MxF New Plot Ideas To TIckle Your Fancy

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MxF New Plot Ideas To TIckle Your Fancy


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Today 5:22 AM
1. A with meets and starts dating a guy who secretly plans to infect her with dark powers and use her to take over the world and control everyone and everything. She has a best friend who is a vampire and suspicious of the man and eventually he finds out what the man is up to and convinces her to do what it takes to destroy him. But not before he had given her a special amulet that looks awesome on her, neither of them know the amulet is part of what infects her, though. Throughout the process of vanquishing the man, the two finally are able to admit their real feelings for each other and that allows them to claim supernaturally on each other. Eventually, they figure out what the amulet is and destroy it, but by then it is too late and the infection continues to grow inside her without either of their knowledge.

2. This one is kind of a modern day, Romeo and Juliet. She comes from a very rich and powerful family of vampires and is very geared towards beauty and fashion and basically being a princess. He comes from a rich but blue collar family of werewolves that are into the construction and destruction business, very good for the werewolves need to be physical and tear things apart. He is a little different, though, he is not into the hard drinking and partying they do and the constant need to destroy things. He is made fun of as the family geek because he is more into business and professionalism and using his mind rather than his instincts. The two of them grew up together not knowing what the other was yet they were still fierce rivals all the way up through graduating high school. Fast forward a couple of years and they meet again when they run into each other at the local college or somewhere, only this time when their eyes meet something happens and they instantly claim on one another at such a deep level that all the other things that held them to earth disappear and all that is left is each other.

3. College RP, A cheerleader x a more serious student. She is a cheerleader dreaming of making it big with her looks and spirit once she graduates college and works hard in her athletic craft. He is a serious student who avoids frats and sporting events and focuses instead on his studies and academic achievements and accolades and can be socially awkward. She finds out that she will not be able to stay on the squad unless she gets her grades up and her family threatens to cut her off or else. She is desperate for some help and then one day in class notices him and thinks that maybe he can tutor her. He accepts on the two of them embark on a remarkable journey where they learn deeper and more important things about themselves and what they want to be and he learns how to be a lot more social and she learns how to buckle down and eventually the two of them fall for each other even though they are opposite in a lot of ways, they are great mixed together.

PM Me with thoughts, ideas, and interest please! :)
Yahallo, sir. Are there people who took up either the first plot or the third? I am very much interested in both. :D
Hello, browsing through your ideas the second one of the modern Romeo and Juliet peaked my interests, if you're still wanting to do that and you're not overwhelmed I would be more than happy to write, pm me if you want and we can start discussing things.
Bump, I am also looking for partners who like to stay on the lighter side of RP and I only do MxF unless it is a group RP :)
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