FxF My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia Request

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FxF My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia Request


The Sadier
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Hello Arborea here! Man it has been awhile since I have asked for a roleplay... But never mind that time to do one!

Alright for those of whom don't know the lore of My Hero Academia let me give you a little summary. Long ago a unique baby was born somewhere in China who possessed a unique ability to glow. This ability was called a Quirk. After that first baby many children around the world started to acquire Quirks. Most who gained Quirks grew up to become heroes defining the age of heroes. The pro heroes then developed a school to train young students with Quirks to combat the ever growing population of villains.

I want a story base off one of my characters who is a pro hero. In the manga thes students were assigned a pro hero that mentored them and trained them to become pro heroes. So I wanted to basis my story around this but a senior student who just got control of their Quirk and is finally recognized by my character and takes her under her wing.

Now this is where I need to put down the different types of Quirks and their examples.

Emitter: This is the control of something or emits from the users body. Examples of this is controlling fire, having control over metal. Now this type of quirk isn't just used for controlling of elements you can sort of a mind control or some form like that. As long as it is emitted from the user it is considered a Emitter type quirk.

Transform: This type Quirk allows the user to form and mold their bodies. Such as making their skin hard or metal. Transforming their body to mimic animal parts. Or even create copies of body parts they have. This also applies to shapeshifters. But the only known shapeshifter has to consume blood in order to shapeshift into the target.

Mutant: This is the most unique and interesting type Quirk. This Quirk is already apart of the user's body as the form of an extra limb or a unique organ. This could be a special organ that allows someone to breathe fire or something as unique as headphone jacks that plug into any surface allowing them to hear on the other side or use the vibrations to create a loud sonic boom.

Now Quirks each have their own flaw. Such as hindering the body after multiple use, or needing certain nutrients to name a few.

Now for my character!

Hero Name: Rogue
Name: Runa Yamagi
Age: 21
Classification: Emitter
Quirk Name: Parasitic Touch
Quirk Description: This quirk allows the user to drain any quirk from anyone they like and use it against them. The quirk stolen can only used three times. The effect on the victim of this quirk leaves them quirkless for a solid two minutes.
Backstory: She didn't know she had a quirk until one day a villain tried to take advantage of her in a alley. As soon as she touched the villain the quirk that was used on her went away and she found that she now had the quirk. Using it to her advantage she walked him to the police where they took him into custody. She then enrolled into UA graduating and becoming a pro-hero.
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