MxM (MxM OCS) Plot List #1

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MxM (MxM OCS) Plot List #1


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Detailed-ish Plots

When Muse A had agreed to go on a group trip with his friends, he was fully expecting to share a space. It was a nice three-week trip into the snowy mountains of Montana, and while large, the Airbnb could only fit so many people. So, it was unsurprising that they'd have to share a room. However, upon entering, he made the less-than-desirable discovery that it only held one double bed. More so, he and muse B were to share it. And while they were friends, they hadn't reached the 'sleep in the same bed' type of friends level. Well, until now.

(Based heavily on GTA 5 for reference, it is a two-part RP, starting with the characters in their early twenties and then in part 2, their forties/fifties. However, it doesn't have to be a two-part RP, and if you want to do just one part, let me know!)

Part 1
Muse A is a part of a small group of people who participate in petty crime. From shoplifting to drug usage, anything that came to mind the group would do. However, upon the arrival of Muse B, something seemed to shift. Their crimes got more serious; shootouts with the police, bank robberies, and the occasional murder.

While Muse A wasn't against the sudden shift, as it brought more money into their pockets, he was confused about why it had happened. What about Muse B's arrival made the group take more costly and potentially life-changing risks?

Part 2
Its been years since Muse B was associated with his past life. He'd found an out and took it the moment it presented itself, and he hadn't looked back. It was all too easy to create a new life for himself. He got an office job, a comfortable enough apartment amid a busy city and hell, he was even talking up a co-worker he might just be 'hitting up' next week. It was a different change of pace, sure, but it definitely was a welcoming one.

Life was going great, until it wasn't.

He'd gotten a call from an unknown number in the ungodly hours of the morning; while he knew he should hang up and ignore it like he always did, he found himself sleepily, pressing accept and placing the phone on his ear. And in an instant, he was awake. Eyes wide and mind racing as a familiar voice threatened him 'nicely' and said to meet at an undisclosed location. His job wasn't quite done.

Muse A is an animal shapeshifter. They've been on their own for as long as they can remember, and because of their experience, they've gone cold and distant. Being alone is something they're grown used to, and honestly, something they now prefer. Muse B is also a shapeshifter but is the polar opposite of Muse A; they try to assert themselves into groups of their species and are as outgoing as it comes.
After one successful hunt, Muse A find themselves heading home until Muse B comes across them. B seems unwilling to leave the other alone and follows A all the way home, and it's proving it difficult to shoo the other away.

Muse A has been experiencing close calls left and right, whether it be him almost being stuck in traffic and being late for work or a falling tree missing his car by just a few feet. It was enough for people to call Muse A's experiences supernatural, saying his Guardian Angel had to be working overtime for him. It was a funny thought. Just something said for laughs and nothing more. That was until Muse A got a knock on his door by an irritable-looking man who insisted he was Muse A's guardian angel.

1. Muse A, an upcoming hero, decides that maybe it is time to use his powers for others rather than himself. So, he seeks training, and after a few weeks, he deems it impossible to find someone who either isn't self-absorbed or is in it for the money. However, just before he's about to give up, someone reaches out to them, claiming they'd be willing to help train them up. It seems all too good to be true but, in one last hopeful effort, Muse A agrees and meets up with Muse B, who is now their self-proclaimed trainer and, to be honest, Muse A is really fond of them. Too bad Muse B is a villain.

(Bonus points if the way Muse A finds out is during a battle) (Bonus-Bonus points if the reason why Muse B trained Muse A was they could have a suitable enemy)

2. A newly formed virtual reality has dropped, and now with the right amount of money, you can jump into a new universe. Muse A decides to pick a superhero universe and is impressed at how immersive it is. Maybe a bit too immersive that punch fucking hurt.

(There is no specific pairing for this plot)

Muse A is a head scientist at a confidential facility and has seen plenty of things in his time there. He works side by side with a security officer, Muse B, who's there solely for support, in case something happens, like a breach or violent attack. Muse C is a new employee, said to be working in the same department as Muse A, so the higher-ups see it as a good opportunity for Muse C to get some extensive training from the one whos most capable. Just in time, too, as the facility has just gotten a new species, Muse D, whos ready to be tested and examined.

1. Muse A and Muse B are both royal siblings, and every year their kingdom hosts Galas for social events or to celebrate peace and unity with other kingdoms. This year, their kingdom is holding an anniversary celebration for the birth and creation of the nation. It's a grand Gala that will be held for a week, and it'll host guests from neighboring kingdoms and even some from afar. For Muse A and B, it seems more of a hassle than a joyful time, but out of respect, they do everything they're told to prepare.

However, just before people are set to arrive, Muse B comes up with a fun activity for them to play. Something that'll keep them entertained for the week.

"A scandal?" Muse A mimics from across the room, their arms crossed as a skeptical look crosses their face. "I think that's the stupidest idea you've had all week."

"Maybe scandal is the wrong word to use, but you get what I'm saying." Muse B answers quickly, "Just some..jokes and jabs at guests to make the week a bit more entertaining? Maybe a lie or two- nothing serious!"

Muse A thinks it over before giving Muse B a pointed look, "Fine. But we keep this down low and don't mess with anything or anyone important."

"Deal!" Muse B lies through their teeth.

2. Muse A is an appointed businessman with too much to do in such little time, and Muse B is an apprentice of a blacksmith who takes their job as seriously as he can. Both men cross each other's paths when boarding a carriage and want to get to their destination first, and after some back and forth, they decide to head to Muse A's destination.
The trip is long and full of stops, and both men soon find themselves enjoying each other's company. However, Muse B couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity with the route they were taking. But, with each passing conversation, he pushes down the feeling and focuses on Muse A.
Once they reached their destination, both men seemed to be reluctant to part ways. Muse B decides to walk Muse A the rest of the way to their destination and, upon seeing the building, realizes just why things seem so familiar.

"Wait, are you "—-" as in "—-" from Imperial Bank..?"

Muse A stops and gives Muse B a confused look before nodding his head. "Yees..?"

Muse B huffs out a laugh and pulls out an envelope, handing it over to Muse A. "This is for you. My overseer would like to see you as soon as you have the time."

3. Muse A is the King of a flourishing Kingdom, and Muse B is his Royal Advisor. The two have been close friends and a shoulder for the other to lean on since Muse B's arrival and its grown stronger over the years. For this reason, it's easy for Muse B to tell when there's a sudden shift in Muse A's attitude, and it only takes a few pushy comments for Muse A to break.

"You don't want to be king anymore?" It's a sentence Muse B never thought he'd hear from the King, and while the idea is somewhat outlandish to him, he can't say he's too opposed.

"Well," Muse B says after a point of silence, "I guess we have some planning to do."

Muse A is a Quartermaster and has worked alongside their old Captain for years. Due to… unforeseen circumstances, their captain was no longer with them, and while Muse A could easily handle being the new captain, they weren't too fond of the idea. So, instead, they and the rest of the crew made the decision to find a new captain at their next stop.
Muse A is placed in charge of choosing someone new, and after a week, it seems like nothing will work until they catch wind of an old retired captain being on the port.

Muse B is a retired captain after having witnessed the death of their crew due to their own mistake. They vowed he'd never run a crew again, deeming himself unworthy of the title. He's held himself to that vow for almost five years until being approached by Muse A, who seems adamant that he's a fit for their crew.
It takes a whole lot of convincing for Muse B to agree to do a small trial on their ship, and as the weeks progress, he can feel himself becoming fond of the crew. And doesn't that scare the hell out of him?

Muse A is a self-proclaimed atheist. They don't believe in anything that's beyond human comprehension and has a whole youtube channel surrounding it. They're used to doing debates or meeting up with people with opposing views to test out their ideology. However, as they now sat in the pulpit of a church he'd been invited to by the pastor themselves, they started to have some doubts.

You'd think that a church would preach about love, peace, and eternal happiness, hell maybe a speech about sin. But, for the last thirty minutes, the paster has spoken just the opposite, and no one around them seems to be bothered by the message. By the end, Muse A is left with more questions than answers, and the Pastor seems more than happy to answer them.

"Was that the usual? The message you spoke of earlier, I mean. Is that the only message you preach?" Muse A questions from his spot in the pastor's Quarters, a place that seems much more suffocating than you'd expect from a paster office.

"There's no other message for me to teach." The paster, Muse B, speaks calmly and collectively. "We live in a godless world."

"..Is that a good or bad thing..?"

Muse A is an oceanographer; they've traveled from country to country, looking and studying different sea life and habitats. On one such travel, they came across a weird-looking habitat that seemed to differ from the ones around it. So, like they do every time they see something unexplainable, they try to look into it. They get a place near the ocean to set up shop and start their investigations to find out what could be the species living there.
During one night of investigation, Muse B finds themselves pacing the oceanfront as they go over the notes, only to be interrupted by a voice. They look around, seeing nothing at first, and chalk it up to their tired mind. But, the voice sounds again, and this time, they can make out a form just a few feet out from the ocean shore. They make eye contact before the form swoops back down in the water.

Thinking that it could be someone needing help, Muse B regretfully jumps into the water to find who it could be. The water stings their eyes, and while somewhat clear, the dark night doesn't do anything to help them see what is in front of them until it's too late. Wide piercing eyes stare back into theirs, and Muse B doesn't know if the present curiosity held in them is a good or bad thing.

Pairings (* means I have an idea for it I just can't explain in summary form)

*Lawyer x Lawyer

*Scientist and Scientist

Time Traveler x Time Traveler

Time Traveler x Non-Time Traveler

Deity x Human

Deity x Angel

Deity x Demon

Newly graduated Guardian Angel x Human

Newly graduated Guardian Angel x Demon

Ice Skaters x Ice Skaters

Ice Skaters x Trainer

Circus performers
Hi! I just came across your thread and I'd love to discuss some plots with you for a possible romance type rp (I have a couple of my own I'd love to discuss) if you'd be interested? ^^
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