All [NSFW 18+] Dispatch’s Dom/Domme Dossier

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All [NSFW 18+] Dispatch’s Dom/Domme Dossier


☀️Summer of Pride🏳️‍🌈
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Hey there, I'm dispatch! I've been writing various types of roleplay for 12+ years, and have been doing NSFW roleplay for a few years now also.

I've noticed here that there seem to be far more requests out there for doms than subs. Personally, I'm a sub-leaning switch, and I typically enjoy writing and thinking about submissive and the situations they get into, so that makes it a bit hard to find dominant writers. At the risk of polluting the waters even further, I've decided to toss out some bait into the water and see if I can't catch a writer for a dom/domme character for a fun smutty story.

So, consider this a cordial invitation to try out some of my more submissive characters! 😁

Most of these plot lines are meant to be one-shot, high-smut, not very serious. If you find something you like but would want it to be less smutty or more of a slow burn, don't be afraid to reach out—no promises, but I could be convinced!

A few things to get out of the way first:

-I ONLY WRITE WITH, AND FOR, ADULTS. If you are under 18 and somehow reading this, stop now and get off of the site.

-All my characters are between 18 and 29 years old. I MIGHT be willing to play older though it's unlikely, and obviously any younger is out of the question.

-While I'm happy to work with any sort of gender situation with my dom/mes, I exclusively write cisgendered males. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of writing a female or trans character, but frankly I don't think I'd do it justice or get much out of it on my side. That said, those cis males I can write can be anywhere on the gender presentation spectrum, from hyper-masculine meathead hunks to very feminine frilly femboys, depending on the story and our preferences.

-DM me for a full kink list if you're interested. I'm happy to talk about what I'm into, but I don't want to put everything out here first, and would rather focus on comparing what we like than bombarding you up front with all the weird shit I'm into.

-CONSENT IS IMPORTANT, even when writing erotic roleplays! I expect you to be open communicating about any writing or development you're uncomfortable with and would like to change: I will do the same, and I expect you to respect that like I will. Expect to discuss limits and expectations ahead of time.

Now with all of that out of the way, I threw down some story ideas below: some short and simple, others longer and complicated, all spicy. Enjoy!

Porn-Without-Plot Prompts

-The cute, eager mechanic working on your car finds all the bondage gear and sex toys you "accidentally" left inside, and by blushingly bringing this up (just to assure you nothing was messed with), he discovers that you're looking for more than just a tuneup from him…

-The campus fuckboy who's been (jokingly?) flirting with you all semester is about to fail your class due to a botched presentation. He comes to your office hours to plead with you for another shot, saying he'll do anything to pass. You decide to test him on that, bringing him into the bedroom to evaluate his performance for a second time…

-When you asked the friendly, handsome waiter serving you at that fancy restaurant if he was on the menu too, you were worried that he would feel harassed, even as he blushed and laughed, saying "maybe". Luckily, it turns out that he was into it! So into it, in fact, that his supportive (and surprisingly kinky) coworkers helped truss him up as "take out" for you to enjoy—on the house!

-Your (hot) ex is back. Again. Sorry for whatever he did that caused the breakup—cheating, arguing, not doing the dishes, etc.—he apologizes deeply, admits he was wrong, and begs you to forgive him and take him back. Against your better judgement, you do, on one condition: that as penance for his previous failings, he now will serve you full time as your personal boytoy. He eagerly but nervously agrees, and you two get started in a new, much kinkier relationship…

More coming soon—stay tuned!

Larger, More Developed Plots

When In Rome…
<<Historical (Ancient Rome), Master x Slave, MASSIVE Power Imbalance, Spicy>>
The year is 100 AD, and the place is Rome, the city at center of the world, richer and more populous than any other. Trajan is emperor, the Roman Empire is at its peak (territorially, anyways), and life is good.

Well, if you're a free citizen, that is.

The thing about Rome that a lot of people tend to forget is that it was very much a slave society. At this point in history, slaves composed a full third of the population of Italy. Slaves did all the dirty work: they grew the food, mined the rock, made the pottery, hauled the bricks, soaked the laundry in piss, stomped the olive oil and wine presses.

Oh, and yeah, they fucked and were fucked, more or less willingly, at their enslavers' pleasure. Obviously this is not a morally correct situation in the slightest, but that's just the way it was back before human rights and anti-slavery thinking became commonplace: nobody would see anything wrong with this for another dozen centuries or so. In a world where people could be bought and sold openly, easy access to sex was a major part of the appeal.

Fortunately for YC, this isn't a problem for them. On the contrary: being from a rich and politically well-connected family of senatorial rank, you benefit enormously from this state of affairs. Perhaps you are the ferociously powerful matron of the family, or their favored princess. Perhaps you are a dilettante young son of the family… Or, maybe you are at the absolute high peak of Roman society, and have become a well-respected and famous senator or general, rubbing shoulders with Emperor Trajan himself.

Either way, whatever brand of noble and stupidly rich you are, one day you decide to visit the slave markets (one of the more reputable ones, of course). Perhaps you're bored with your current possessions and flings, or perhaps you're someone who's afraid to engage in a relationship where you don't control everything.

Whatever your reasoning, you come out to the market and find MC up on the auction block, chained up and stripped naked for you to evaluate.

Your choices for MC include:

-A brutish—almost animalistic—but virile German or Celtic barbarian from the cold far north, enormously tall and muscled like a giant, covered in strange tattoos, with bizarre yellow or red hair and sharp blue eyes,

-A soft and sensitive, yet cultured and learned Greekling from Athens, a true philosopher who is very knowledgeable about the written word, about religion and mythology, and who has an artist's soul as well as a refined taste for wine,

-A sensual and fun-loving Egyptian, a true male Cleopatra—skin browned by the Nile sun like a fresh loaf of bread, a cosmetics expert, very well versed in all the strange foreign delights and debauched arts of pleasure, and perhaps a bit (or more than a bit) toxic,

-A urbane and suave former citizen of Rome, an actor sentenced to enslavement by the courts for his frankly absurd criminal record—official corruption, impiety, drunkenness, brawling, thievery, public indecency, extremely high-level adultery—every single charge of which he INSISTS (unconvincingly) is a frame-up job,

-An obedient, serious, and exotic Persian, captured in one of the interminable wars out to the far east, full of wondrous tales of life and drama on the far side of the world, all while also being perhaps the best cook you've ever tasted,

-Or maybe, the most down-to-earth tastes really are the best, and you go for a simple country farm worker poached from a neighboring estate in Italia: sensible almost to a fault, hard-working, and eager to please—especially after you rescued him from a grim fate in the mines by your purchase.

All of these lovely men and more are for your perusal and ownership: you have more than enough coin to buy the whole lot. Perhaps one of them in particular interests you… or maybe, you can't settle on one, and want to build up your own harem of eye-candy to your specific needs.

It should be noted, however, that these slaves are still people—not merely your toys, no matter what's said or done. Perhaps they have their own dreams and agendas. Do they desire freedom? A return home? Something more? Perhaps finding that out and potentially helping them—or using it to hurt them—is all part of the appeal for you too…

Regardless of any of that, though, you're in charge here: as the undisputed master, you give the orders and set the scene for MC. And as they say, "When In Rome…"

Fallen Star
<<Sports, Rivals to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional>>
YC and MC were both athletes. Bound together by chance from an early age, the two of them competed both alongside and against each other as they began to excel in their common field. The two of you were unbeatable as you progressed through middle school, high school, and into college sports—unbeatable except by each other, that is. The two of you sparred and trained with each other constantly, seemingly inseparable as you went back and forth. You grew up together, sharing your obsession and skill with this sport. After you turned eighteen, you even went to the same college so that you could continue

While there, the two of you even shared a confusing, heated night in bed with each other, after having gotten super drunk while celebrating some big win for your university team. When you woke up, naked and in each others' arms, both of you quickly got out of bed and dressed. It was never addressed again—YC and MC both seemed to prefer acting like it never happened…

Those days have long passed though, and now you're in the pros. Lately, things had been getting kinda bad, actually. It's not clear if it was the effect of increasing stakes in the pro world, a shift in the sporting environment, the people he'd been surrounding himself with changing him, or if there's still unresolved sexual tension making him uncomfortable… but your relationship with MC had gone from "competitive close friend" to "bitterly hated rival". You hadn't exchanged friendly words with him in years, but you had exchanged quite a few cruel ones, usually in mid-match trash-talk or as passing, angry chirps.

Ignoring the budding drama, you kept on your trajectory up to the very top alongside MC, making it to the professional level. Both you and MC were considered to be among the most promising athletes in the country, and were even being courted by the Olympic Committee. A major tournament began, streamed and televised internationally, where the finalists would certainly be considered for the [insert country here, probably US though] Olympic Team, as well as for a bunch of sponsorship and other deals. If the two of you made it there, both of you would probably be set—although the champion would still get all the glory and attention. So you fought and competed, working and training hard and playing even harder, as the two of you rocketed up the bracket. As the semifinals came up, although a hard fight was still ahead, it looked like YC and MC would be facing off against each other in the finals…

Then, tragedy struck, and MC's life was destroyed.

Right as he was playing in the semifinal match of this all-important tournament, there was some kind of accident or misstep, and MC suffered a painful, catastrophic, career-ending injury to one of his legs. His shot at the championship was cut off, and he was laid up in the hospital for over two months to undergo surgery and treatment, forced to watch on TV as YC went on to easily beat his inferior opponent (who won his semifinal match by default) and win the championship.

Now, most athletes aren't totally out of luck when something this happens. They've built genuine friendships and support networks, developed a Plan-B for their career or education, or at the very least they have their family to help them get back on their feet.

MC was not one of these athletes.

His "friends," all fair-weather, evaporated one by one during his convalescence, his phone filled with left-on-read texts sent by him. What sponsorships and scholarships he had all vanished in an instant. His coaches and Olympic contacts offered their condolences, then dropped him for better prospects and ignored his applications to become an assistant or trainer. Even his family turned their backs on him: harsh, cutthroat, and hyper-competitive, they see him less as a brother or son and more as a pathetic waste now. And, since he never planned on doing anything other than the sport he now is physically incapable of being competitive in, he really has nothing else going on in his life.

MC was left utterly broken, and utterly alone. He's still in pain from his healing leg, he's about to be kicked out of his apartment, his bank account is just about empty: he is on his last leg metaphorically and literally. With the very last of his money, he took an Uber to the one final place he could think of to go…

YC's place.

Now obviously, YC is probably the last person he wants to go beg for help. Regardless of the weird social, emotional, and sexual history of your rivalry, the facts remain: YC humiliated him. You took what he wanted almost effortlessly (from his perspective anyways), and then got all the love and praise and money for achieving HIS dream, all while he was lying in pain in a hospital bed, slowly being abandoned by everyone that he thought cared about him.

At the same time, however, YC is also probably the only person on the planet who can understand what he's going through. YC has seen firsthand how much he sacrificed, how hard he worked for this, and how catastrophic something like this is for him. YC knows the people who hurt and abandoned him, and understands just how much that would hurt.

Willing to do anything just to have someone who cares and who he can rely on again, MC begs for their help. Remembering their past together—hatred, camaraderie, heat and all—YC agrees, and lets him come in.

But, it's only on YC's terms. MC is in their hands, completely.

You can be gentle and caring with him, recognizing your close relationship, how much the two of you have in common and how much he's been hurt and needs healing… You can comfort MC, help build him back up, and slowly bring him back to his old self—or, maybe, something better, kinder, and more human. You can give him a reason not just to survive, but to live.

Or… Well, you can also take advantage of MC's sorry state, make him your bitch, and get some hands-on, spicy revenge for a lifetime of competitive struggle and all the triumph and humiliation—as well as his more recent arrogance and assholery.

Perhaps ideally, you can do both! After all, it's no fun to break something that's already destroyed. Both of you will probably enjoy rebuilding a relationship far more if MC isn't a lonely, depressed, broken mess. There's a place for him at your side now, but maybe he has to earn it, by truly showing his remorse for his recent behavior, and proving to you one more time that he's worthy of being counted in the same league as YC.

It's all up to you, anyways: MC has been brought down from the heights all the way to the ground before you. How will you handle this Fallen Star?

More large plots coming soon—stay tuned!
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