Character(s) NightmareSam's Lovely Ladies

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Character(s) NightmareSam's Lovely Ladies


Nightmare Queen
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Today 10:05 AM
Your Nightmares
Myra Juno Rivers
Name: Myra Juno Rivers
*Nicknames: My and MJ are the more popular nicknames*

Age: 25

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Slim

Birthday: October 31st

Sign: Scorpio

Occupation: Musician and a Tattoo artist.

Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, she loves her music and has the skills to go with it. She has just about to finish college with an art degree. She is also quite a boxer.

Personality: She is a stubborn, mischievous, and rebellious young woman. She is a punk-rocker, expressed in both her music taste and style. She loves to get high, drink beer, and can be described as bold and outgoing. She has a big mouth often making snarky comments, acts fearless and loves to take risks, which often gets her in trouble. She can be prone to angry outbursts, and has serious issues with abandonment and trust.

Bio: Without a doubt Myra seemed to have a rough life growing up. Her mother was her role model. One she simply adored however her father she had grown up to despise. She shared her mother's creativity and passion for the arts while she was also trying to make her marriage work with her alcoholic and abusive husband for her daughters case. She tried to take the beatings for her daughter however when her father's rage was going to be taken out on Myra. Her father was in and out of jail as well as a rehab center on and off. Things always seemed good when he was away... Then her mother was unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer and died when Myra was just 15. Her father became far more violent after that and took it out on her every chance he got. She eventually took up boxing so she could defend herself. The moment she was 18 she was out of that home and tries to ignore her father every chance she gets. Of course growing up with him she is well known for being a bit more on the rebellious side.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)




(Right Arm)

(Left Side. Only roses are blue.)

(Right Thigh)


Piercings- Nose, tongue, 3 ear piercings, belly ring.
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Clementine Jacee Barkley
Name: Clementine Jacee Barkley
*Nicknames: Clem (everyone), Clemmy and CJ*

Age: 25

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Slim with some curves in the rigbt places.

Birthday: July 22nd

Sign: Leo

Abilities: Controlling Weather and all the elements (Fire, Water, Earth and Air) *This is for Fantasy RPs*

Occupation: Model and an actress. Recently graduated college with a filming degree.

Hobbies: Music, Modeling, Fighting as well as her acting career which she takes great pride in. She actually loves the theater as well as partying and having fun with friends. Loves Astrology and star constellations.

Personality: She is a mystery, up to the point where there are mixed opinions about her personality. She is generally considered popular and nice, but also rebellious. She is also smart and had an eye for images and art and is just known generally to be caring person. She is quite ambitious as well. She is stubborn as well as fiesty and short tempered.

Bio: With an outstanding GPA of 4.0, she was considered the quintessential representation of all throughout her school years and her career and excelled in both her studies and numerous extracurricular activities. She grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young. Her mom has easily been able to support the two of them easily,but as a result Clem was usually by herself alot growing up. Her mother was never exactly someone she seen eye to eye with as it was, her mother always tried making Clem the 'perfect daughter', trying to make her fit in with the high society life, and the pressure got worse when her mother remarried. She eventually grew tired of the restrictions and became more rebellious at the idea.

Looks: Anime and Real Version



(Right Leg)

(Behind Left Ear)

(Right Forearm)

3 ear piercing on both ears, belly button and nose ring stud.
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Storm Hazel Sullivan
Name: Storm Hazel Sullivan

Age: 25

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Slim

Birthday: April 13th

Sign: Aries

Nationality: Polynesian American

Religion: Pagan (Natural born witch thanks to her mother)

Occupation: Writer and Artist (She is a bit of a celebrity due to her books). Secretly a gang leader due to being the oldest of the Sullivan children. She keeps that side well hidden.

Hobbies: Boxing, Training, Writing her novels as well as creating master pieces on pieces of paper.

Personality: She is extremely creative and brave as well as rude and known to get a bit violent, which can't be helped because of her short fuse. But she is known for being a bit of a softy towards the people she does care about she eventually warms up to people and shows them her kinder side. She is spunky, bold, known to be very ambitious. She is strong, very independent and smart though deep down she knows she is a bit lonely despite her family and her gang. She is a fantastic leader. She can be a bit of a trickster, and she does actually have a great sense of humor. A fox has always been known to be the woman's spirit animal.

Bio: Being the oldest of the Sullivan's naturally you would think there would be enough pressure, especially keeping four younger brother's in line correct? Well for Storm the pressure has always been far worse. She grew up and for 3 generations the Sullivan family has been the leaders of Vipers, a well known gang that people are terrified of in the entire Chicago area. So naturally being the oldest Storm was easily to take over for her father. She grew up doing intense training, growing up with many men and being one of the few women in the gang of course that made her have to work 10 times harder to make sure the men in her group respected her and followed her orders. With their families wealth and well known and beloved reputation there is no doubt they manage to keep the leaders identies well hidden. Storm had grown up with the passion for the arts and had even gotten a writing degree, as well as owning her own art gallery. She is a well known and popular author.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)


(Eyes a bright stormy grey color)

(But a Viper Snake instead)

(Lower Abdomen -Near Crotch-)

(Right Arm)

Piercings- Nose, Belly button and 3 ear studs on both sides.
Max Payten Trueheart
Name: Maxyne (Max) Payten Trueheart
*Nicknames- Max (everyone), Maxi* (HATES being called Maxyne)

Age: 23

Height: 5'6"

Body Type: Slim/Athletic

Power: Seeing ghosts and demons as well as hearing them and talking to them

Birthday: February 14th

Sign: Aquarius

Occupation: College Student/Photographer

Hobbies: Videogames, Photography, Magic, Supernatural topics as well as watching horror movies. She is on the swimming team.

Personality: She is an intense person to say the least and with many secrets. A woman of mystery as you would call it. She is supportive but prone to insecurity but she is pretty outgoing. She is known to being quite flexible and hates routine. She is always there for her friends no matter what, most loyal and caring person once you get to know her but she is known to have a short temper and is quite stubborn. Usually she is the center of attention without meaning too, and she can be a bit nosy from time to time. She has great leadership skills. She can be assertive and intimidating. You can always see the softer side of her when she is around animals and when she talks about her photography. Do to the fact she has had a shitty beginning it has made her a stronger and tougher person physically and emotionally.

Bio: Growing up in a middle class neighbourhood. She was raised by her father who is a former solider, she had practically been raised by him alone, due to the fact that her mother is a real piece of work. Emotionally unstable, alcoholic mother, a mother who played tortuous, unpredictable games, she seemed to always pick Max to strike and abuse our of her two younger sisters of course her father having no idea what his wife was truly like do to the fact he was always working. Her mom starved her, forced her to drink ammonia, stabbed her in the stomach, and burned her arm on a gas stove. Her mother threatened to kill Max many times. One night, while waving a knife around, she lost her balance and fell. The knife flew and it stabbed the then 14 year old Max in the stomach. When she woke, her mom was dressing his wound. She took care of Max that night, but in the morning she was covered with blood and she was back to her usual self. It was then her father realized what his wife was doing to poor Max one night when he came home early and he noticed Max was locked into the basement, nearly dying due to an infection. Once she was healed and released from the hospital her father... Her savior had taken her and her two sisters away to Salem, divorcing his wife who attempted accusing her husband of the abuse. Sure enough the jury didn't buy it and she was locked up. Though do to 'good' behavior she is being let out early. For as long as she could remember she was able to see, here and talk to the spirits from the other side, she oddly found comfort during her mother's abuse cause when she was locked away in that basement she had someone to talk to.

Now that she is away from that terrible environment sure enough she is a bit fiesty and rough around the edges but now she is finally following her dream about becoming a photographer, living life in a college dorm and she has 5 close friends... Oh, and her adorable cat.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)


(Right Arm)

(Left Ribcage just a little below her breast)

(Right Calf)

Piercings- Snakebites, tongue, 00 gauges as well as eyebrow piercing.
Jazz Hope Myers
Name: Jazlyn Hope Myers
*Nickname Jazz -everyone-*

Age:18-24 (Depending on either High School, College or other RPS)

Height: 5'4"

Body Type: Some curves but all in the
right places

Powers: Empathy, Empathic Projection, Visions, Telepathy, as well as Telekinesis.

Birthday: February 25th

Sign: Pisces

Occupation: Country singer as well as a vet.

Hobbies: Singing, Taking care of animals, writing and helping in the homeless shelter. She does have a tomboy side to her and loves to fish, mud wrestling as well as regular wrestling. She also loves to go on her dirt bike. She also loves riding horses.

Personality: Don't let the blonde hair and blue eyes fool you. There is alot more to this girl that meets the eye. Despite her girly-like appearance she is a bit of a tomboy at heart and that is probably due to the fact she grew up with 3 older brother, easily making her the baby of the family. Though while her tomboyish side is a bit of a shock there is no doubt how sweet and caring this girl is. She can be a badass when she wants to be and when it is very well calls for that side of her. All in all she is one of the most selfless person you will ever meet. Always there to listen and be the shoulder you cry on. She is a very bubbly and outgoing person you cannot help but adore her. But don't think cause of her kindness she won't knock some sense into you if you do something shitty to her or screw her over. Don't be fooled by her Barbie-like appearance. She is a very passionate person especially when it comes to her music. She is known for having a fiesty side to her.

Bio: Born in raised in Tennessee there is no doubt that she would grow up to be a real southern beauty. She does come from a close family and being the youngest sibling and the only girl there is no doubt she learned how to defend herself and her 3 brother's are extremely protective of the kind hearted girl. You would think she has a white-picket fenced childhood and it was like this... Atleast that is what she seems to have believe until recently when memories of what happened behind closed doors began coming back. Until now the she was not aware of her father's sexual abuse towards her when she was just a child, she will tell you her first memory was when she was 8 years old and that was thanks to her father's brain washing methods. She is now attempting to put those memories to behind her in hopes to avoid the conflict that would happen if she opened her mouth. Simply keeping silent in hopes to keep her family together. Of course ever since she was first born she knew she had special gifts.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)




(Right Side)

(Left Forearm)

Piercings- Four ear piercing in total. Only one on the right ear and the rest on the left. And a simple nose piercing.
RJ Poseider
Name: Rain Jaylin Poseider
*Nicknames- RJ (everyone), Or Rainy*

Age: 23

Height: 5'6

Body Type: Slim

Species: Pureblooded Mermaid

Birthday: March 13th

Sign: Pisces

Occupation: Hairstylist and Horror makeup artist.

Hobbies: Walking around in human territory, singing, dancing, partying. She loves leading a double life from being the princess of the sea to a 'human' in the real world. She loves doing make up and hair as well as watching horror movies. Of course she also loves to swim.

Personality: Spunky, badass and not what you would expect from the queen of the merpeople. She is a very curious and sometimes even a nosy person but she has always found herself to be a curious person. Drawn to the land and the sea she lives two separate lives and tries to keep her mermaid image hidden in the human world. She can be a bit fiesty and short tempered, however that edgy style and vibe about her makes her incredibly unique compared to the other merpeople. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her and is extremely confident, and not to mention flirty. She is quite adventurous, outgoing yet sarcastic. There is no doubt she adores her people and the humans, she is incredibly loyal and protective of the people she cares about.

Bio: Being a princess of the whole entire sea can certainly be a whole lot of pressure on one being however that never stopped RJ from being herself despite what her family has ever said. Growing up she was not exactly considered a 'normal' stereotypical mermaid who always listens to very bright and happy music. She has found herself more attracted to the more edgy lifestyle, especially when it came to the human world. While her mother (the queen) strongly disapproves of her edgy style her father, the king obviously doesn't see a problem, that he is even proud that she is not trying to be something she wasn't. Of course there is a whole different life for RJ in the human world and she manages to blend in perfect due to hiding her fin. From owning her own hair salon as well as doing special effects makeup for movies and shows. Of course one day while RJ was out on the farther side of the sea by the time she had come back the majority of her people were wiped out by an evil force, almost to the point of extinction... Even her parents met that demise resulting her in becoming the Queen of the remaining merpeople. She has always been different from her people. Especially since has tattoos which only seems to be added on when she earns them.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)
(Hair gets longer when she is in mermaid form)




(Face Markings. Only symmetrical.)


(Right Leg. Sapphire color along with the rest of the tattoos)

(Both arms)

Piercings- Tongue, Belly button, nipples, gauges as well as a few more piercing in ears.
Frankie Zara Archer
Name: Francesca Zara Archer
*Nickname- Frankie -everyone-, Frankenstein and Frank*

Age: 20

Height: 5'7"

Body Type: Slim-Athletic

Birthday: November 24th

Sign: Sagittarius

Occupation: (Former)-Student, Fencing Coach and MMA fighter.

Hobbies: Fencing (The sport), she did it all the time before the apocalypse. MMA, Painting/Drawing, taking care of her nephew. She also love riding on her motorcycle. She loves taking care of the people she loves. Especially at times like this.

Personality: She has fantastic leadership skills and she uses it especially to her advantage especially during the apocalypse it is a well needed skill. She is extremely resourceful and very smart. She does however seem to be a bit rough around the edges unless it comes to her nephew CJ who she shares a close bond with. She is known for being sarcastic and an all in all smart ass but it adds the charm about her. She is a tough and feisty person that is for sure. Being fearless and a great leader is especially important during this time. She simply adored him then within a year fate caught up to all too quickly which resulted in his death. She had met many people along the way getting out of tough situations and so much more. Even

Bio: Before the terrible apocalypse you can imagine that Frankie had a pretty average childhood. A great family, a loving big brother and two devoted parents. The moment after her 14th birthday everthing thing turned for the worse once the apocalypse reared its ugly head, the death of her parents were not enough but her brother was no where to be seen, resulting in the teenager to be completely alone and survive on her own. That was atleast her role model had came into her life, put her under his wing and helped keep her safe until she atleast found sights of her brother. Bram had taught her everything from shooting and any necessary survival skills needed during this time. When she finally found her brother Clayten sure enough she was surprised to find out his new girlfriend was incredibly pregnant and Clay had a decent group following. Luck seemed to not last long around Frankie due to the fact that her brother died during a battle, and Clay's girlfriend Justice had died during the child birth. Her little nephew seemed to become that light at the end of the tunnel for her... He brought hope and it was a no brainer what to name her nephew. CJ... Clayten Justice Archer. She is now raising the 5 (almost 6) year old nephew for the majority of their adventure it has been just her and CJ, especially after their former group made planes to turn on them, obviously Frankie these days doesn't have trust in other's. Until recently she hasn't even attempted to create a group, just been her and CJ who she trains for self defense... That is until recently...

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)



(Left Upper Arm)


(Upper Chest)

(Left Foot)

(Name CJ-Clayten Justice on right wrist. His initials nickname CJ only)

(Right Leg)


*Clayten Justice *
((Anime amd Real Version. Not for sexual purposes just an idea on what CJ looks like :)))


Mika Paige Maugrim
Name: Domonique Paige Maugrim
*Nicknames: Mika -Everyone-, Domo, Domi, Domeek, Nika.

Age: 26

Height: 5'7"

Body Type: Slim/Athletic

Species: Pureblooded Werewolf

Nationality: Native American- Cherokee

Birthday: August 13th

Sign: Leo

Occupation: Soon to be Alpha and Cheif. Professional Dancer.

Hobbies: Training, Fighting, Hunting, Partying and having a great time with friends. She has a passion for dancing

Personality: She is rebellious in her stance and straight up about everything. She's a dichotomy --blunt and unapologetic, but cares and comes through for her friends and loved ones. She is known to be a great leader, and to be quite protective. She can be extremely seductive and flirty and is well known for being a party girl however she takes her authority duties seriously. She is is stubborn, short temper and fiesty. Despite her mother's strict rules she makes her own destiny and path. She is a free spirited individual.

Bio: Naturally being the next in line to become Alpha you can imagine there is strict rules, none of which she never followed due to her free spirited nature,a personality trait in which she get from her father. Her mother on the other hand always gave enforced the strict rules on her daughter resulting in Mika growing more and more rebellious. She is a true believer and not always following traditions. Growing up with a mostly male pack of course she has had to work harder on showing who is boss and in charge, and growing up with 3 younger brother's proved to help with this boss image. She is a bit resentful of her mother these days however her father is her role model.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)


Werewolf Form:


-More like a birthmark behind right ear-

Piercings: Tongue, Belly button, four ear piercing, and Medusa Piercing.
Hazel Constance Griffin
Name: Hazel Constance Griffin
*Nickname: Haz, Hazey*

Age: 24

Height: 5'7"

Body Type: Slim

Birthday:July 13th

Sign: Cancer

Occupation: Singer, Pinup girl and a Music Teacher.

Hobbies: Horror movies as well as 50s movies, Singing as well as listening to music. She has a passion as well teaching her kid students about music. She loves hanging with friends and family in her free time. She always has her notebook with her in case her muse comes to visit. She loves writing.

Personality: She is quite a unique person especially in this modern age she is concidered to have a gorgeous old soul and while her 50s style backs it up she does also show some modern style with her tattoos and piercings. She is intelligent, witty and very open minded. She is known to be quite passionate with everything she does especially with her music, which as you imagine is old school jazz and rock and roll. You would think she was suppose to be born in the 50s. She is extremely creative and imaginitive. She can be quite feisty though so watch out and you better not screw her over or you will be in a world of pain. She is considered an ambivert when it comes to socializing. Sometimes she does have stage fright however and sometimes she doesn't have the best confidence when it comes to her talent. She hides her lack of confidence though.

Bio: Hazel wasn't adopted however she is the daught of two gay married men and she loves them to pieces. One of her Dads Harry (a red head) had been the one to to put his sperm in to a surrogate mother (Louie's sister and Hazel's aunt), after Harry and his husband Louie flipped a coin. Naturally growing up with two father's had caused to lift a few eyebrows when she was younger, she had people attempt to bully she having the feisty personality always told off whoever dared called her two loving parents terrible names. She grew up around music due to her dad Louie and she discovered at a young age she simply loved the 50s music and style. And from a young age she has made her music on the older school type of genre.

Looks: Anime and Real Version :)

(Except always has a bandana in her hair like the Real
one. Has a 50s/rockabilly style. Making her quite unique.)



(Right Inner Bicep)

(Right Thigh)

(Right Arm)

(Left Arm)

(Left Thigh)

Piercings-Septum Nose piercing, labret piercing (middle of lower lip), 1 inch gauges, and dimple piercings.
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