World Myrios

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World Myrios

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[ l e g e n d s . o f . m y r i o s ]

group thread | roleplay thread
For thousands of years, elemental spirits, or demons as the mortals have come to call them, have roamed Myrios free and unhindered until the Age of Humans arrived. It started with a shipload of refugees from another land, seeking a life of peace from an unending war between kingdoms, famine and plagues. Here, the human's found mythical creatures they had only ever read about in books. Tall tales walking and floating about this land of summer and winter, living their lives as if they weren't but stories in children books to the newcomers.

Five centuries have passed since the first humans stepped foot on this once sacred land where wild magic once filled the air and land and all of its inhabitants. Turmoil has spread, causing the spirits to turn on one another as the influence of the humans grows. The two largest groups of spirits; the ice spirits and the fire spirits, wage a war over land as they are pushed away from their once peaceful existence. The earth spirits wander freely as nomads while the water spirits fight with the humans over their coastal lands.

All other mythical creatures have found ways to adapt and blend into the human settlements, either hiding themselves within or freely moving about while the mortals look on in fear or awe.

┏━ ✦❘༻ terms ༺❘✦ ━━┓

🔹Please adhere to the world that is built and the lore within. Information will be listed and linked to here for all to look over. It is a high fantasy setting with fitting elements and magic.

🔹Anything is possible and permissible. Remember to speak with a player OOC if a situation your character's come to needs consent.

🔹Any threads separated from the main one, please tag with 'the emberlands' for easy identification of stories.

🔹Do not metagame, godmode, or powerplay while roleplaying. No Out of Character bigotry.

🔹Follow proper roleplay etiquette and site rules.

┏━ ✦❘༻ the world ༺❘✦ ━━┓

This roleplay takes place on a large continent where the mountains clash with evergreen forests with earth spirits on one side and a desert with fire spirits on the other. Human settlements have formed along the coasts and inland, forcing many of the ancient spirits to fight over land between each other and the humans. Use your imagination and interpret the land as you see fit. No one is forced to interact with one another, you're free to make your own adventure with NPCs and settlements as you see fit.

Outside the spirits fighting over lands with one another and with the humans, there is no major established plot. You are free to make your own adventure: head into war against other spirits or the humans, discover new artifacts in the ancient land of Myrios, blend in with the humans or be human yourself and run a town or tavern. You can be whatever it is you want to be, human or mythical creature.

Everyone is welcome to join in at any time, at any point. Any questions, feel free to ask in the group request thread. Should romance occur between characters, please keep smut in spoilers or take it to a private thread in the appropriate forums.

┏━ ✦❘༻ the lore ༺❘✦ ━━┓

Anyone participating in the group roleplay is free to make their own posts with the lore they are implementing into the story. Each post that is made, I will link to here.


The Diamond Mountain's

A mountain range spanning the entire north coast of the continent, expanding outward and ending along the evergreen forest and desert. Silvermist Lake is in the center of this mountain range, thinning into a river that splits the forest from the desert, giving the smallest oasis to the sandy land of the fire spirits.

Silvermist Lake
A lake that never freezes thanks the magic that lives within the lands. It is the birthplace of the ice spirits and the area where they come to commune with the land and replenish their energy.​

Elemental Spirits

Each area of the land has it's own spirits: ice, shadow, earth, fire, wind, water.

Ice Spirits are known to be rigid and stick to themselves, very rarely leaving the confines of the Diamond Mountains. They do not do so well in heat and have to consistently find ways to keep themselves from warming too much.

Shadow Spirits are chaotic. No one knows how they will act at any given time but they can slip in and out of shadows without being detected.

Earth Spirits are playful and have a deep appreciation and love for the forest and the land at large. If the forest is in pain, the Earth Spirits feel this and quickly remedy the situation. Because they are playful, they tend to get along with most other races.

Fire Spirits are the more 'advanced' of the spirits, having decided to adapt certain human elements within their society. This has led them to want to expand and conqure more of the land for their own greed.

Wind Spirits are very rarely seen. They come and go as they please, taking no true residence within the lands. Their nature is known to be almost as chaotic as the Shadows, though far less malicious.

Water Spirits live along the coasts and some have learned to live with the human's and others who take up residence along the same coast. They can be either very easy to work with or their rage is as deadly as the angry ocean during a storm. They also rarely tread along the northern coast, keeping away from the Ice Spirits to avoid unnecessary conflict.​
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