someone else's day. He wants to be better than he feels he is.

Other: Add in later

Name: Carmen Lloyds
Age: 26
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: unsure for now. Human Maybe?

Physical Appearance: Carmen stands at 6'1" but slouches his shoulders in an attempt to make himself appear smaller. He has a russet complexion, curly dark brown hair that he shaves in a crew cut on all sides of his head. He has sharp black eyes, a predominate straight nose, and a sharp jawline. His face is often stoic, rarely smiling or reflecting any emotion except for when he glares. He likes to dress professionally at all times...and if this means he'd even wear a tie to the beach, then so be it.

Personality: he's quite calm until he gets mad. And then he gets very, very mad. Spending his time working on his anger management left him with a bit of a complex. Now he is unable to show any emotion out of fear that even getting a little bit angry wont cause someone he cares about to get hurt. He is still quite kind, filled with the remorse of past actions and willing to do what it takes to feel somewhat redeemed.
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