MxF New World

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MxF New World


Ruler of the Dream Realm
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Today 9:34 PM
Michigan, United States
I have RPed for over 30 years and love one on one RPs a lot.

I prefer f/m relationships and don't play males very well so would prefer a male partner. I have tried f/f but it ended in disaster. And I tried playing a male character with the same results.

Most played Characters:
Moonlight/Melissa Jean Wolf (Xmen)
Princess Crystal
Vanessa Porter (Vampire)

Marvel (Mostly X-Men)
Fantasy (A combination of these worlds. Eragon, LOTR, The Sword Of Truth)
Medieval Fantasy (King Arthur Era)
Modern (Self explanatory)
Modern Fantasy (Angels and Demons or Vampires and Werewolves)

Do not like:
Horror and Zombies
Will not role play Henti, Incest, Futa Lamia or any of those other types of Anime Smut crap.

The princess is loved by her family and people. But, she is an only child and her parents are over protective. Even so, she has been safe up till now. One day bandits were able to break into the castle, kill her family and kidnap her.

On his way to the castle, after weeks on patrol, one of the castle guards sees a wagon leaving the castle, going extremely fast and clouds of smoke coming from the castle. He follows, curious as to what was going on. Finding out that the princess had been kidnapped he rescues her.

The Corzoconian empire lost their queen when their princess was a young child, but that did not stop the king from doing his best to raise her right. He chose his best men to keep her safe. One of those men chose to become the princess trainer, teaching her archery and sword fighting, growing more and more in love with her.

They were betrothed when she was born and he was 3, but at the age of ten, his kingdom was attacked and all were killed. Or so she was told.

Several years passed and now she was 18 years old, and in trouble. While at her secret paradise she is attacked and taken prisoner. Her father, the king, declared that whomever rescued her could have her hand in marriage.

The prince, long thought dead, caught wind of the decree and went to rescue her hoping that he could regain his kingdom with her help.

Anything can happen... It is set in modern times and starts off with MC lost in the woods, and a search party setting out to find her.

MC is a vampire who was changed approximately 50 years ago. She knows nothing about being a vampire and could use some help. She feeds on animal blood, not human, which gives her Golden Eyes, a rarity among other of your kind. She has also been found to be what is called a Day Walker. Even more rare. On top of these rarities... She is a healer.

One day she finds herself cornered by hunters after coming into the outskirts of town and can't escape. YC must save her. There are other things that happen as well which we can discuss in PM.

YC is also a vampire but was changed over 700 years ago (or longer) so you have some experience at life where she has none.

Master Garender was a kind and caring master. It had been Five years since her cruel master had nearly beaten her to death. Now at age 23 she was happy and felt so loved by her master.

Bandits attack them and kill her master.

Your job? Rescue her from the bandits and take over her care as a sex slave. You can either set her free, which will be her death. Take her as your slave. Or teach her how to do things other than be a pleasure slave.

Melissa Jean was a mutant and was captured by Monolith. She was sexually abused, physically abused, and made to do horrible things with her powers. Unable to kill with her powers, she learned how to keep from hurting others, until Monolith took away her ability to use her powers without their say so. Now under their mind control, MJ appears at the local mall and begins attacking normal people.

Your job? Stop MJ, without killing her. Remove the device controlling her, without killing her. And help her to recover her lost memories again without killing her. You just might find your sole mate in the process.

MC is an angel but does not know it. She is raised as a human by parents who are kind and caring. Some where in her past she had fallen in love with a demon, but that is something that is forbidden. Rather than denounce God and become a fallen, she took the punishment for forbidden love, loss of her memories, loss of her wings, and sent to live on earth, being separated from her love and raised as a human child.
One year after the death of her father, strange things begin happening. Phone calls with a strange language being spoken. Strange noises at the book store, that she inherited from her parents. Being followed home by strange shadows. Then, a man (YC) shows up at the bookstore. He looks so familiar to her yet she can't place him. He asks her out on a date....
YC has searched for eons to find her. When he finally did, he was again struck by her beauty. He decides to take things slow, knowing that she has no memory of their love nor her past as an angel. So he asks her out hoping that she will fall in love with him again and slowly recover her lost memories.

Thank you for reading about me. If you are interested in RPing with me on any of these games please PM me and we can talk shop. (PS I prefer to RP via thread and not via PM.)
RPG Rating:
PG to R depending on RP
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