All MxM, MxMxM or MxMxF

Currently reading:
All MxM, MxMxM or MxMxF

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxM
  2. MxMxM
  3. MxMxF
Content Warning
  1. Gore
  2. Kink
  3. Graphic Violence
  4. Sensitive Topics
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Erotic
  3. High Fantasy
  4. Low Fantasy
  5. Sci-fi
  6. Dystopian
  7. Medieval
  8. Supernatural
  9. Modern


The Wolf
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 12:23 AM
Pacific Time Zone

Hello and welcome to my thread! I'm KaiGreen - feel free to call me Kai!

- I am a female who has been roleplaying and writing for 17 years.

- I am a descriptive, detailed writer who likes to collaborate with my partner to create elaborate plots and fascinating characters. I love to world-build - to an extent - with a preference for having the bare-bones of a world, its rules and framework sorted out somewhat and then flesh out the rest in the roleplay itself, adding on as the story progresses and scenes call for it.

- I like to write stories with depth that focus on character interaction and growth. I like plot twists, angst, drama and the like in my story-telling, too, but thrive on solid character scenes with emotional connectedness.

- I tend to write longer posts - 700-1000+ words depending on the story, my muse and what the scene is. I know that can be intimidating to some, but please know that I don't expect your post to match mine, though.

- I write in third person and past tense.

- I am on PST (Pacific Standard Time) and, unless specifically stated, I can usually reply 2-4 times a week, often more. I do own two large dogs, I have family, work, and life obligations, so my free time is valuable to me as are my stories. I work two jobs, but I try to get to replies after work on the days that I can.

- If I am going to be absent for more than 3 days, I will let you know. Chances are I will drop in OOC chat every so often just to keep you updated and say hi.

- I enjoy OOC chat! I feel it helps to strengthen the partnership of writing and provides opportunities for easy communication if something comes up, needs to be changed or an idea sparks. Familiarity breeds comfort and I like to be comfortable talking to my partners. :)

- I will not ghost. If I am no longer interested in a story, I will let you know.

- When it comes to smut, I do not shy away from writing it and I like tasteful, but descriptive scenes. Erotica has to be balanced out with story, but with that being said, I do write smut-heavy stories. I don't really have a ratio, but if I had to give one, maybe about 60/40 when it comes to plot/smut. I do not like to rush through sex scenes and the foreplay is just as important as the sex itself. I have an F-List if you're interested in viewing it. The list is a fairly comprehensive look at what I like and dislike, and if you'd like to know more or have questions, please let me know! I do not mind explaining my preferences and limits and I encourage my partner to disclose theirs as well.

- I can play both dominant/top and submissive/bottom characters. For MxM, I will only write submissive/bottom. For poly, I will write both dominant/top (male & female) and submissive/bottom (only male).

- I do like playing male characters more than female ones, however, I CAN play both and I am equally good at both, so I don't mind which gender your character is. The same goes for more dominant/submissive dynamics. I like playing submissives (males) and dominants (male and female) and I am equally good at both.

- I only write cis-gender characters. It is what I am comfortable with and I will only write against cis-gender characters.

- In an ABO/Omegaverse setting with MxM, I will write an Omega. In a poly setting, I will write an Alpha and an Omega. I do not write Betas. In my experience with writing this 'verse, most people write Alphas as dominants, Betas as switches, and Omegas as submissives. While I am willing to have you write an Omega as well, they need to be a true switch, not a submissive. Please keep this in mind if you'd like to do ABO with me.

Important notes:
--- I do NOT double - one relationship always gets more attention and it's not my cup of tea.
--- I will not write a submissive female - I am no good at them and they are not enjoyable for me to write.
--- I do NOT write slow-burns or slice-of-life.
--- I will not play multiple females to your male. This is NOT the kind of roleplay I am seeking, please do not ask.


- I am looking for a fairly active partner. I would like someone who is going to be online regularly and able to write - would love someone who could post at least 2-4 times a week. Life happens, I totally get that, but please know your limitations as a partner and if you can commit to a new roleplay.

- Try to have correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. I don't expect perfection, but I do expect to be able to read your posts and understand them. Also, please space your paragraphs as it is hard to read a massive string of words without any break-lines.

- Write in the third person and past tense.

- Please be willing to take the time to describe your character's feelings, thoughts, reactions, and observations. In-depth thoughts and reactions create three-dimensional characters that are a delight to read.

- Please try to give me at least 4 paragraphs. If you can't match me, that's fine, but I need something to work with.

- Be willing to communicate if something comes up - you've lost interest in the roleplay, you need a break, you don't like something within the story, etc. I understand that not all stories go the distance and people drift away for various reasons. I would simply like to be made aware that things have changed on your end. I will give you the courtesy of doing the same.

- Be willing to write smut and play a dominant or switch role, whether male or female. If you can not do this, I am not the partner for you.

- Be willing to write poly and/or MxM pairings. If you are new to it, please tell me. I have introduced many partners to this kind of writing and I am very understanding, but I want to know your experience level so I can adjust my expectations and approach in communicating with you.

- Be willing to write cis-gender characters.

- If writing ABO, be willing to write as an Alpha or Beta, and only as an Omega if you can truly play a switch in this category. I am completely willing to adapt lore and say Betas have Heats if that is an appeal for writing an Omega. Could even say that female Alphas have Heats.

- Contribute to the story! Give me ideas, show me you're interested and excited, and WANT to be writing with me. I will definitely do the same!


MxM pairing - my character is the submissive, your character is the dominant.

Also like poly and ideally, I would like either one female & two males or three males. Right now I am primarily seeking a dominant/switch male or a dominant/switch female character. I would also prefer to play two characters to your one character, but that can be discussed.

Just to be clear: I prefer to play two characters to your one character - but that could be up for discussion if we vibe.

If we write poly:
my partner would be playing opposite a dominant female/male and a submissive male. I want to make clear that I am not looking for a character to hurt, humiliate, degrade, or force my characters to do things. I am looking for a character that can engage in a respectful, caring, authoritative, protective role - a somewhat well-rounded, healthy individual who doesn't need to exert their 'dominance' by being a macho jerk or a bitch.

This dominant or switch male/female (YC) would have a partner of equal standing with the dominant female/male (MC1). The submissive male (MC2) would be someone YC could flex his/her authority with.

This would be a specific type of poly relationship - not a love triangle with everyone fighting over each other, but a genuine relationship where all three are together and exclusive to each other. I would like there to be an established relationship between one of my characters and yours with the third added in.

If we write MxM: Your character would be the dominant and mine the submissive - all the above preferences regarding dom/sub dynamics would apply, just in a one-on-one relationship scenario.


----> Something based around the TV series "Falling Skies". Alien invasion. Characters could be human or alien. Poly or MxM.

----> Childhood friends grow up together, are separated when a war starts and their respective planets come under attack from the same foe. Eventually, they meet back up again, both changed and bearing secrets - and needing to work together to defeat the enemy that has devastated their worlds. Sci-fi, intergalactic war, friends-to-lovers, trauma, hurt/comfort, romance. MxM would probably work best for this rather than poly.

----> Medieval setting, poly relationship (MMM or MMF), high-fantasy, reincarnation, royalty, arranged marriage, childhood rivals-to-lovers, political intrigue, prophecy/fate, big bad/overarching quest - maybe ABO. The general idea would be that two characters (YC and MC1), would be childhood rivals to lovers, arranged to be married since they were little - both of them royalty. They would be reincarnated soulmates, but wouldn't know it until their wedding day when they meet again after years apart. The third character (MC2), would come in shortly after their marriage - a surprise kind of deal where YC and MC1 rescue/find this character and realize MC2 is also a reincarnated/soulmate lover. A threeway relationship complicates things, as does the secrets in MC2 past. And ever encroaching is the real danger - the threat that had YC and MC1 marrying for an alliance in the first place...

----> Beauty & the Beast kind of setting. Could be poly or MxM.

If no specific plot appeals, come at me with ideas! The worst I can say is no, but I'll be polite. :)

All right, that's it! Thank you for taking the time to read and if this thread caught your interest, please contact me! Here on the thread or PM, I will check both.

Happy Hunting!
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