Group RP Neverwinter Adventurers' Guild

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Group RP Neverwinter Adventurers' Guild

Mikaela Corvid

Staff member
Dungeon Master
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 11:15 PM
Adventurers guild.JPG

The Neverwinter Adventurer's Guild is a place of both grandeur and warmth, a sanctuary for those who seek quests and camaraderie. As you step inside, the first thing that catches your eye is the massive stone fireplace on the far wall, its flames dancing merrily and casting a cozy glow across the room. Above the mantle, a majestic sword is mounted, a relic from a long-forgotten battle.

To your left, a sturdy coat rack stands, laden with cloaks and hats of various adventurers. The scent of leather and the faint aroma of exotic spices fill the air, hinting at the diverse origins of the guild's members.

The walls are lined with bookcases, each shelf brimming with ancient tomes, scrolls, and journals. Some books are bound in rich, dark leather, while others are tattered and worn, their pages yellowed with age. Interspersed among the books are artifacts from countless adventures: a dragon's claw, a shimmering crystal, and a small, intricately carved wooden box that hums with a faint magical energy.

At the center of the room, a large map of Faerûn is spread out on a heavy oak table. The map is detailed and vibrant, showing every mountain range, forest, and city in exquisite detail. Tiny figurines mark the locations of current quests and known dangers, a testament to the guild's constant vigilance.

Behind the reception desk sits an elven woman with an air of quiet efficiency. Her long, silver hair is pulled back into a loose braid, and her emerald eyes are focused intently on the parchment before her. She is meticulously marking off items on a to-do list, her quill moving with practiced precision. Her attire is both practical and elegant, a blend of soft greens and browns that complement her natural grace. Despite her busy demeanor, she occasionally looks up to greet newcomers with a warm, welcoming smile, her presence adding a touch of serenity to the bustling guild hall.​

When she notices your approach, she smiles brightly at you.

"Ah! Another adventurer I see! I have a list of jobs ranging from rat extermination to- Oh? The Moonshae wars? Why yes. Go ahead and fill out this application, and put it in this bin right here." She motions to a wicker basket with several applications already inside.

"When you're done feel free to enter the chow hall and have a quick bite to eat. We welcome all sorts here! Do be careful though, some of our members can a bit touchy!" She hands you a parchment with a smile, and motions to the quills and ink pots on the side of her desk. "Help yourself."

Application picture.JPG

You read the parchment, and note that it asks you for several items:

Region of Origin:
Skills Description:
Job History:
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
Reference 3:

Then it goes on to say:

"I hereby sign as to the accuracy of my statements and understand that by doing so I relieve the Neverwinters' Adventurers' Guild of any liability from any incidents that may arise from this job, and understand fully that by accepting a job offer could entail maiming, dismemberment, deformation, or even death of my persons and hereby sign my aknowledgement henceforth."

Below is an area to sign, with a magical sigil at the bottom.

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Please fill out a character sheet with the aforementioned specifics above, and post them here to be involved with this roleplay. Please do not post on the LFG page, simply DM me with any questions. Once the character sheet has been filled, I will add you to the DM group to talk more specifics about the D&D/Rp.

This RP is specific to the Faerun universe, please be in keeping with that.
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Name: Trym Tealeaf
Age: Thirty
Species: Halfling Lightfoot
Region of Origin: Ingebourne
Skills Description: adept at pickpocketing and flattery
Job History: Charlatan
Experience: 15 years scamming
Reference 1: Trym and Improper
Reference 2: Mother of "Dragons" eggs
Reference 3: The Mysterious Child of Ingebourne

Then it goes on to say:

"I hereby sign as to the accuracy of my statements and understand that by doing so I relieve the Neverwinters' Adventurers' Guild of any liability from any incidents that may arise from this job, and understand fully that by accepting a job offer could entail maiming, dismemberment, deformation, or even death of my persons and hereby sign my aknowledgement henceforth."

Below is an area to sign, with a magical sigil at the bottom.

Name: Beldak Umbren
Age: 28
Species: Half-Orc
Region of Origin:
Skills Description: Tracking, drinking, and solving cold cases
Job history: Bounty hunter, adventurer
Experience: 8 years of winning bar competions and 10 years of great weapon fighting
Reference 1: Bruenor
Reference 2: Ralvortix the beholder (old bingo buddy)
Reference 3: Minsc

Then it goes on to say:

"I hereby sign as to the accuracy of my statements and understand that by doing so I relieve the Neverwinters' Adventurers' Guild of any liability from any incidents that may arise from this job, and understand fully that by accepting a job offer could entail maiming, dismemberment, deformation, or even death of my persons and hereby sign my aknowledgement henceforth."

Below is an area to sign, with a magical sigil at the bottom.

X_______Beldak Umbren_____
Name: Emris Blueblood
Age: 27
Species: Dwarf
Region of Origin: Gauntlgrym
Skills description: Smithing, fighting, drinking
Job history: Miner, warrior, blacksmith, priest of Moradin
Experience: 200 years as a priest of Moradin and 80 years working as a miner and smithy
Reference 1: Bruenor Battlehammer (King of Gauntlgrym)
Reference 2: Alyx Bronzebeard (Dwarven master-smith)
Reference 3: Grim Stormpike (High Priest of Moradin)
Then it goes on to say:

"I hereby sign as to the accuracy of my statements and understand that by doing so I relieve the Neverwinters' Adventurers' Guild of any liability from any incidents that may arise from this job, and understand fully that by accepting a job offer could entail maiming, dismemberment, deformation, or even death of my persons and hereby sign my aknowledgement henceforth."

Below is an area to sign, with a magical sigil at the bottom.

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Name: Droz Halfmoon
Age: 24
Species: Tiefling
Region of Origin: Waterdeep
Skills Description: Degree in Theoretical Magics, Minor in Planar Physics. I can meet all your arcane-electric needs!
Job History: Assistant Teacher in Theoretical Magics at Blackstaff Tower
Experience: Making weeeeird things!
Reference 1: Professor Cate Coyle
Reference 2: Lazarus Acescale
Reference 3: Cytal Blackfoot

𝓓𝓻𝓸𝔃 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓯𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷

(He is, in fact, a draconic bloodline sorcerer! Not a wizard. Silly, huh?)
Name: Rendak Bloodstorm
Age: 30
Species: Orc
Region of Origin:
Skills Description: Skilled two weapon combat, hand to hand combat, knives, anything weapon and armor related
Job History: son of the warchief of the Urgal tribe
Experience: led many successful raids for the last 15 years
Reference 1: Warchief Golak [father]
Reference 2: Rendal Ironwill [warrior]
Reference 3: Throkk Stronghand [warrior]

Then it goes on to say:

"I hereby sign as to the accuracy of my statements and understand that by doing so I relieve the Neverwinters' Adventurers' Guild of any liability from any incidents that may arise from this job, and understand fully that by accepting a job offer could entail maiming, dismemberment, deformation, or even death of my persons and hereby sign my aknowledgement henceforth."

Below is an area to sign, with a magical sigil at the bottom.


[Orc fighter at your service!]
Name: Lyra Thaloriel
Age: 120
Species: Wood Elf
Region of Origin: High Forest
Skills Description: Expert in shape-shifting, nature magic, herbalism, and survival. Skilled in healing and guiding through wilderness.
Job History: Forest protector, healer and herbalist, and nature guide.
Experience: Decades of defending forests, leading expeditions, and using natural magic.
Reference 1: Elandor Brightleaf, elder druid
Reference 2: Thalia Moss, herbalist
Reference 3: Kael Thornshadow, ranger

"I hereby sign as to the accuracy of my statements and understand that by doing so I relieve the Neverwinters' Adventurers' Guild of any liability from any incidents that may arise from this job, and understand fully that by accepting a job offer could entail maiming, dismemberment, deformation, or even death of my persons and hereby sign my acknowledgement henceforth."

Below is an area to sign, with a magical sigil at the bottom.

X_________Lyra Thaloriel________
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