Any Needing Partners for Thrilling Stories- Custom and Ideas Below

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Any Needing Partners for Thrilling Stories- Custom and Ideas Below


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Hey! Looking for quality long term roleplay partners! I am taking both male and female partners at this time. If you need to know I prefer detail, and I am literate to semi-literate. Right now I am looking for a lot of plots involving action-adventure with some other genres involved. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy other genres as well such as romance. At the same time, if you play female, I might be interested in weaving some romance, drama, and other things that are more in the realm of smut if we fit well and the story is to our liking.

Some of the other genres can be drama, suspense, romance, fantasy, or whatever really. The main thing is I am looking for us to create the setting and verse it out a bit. The roleplay also possibly having multiple characters, but does not necessarily need to either.

Some of the thoughts that have been floating around in my head are below:

-An alternate history type of scenario dealing with a WW3 theater (time frame can be discussed) except there are a few people with special abilities. (Like superheroes, but not necessarily).

-Some sort of sci-fi or science fantasy setting we create dealing with space, different planets and moons, and possibly war. Or perhaps we roll like space pirates or bounty hunters.

-Been thinking about playing a vigilante who hunts people in a corrupt city. His targets are drug lords, crime leaders, and his most hated like serial killers and other people who do hideous immoral things.

-Something similar or akin to an X-men style setting but original. Can be modern, pre-modern, sci-fi, or fantasy in nature.

-A medieval or renaissance fantasy (or even ancient with mythology aspects) and I am game for any level of adventure or something dealing with royal courts, queens, princesses, and other things, I am good with light fantasy or historical fantasy as well as maybe some historical fandoms with a twist or any such thing. I am fine with monsters, gods, evil entities and such as well, but when it comes to overly high fantasy we'll need to discuss it out more.

-Last, any alternate history things you might want to play out hop over and we'll discuss it. That's it I think. If you are interested please DM me and let's discuss!

If you have any ideas or want to create anything custom from scratch please notify me!

Below are some fandoms I am still looking for roleplays in and I also accept crossovers:
-DC, Marvel, Mortal Kombat, Ninja Turtles, Star Wars, and others.

If interested or curious at all please private message me and we'll get something going. Thanks!
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