Nice to meet you, everybody

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Nice to meet you, everybody

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Today 3:20 PM
Hello everyone! My name is zombiequeenkai. You can call me Zombie, Queen, or Kai. Or a combination such as Queen Kai or Zombie Kai. Call me whatever you want. 'Tis just a username.

I've been roleplaying for ten years now and I've been around the block when it comes to roleplaying sites. I first started out with tinierme, then deviantart, f-list, and now; my romping grounds are the plethora of roleplay forums online. I cast my net wide for roleplay partners.

I'm currently a third year college student and I'm majoring in English. If it isn't obvious from that, I love writing and creating stories. Smut is great but first thing in my heart is plot. Plot with smut, not smut with plot. I'm a multi-paragraph writer and I look for other writers whose the same length style.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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