Character(s) OC Archive

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Character(s) OC Archive

|Trigger Warning: only mentions|

»physical abuse »emotional abuse »neglect »prostitution in teens
»self harm »suicidal feelings »suicide »mental illness »heavy scarring



»Aliases: Titan Bait/Bait, Sunshine
»Name: Maisy Lynn Bergeson
»Name meaning: "Pearl" ; "son of the mountains"

»Daisy/Honeybun, father: she absolutely adores this coming from him, it reminds her of her childhood happy memories.
»Maze, tbd: she dislikes being called this because it's always been used condescendingly, so it tends to aggravate her, bringing back sour memories.
»May/May-May, friends: she is very fond of these and gets pretty happy when used.
»Titan Bait/Bait, general: this is her title due to being unable to get up on high buildings with her gear, honestly it amuses her and doesn't bother her.
»Sunshine, general: this is something that started from a superior, quickly being adopted by the others. She really likes this nickname and it makes her happy.

»Date of birth: 05/05/825
»Zodiac: taurus
»Age: 25=850, ; 29=854 ;32=857
»Gender: agender

»Pronouns: any
Race: human
Sexuality: biromantic, demisexual
Alignment: chaotic good

"Sir, dying for the cause is noble and a death worth experiencing! With my lack of skills I am the best choice for sacrifice, if it means those around me have a chance. There is absolutely no mistreatment going on here, instead calculated reasoning and plain logic!"



»Height: 5'5 & 1/2
Weight: 156lbs
Body Type: endomorphic column, toned w/light 4 pack
Bust Size: DD
Hair Color: dirty blonde--> white
Hair Style: bun for missions/work ; down for casual/daily life
Hair Length: shoulder ; chin
Eye Color: blue
Skin Color: fair
Piercings: n/a
Tattoos: n/a
Birthmarks: only moles all over her body, one on her neck and scattered on her face
Other: deep heavy bags around her eyes and natural blush
Make Up: very light only with rogue for her lips
Body Scent: candy, special blend of essential oils
Hygiene: 2x daily showers, one deep cleaning and a rinse before bed

Scars: multiple slashes/cuts down her entire body ; deep gash along chest to left shoulder, deep gash on her back/down left leg, small gash behind right knee and right back, multiple gashes on the front of her body, gashes down both breasts. The most noticeable being down her left eye which is now blind.

»Maisy stands proudly at 5'5 and 1/2 with a hourglass shaped body, being very toned with a 4pack. Her breasts are very large and sit up without much of a sag, soft skin decorated with moles and scars from many battles. While her hands have a softness on the top, they are mostly firm from hard work on the farm and soldier training/work. While her body is thick she has a very flat ass that doesn't leave much to be groped, something that bothers her a lot. Her thighs are quite large with a tiny thigh gap, thick toned calves keeping her up and larger feet than most women. She has a rectangle shaped face with round cheeks, hooded blue eyes and a slightly smaller nose than average. Her lips are rather plump with a cupids bow, average sized ears and a regular frown. As for her hair it is a dirty blonde that falls to her shoulder's, bangs equally as long and parted to the sides, while her eyebrows are noticeably thicker and a bushier darker dirty blonde. She typically wears her hair down unless she's doing chores, where her hair will be in a ponytail, when it comes to missions/dealing with the titans it's kept in a tight bun.
»After her close encounter with the female titan her hair has been cut down to her chin and turned completely white, except for her eyebrows. She is blind in her left eye and that side of her face is heavily scarred, as for the majority of her body.

NSFW reference
»Fashion Style: comfortable and loose in general, cute/girly when going out into town
P1 Attire: alternative/training/cold/chores/lounging/pajamas/town/formal/garments
»Female Titan: alternative/training/lounge/pajamas/town
»P2 Attire: tba

"Sure, of course I don't mind helping out in the slightest. What do you need done?"


Maisy is a very warm hearted and generous person who truly cares about others, often putting them before herself. She is highly empathetic to the point of feeling emotions others are, which leads to her adjusting to them. This adds to how open minded she is, doing her best to put herself in others shoes before judging and giving 2 chances minimum before her decisions are final. Sometimes she ends up considering too many possibilities which leads to her unable to think of a reason why they wouldn't do/act how they had, resulting in her being easily manipulated. She is understanding of what others are going through and concerned for her fellow soldiers, leading to her always offering a shoulder to cry on and an open door policy. She frets and always is trying to help however she can, even when it leads to her spreading herself too thin and often emotionally exhausted. She puts her all into everything she does, acting with determination followed by hard work. Giving her word is very sacred to her and she only does it once it's been thought over, knowing firsthand how stressful and irritating it is when someone isn't true to it. This makes her very reliable and someone trustworthy, earning a lot of respect from fellow soldiers.

She also is extremely loyal towards her comrades and their cause, her actions are genuine when it comes to work. While very loving towards just about everyone, only people she actually has formed a bond with get to see the affectionate side to her. She is very playful and touchy with these people, loving to poke fun and interact energetically with them. She also is overly motherly of them to the point where it can be rather smothering, struggling with boundaries and needing to be told when enough is enough. She truly means well but already struggles with interacting with others, especially people she actually cares and values. Generally she is rather reserved and just listens or offers advice, never really having her own input or sharing her true thoughts. She is extremely adaptable and tends to mask everywhere she goes, allowing her to seemingly get along with everyone which isn't true. In order to share more personal things or to actually make conversation she needs to "click" with you, it's just a feeling of comfort in your presence. Even still she is very guarded when it comes to herself and struggles with low self esteem and worth, fearing if she opens up too much or becomes annoying then she will be abandoned.

She's stubborn and headstrong, often blinded by her own emotions leading to over the top reactions. She hates to back down and generally will refuse even if it kills her. Deep down she is very pessimistic and has no qualms about these things slipping out, always preparing for the worst outcome. Even still she tries to cover it with optimism which doesn't work out, although it helps put others at ease especially on their deathbed. Her actions and reactions tend to be unpredictable even to the people who think they know her best, even she herself can't guarantee how she'll take things or respond. Maisy is not patient at all and instead doesn't know how to share when it's becoming too much, allowing herself to be walked all over as well as bottling up her emotions. She has a charismatic side that encourages and motivates fellow soldiers, followed by a gentle disposition that puts people at ease.
She has a sassy side which causes cheeky comments and bouts of high self esteem, as well as intriguing reactions. Her biggest flaw however is a hero complex and a lack of self worth, she doesn't feel like she deserves to live and that the only way her life has any purpose is if she can save everyone else.

Mental stability: barely stable, medicated
Mental Illness?: ptsd, bipolar 2 & insomnia
Sane or Insane: barely sane
Passive or Aggressive: passively aggressive
Optimist or Pessimist: pessimist
Religious or Atheist: atheist
Sleep Routine: 6hrs is plenty, 4hrs is barely doable and puts missions at risk
Goal: to save everybody/anybody she can, even at the cost of her life
Dream: to settle down, get married and maybe even have a child
Dark Secret: she kills the scouts that cannot be saved on the battlefield, easing them into death because she believes it's better for them

⚔︎intense eye contact/avoiding ⚔︎shifting weight ⚔︎fidgeting with anything/everything
⚔︎fight/flight ⚔︎doe eyes/clueless mask ⚔︎aggressively grooming hair ⚔︎collecting gear
⚔︎clutching necklace ⚔︎hero complex ⚔︎stashing luxuries ⚔︎bottling up emotions
⚔︎running/pacing in circles ⚔︎pouting/puffing cheeks ⚔︎flinching at sudden movements/in face
⚔︎humming/singing when happy ⚔︎selective mutism ⚔︎spreading herself too thin
⚔︎avoiding others when mental health is bad

⚔︎scars on her breasts ⚔︎becoming a burden ⚔︎being viewed as useless ⚔︎being abandoned ⚔︎flat ass ⚔︎tea skills not perfect ⚔︎letting others down ⚔︎mental health ⚔︎sexual capabilities ⚔︎naked body; after scars
⚔︎lack of attractive qualities

Pet peeves
⚔︎mimicking behavior ⚔︎tapping repeatedly ⚔︎talking over someone ⚔︎bringing others down ⚔︎leaving jars open ⚔︎passing responsibilities ⚔︎remarks about being unmarried/her body

⚔︎saving others ⚔︎setting Levi up before dying ⚔︎cleaning ⚔︎remaining useful/not a burden ⚔︎not getting caught by a titan ⚔︎training

⚔︎never being good enough ⚔︎becoming a burden ⚔︎being abandoned ⚔︎dying a slow death/without blade

⚔︎windy days ⚔︎animals ⚔︎music/singing ⚔︎baking ⚔︎visiting friends ⚔︎affection/attention ⚔︎giving gifts ⚔︎sleeping ⚔︎coffee ⚔︎sewing ⚔︎pleasing others ⚔︎winding down ⚔︎exercise ⚔︎writing ⚔︎helping out ⚔︎brussel sprouts
⚔︎boiled carrots ⚔︎pastel colors ⚔︎bursts of motivation ⚔︎her father ⚔︎cloud watching ⚔︎soft/cozy blankets ⚔︎making things ⚔︎keeping busy ⚔︎being assisted

⚔︎ humid/hot weather ⚔︎raw carrots ⚔︎being left out/burdening others ⚔︎losing people ⚔︎fresh tomatoes ⚔︎most bread ⚔︎not being allowed to have a dog ⚔︎anxiety ⚔︎having too much coffee ⚔︎coffee restrictions ⚔︎sleep troubles ⚔︎pricking her finger ⚔︎failing ⚔︎simmering in her thoughts ⚔︎emotional blackmail ⚔︎her mother's visits ⚔︎gear malfunctions ⚔︎comrades not listening ⚔︎failing to make perfect tea!

⚔︎writing in her journal ⚔︎sewing ⚔︎giving/shopping for gifts ⚔︎baking ⚔︎singing/humming ⚔︎helping out ⚔︎sneaking coffee ⚔︎training ⚔︎visiting friends/family ⚔︎napping ⚔︎watching the clouds ⚔︎writing letters ⚔︎visiting the horses
⚔︎hanging around Levi

⚔︎singing in tune ⚔︎giving massages ⚔︎sewing emblems resembling people ⚔︎encouraging soldiers ⚔︎easing death ⚔︎obsessive cleaning ⚔︎filling up journals ⚔︎baking ⚔︎cooking ⚔︎giving good gifts ⚔︎masking
⚔︎maneuvering on the ground ⚔︎relaxing people around her ⚔︎assist techniques ⚔︎keeping busy ⚔︎keeping in shape ⚔︎comforting/offering advice ⚔︎loving hugs

Inept At
⚔︎making a neat bed ⚔︎singing/humming while depressed ⚔︎cooking/baking without written instructions ⚔︎keeping emotions off her face ⚔︎making outstanding tea ⚔︎telling others when it's too much
⚔︎dealing with uncomfortable situations/people ⚔︎not getting lost ⚔︎using a map ⚔︎self care ⚔︎asking for help ⚔︎handling emotional guilt ⚔︎spoiling herself

"She has a good understanding of the vertical maneuvering gear despite being unable to get very high and a presence that puts others at ease. Even with a stubborn attitude and hard work, she's not suited for the survey corps. She's not going to last"
---Shadis individual evaluation

❨P r o f e s i o n a l❩

»Affiliation: Survey Corps
Occupation: medic, soldier
Squad: special operations

Grade: B
Titan Solo's: 7
Titan Assists: 38
People Killed: unsure, mercy kills
Graduated: 846
Enlisted Why: was suicidal and figured why not sacrifice her life to a cause

a very gentle and well behaved horse she's had for 3 years now, he was the horse she bonded with after joining the scouts. Maple has been trained to come by name instead of a whistle since Sophie is unable to whistle, this was accomplished with sugar cubes and mints. Due to this reward system he comes straight away when called and all the way to her which she is very proud of. Sophie is the most comfortable around him because of his good nature, he doesn't scare easily and thus her anxiety doesn't rile him up too often.

"Captain I know the perfect woman for you, you have to let me set you up!"


»Eyesight 9/10 »Strength 6/10 »Combat 8/10 »Agility 6/10
»Stamina 7/10 »Endurance 7/10 »Dexterity 6/10 »Speed 8/20
»Intelligence 5/10 »Wisdom 7/10 »Wits 4/10 »Charisma 7/10
»Leadership 2/10 »Alertness 6/10 »Willpower 8/10 »Initiative 7/10
»Teamwork 8/10 »
3DGM 5/10 »Technique 9/10 »Groundwork 10/10
TOTAL 135/190

"With the way my mother treated me I decided it was enough, that I would choose not to include her in my life because the bad outweighed the good. But when it came to my father, I realized even though he had abused me that I loved him too dearly to live without him. Besides if I cut him out of my life then I'd truly be alone, I wouldn't have any family"

❨Fighting Style❩

»Passive or Aggressive: aggressive
Close or Ranged combat: close
Specialty: 3dmg on ground
»Weapons?: 3dmg blades

+groundwork +medical +teamwork +technique
+stamina +willpower +encouragement +dedication

-leadership -speed -combat -wits
-dexterity -left vision -ration -suicidal

⚔︎3DMG ⚔︎canteen ⚔︎compass/watch ⚔︎cloth ⚔︎bandages ⚔︎needle/thread ⚔︎milk & tea

"I think you're worrying too much and when that happens, you need to keep your hands busy. I know just the perfect thing!"


Alive, ends up in Marley
Geraldine, mother: estranged
  • Maisy has never had a good relationship with her mother growing up, finding herself unable to forgive the woman for her harsh and cruel treatment. While she's thankful for the life lessons taught, they didn't need to be like that. Being abandoned to ensure her marriage's success was the final straw and Maisy decided to have nothing to do with her mother. Yet she still sent her expensive gifts like fancy dresses and jewelry, still wrote the occasional letter asking how she had been while talking about herself. Maisy was angry when her father sent her to live with this woman again and refused to forgive her, while she had lessened her cruel punishments she still tried to use abuse and the young woman warned her if she ever touched her again she would pay. Unable to be the perfect lady her mother expected and to marry some rich old sot she ran away and enlisted in the military, cutting contact from her mother. Since then the woman continues hounding her but Maisy does everything she can to avoid contact, their visits are curt and uncomfortable for both sides. She refuses to let the woman buy her love and instead rehomes these expensive gifts as often as she can, hating to admit that they are extremely helpful as a source of income.
Alive, ends up in Marley
Sean, father: very close
  • Maisy loves her father dearly and they have an extremely good relationship, he writes to her just about every day and is always spoiling her with ingredients from the farm and things that made him think of her. Things were pretty tough living together when she was a teenager and he did the one thing she didn't think he would, he beat her out of anger. Despite the bit of physical abuse she got from him she has chosen to let it go, after all everyone will hurt you in your life so why dwell? Things were better when they had some distance and time to reflect, she made sure he knew that if he was going to be part of her life he wouldn't push her to make amends with her mother. He has held up his part exceedingly well and they have a very healthy relationship because of it. He worries a lot for her and regrets not being able to hardly visit, due to his back which is why he sends so many gifts. She really loves having him in her life and to have someone who worries for her like that, being able to visit is so much fun.
Deceased, suffers medical decline
Evelynn, sister: close
  • Maisy was very close to her sickly sister despite their 11 year age gap. She looked up to her so much and was thankful to have her taking care of her, even if they weren't able to really bond at the time. Despite Evelynn getting all of their mother's time and attention she couldn't find any resentment for the beautiful girl. While she was sent to the surface first, Maisy and her mother eventually ended up there too and they began writing to each other. They didn't really bond until she had to live with her mother, that was when Evelynn could visit much more frequently and without too much stress for her health. It was nice having someone who experienced hardships under the same mother, even if their experiences were different. She got to meet her niece and the man who captured Eveline's heart. She caused her sister a lot of stress when she ran away to join the military, but she understood. They have remained in contact with each other and occasionally get to see each other at family gatherings.
Dolce, brother by law: amicable
  • Maisy is very fond of her sister's husband and thinks he is an exceptional man, who takes care of her well. She enjoys hearing his stories about his time in the military and understands his regret for having to leave, seeing as he lost a leg and could no longer serve the cause. She has so much respect for him and is very surprised that he still serves, just on the garrison as often as his body can handle with repair work. His squad checks in on her and has welcomed her very warmly, something she appreciates so much. It is rather embarrassing when the admiration is turned around on her, especially once he found out she was on the special operations and worked with Levi.
Alive, ends up in Marley
Alive, ends up in Marley
Cecilia, niece: extremely close
  • This little bundle of joy is her beloved niece and someone she loves dearly. She enjoys visiting whenever she can so they both can play, taking her into town and spoiling her as much as possible. Cecilia loves her aunt dearly and gets very excited when she comes to visit, always dragging her off to show off her toys and bedroom. She really looks up to her aunt and is sad when she's gone, trying to puppy dog her way into quitting.
Deceased, happens when villagers are turned to titans
Ral, grandfather: close

  • She lived with her grandfather for a good chunk of her life, giving them the opportunity to become very close. She has so much respect for him and enjoys spending time with him, one of the rare grandchildren who get to hear his war stories. She is one of his favorites and while he spoils her when he can, has relied on her a lot and put many responsibilities onto her shoulders. These were very difficult to keep up with and exhausting, especially when he did something he knew she would have disapproved of, like getting another animal. Even still she would do her best to care for him and did the majority of the farmwork, which strained their relationship. She disliked how he allowed Signe to shirt her duties because it meant more work for Maisy, was annoyed that she was to blame for her cousin's wrongdoings. Their relationship was a bit tense but it was obvious they cared for each other. Things became much better when she joined the survey and they keep in touch, writing to each other often and him even coming to visit from time to time. They see each other when she's able to visit and on family events which are enjoyable, he is sure to put her to work too!
Uncles: varies
  • Maisy's grandparents were extremely busy, having a total of 14 children and all of them boys. They ended up having to adopt a girl because her grandmother didn't have any more children left in her. She's grown up with them because the majority lived in the same village or not far, the others coming to visit once a month on their mandatory reunions. She had a really good relationship with them growing up, until she was a teenager and struggled with finding her path in life. Her uncles didn't approve of her life choices and some believed she wasn't going anywhere in life, viewing her as ungrateful for turning down marriage proposals. She remained close with a few like Jen who hunted and Ral II, writing to them during her time in Shiganshina but others were tense. She is fond of Ron who is charismatic, but his anger issues are through the roof and he doesn't get along with her father which stresses her out. The only uncle she refuses to have anything to do with is Troven, she still holds a grudge from his slut shaming and bad mouthing her while she was in earshot. Since joining the militia she has been redeemed in her family's eyes and they have welcomed her back in with open arms, as if nothing ever happened. It is a bit stressful but she knows they were just worried about her, it wasn't worth holding a grudge forever for. She enjoys getting to see them and they probe a bit at her work and life, but it's never unbearable and she knows how to get some space. She loves them and knows how to handle them.
Status varies, mostly deceased

Aunts: dislikes
  • Almost all of her uncles are married and have been since she was a child, so these women are familiar faces. She is able to get along with them for the most part, but they have the same twisted sense of humor as her uncles and she can only handle so many "Oh? You're still not married, maker aren't you worried? You're not getting any younger" before desiring to blow her brains out. Even still she cares for them, despite complaining how much they drive her mad. She could do without the suitors though, not understanding how these women always seem to find someone.
Status varies, mostly deceased

Cousins: varies
  • She has so many cousins that she has long since lost track, but very few are close to her age. Most of them are older than her and married, with children of their own or in relationships. Maisy is closest with her younger cousins but gets along well with her older ones as well. She enjoys getting to catch up with them when she can, spend time with her many nieces/nephews and see how well they've been. But that's pretty much it, they just poke at life in the survey and what humanity's strongest soldier is like.
Status varies, mostly deceased

Deceased, happens during beast titan's raid
June, cousin: amicable
  • Maisy is very fond of the young woman who is 2 years younger than herself, they were pretty close growing up despite June living so far away. They lost contact and didn't get back in touch until June was recruited, since then they'd visit each other. Mostly they'll meet up in town when she's on patrol duty, get a drink and just chat about how their life is going. These conversations are quite enjoyable and the pair are on good terms.
Status unknown
Signe, cousin: complicated
  • These two grew up together and are practically sisters, living with their grandfather and sharing a bedroom. Signe is 5 years younger than her and was practically raised by Sophie. They love each other but tend to bicker regularly and didn't always get along so well. Signe has always been very spoiled which was something Maisy struggled with coming to terms with this and the attention she got for quite a while. As they got older and she began healing from her childhood, that's when they really became close. Maisy enjoys seeing what she's been up to and loves the passionate letters she gets, talking about what so and so had done and boys.They have remained very close even if they only see each other on family reunions. Signe is very good at poking at her struggles however, pointing out all of her flaws with no mercy.

Status unknown
Felice, cousin's best friend: close
  • Felice is the same age as Signe (20) and has been coming around as long as Maisy can remember, she's family. She absolutely adores the girl born with albinism, growing very close to her. She is the sweetest girl and very mature for her age, however is prone to excited chitter for hours and obsessed with Ral III. Maisy loves her dearly and getting to catch up, but she can only handle her in small doses. She is concerned when it comes to Felice's boyfriend, worried that he isn't good for her and that their relationship is doomed. Maisy keeps these to herself however, like a wise woman.
Alive, remains at Historia's orphanage
Milan, best friend: family
  • Milan is her eldest friend and the reason she survived in the underground, he looked out for her when nobody else would and taught her how to get food. They even ran away together and lived on their own, until Milan abandoned her. Despite this she never blamed him or held any hard feelings,she still loved him all the same. They ran into each other in their teens, he had recognized her despite the massive amount of weight she had put on and they rekindled their friendship, getting involved with each other. While they were together for a bit and truly had no hard feelings, Maisy wasn't able to allow herself to love him more than a friend and they broke up. Milan still loves her romantically but has accepted this, just happy to have her by his side. They ran a successful milk of the poppy operation until she was required to leave by her superiors, despite this he still keeps it up as his main source of income. They write to each other regularly and if he's in trouble she always gets him out. He is the one who provides medicine for her father while she helps keep them fed and clothed, anything she can do to help. It's been hard convincing him not to follow her path towards the survey.
Alive, remains at Historia's orphanage. Oliver/Lillybell move to Marley with Maisy
Elijah, Penelope, Emery, Oliver & Lillybell: family
  • These are all children that Milan has taken in, saved from a slave ring. Maisy knows them very well and has been a big part of their life, helping to give them all names and caring for their needs the best she can. She doesn't get to be around them as much as she'd like because of work and how hard it is to get time off, but she sends money on a regular basis. They all adore her a lot but especially Ollie and Lilly, Emery still likes to act like he doesn't. She loves them all like they're her own and they get along very well. Sophie was the happiest she had ever been once they were finally out of the underground, with Milan and happy. She appreciates how often Historia writes to her to let her know how they're doing, as well as the letters from the kids themselves.
Status unknown
Keller, MP: client
  • Maisy has absolutely no fond feelings for this man but has known him well, he had been interested in her mother and recognized her when she was no longer a child. She has been servicing him for many years, it started out just for the amount of money he'd spend for her time but developed more. He was her ticket to getting Milan out of trouble, as well as information regarding the MP's movement. He has been quite taken with her for a while and is very fond of her, trusting her completely. She didn't have to work too hard to keep this relationship going, just to make time for him once he asked for it. Otherwise she could come to him when she needed something.
Alive, remains in Paradis
Ahnya, old friend: amicable
  • Ahnya lived in the same village as her father, so they got to know each other when she moved home. These two were inseparable and known for causing trouble all over the village, always at each others homes and talking about everything. They lost touch when Maisy moved to Shiganshina and then Ahnya got married and settled down, however her father found out she had enlisted and since then the two have been writing to each other ever since. Ahnya is like family and welcome at reunions because of this, very well liked by Sophie's family. She was also one of the few people to not treat her any different after she was heavily scarred, something that means so much to her.
Alive and moves to Marley
Giselle, best friend: sisters
  • She met Giselle while living in Shiganshina and was very amazed at this beauty, seeing her during a performance. They were the same age and bonded from that first meeting, Giselle being the one to show her around and introduce her to her mother. They have a very strong bond and keep closely in touch, the letters Giselle writes are so sweet and sometimes she sends gifts! Maisy adores her dearly and finds her to be so beautiful and bright in personality, but she is very excitable and high energy and so she can only handle so much. Even still she remains very patient with the girl and loves her dearly, trying really hard to set her up with Levi.
Alive and moves to Marley, opening up a shop
Mariah, best friend's mother: mother
  • Maisy met her through Giselle and she became a very important person in her life, the mother figure she never had. Mariah was so kind and taught her so many healthy recipes, unique foods as well as things girls usually did. She was so gentle and encouraged her to be the way she was, not what was expected of her. They have a very close bond and write to each other at least twice a month, Mariah mostly hears how she's doing from Giselle directly. Maisy is a regular at her little shop and gets a generous discount for her services, as well as the reason Levi gets stuff basically for free. Maisy feels comfortable going to her when she needs advice and is very grateful Mariah takes care of her father, doing whatever she can to help.
Alive, remains in Paradis
Vivian, best friend: loves
  • Maisy met Vivian during her time in Shiganshina, they both were selling their bodies. Vivian was so kind and understanding, gave her helpful tips and advice. They bonded by sharing their stories and struggles, becoming lifelong friends through it. They have an extremely healthy friendship and Maisy is essentially an aunt to both Rosemary and Eugene, loving to spend time with them. They both help each other out whenever they can and visit when they're able. Vivian is 7 years older than Maisy, closer to Levi's age range and someone she truly believed to be his type. Despite this it was really hard to try and set them up because she felt jealous. Vivian was very interested in Levi and understood her friend's concerns, which is why she didn't make any moves to sleep with him and instead just to get to know him. She was big on gently pushing Levi in her direction, letting him know just how deep Maisy's feelings were. Maisy really loves her a lot and views her as family, which is mutual.

Alf, cousin: admiration
  • Maisy's older cousins and close in Levi's age, he's always been rather kind and made sure she felt included growing up. He's always been interested in serving his kingdom and while he wanted to be a MP, he didn't make it in the top 10. Maisy adores him and enjoys getting to spend time with him, they talk about titans and getting back home. Their relationship is good and they're decently close. He was very interested in Petra.
Deceased, happens during reclaiming wall Maria

Deceased, happens during female titan arc
Ral III, cousin: close
  • Maisy's younger cousin by 4 years and someone who shares her birthday, these two grew up to be very close and a trio including Kurt. He's always been an oddball with an extremely charismatic personality, the two of them getting along and feeling comfortable to talk about pretty much anything together. She was very concerned about finding out he enlisted because she had hoped for a better life for him; he made it in the top 10 and enlisted as a MP. They keep in touch though and get together when they can, having a lot of fun during these times. He's very impressed with her being on the special operation's squad, curious about humanity's strongest soldier. He's very interested in Petra as well, something Maisy can't help out with very much since it's her decision and he's quite the womanizer.
Kurt, cousin: close
  • Maisy's cousin who is 4 years younger than her and doesn't share their family blood, even still he has been part of the family since they were children. She adores him and his sarcastic, dry personality but especially his jabs at others. They get along well and enjoy spending time together, something they get to do since he joined the survey. She enjoys teasing him and comparing his resting face to Levi's, especially in front of him. Maisy doesn't understand how he could work with Hange when it comes to titan's experiments, but supports what he does even if it causes constant anxiety.
Alive, moves to Eldia

Gustaf, 1st cousin: respect
  • Maisy didn't really get the chance to know him well growing up because he lived very far away, he only attended their reunions once a year. Despite this he has always been kind to her and someone she really admired, especially for his service to the survey corps. When he got wind of her joining he would come to watch her training, much to her horror. He was very inspiring and encouraging, never mean or degrading which really meant a lot to her. He was someone who questioned her treatment under her squad and brought it to higher attention. He didn't expect her to make it to special operations but was very proud of her. They have a really good bond and regular training sessions together, he also played a big part in her recovery.
Deceased, happens during beast titan's raid

Vensel, 2nd cousin: respect
  • Gustaf's eldest son and someone who enlisted in his father's path, these two were introduced by him and get along very well. She finds him to be very interesting and enjoys intellectual discussions and having someone to talk to about life as a soldier. They spend time together as well as training, she's good at kicking his ass.
Deceased, happens during female titan arc

Barret, best friend's father: admiration
  • Maisy heard a lot about him from Mariah and Giselle but didn't personally meet him until enlisting, he came to her. She has so much respect for him and looks up to him a lot, really grateful to have such an experienced soldier checking in on her and helping her with training. Whenever she's down in the dumps or feels like giving up, he's a big reminder for her to keep pushing because there's a lot of people counting on her and who wouldn't be okay if she were to leave. They have a good bond and he's another fatherly figure in her life, something she appreciates so much.
Deceased, happens during beast titan's raid

Training Corps: amicable
  • Maisy didn't know her recruits very well but was well liked, she had a gentle personality and wasn't a threat. Nobody really expected her to make it with how bad she was, especially when it came to the 3DMG. Even still many recruits would come to her for advice and just to talk, she'd always listen and encourage them to keep it up.
Status varies
Tommy, former squad: complex
  • Tommy didn't really think much of Maisy when she was assigned under him, yet he was nice enough and did his best to keep up appearances. He valued his teammates over the 2 recruits but had to make sure they weren't aware of this. Maisy always felt uncomfortable around the odd man but did her best to be respectful and kind, Dante had so many nice things to say about him and everyone really liked him. However their first expedition resulted in Dante, Emmeline and Bradley's death, something he never quite got over. He was constantly trying to get her killed on every expedition, yet she continued coming back and never fatally injured. Maisy was very depressed and blamed herself far worse than he could, which is why she accepted this treatment and thought it was completely fair. She held no resentment and felt guilty when he was punished, stripped down to a regular soldier. They went no contact until she was severely injured by the female titan, he had to see her in such a state. It was an interesting encounter and they talked, it was clear his feelings remained the same and he was hoping she'd succumb to her injuries. This was his goodbye to her, she heard a bit later that he had committed suicide. His last words to her had been he'd see her in hell.
Deceased, suicide after female titan arc
Dante, former squad: regretful
  • Maisy met him just after becoming an official soldier, he was on her squad. Dante was very friendly and easy to like, despite being selfish and rather lazy. She enjoyed listening to him talk, hearing all about his relationship with Tommy and his upbringing. He was like the big brother she never had and they got along very well. Dante sacrificed his life so she could live, attempting to save Emm but being squashed in the process.
Deceased, happened during Maisy's 1st expedition
Emmeline, former squad: regretful
  • Maisy was rather taken back by this very bold and lively woman, she spoke her mind exactly how it was; take it or leave it! She was beautiful and hard to miss, looking out for Maisy from the start. She really admired the older woman and aspired to be like her, loving the squad dynamic and getting into trouble with her. Emm was the first one to step in when Maisy's life was in danger, she put up one hell of a fight but was torn apart. Maisy is still very distraught by her death, still doesn't understand her sacrifice.
Deceased, happens during Maisy's 1st expedition
Bradley, former squad: regretful
  • Maisy was in training with the boy although they weren't exceptionally close, even still they interacted a bit. She found him to be adorably awkward, absolutely too cute when he messed things up. They had a friendly and casual relationship, only becoming friends once put on the same squad. Bradley liked her a lot and relied on her soothing, she was the one to calm him down and prepare for their first expedition. They had formed a solid friendship, something with the potential of more. He had died a brutal death, attempting to escape while the others held their position. Another titan caught him and squashed him to death, something that still haunts her.
Deceased, happens during 1st expedition

Levi Ackerman
|first encounter| Maisy met him when she was 8 years old and he was 16, she had run away from home and abandoned by Milan. Levi was the only person to step in when she was being beaten up by some very young men, not only did he save her but he brought her back to his home. While it was only one week before her mother tracked her down, it was the best week of her life and she truly felt part of a family for the first time in her life. She had so much admiration and respect for him, to this day she doesn't blame him for letting her mother take her back home.
---Levi's eyes noticed this incident fairly quickly, a mere child being beaten to death by men who should've known better. He only stepped in however because this child had such a will to live in her eyes, despite the abuse she was facing she held her little head up and had a very fierce expression. He had figured that she didn't have a home to go back to and so he brought her back to his own, where Isabel and Farlan resided, becoming fond of her rather quickly despite her costly appetite. She was a sweet kid who he could tell was lonely, but when a woman resembling her came to get her and was distraught he sent her back. He had no claim on this kid and figured it was better for her to go back home. Even still he found himself wondering how that kid was doing.

|recruit---survey| Her admiration towards this man continued while she lived underground and when she joined the scouts herself, although she chose to admire him from afar. When she had first met him she was nothing but skin and bones, she knew that there was no way he'd recognize her and she didn't know how she'd ask if he remembered her! No he was far too intimidating for her to interact with, she felt it was very out of place considering her ranking and that she'd only be a burden. Despite this she kept an ear out when it came to him and after learning he enjoyed tea, she started spending her meager earnings on fancier blends and sending it to him as a anonymous gift. She kept this up for 4 years before she ended up being recruited into his squad.
---Levi was unaware of her during this time and very perplexed by this mystery tea provider, for no matter how much he inquired he never discovered who it was.

|second encounter| 23 years old now not only had she been busted for her milk of the poppy operation, but she was also brought in for questioning by the commander himself regarding the reports of mistreatment. To say she was scared shitless was an understatement and she wasn't able to make eye contact with either Erwin or Levi, looking to the ground why she explained that this was the treatment she deserved and nothing was out of order. She agreed to suspend her illegal operations before it attracted MP's but was supervised by Levi to be sure it was taken care of, something that was far more terrifying than making eye contact with the man. Despite this she showed a lot of concern and kept asking him if he was okay with returning to the underground, then getting flustered and making up the excuse that of course she knew about the street rat with 3dmg. She took advantage of his intimidating demeanor however and brought a small wheelbarrow full of supplies for her family down there, even dressing in her tastefully casual attire. It was a very intimidating and nerve wracking experience when she introduced him to the 5 kids she helped care for, both finding out he was indeed in MP custody. This was when she had to explain to him that she had to get him out, but that would take a bit of time and he couldn't go with her during this time. It was pretty embarrassing him refusing to wait with the children, well aware of him trailing her after she tracked and went to a private location with Keller. Shortly after that she returned along with Milan, introducing the two and taking them back to his little home. She cut things off with the milk of the poppy operation, gave up the rest of their supply and gave her word that it was done. While feeling exceptionally awkward returning with her superior, she did inform him that she had some intel regarding the MP's but she wasn't sure if it could be of use.
---Levi was fully briefed on the situation with Bergeson and knew what he had to do, fully expecting a forceful approach and putting another idiot into their place. However he wasn't expecting this Bergeson to be a nervous woman who had really good manners, despite not making eye contact with either of them. He was intrigued regarding her squad situation and very impressed when he learned those 6 titan solo's her captain claimed, were in fact her own even if they were small titans. He wasn't sure what to do with her during their trip to the underground and was caught off guard by her concern, as well as surprised to discover she had lived there herself. He did not expect to see a bunch of kids in a small home, calling her mom. He was suspicious still that her partner was nowhere to be seen but allowed her some time to get these brats settled, before getting the rundown. He was fully prepared for them to have to return back to get clearance for releasing this Milan, until Bergeson informed him she would get him out. He didn't allow her to go alone and trailed her from a safe distance, not expecting her to be involved in sex work either. He didn't like this Milan much but put some trust in her, that everything was handled and dealt with.

|joining squad| Maisy didn't expect to be recruited into his squad after all of that, she really didn't understand and felt she was severely underqualified. Even still she promised to do her best and was determined to not become a burden. It took her a long time to drop her overly hardworking and respectful act around him, she still felt it was disrespectful to refer to him so casually and to speak her mind freely. Over the course of 2 years she slowly adapted and allowed herself to speak casually with him, to not be so obsessed with perfection and to form a bond with the man. She was a fellow insomniac and that was when they really started to become friendly, she'd bring him some calming tea for nighttime and help out with his paperwork until she couldn't keep herself awake any further and had to be sent to bed, much like a pouting child. She took notice to his lack of care regarding himself and would bring him a light meal when he didn't come down, as well as various snacks throughout the day. She was busted as the tea admirer during this time and quickly got over that embarrassment, conversing about which ones he favored and offering to introduce him to her little shop. She also was called out for her lack of combat skills that were not getting better with other squadmates, being forced to train with Levi himself which was terrifying. Despite her fear she held her ground and truly did her best to learn, no matter how many times she was knocked on her ass she got back up for more! She took this very seriously and wasn't afraid to ask questions or for him to slow down and walk her through the motions, even asking him to teach her his blade gripping technique. Even after she became very capable in combat they continued training sessions, which meant a lot to her. She started supplying him with luxuries he never received but especially regarding tea; consisting mostly of milk, sugar and whichever fruit/things Mariah promised would pair well. Baking was a big hobby as well and she always brought him a treat of some sort, sitting to converse with him and make sure he took a little break. She often hums or sings around him, but especially during paperwork and appreciates their comfortable silence, it doesn't feel embarrassing singing around him and she doesn't fret over what type of song she sings.
---Levi felt that she'd make a very good asset on his team, something he explained to her when she protested that she'd only drag his team down. He monitored her adjustment into the squad and was rather annoyed with her behavior, not knowing how to handle the way she addressed him and acted. He constantly let her know she could drop the act, something that slowly did get better. He was quick to put together that she was his tea admirer during this time and quick to confirm this information, still not understanding why she'd do something like that. While Hange was quick to suggest she had special feelings, he took notice to her little gifts for everyone and didn't think it was special treatment of any kind so he dismissed such a thing. He never insisted that she left him alone and was a bit upset that it always seemed like he chased her out of the room, so when she insisted on remaining and helping he found it to be rather enjoyable. Her help was appreciated as he was always swarming with paperwork, plus her baking skills were impressive. He appreciated the efforts she made regarding his health and would eat anytime she brought him something, always being up for a tea break. She always had some new recipe to try when it came to tea and he found himself enjoying such luxuries He's not used to someone taking such a close notice towards his preferences, like his favorite fruit being apples or how he likes his rice prepared. He was very bothered by her lack of combat skills and tasked his squad with catching her up, stepping in himself when that method failed. He was very strict with her and didn't hold back, even still she got up ready for more. He really liked how seriously she took this and how she'd force him to slow down in order to really learn, even asking him about his backwards dagger wielding which he agreed to teach her. Even though he never messed her up too bad he noticed her habit of flinching and would make sure she was alright, still bothered by her reassurance that it had nothing to do with him but rather her upbringing. Since then he has become rather affectionate with her and frequently messes up her hair or will rest his hand on her head. He has a lot of respect for her and she's quickly worked her way into his 3 comfort zone people, due to the fact that she treats him like he's just a regular man and not humanity's strongest soldier. He values her friendship and truly enjoys her company. Her voice is very soothing.

|series start| Maisy has since become very comfortable with Levi and views him as a friend, not being afraid to speak even more casually than the other squadmates dare. She continues her motherly concern over his wellbeing and has placed a cot in his office so he'll take better care of his back, supplying him with a very fancy pillow and luxurious blankets. She brings him meals throughout the day and snacks with tea, helps out with paperwork whenever she has spare time and just spoiling him in general. She finds him to be very amusing and is often laughing at his jokes/snarky comments, telling him he's hilarious. She has no shame in admitting to whatever is on her mind, such as how she likes his facial expressions or finds him to be rather attractive, even playfully teasing him from time to time. She frequently attempts to get him to take breaks, her most successful bribing him into a quick stroll or a visit to the stables when she has a treat for his companion such as mints. She regularly gives him shoulder massages and is now comfortable enough to do such under his shirt, often bringing an essential oil like mint to soothe his aches or chamomile to help him relax. She'll even demand that he remove his shirt and lay down on the cot, so she can really work out his knots. Speaking of the cot if she ever catches him asleep in his chair, she moves him into the cot whether she simply casually drags or carries him there. They work on paperwork regularly at night and she usually passes out and wakes up tucked into the cot, occasionally in her own bed. She has made him emblems of Farlan and Isabel's faces so he can cherish the memories with them, after finding out he keeps their emblem in his office. She is more than aware of the ticking time bomb known as her life, that everybody he's come to know end up dead which makes her very sad. Despite not being able to help it, she has made it her mission to set him up with a nice civilian in hopes he can have a family someday. She is rather envious of this idea but wants him to be happy since she isn't brave enough to confess her own feelings. She really wants him to end up with Giselle despite claiming she's a little young (her own age so ouch), bringing up how he'd have the tea shop he dreamed of opening and an amazing wife. She knows that Vivian is perfect for him which is painful to admit, she actually feels a twinge of jealousy when it comes to her. Even still after talking things over with Vivian (meaning she waits until she dies to make a move) has introduced the two of them, knowing Vivian is an ideal match and he'd do so well with her children. Maisy talks about him often to her family and likes to let him know that her family members are big fans of him.
---Levi has become very attached to her in the 3 years she's been on his squad and allows himself to be vulnerable at times, even sharing bits about his past with her from time to time. This mostly stems with the fact she discovered he was crying and actually came over to comfort him, listening to him talking about how his mother used to cut his hair. While aware that he does have feelings for her he chooses not to act on them, after all what kind of relationship could they hope for? He was so used to losing people that he cared for that he didn't think he could handle such a loss, finally opening up and allowing himself to love only for them to be taken away from him. He's also not sure how to do a serious relationship or what that would entail. Despite their closeness he tends to become very flustered and even awkward at times, something that worsens with her teasing. They continue training twice a week and nightly paperwork has become a ritual, paired with a desert and tea. He's very appreciative of her gifts and often asks her how she can afford such expensive items on their salary, before grumbling about her connections. Very rarely he will get her a gift when he sees something that makes him think of her, although its a give and dash on his end. He enjoys how comfortable she is around him and her displays of affection, how she knows when to keep things professional and things don't change. He's never had someone who doted on him like she does, it's all very new to him being the one taken care of. He's very effected by her massages which have led to a few sexual encounters, revolving around the times she's ordered his shirt off. He's very annoyed with her determination on him settling down with one of her friends, while he had nearly slept with Vivian she mentioned it felt wrong because of Maisy's feelings for him which really stirred something inside of him. They often act like a couple although nothing has been discussed between the two, they aren't officially dating or anything like that. He's very perplexed by the part of her past she's withholding from him, very curious to know how she knew what Farlan and Isabel looked like in their youth and where he's met her, something that has become a game between them.

|female titan| Maisy hasn't been dealing with her new appearance very well and on top of that, is suffering survivor's guilt far worse than when she lost her first squad. To make matters worse Levi has yet to visit her in the medical wing which is weighing heavily on her mind, she's come to the conclusion that he's going to remove her from his squad. She doesn't know how things are going to go for her and how she can adapt to being blind in her left eye while continuing as a soldier, convinced that she's going to die the next time she's in battle. She's become very depressed and feels like there's little hope, leading to selective mutism and refusing to eat simply because she has no appetite. She barely speaks with her visitors and has become fixated on sewing little emblems of their squad, even going to lengths to get a drawing of herself from Jean so she can make one for herself. The biggest thing that sent her into becoming unresponsive however, was her encounter with Tommy when he killed himself, it was an hour of being in the same room as his body before somebody noticed and took care of it. So when Levi came to visit she refused to talk, instead scribbling furiously into her little notebook. She was insistent that he kept his distance since her hygiene was severely lacking, before asking if he was sending her away. Only once she was certain that he wasn't sending her away did she start speaking, a little bit here and there. She was not happy whatsoever when he took to bathing her himself, an act beyond mortifying especially since she couldn't wash herself very well. So not sexy! She presented him with the emblems she had completed slowly, as soon as she finished one. Seeing as she couldn't get rid of Levi she allowed him to visit, tolerating it even though it was clear things had changed between them. Maisy was very depressed and had changed so much from the bubbly and bright act she had always put on, he got to see the deeper side to her where she struggled with self esteem and life in general. Even while miserable herself she noticed he was pushing his own injury and insisted he take better care of himself. She found herself slowly allowing him back into her life because she was worried about him, he had lost beloved friends who he'd known for a long time and she wanted to be there for him. She enjoyed him playing such a large part in her recovery, it was very motivating having him there pushing her supportively into recovery and getting back in shape. She told him that he should really consider a relationship with Vivian, admitting that she worried about him being alone after she died which he didn't take very well. However they didn't have a heart to heart and finally share their mutual feelings until she presented him his final patch, this time of herself before her scars. She wasn't sure how to handle this side to him, had never seen him so upset. Yet even still she remained calm during the entire conversation and even when he refused to accept her gift. Once he returned and had calmed down is when they shared their feelings and decided to give a real relationship a try.
---Levi was very overwhelmed with everything that had happened, besides losing most of his squad it had been so traumatic finding Maisy. She had been so gnarled and tangled up, yet clinging to life with a fierce fading expression that he finally recognized; she had been the child he saved in his youth and that was where she knew him from. He had been there until she couldn't fight any longer, had been so sure that she had died in his arms. So when he was collecting emblems he nearly had a heart attack when her "corpse" started moving, had nearly been unable to calm his hands enough to unwrap her. The emotions that had flooded him had been too much and he was so relieved that she had lived, getting her help right away. After things had settled and they returned to their home base there was a lot on his mind, he was too overcome with grief to visit her. These feelings were too much and the timing couldn't have been worse, he was so confused and guilty. While he didn't visit Maisy in person he checked in regularly with the medics regarding her condition and how she was healing. It wasn't until they informed him she was shutting down that he gained the courage to visit her, not wanting to lose her too. He had never seen her in such a state and didn't know how to help, except assure her he wasn't sending her to another squad. He didn't know how else to share his concern other than bathing her regularly and forcing her to eat, spending a lot of time during her recovery with her. He was very bothered at how she pushed her own feelings/health aside and focused on his own state of mind, yet again always putting someone else first. He was very overwhelmed with the patches of his teammates she gifted him one by one, putting them immediately into his drawer and accepting her offer to stitch them into his jacket. He had thought that he'd be fine with things going back to how they had been, but it wasn't until she gave him a patch of herself that he couldn't bottle it down any longer. Seeing this emblem of the Maisy he had known; cheerful and so full of live, without her scars was too much for him paired with the meaning behind this emblem that he lashed out. He was so angry and distraught at her giving up that he couldn't help it, growing more frustrated at how calm and rational she was while proclaiming that she was leaving him. He didn't want her emblem in that moment, he didn't want her best friends. He just wanted her and after cooling down, he came back in to put it all on the table.

Petra: sisterly
  • Maisy was so incredibly nervous when recruited and hesitant to interact with anyone, feeling like she didn't belong and would just drag them down. Petra was the first to break down that wall, interacting with her on a regular basis and just being so kind. She didn't feel like a problem when she was with her and soon enough they became friends. They talked about everything including crushes, captain Levi, gossip and how annoying Oluo was. Maisy looked up to her so much and loved her like a sister, the two of them practically inseparable. Her death hit Maisy the worst and triggered the most survivor's guilt, she deserved to live and would've been so much better for Levi than she ever could. Especially knowing how much her death affected Levi, she would've given anything to have taken her place.
Gunther: close
  • Maisy was drawn to him from the start, he reminded her so much of her father and had a very calming aura, she felt safe and comfortable around him. His shy nature was intriguing and rather cute, she enjoyed flustering him from time to time and trying to set him up with one of her cousins. He was fun to hang out with and she enjoyed affection from him, their friendship extremely strong. He was the best at keeping her on track when it came to missions and forcing her to take breaks. His death completely crushed her and was the hardest to cope with, she couldn't help but imagine what would've happened if they married and had a nice life. She felt so guilty for surviving when he did not and still struggles with his death to this day.
Eld: admiration
  • While they weren't the most compatible she really liked him and respected him so much. He had a nice personality and was so calm, easily able to direct her when she felt overwhelmed or needed to take a break. He was the one to scold her the most and call her out on her shit when she needed to hear it, which was really cool of him. She enjoyed his company and they had a good bond, even if they didn't actively seek each other out. His death was really hard on her and she misses him so much it hurts.
Oluo: frenemies
Maisy has never met anyone more frustratingly annoying than him and that's saying a lot! He knows just how to get on her nerves and it only pisses her off more that he's such a freaking good titan killer!! While she started out a people pleaser she gave that up soon, the both of them bickering constantly and riling each other up. She punishes him with the silent treatment and not sharing her baked treats with him. Despite this they care for each other and are professional when it comes to missions. His death hurt her like all of the others and still brings her pain, after all he was family.

Shadis: admiration
  • This man scared her shitless and made her cry throughout her entire training, he really tore her a new one and singled her out. Despite this she has so much respect for him and looks up to him greatly, he was the reason she got into shape and enjoyed exercise again. He was mean but tough and truly meant well, she could tell that much. He is one of her heroes even if her name or seeing him strikes fear through her heart.
Erwin: admiration
  • Maisy has so much respect for this man and views him as a role model, he is so dedicated and has a curious mind which fascinates her. She wishes that she could talk to him more but he is intimidating, she doesn't feel worthy enough to talk casually with the man. Despite this she enjoys giving him rare books when she finds them and browsing his library. He is her hero and she wasn't afraid to march to her death when he asked for it, knowing how painful that would be for Levi. She survived this and was there to help ease him in death: wrapping his wound for more time, holding his hand while stroking his hair and just talking about their lives. She really thought they were going to die together, now she remembers him fondly and with much sadness. Even still she cherishes being there for him in death. It was only then she admitted to him that yes, she was the one who compared him to an owl behind his back-
Hange: loves
  • Maisy was very attracted to them upon first meeting and followed them around like a lost puppy, it was adorable and rather sad. She liked them so much that she made the mistake of offering her assistance, which… Let's just say never again. Despite this they have become very good friends and her crush remains, but it has no deeper feelings. They often discuss titans and theories which is fun, talking for hours! She has so much respect and admiration for them, enough to come to them for advice as well as to discuss her crush on Levi.

Eren: adores
  • Maisy remembers him fondly from when he was little, the cutest child she had ever seen in passing! She has an incredible soft spot for him and was so welcoming when he joined, even if his abilities scared her. They have a strong friendship and he feels comfortable enough to come to her for advice, while she actually trusts him enough to ask for help. It was a bit rough when their squadmates died and convincing him it wasn't his fault was tough, that she wasn't upset with him. Since then they've made up and things are complicated when he leaves and she constantly finds herself worrying, hoping he is okay and wishing he would have reached out. Thinking about him fills her with guilt and regret, not being able to save him is something she will never let go.
Mikasa: admires
  • This girl is incredible and an inspiration, she has so much respect for her and her abilities. Despite this she knows she is young which is why she reaches out to check in on her, see if she can help her out or offer advice. She couldn't imagine the pressure on her shoulders, which is why she tries to help her relax and have fun.
Armin: adores
  • Maisy finds him to be the cutest thing and really adores his behavior, he's always so respectful even if nervous. His mind is absolutely brilliant and she has so much respect for him, admiring the strategies he comes up with and trusting him with her life.
Connie: amuses
  • Maisy finds him to be very entertaining and rather sweet, she's enjoyed having him on their squad and his hard working nature. The times he comes to her for advice are cherished and sometimes ridiculous, she struggles not to laugh.
Sasha: amuses
  • Maisy was unable to contain herself witnessing this girl eating a potato shamelessly, she had been on the ground laughing. This however earned her the same punishment and the two pushed each other to keep going, although Maisy passed out first and was very impressed by this girl's skill. When she joined they got to become closer and she grew very fond of her, always being amused by her antics. However they bickered shamelessly when it came to delicacies and fought hard enough that they were separated. Sasha always manages to find her stashes!
Historia: fondness
  • Maisy could tell that this girl had a lot going on which is why she always let her know her door was open, that she could come to her if she ever needed anything. She really adores her and views her to be a sweetheart, but they never got exceptionally close. Once she became queen she found herself respecting the girl, being so happy when she opened up an orphanage and allowed her to help. She is so happy that her family is taken care of, the kids loved and Milan finally free from the underground because of her.
Jean: annoyance
  • He didn't stand out in training but she got to know him better when he became part of Levi's squad and she rather disliked him, he was always slacking off or whining about something which was annoying! To make matters worse he'd complain to her and she found it hard to remain patient around him. Despite lashing out from time to time and lowering herself to bickering, she cares for him like any other soldier and he's family.

Annie: concern
  • Maisy really admired this recruit and was immensely impressed by her skills, knowing she'd make quite the asset to the Survey corps if she joined. She was scared for what this girl would go through if she came out and rather afraid, it was really traumatizing watching her squad get wiped out and nearly dying herself.
Reiner: complex
  • Maisy got to see him train and had a lot of respect for his comradery, she really respected him and was proud to see the influence he had on others. Finding out the truth was hard and pained her because she could understand yet found herself unable to forgive.
Bertholt: complex
  • Maisy didn't get the chance to really know him, only noticing him in training because he's rather tall. He didn't stick out to her very much, although finding out the truth was very shocking. She feels bad for him because she knows it's not his fault and he doesn't have choices, yet is pained by the damage he has caused and the things he's done. Even still his death filled her with sadness and guilt.
Marley: complex
  • It's hard to blame an entire country for something that isn't their fault but she is very distrustful of the citizens and despises the people in control of it. Despite this she gets to experience that it's not all bad and is rather envious of their advancements and ice cream.

Scouts: family
  • Maisy has spent a lot of time with the various members of the organization and seeing how there's roughly 100, she has a pretty decent reputation. She respects and admires the higher ups and more experienced soldiers so much, especially Nanaba who has saved her multiple times (bit of a crush). Among the recruits she is better known for her inspiring talks and easy going personality. Of course there are people she just doesn't get along with but she just avoids them. She is generally well liked for her helpful disposition and is often taken advantage of because of it, working herself way too hard
MP's: distrust
  • Maisy has only had bad encounters with members of them and has grown up not being able to rely on them, thus she thinks they are bad. She knows of the corruption they hide and things only got worse when she learned more.
Garrison: admiration
  • Maisy has a lot of respect for them and truly admires them, knowing how hard they work for their city and their good reputation.

"Gisselle is the same age as me and would make such a great wife for you! She is so full of live and caring, plus eventually you both would end up with the shop. You could turn it around into a tea shop, like you've always wanted"


Maisy was just a baby when her parents split and she didn't know who her father was for a long time, all she knew was her mother and her sister. Her upbringing was very harsh and full of abuse and neglect, their mother prioritizing Evelynn's health at all costs. Living in the underground was tough and starvation wasn't uncommon for their family. Maisy witnessed first hand the things you had to do just to survive, watching how her mother manipulated men into providing for them with her body. How she would steal and charm things in her favor. Her sister wasn't with them for very long but this time meant so much to her, her big sister took care of her and showed her the love that their mother did not. She was so happy that her sister was being taken care of but alone once again. She wasn't allowed to go outside but even still she would sneak out, where she met a gang of orphans who accepted her as one of their own. Maisy became very close with Milan the leader of this group, together the two formed a very close friendship. Milan taught her how to fend for herself on the streets, safely and smart which meant a lot to her. At the age of 8 they decided to run away together because they loved each other and were the only good part of life. However it wasn't as easy as they had thought and she was a liability, which led to even him abandoning her. While she was hurt she didn't hold it against him because he had been so kind to her, she forgave him. It wasn't long before she was just skin and bones and had irritated the wrong people, two young men had taken out their frustrations by beating her up. Even though she couldn't defend herself she clung to life and kept fighting for survival, until it was all over. This teenage guy had saved her and taken her back to his own home, tending to her and giving her the family she never had. This was the best week of her life and she truly experienced happiness, something that shattered at the arrival of her mother. Maisy had no choice but to go back with her mother who was furious, once they were home she was locked in a closet for a month with the bare minimum of food. By the age of 10 her mother had secured a wealthy mans hand in marriage and gotten them out of the filth, not wanting her to risk her marriage she sent Maisy off to live with her father, a man she didn't recall meeting.

Feeling overwhelmed with abandonment and surrounded by strangers, she acted out constantly and was just about feral in her new home. Despite all of this her father was so patient with her, showing her a kindness that was foreign to her and a gentle disposition. For the first time she had more than enough food and quickly became overweight, struggling immensely when it came to sharing anything because she wasn't used to having things. She liked her large family and the closeness of it, loved receiving an education and the freedom Krolva district brought her. You see her grandfather, whom they lived with, owned a very successful farm and she got to grow up with animals. There was a body of water where she learned to swim in, discovered the satisfaction of hard work and had regular family events to celebrate. Her life had seemed all too perfect, she even made a precious friend here. But things became complicated with her youngest uncle and his daughter living with them, now 14 she could barely keep up with her chores and household. Her cousin whom she loved dearly was problematic and they constantly fought over things, only her being punished for this. Feeling betrayed she lashed out and in return, in moments of stress induced weakness, her father raised his hand to her. The one person she never thought would hurt her did, that was when she realized she would never find someone who didn't hurt her and that was just part of life.

By 15 they moved to Shiganshina where she got work at a bustling tavern, something that she enjoyed well enough as it involved lots of cooking. She met a very lively girl named Giselle who performed on the streets and they became lifelong friends, even getting her a more enjoyable job at her mother's shop. Her father who suffered an injury to his back, was finally able to not stress so much and things had gone back to being good. Although they struggled with making a living in this town with her father unable to work, this is what led her to returning to the underground. She was searching for Milan and during this time, got a job as a prostitute like her mother. This was how she met a MP named Keller who had been sweet on her mom, becoming a regular. Due to this he shared things about his organization that he shouldn't have, something she took advantage of. She juggled work in Shiganshina and work in the underground. Eventually she did find Milan and the two began dating, getting involved in dangerous work and starting their own milk of the poppy operation. Things got complicated again with her father who was worried about her being away for long periods of time, they ended up losing their home and had no choice but to return to Krolva. She refused and chose to return to the underground, moving in with Milan and continuing their operations. She was known for bringing orphans home and adopting them, which led to 5 children which was a lot. Her relationship with Milan was crumbling under stress and the pressure of caring for such a large family. To top things off her mother had reached out and was insisting that she came to live with her, something she only accepted once she realized this was an opportunity for her family.

16 and living in the inner wall Sina, she was more than well off thanks to her step father and had everything superficial a girl could want. However she didn't want this life, nothing had changed and her mother was the same abusively controlling woman. Maisy couldn't meet her mother's perfect standards, couldn't be the noblewoman she so desperately desired. She turned down any and all marriage proposals which really infuriated her mother who had determined she was throwing away her life. Maisy made a habit of selling these expensive things and would send that money to Milan and her family in the underground, by 17 she had enough and returned to the underground. But despite being welcomed back home, Milan had started seeing another woman and she didn't have him to go back to. Life was tough and she decided it would be better off returning to her grandfather's farm, after all she could work for enough food to send back home. Suddenly she realized her perfect family wasn't perfect, in fact her relatives were aggressively nosey and privacy didn't exist. She was just a troubled brat who caused trouble, everyone obsessed with her getting married and starting a family. While she had quite a few suitors she wasn't interested in them, nobody had liked her for her and she didn't have much faith in people. Not knowing where to go with her life she remembered the stories about the military growing up and becoming dangerously suicidal, she figured why not go out in a way that could be deemed as noble?

So the now 18 year old enlisted and said her goodbyes, not many family members had faith in her and for good reason. She was very overweight and while adjusted to hard work, had no combat skills or ever enjoyed running. Training was brutal and she had never handled yelling very well, essentially becoming a constantly crying mess. Despite these struggles she worked hard and refused to give up, no matter how many times others tried to convince her this wasn't the path. She had a second cousin who believed in her and helped her to catch up, along with some kind recruits. While being well liked by her fellow recruits, she was essentially the joke of their year. Maisy barely managed to pass but she did, she wasn't send away. Her promise had not faltered and she chose to dedicate herself to the Survey Corps, to sacrifice her life for the chance at bettering humanity. She was placed on a senior member's squad named Tommy alongside a fellow recruit, eager to contribute to the squad at 21. Even though she was taken advantage of responsibility wise she kept it up, cherishing finally not being a burden. Things had seemed so perfect until her 1st expedition, no matter how prepared she had thought she was it didn't matter. The titans were far more terrifying than she had expected and she froze, she should've simply died as a recruit not cut out for this line of work. Yet her entire squad sacrificed themselves in order to save her, until it was just her and Tommy who were forced to flee. Maisy's PTSD greatly changed and she suffered from survivors guilt, wanting so desperately to die and knowing that would mean her friends died for nothing. So she dedicated her life to saving those around her, in hopes she would die while someone else had a chance for life. During this year she managed 6 small titan solo's due to Tommy sending her by herself, intending for her death which she was aware of and wanted. Yet she always came back, while others around her continued to die.

Now 22 her treatment became a cause of concern for not only her squadmates but the superiors who kept an eye on her, eventually being brought to the commander's attention. Maisy was used to this treatment however and believed it was what she deserved, she was very confident in her explanation and insisted that Tommy wouldn't be punished. It had also been brought to their attention that she was involved in an illegal milk of the poppy operations, when she asked for time off this was where she disappeared to. She agreed to quit this operation and got to see the man who had saved her as a child again, Levi Ackerman. It was terrifying being in his presence during such a serious thing, she was fully aware should she not comply he would punish her. She got to return home and see her family again, the children she had chosen to mother and care for. It was embarrassing having to reveal her tactic at freeing Milan from prison but she took care of it, offering her body to the higher up MP officer Keller. Once things were taken care of she somehow managed to impress Levi enough to be placed on his squad, something she didn't think was a good idea at all! The next 3 years involved slowly adjusting to her squad, she had never experienced a healthy environment like that before. She insisted on being a people pleaser for the majority and it took a lot of hard work in order to drop that act, to be herself and open up to her friends.

"It's okay if you don't want a romantic relationship, I can understand that. But with how chaotic and tragic the life of a soldier is, I think it would be so good for you to have someone you can go to. I don't want you to end up alone, I want you to have someone good in your life once I'm..."


»Sexual Position: varies
Dominant or Submissive: switch
»Sexual turn-ons: grabbing her waist, arm flexing, making the first move, telling her how you want it, kissing, unbearable sexual tension and being pinned down
Sexual turn-offs: bringing up her past work, no buildup, lack of physical touch, feet-play, degrading remarks and anything reminding her of her former clients
What Sex Means: a tool to get something she needs/physical outlet for stress. Requires a strong emotional connection for her to actually enjoy it, which is also very vulnerable.
Virginity: prostituted to a undesirable stranger in teens
Relationships: first love becoming on and off with Milan, puppy dog love with Brent in Krolva
Type Of Person: someone with a sense of humor and who makes her feel safe
Physical Attractions: pretty eyes, developed arms, soft skin, plump ass, dark hair & large breasts

"You know captain, you're very attractive. No seriously! You have this enticing aura to you, besides from a very pleasing physique. I personally really like your face, you make the most unique expressions I've ever seen"

❨T r i v i a❩

»Physical Health: starts out generally healthy, until she becomes blind in her left eye. Despite this her side perception is exceptional and it's almost like she's not blind
»Ethnicity: mostly Swedish
»Scars w/ Healing: minor scars heal very quickly, only serious trauma results in it lingering and eventually turns white
»Medication?: takes st. john's wort and ginseng for her bipolar, lemon balm/linden/passion flower tea for anxiety and lavenders hop/saffron/valerian root tea for insomnia
»Education: thoroughly attended school at 10, noblewoman lessons at 17
»Maisy is 8 years younger than Levi and 2 1/5 inches taller

»While not suffering from any addictions, she is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol
»Any less than 4hrs of sleep and she cannot stop shaking
»Despite being overweight when she joined, she has put immense work into her body which is now very muscular and maintained
»Her family is exceptionally religious, to the point where they attend church every Sunday despite the journey
»She has lived inside each wall
»Maisy attempted to keep track of her titan count's by carving them into her skin, but was unable to tell them apart from her other scars
»She has her own system when it comes to titans and is unable to tell what meter means which: mini's/big mini/small/normal/gigantic/whopper/fucking smart
»While not keeping track of the humans she has killed there have been a lot: forced to leave behind, asked for a mercy kill or had no hope for recovery and she felt it was better this way
»She still holds a unreasonable grudge for Brent breaking up with her to date her bully, despite them being children
»Due to her instability when it comes to coffee Levi has put her on restrictions, anyone caught supplying her will be punished along with her. This is a risk worth taking-
»She doesn't allow herself to get fully drunk, only enough for a light buzz and leaving her minorly confused
»Her bedroom is decorated with stuffed animals, a ridiculous amount of blankets, pillows, books, journals and various personal items
»Her biggest flaw is staying up until she completely exhausts herself which leads to stress baking, intense workouts and frantic cleaning... When it's not a cleaning day
»Other than stress baking, she tends to pace in a circle when overwhelmed
»Her uncles have always played rough and she's had a lot of near drowning experiences because of it
»She feels much more confident fighting titans in the forests rather than in the walls
»Sophie's father frets over her dearly and writes almost every day, sending her ingredients for baking and luxuries from the farm. These include flour, milk, sugar, eggs, produce and the occasional chicken. He also sends her favorite treats, pasta and exotic teas which she loves
»Her mother constantly tries to visit which forces her into the uncomfortable situation of visiting, emotional blackmail. She often brings gifts of jewelry or fashionable clothing, anything expensive in order to buy her daughter's time. She rarely keeps these gifts and instead regifts them or sells them for a better income
»Her family is extremely large and very close, all living together in the same village except for a few exceptions. The majority of them are religious and rather sexist which can be difficult to deal with. She is at odds with two of her uncles and chooses simply to pretend they don't exist
»In her immediate family she has 6 cousins enlisted: 1MP, 2 garrison and 3 serving in the survey corps like her. Outside of that she has a experienced first cousin officer and 3 second cousins in the survey as well
»Her grandfather is a retired member of the garrison while her great uncle gave his life for the survey corps
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2.) Demigod: amazonian w/Hephaestus & blessed with fire powers. Few blessed adornments for selective powers [nearly immortal]
3.) Thanagarian: hybrid w/alien [300ish]
4.) Fairy: hybrid w/alien or human (wonder woman is allies with a fairy queen) [n/a]
5.) Tamaranean: from large family [130]
6.) Metahuman: aura power tied to emotions, represented by specific color with certain power. Essentially a buffing power
7.) Metahuman: sugar power/cotton candy something

8.) Atlantean: from the outer reaches, base on a tropical fish [150]
9.) Red Martian: immensely large family, essentially royalty [300]
10.) Khund: aggressive, live average of 70yrs & pink skin [70]
***new alien race

Love Interests
[Batman] Bruce Wayne x Metahuman
[Nightwing] Dick Grayson x Tbd

[Superboy] Conner Kent x Tbd
[Aqualad] Kaldur'ahn x Metahuman
+[Kid Devil] Edward Bloomberg x Tbd

+[n/a] Jason x Tbd
++[tbd] Human Angemon x tbd
***[Red Arrow] Will Harper x tbd
***[Tempest] Garth x tbd

Batman=100 | Nightwing=100 | RedArrow=100 | KidDevil=100 | Aqualad=150 | Tempest=150 | Angemon=300ish | Superboy=??? | Jason=immortalish
Khund=70 | Meta=100 | Tamaranean=130 | Atlantean=150 | Martians=300 | Thanagarian=300ish | Fairy=n/a | Demigod=immortalish
Love Interests
Daken=immortal | Nightcrawler | Angel | Magneto=immortalish | Gambit | ?Iceman | ?Spyke | ?Avalanche

Magneto x Plant Regeneration
1.) Project Ouroboros: originally just a reincarnation, she has been experimented on thoroughly and her power has mutated into snake physiology; flexibility/shedding/mind control resistance/venom in fangs
2.) Youthful Plant: tied to nature she's capable of manipulating the plants in her area as well as growing them. Able to absorb plant life into her/others lifespan but the earth in that spot doesn't recover
3.) Fluffy Rabbit: incapable of eating meat, literally just the enhanced abilities of a rabbit
4.) Aurariffic Empath: offers various "stat buffs" to those around her tied to her mood and the energy she's absorbed from those around her.
5.) Dream Unicorn:
6.) Fluttering Fairy:
7.) Cow Earth: born from minor shapeshifter she used to have satyr level hairy legs until her hair follicles were destroyed, a procedure her mother had done. Horns are small from her mother attempting to remove them.
8.) Wind Bird: has wings and capable of "connecting" with the wind and detecting powers used in order to avoid dangers
***Axolotl Regeneration
***Fairy Armadillo: body armor w/claws
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weapon+ and x | gained powers | refer to | filter
»Name Meaning



»Eye Color
»Hair Color
»Hair Length
»Hair Style
»Skin Color
»Body Type
»Body Build
»Bust Size
»Recognizable Traits
»Fashion Style




»Mental Stability
»Sane or Insane

»Mental Illness
»Passive or Aggressive
»Optimist or Pessimist
»Religious or Atheist
»Positive Traits
»Negative Traits
»Sleep Schedule
»Dark Secrets
»Pet Peeves





❨P r o f e s i o n a l❩
»Mutant Classification
»Power Level
»Private or Public



(A b i l i t i e s)
»Physical Health
»Aggressive or Passive?
»Fighting Style
»Combat Range

»Strength |»Combat Skills |»Durability |»Constitution |»Energy Projection |»Control |»Technique |»Weaponry |»Leadership |»Teamwork |»Initiative
»Agility |»Endurance |»Stamina |»Speed |»Dexterity |»Flexibility |»Intelligence |»Wisdom |»Wits |»Awareness |»Willpower |»Charisma |»Empathy
TOTAL /189




»Love Interest
»Role Models
»Close Friends
»Best Friends


❨ H i s t o r y❩


( N S F W!)



❨T r i v i a❩

»Alcohol Tolerance
»Safe People
»Theme Songs

|Trigger Warning|
»Aliases: ouroboros/Shiro Hebi; White Snake
»Name: Yota Nagami
»Name Meaning: "preferred rice field" ; "Eternal Serpant"
»Alignment: chaotic neutral
»Birthdate: 02/12/1946
»Zodiac: aquarius!
»Age: 54 (2000)
»Gender: cisgender
»Pronouns: she/her
»Sexuality: bisexual, demiromantic
»Race: mutant
»Ethnicity: Japanese
»Languages: Japanese, English



»Height: 5'2
»Weight: 116lbs
»Eye Color: yellow
»Hair Color: black turned white
»Hair Length:
»Hair Style:
»Skin Color: pale
»Body Type: ectomorph
»Body Build: rectangle
»Bust Size: c-cup
»Birthmarks: scales along her body
»Tattoos: n/a
»Piercings: ears, lips (snake bites), tongue & belly button
»Make-Up: typically bold&dark or light&natural
»Hygiene: showers and bathes daily
»Recognizable Traits:
»Fashion Style:




»Mental Stability
»Sane or Insane

»Mental Illness
»Passive or Aggressive
»Optimist or Pessimist
»Religious or Atheist
»Positive Traits
»Negative Traits
»Sleep Schedule
»Dark Secrets
»Pet Peeves





❨P r o f e s i o n a l❩
»Mutant Classification:
»Power Level:
»Private or Public:
»Team(s)? X: 1959-1973 (13-27) |



(A b i l i t i e s)
»Physical Health
»Aggressive or Passive?
»Fighting Style
»Combat Range

»Strength |»Combat Skills |»Durability |»Constitution |»Energy Projection |»Control |»Technique |»Weaponry |»Leadership |»Teamwork |»Initiative
»Agility |»Endurance |»Stamina |»Speed |»Dexterity |»Flexibility |»Intelligence |»Wisdom |»Wits |»Awareness |»Willpower |»Charisma |»Empathy
TOTAL /189




»Love Interest
»Role Models
»Close Friends
»Best Friends


❨ H i s t o r y❩


( N S F W!)



❨T r i v i a❩

»Alcohol Tolerance
»Safe People
»Theme Songs

Daken x Kenji ---> WIP! [alternate timeline]

»Aliases: Capuchin (team x) |
»Name: Taniyama Kenji
»Name Meaning: "valley mountain" ; "vigorous"
»Alignment: chaotic good
»Birthdate: 05/05/1945
»Age: 71
»Gender: agender
»Pronouns: she/they
»Sexuality: pansexual, demiromantic
»Race: mutant
»Ethnicity: Japanese
»Languages: Japanese, English



»Eye Color
»Hair Color
»Hair Length
»Hair Style
»Skin Color
»Body Type
»Body Build
»Bust Size
»Recognizable Traits
»Fashion Style




»Mental Stability
»Sane or Insane

»Mental Illness
»Passive or Aggressive
»Optimist or Pessimist
»Religious or Atheist
»Positive Traits
»Negative Traits
»Sleep Schedule
»Dark Secrets
»Pet Peeves





❨P r o f e s i o n a l❩
»Mutant Classification
»Power Level
»Private or Public
»Team(s)? X: 1959-1973 (13-27) |



(A b i l i t i e s)
»Physical Health
»Aggressive or Passive?
»Fighting Style
»Combat Range

»Strength |»Combat Skills |»Durability |»Constitution |»Energy Projection |»Control |»Technique |»Weaponry |»Leadership |»Teamwork |»Initiative
»Agility |»Endurance |»Stamina |»Speed |»Dexterity |»Flexibility |»Intelligence |»Wisdom |»Wits |»Awareness |»Willpower |»Charisma |»Empathy
TOTAL /189




»Love Interest
»Role Models
»Close Friends
»Best Friends


❨ H i s t o r y❩
[family info]
The Taniyama family head was Kaichiro "first wolf chieftain" who had married Bashira "joyful", a feisty woman recognized for her beauty in Jasmine Fall's, Japan. Together they had 12 children who mostly married and started their own family, leaving their rice paddy duties behind. While they married for love everything changed when he left for war and returned with a child, that was the day Bashira lost her love for this man. Even still she remained loyal to their arrangement, raised their children and tended to the rice paddy fields. This family was responsible for the rice fields that provided for the entire village, so they were very well off and had a good standing in society. Shichiro was the 7th son and due to this had to work for his place in society, so he worked for his parents by tending to their fields on a regular basis. He fell in love with a woman named Taiga and together they had a daughter named Ran and a son named Hitomi. When the war happened Shichiro was drafted alongside all of his brothers and sent to fight in the war, only able to return home 2 months before it ended due to being crippled. Sadly enough he only lived for 2 months before his body gave out and he died in his sleep. Taiga had been known in the village for her infidelity and the main source of gossip which only worsened at the news of her pregnancy, considering Shichiro's condition and death nobody could believe she was pregnant with this miracle child. Due to these rumors she was watched carefully by both Kaichiro and Bashira who were quick to claim this child as Shichiro's daughter, seeing as the resemblance was so uncanny and given the name Kenji by her grandparents. Her exact birthday was May 5th of 1945, not even a full year after ww2.

[early memories]
While she had not actually met her father her grandmother filled her with stories about the gentle and brave Shichiro who fought and died for their country, so Kenji believed she had an understanding of this mystery man. Her mother was incredibly abusive and the only love Kenji experienced from the woman were bruises, something well hidden from the villagers who only had an inkling. Their family was under a lot of stress with meager offerings from Kenji's grandparents getting them by, so they suffered immense poverty. Kenji often went hungry and was never given new clothes, instead she had to make due with her elder sister's outgrown clothing. The only two people to show her love was her grandmother Bashira and big brother Hitomi, the only positive influences in her life. Kenji was a very stubborn and lively child who regularly butted heads with her mother which led to her being singled out personally, something neither siblings helped with. While she loved and admired her brother, she grew to hate her sister and was filled with rage and jealousy at the care and attention she received. Kenji was frequently compared to the very beautiful and poised Ran, nobody ever let her forget how lucky she was or her lack of beauty. Despite the abuse she was a very naïve and trusting child who was easy to take advantage of and often teased because of it. Her only friend had been Akihiro who was more commonly known as Daken, the villages mongrel. Despite her own treatment worsening she refused to isolate him and the two were known to be inseparable, which led to Kaichiro disowning her and Taiga throwing her out. This led to her latching onto Akihiro who quickly became the center to her world. Due to living in the cold she was often allowed into his home and got to eat with his family, much to Natsumi's disapproval. Everything changed for the 9 year old girl when Akihiro's baby brother was born and without having anyone to guide them into a better decision, they chose to dispose of this baby and ended up exposing him to the weather which resulted in his death. The two had been chatting excitedly when Natsumi confronted them in a rage and with a gun, they would've both died had this event not triggered the pairs mutant gene which resulted in Akihiro's quick defense. However it became the two of them when his father couldn't deal with the loss of his entire family and killed himself in front of the two children, something that stuck with Kenji. Daken was the one to care for her during this time, until Romulus came and took the pair away.

[childhood] Kenji was more than aware of Romulus seeing her as a burden, but even still she did everything in her powers to remain useful so that she wouldn't be abandoned. In the span of 4 years she was thoroughly educated alongside Daken and trained to handle her powers, although she wasn't very good at either. She was grateful to Daken for still loving her and helping her remain caught up in her studies, seeing as she was leagues away from his own. She was mentored by a great ninja named Daisuke and trained in the art of the kunoichi, alongside another child close to her age. By 1959 she was 13 and devastated that she was going to be separated from Daken who was being sent to boot camp, only remaining strong with the promise of being able to see him again so long as she behaved and met Romulus's expectations of her. But as soon as Daken was sent to boot camp Kenji was also sent away, however she was given away to the American government as a candidate for the weapon x program. Her mind was altered and she was turned into a weapon whose sole purpose in life was to serve and protect the department k facility, more importantly to keep Logan cooperative with team x. While she was the youngest member there she was more than capable of handling herself, affectionately referred to as "Capuchin".

scrawny/skinny in childhood, lean/healthy with Romulus, fit/muscular on team x, fat/happy in modern times, fit/muscular potential


( N S F W!)



❨T r i v i a❩

»Alcohol Tolerance
»Safe People
»Theme Songs
Last edited:
|Trigger Warning: Mentions Only|
-rape -drug/alcohol abuse -mental illness -physical/emotional abuse
-virginity lost at 14 -assault -various deaths -prostitution at 16
-self harm -suicidal thoughts -10yr agegap -animal death
-suicide -body scarring -chicken abuse: living in basement

»Spots, general public: while slightly unsettled it's fine
»Maze/May/May May/Mz/Z, friends: honestly she loves these and doesn't mind them whatsoever
»Babe/Baby/Babydoll/Babycakes/Sweetie/Sexy, clients: absolutely hates them and usually struggles with maintaining her cool

»Name: Maisy Berg
»Name Meaning: "pearl" ; "mountain"
»Alignment: chaotic good
»Birthdate: 05/05/2000
»Age: 3 [09/26/2003] or 13 [09/26/2003] | 23 [timeskip of 10 or 20yrs]
»Gender: agender
»Pronouns: they/them; will answer to any
»Sexuality: panromantic, demisexual (is still capable of having sex)
»Ethnicity: Caucasian-originated from Sweden w/Cherokee ancestry
»Languages: English

"Hmm yeah I understand your predicament, but let me ask this. What's in it for me?"


»Height: 5'5 1/2
»Weight: 150lbs
»Eye Color: hazel
»Hair Color: chocolate brown
»Hair Length: mid back
»Hair Style: wavy for work, updo in free-time, down/unbrushed if lazy
»Skin Color: tanned
»Body Type: endomorph
»Body Build: hourglass
»Bust Size: DD
»Birthmarks: covered in dark moles, entire body
»Scars: slashes and various gashes along her entire body
»Tattoos: n/a
»Piercings: ears
»Make-Up: chapstick and lipgloss
»Scent: typically floral or fruity, whatever products available!
»Hygiene: bathes daily, sometimes too much
»Recognizable Traits: hazel eyes/moles+scars/large breasts/cotton candy shoes/unicorn earrings/autumn leaf necklace/red nails
»Fashion Style: menswear as much as she can, loves sweatpants/baggy shirts/tanktops. While anything will work she prefers comfort over style.
Maisy is a very tan young woman with mid-back chocolate hair and striking hazel eyes. Her hair is generally straight but varies between wavey or frizzy depending on her stress level, if it's been brushed and how she's styled it lately while her bangs nearly touch her collarbone. She has a rather round rectangle shaped face with thick dark brown eyebrows, hooded almond shaped eyes, somewhat large nose and plump peach colored lips. Her ears are slightly angled outwards and she lacks a clear chin definition, a noticeable scar on the bridge of her nose and lots of moles on her face. Due to a lack of sleep she has dark bags around her tired eyes and constant rosey cheeks. Her neck is rather petite and has two large moles appearing as if she were bitten by a vampire. Her body is endomorphic and holds onto fat rather cruelly, due to her constant shift in weight she bears many stretch marks. While her stomach can be considered chubby in these harsh times she is blessed with an hourglass shaped body with narrow shoulders. While her breasts are striking DD's her ass is flatter than a pancake and pretty much just loose skin. She bears thick arms and thighs with athletic calves and a reasonable thigh gap. She is covered in dark moles as well as scars from a very tough life.

"heh, I think we're gonna get along great~!"


»Mental Stability: barely hanging by a thread
»Sane or Insane: unstable
»Mental Illness: ptsd, insomnia, panic disorder & untreated bipolar t2
»Trauma(s): multiple rapes, physical assault,
»Passive or Aggressive: passively aggressive
»Optimist or Pessimist: pessimist
»Religious or Atheist: atheist
»Positive Traits: independent, reliable, family oriented, loyal, hard-working, resourceful & charismatic
»Negative Traits: materialistic, stubborn, pessimistic, grudge holder, cold, calculative & bottles everything up
»Sleep Schedule: 6hrs if she's lucky which is enough to run on, capable of 4hrs but shakes uncontrollably & suffers rolling panic attacks
»Dark Secrets: has killed many people as a hunter by feigning helplessness, murders those who have screwed her over (public knowledge)
»Goals: to provide for herself & maintain a pet
»Ambitions: maintain her business strictly as an information broker, without the sex
»Dreams: quit prostitution & settle down in a quiet stronghold, to start over and fall in love

»jotting down information about people »maintaining blank eye contact »doing favors for a price »picking at her nails »calling bullshit when she sees it »flirting/seducing to get out of trouble »avoiding instead of communicating
»fidgeting with her necklace »puffing up/dangerously sly when threatened »keeping people at a distant »playing the damsel in distress

»being petty when upset »getting even when wronged »grudge holding »using sex as a weapon »impulsive actions »hoarding/hiding her shit like a squirrel »forgetting about said stored shit »manipulating others
»prioritizing herself above others »bull-headed »abuses drugs »sleeps with married/taken men »bossy/expects things a certain way »coffee addiction »low self esteem »allows herself to be abused

»that flat ass »body hair »monkey laugh »self esteem »line of work »body fat »lack of genuine bonds »eye bags »distrust in everyone »self absorbed »losing everything she's built »loud »everyone knowing how she's feeling
»resting bitch face/done with everything »lack of control in her life »genetically large head

Pet Peeves
»chewing w/open mouth »repetitive tapping »being talked over »being ignored »pet names from clients »clients believing they're special/"something more" »attempts at screwing her over/bartering »men know best
»sexual harassment »hovering »being looked down on »nosey neighbors/attempts at prying into her personal life

»always being that whore »losing what she has »losing the people in her life »being abandoned »jealous lover killing her »being abused/blackmailed by soldier(s) »becoming a burden »pregnancy »her uncle »coming out
»leaving the qz »slow death »getting caught outside the qz »infection »exposed organs »large spiders »thunderstorms »loud noises »aggressive behavior »sudden movements in her face »horses »losing the little control she has

»gifts »getting her way »dogs and rabbits »taste of meat »flirting »receiving attention »interesting/unusual people »comforters/soft blankets »sleeping in »reading »books w/ plot twists »providing for herself
»helping family »videogames »nonjudgmental people »boiled vegetables »dairy, mainly cheese »music »photos of family/loved ones »windy days »chocolate »junk food »genuine praise »her family »socializing »enclosed spaces
»being right »fantasy creatures »soft pastels »light pink and blue »writing »sneaking out »stuffed animals

»being wrong »being screwed over/attempts »sexual harassment »kindness taken advantage of »possessive clients »spiders entering her home »emotional blackmail »hot/humid weather »nightmares »panic attacks
»books w/ bad endings/harems »potentially never again partaking in dairy »dreams about cheese »pushy people »her uncles temper »nosey people »gossip revolving around her »jealous partners taking it out on her
»work demands »how fast dogs age »the infected »things not going as planned/prepared for »surprises »shaving daily »depressive episodes »seeing Marina suffer »fresh tomatoes »raw vegetables »fireflight/soldier tension
»bad deals »bartering attempts »sexism »keeping up appearances

»reading »writing »listening to music »browsing the black market »playing with her dog(s) »writing/trying new recipes »stashing her shit like a squirrel »cooking/baking »rearranging her house »checking in on family
»taking long walks »sneaking out »occasionally hunting/foraging personally »watching movies »playing videogames »pestering Levi

»singing in tune »making deals »flirting/sleeping her way out of trouble »giving massages »reading body language/mood changes »providing for herself »information/object gathering »maintaining her balance
»actually killing someone (going through with it) »finding trouble »manipulation

»making a neat bed »singing/humming while in a funk »letting things go »cooking/baking without a recipe in front of her »retaining information »dancing gracefully »driving well »keeping track of time »relaying messages
»navigating/finding her way back »consuming a reasonable amount of coffee »personal space/boundaries »stopping a panic attack »handling/being aware of manic episodes »multiple aggressors »strategizing
»basic intelligence »running speedily »not hiding/hoarding things »upper body strength




❨P r o f e s i o n a l❩
»Citizenship: American
»Resides: Boston's quarantine zone
»Housing?: 2fl home w/small enclosed yard & basement
»Transportation?: none, wild driver btw-
»Education: 7th grade
»Which Side Of The Law?:
»Occupation: high class prostitute, information broker
»Loyalty?: her family; herself above all



(A b i l i t i e s)
»Eyesight: nearly perfect
»Memory: terrible unless she can profit from it; keeps journals for this reason
»Physical Health: pretty good, suffers from backaches (from large breasts), dehydration cramps & pulled muscles regularly
»Drugs/Smoke/Alcohol/Addictions?: abuses sleeping pills/benadryl
»Alcohol Tolerance: complete lightweight & only takes 1 drink to get tipsy, for this reason she is extremely careful
»Aggressive or Passive?: aggressive
»Fighting Style: scouting beforehand specifically for coverage, will attempt to kill before running for her life
»Combat Range: prefers long range but competent enough in all
StrengthDurabilityAgilityIntelligenceEmotional Control
Combat SkillsConstitutionSpeedWisdomCharisma
AwarenessDexterityWitsEmpathyHandles Infected
TOTAL /250




»Love Interest
»Role Models
»Safe People
»Close Friends
»Best Friends


❨ H i s t o r y❩


( N S F W!)
»Favorite Positions:
»Sub/Dom: switch
»Sex Meaning: a means to get what she needs/wants ; with the right person it's special & bonding act
»Causal Relationships:


❨T h e m e S o n g s❩


»Name Meaning:



»Height: 5'2
»Eye Color:
»Hair Color: jet black
»Hair Length:
»Hair Style:
»Skin Color:
»Body Type:
»Body Build:
»Recognizable Traits:
»Fashion Style:




»Mental Stability:
»Sane or Insane:
»Mental Illness:
»Passive or Aggressive:
»Optimist or Pessimist:
»Religious or Atheist:
»Positive Traits:
»Negative Traits:
»Sleep Schedule:
»Dark Secrets:
»Pet Peeves:





❨P r o f e s i o n a l❩
»Mutant Classification
»Power Level
»Private or Public



(A b i l i t i e s)
»Physical Health:
»Alcohol Tolerance:
»Aggressive or Passive?
»Fighting Style:
»Combat Range:
StrengthDurabilityAgilityIntelligenceEmotional Control
Combat SkillsConstitutionSpeedWisdomCharisma
AwarenessDexterityWitsEmpathyHandles Infected
TOTAL /250




»Love Interest:
»Role Models:
»Safe People:
»Close Friends:
»Best Friends:


❨ H i s t o r y❩


( N S F W!)
»Favorite Positions:
»Sex Meaning:
»Causal Relationships:


❨T h e m e S o n g s❩

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Female Ideas
  • mawile
  • espeon
  • clefairy
  • jigglypuff
  • chansey
  • tauros
  • (mew)
  • s flaaffy
  • miltank
  • medicham
  • roserade
  • S Lopunny
  • fennekin
  • sylveon
  • hattrem
  • g rapidash
  • s ponyta
Male Ideas
  • mightyena
  • umbreon
  • weaville
  • houndoom
  • ninetales
  • rapidash
  • minccino
  • zigzagoon
  • swellow
  • delcatty
  • absol
  • gallade
  • swirlix
  • rillaboom
  • grimsnarl
Side Ideas
  • lillipup
  • snubbull
  • buizel

|Trigger Warning: mentions|

|Sword's Dance| Izanami takes out both of her katanas and
taking out both of her katanas Izanami takes a deep breath and goes through the motions of her clan's secret battle technique, a graceful and beautiful sight to behold. Once this is done she is focused and ready to strike hard, raising her attack power.
|Play Rough|
a technique that would shame her family if they ever witnessed this; Izanami sprints towards her opponent in a low stance in order to wrap her arms around their
waist, before using her incredible power to lift her opponent and toss them harshly into the ground or towards something hard. When it comes to larger opponents she uses her incredible speed to come up behind them and delivers a spinning low kick, knocking them off balance and using their heavy weight to her advantage for more damage. This has the very rare chance to lower her opponents own attack if she successfully injures one of their dominant arms/legs. This is only a 10% chance however and rarely happens.
|Sucker Punch| carefully studying her opponents body language she times this dirty tactic with their preparation before coming in fast, aiming a calculated punch to a weak
spot. The only times this attack does not hit is if Izanami has misjudged her opponent or been faked out, typically she out speeds her opponents. These are typically paired with her coming down on her opponent from a higher place/jumping down to them.

|Dynamic Punch| by throwing a smokebomb, shuriken or kunai she hopes to distract her opponent long enough to strike a calculated punch strong enough to damage vital
organs and leave her opponent confused. As powerful as this attack is, it is only successful half of the time unless she's exceptionally lucky. She aims for vital spots and places of chakra in her opponent, a technique practiced heavily by her clan.

Held Item
Mawilite: a very beautiful multicolored jewel full of a hidden power that allows Izanami to tap into her ancestors and take a new form, turned into a necklace close to her heart.
This was bestowed upon her by her family upon being chosen by the village's head to partake in the Adventure ceremony alongside two other Mawile, in hopes of giving her an edge in the competition. Due to this being a very new item she is still adjusting to her newfound power and remaining in control. This replaces her ability to intimidate her opponents with Huge Power, doubling her attack power and filling her with flowing energy.




Proud of her power

Kunoichi/Assassin: trained at a very young age she has been taught ninjutsu, taijutsu, disguise techniques and the art of stealth in hopes of bringing her family
honor and becoming a renowned kunoichi. Izanami is skilled in the use of duel katanas, shuriken, kunai, chains and ropes although she excels when it comes to throwing weapons. She is best suited for ranged combat and typically strikes with a technique called gentle fists, carefully calculated strikes to the chakra points in the body which in turn can injure organs. Her combat style prioritizes speed and physical strength, with various techniques suited to handle opponents of all sizes.



Grand Underground: village of outrage
Positive Traits
+Dependable +Loyal +Observant +Careful +Respectful +Emotionally Collected

Negative Traits
-Prideful -Cunning -Secretive -Dangerous -Stone Hearted -Set In Her Ways

Izanami was born in a very well hidden village deep underground, where she learned how to navigate the caverns and caves in general. This village consisted only of Mawile
and any other species were driven out in order to protect their secrecy. Her parents are both very successful ninja in their respective fields and married out of duty instead of love, paired together by the village elders specifically to produce strong children. While she was raised with love it was not the focus of her birth, she was one out of 8 children whose sole duty was to bring honor to their clan and have a suitable heir chosen. Izanami has grown up having to compete with prettier sisters and stronger brothers, pitted against one another for something as simple as a sense of duty. It has been a very harsh and serious childhood where she was brought up to become a weapon dedicated to her clan, something that was achieved.
Izanami has practiced regularly to perfect her skills, working hard to improve the areas in which she lacked and to better balance herself when it comes to facing off with her
siblings. She has climbed the ranks of her village and become a successful kunoichi that has made her parents proud, rather experienced when it comes to completing missions and working with a partner. She has risen so high that she was chosen as one of the few in her clan to partake in the adventure ceremony under the queen herself, in hopes of bringing their clan to fame and opening more opportunities. As honored as she is, Izanami knows just how serious this responsibility is and the cost if she fails, thus she is determined to climb the ranks and stay ahead of the other 2 selected Mawile from her homeland.

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Sesshomaru x Inuyokai


Name: Kenji Inutani
Name Meaning: "vigorous second born" ; "dog valley"
Titles: lady
Alignment: chaotic good
Species: Inuyokai
Gender: cisgender
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 28 ---> human years
Birthday: 07/07
Zodiac: cancer
Sexuality: bisexual

"Insert Quote/theme song"

[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Weight: 180bs
Body Type: endomorph
Body Shape: hourglass
Bust Size: C
Skin Color: warm ivory
Eye Color: dark yellow
Hair Color: light blonde
Hair Length:
Hair Style:
Tattoos: n/a
Piercings: n/a
Recognizable Traits:
Fashion Style:


"Insert quote/theme song"

[ P e r s o n a l i t y ]
Mental Stability:
stable w/erratic bouts
Sane or Insane?: sane
Mental Illness: depression
Passive or Aggressive?:
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
Religious or Atheist?:
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Sleep Schedule:
Dark Secret:
Inept At:




Pet Peeves




"insert something"

[ P r o f e s i o n a l ]
Home Style:
Social Class:

[ C o m b a t _ R e l a t e d ]
Physical Health:
Eyesight: average
Senses: above average
Memory: very good
Addictions: n/a
Alcohol Tolerance: fairly low ; drinks when depressed/socially
Passive or Aggressive?: aggressive
Combat Range: mid range

Fighting Style


"insert here"

[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]


love interest


traveler partners


role models



close friends

best friends




"insert something"

[ B a c k g r o u n d ]
family info


teen years


[ N S F W ! ]
Sub or Dom?:
switch, mostly submissive
Favored Positions:
Turn On's:
Turn Off's:
Sex Meaning:
Virgin?: no
Experience: very experienced
Type of Person:
Physical Attractions:

"insert something"

Sesshomaru x Hanyo


Name: Aratani
Name Meaning: precious treasure
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Species: Ryuuhanyo
Sexuality: panromantic, demisexual

"Insert Quote/theme song"

[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Body Type:
Body Shape: pear
Bust Size: B
Skin Color:
Eye Color: pink/blue
Hair Color: pink/blue ombre
Hair Length:
Hair Style:
Recognizable Traits:
Fashion Style:


"Insert quote/theme song"

[ P e r s o n a l i t y ]
Mental Stability:
Sane or Insane?: in between
Mental Illness: anxiety, ptsd
Passive or Aggressive?: runner
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
Religious or Atheist?:
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Sleep Schedule:
Dark Secret:
Inept At:




Pet Peeves




"insert something"

[ P r o f f e s i o n a l ]
Home Style:
Social Class:

[ C o m b a t _ R e l a t e d ]
Physical Health:
Eyesight: average
Senses: enhanced
Memory: forgetful
Addictions: n/a
Alcohol Tolerance: extraordinarily high
Passive or Aggressive?: careful
Combat Range: close range

Fighting Style


"insert here"

[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]


love interest


traveler partners


role models



close friends

best friends




"insert something"

[ B a c k g r o u n d ]
family info


teen years


[ N S F W ! ]
Sub or Dom?:
Favored Positions:
Turn On's:
Turn Off's:
Sex Meaning:
Type of Person:
Physical Attractions:

"insert something"

Sesshomaru x Kikyo Reincarnation

[ G e n e r a l ]


Deiji "daisy", father: absolutely loves this
Mochiko "mochi child", family: slightly offended but it's fine
Hiro-chan, kagome: is very fond of this and honored
Hiro, friends: she is fond of this
Filthy human/foul woman/tramp, jaken: cross between annoyed and amused, especially with how worked up he gets.
Lady Hiroko/Taniyama/priestess, villagers: is very happy to have a title of her own, it means she's building a reputation!
Oneechan, rin: she loves this so much

Name: Hiroko Taniyama
Name Meaning: "fair/generous child" ; "valley mountain"
Aliases: shimi no tsuita "spotted"
Titles: lady, priestess
Alignment: chaotic good
Species: human --- hanyo
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: any
Age: 22
Birthday: 05/05
Zodiac: taurus
Sexuality: panromantic, demisexual

[ A p p e a r a n c e ]

Height: 5'3
Weight: 220lbs --- tbd
Body Type: endomorph
Body Shape: apple --- hourglass
Bust Size; DD --- D
Skin Color: pale
Eye Color: brown --- tbd
Hair Color: black --- tbd
Hair Length: lower back
Hair Style: some form of updo
Birthmarks: moles everywhere
Scars: quite a few from scrapes/fights
Tattoos: n/a
Piercings: ears
Make-Up: light with girly colors, only when feeling preppy. Otherwise just chapstick/pale pink rouge
Scent: mint w/traces of vanilla
Hygiene: bathes anytime she's near a body of water
Recognizable Traits: overweight, priestess robes, autumn leaf pendant, moles, thick eyebrows, pale pink blush & tired gaze w/slight frown
Fashion Style: traditional Japanese as much as possible, priestess garb when in human villages & masculine attire for demon slaying business. Depends on their mood when it comes to masculine/feminine. They do their best to match beauty standards such as pouty lips, excessively long hair and striking makeup.
Hiroko is slightly above average height at 5'3 1/2 and weighs 220lbs in the beginning of her journey, her apple shaped body eventually thinning into a plump hourglass figure as time goes on. Her skin is incredibly pale but blemished with moles, extremely thick even when she looses a lot of weight. While her breasts are exceptionally large her ass is rather flat, something she's disappointed with. She has a slightly narrow face but is mostly round with a natural light pink blush across her nose and noticeable bags under her narrow hooded brown eyes. Her nose is small and narrow, except when her nostrils are swollen from allergies and she was blessed with pouty lips that typically are in a frown. She has quite a few moles on her face and very bushy dark eyebrows she eventually embraces hikimayu, leaving small dots for eyebrows! She has hime styled bangs and long hair that reaches her lower back, something she continues growing.

[ P e r s o n a l i t y ]

Mental Stability: hanging by a thread
Sane or Insane?: slightly unhinged
Mental Illness: ptsd, insomnia, panic disorder & high functioning autism
Trauma?: physical/emotional abuse, neglect, assault & near drowning
Passive or Aggressive?: passively aggressive
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: pessimist
Religious or Atheist?: believes in a higher force, not religious
Positive Traits: empathetic, eager to learn, respectful, true to word & kind
Negative Traits: stubborn, vengeful, cynical, emotional & doesn't understand most social cues
Sleep Schedule: 4-6hrs but gradually evolves into 8hrs & sleeps like a baby
Dark Secret: struggles with depressive thoughts & very interested in sex
Goals: to restore the shikon jewel
Ambitions: to fully integrate into feudal Japan's society
Dreams: fall in love, get married & settle down
Obsessions: restoring the shikon jewel, integrating into this society, help anyone they can & make a successful living
Fears: death, being abandoned/left behind, becoming useless, quick movements towards the face, loud noises, failing to restore the jewel, being taken advantage of, large spiders, attacks at night & not mattering anymore
Talents: singing in tune, reading body language that ties into emotional state, empathy/feels others emotions, spiritual powers, archery, herb gathering/knowledge & tending to wounds
Inept At: understanding social cues, navigating anywhere, respecting others space, keeping things to herself, peer pressure, sticking to a schedule, running fast & keeping track of time/dates

*intense/no eye contact *fidgeting with everything/anything *invading personal space bubbles *sticking to specific routines *blurting out too much information when backed into a corner *selective mutism *over packing
*underestimating distance *singing/humming in high spirits *hoarding herbs/demon remains *excessive grooming *splurging on clothing *adapting other's mannerisms/masking *hoarding

*socially inept *bad with boundaries *vengeful *holds grudges *can't keep mouth shut *struggles to say no *impatient/loses interest easily *excessively stubborn *bad at sharing *childish *anxious *obsessive

*pancake butt *being Kikyo's reincarnation/compared *becoming useless *conversation skills *lack of sexual & relationship experience *eye bags *struggles with social cues *her childish voice

Pet Peeves
*excessive tapping *bullying disguised as humor *long lectures *micro managers/hovering *interruptions *knuckle cracking *passive aggression instead of just saying what the issue is/being expected to "just know"

*stuffed animals *junk food *attention *affection directed at her *learning new skills/information

*hot/humid weather *fresh tomatoes *raw vegetables *being ignored/left out *sleeping out in the open

*learning new things *visiting home *exploring various settlements *spoiling Sesshomaru *collecting demon parts/herbs/jewel shards *helping people in need *selling her stuff for profit *shopping

*Hiroko is a very observant young woman who prefers to watch those around her rather than participate in conversation, showing that she's paying attention with quiet noises and nods. She's highly empathetic to those
around her and able to feel what others are going through, leading to her being very understanding of others plights and able to come up with never-ending reasons as to why someone would behave like that. She is highly curious and very eager to learn new things no matter how simple they may seem, making her extremely motivated and not afraid to ask questions. She is very respectful to those she meets unless they aren't respectful in return and always does her best to mind her manners. If she gives you her word/says she will do something then you can guarantee that she will get it done and stay true to this, she knows how annoying/stressful it is when others do not. Warm-hearted she is especially kind to those she meets and radiates a peaceful, gentle aura that tends to draw others to her.
*However she also is ridiculously stubborn and headstrong, easy to goad into action and rather stuck in her ways. She struggles when it comes to big changes and doesn't always know how to express these feelings, instead she
bottles everything up until it explodes. She holds one hell of a grudge and once she feels betrayed/taken advantage of, she tends to slowly drift away until you're nothing more than a sad memory. She also is rather vengeful and strongly believes in getting even/settling things herself, becoming quite violent once coming to the feudal era. Despite presenting herself as an optimist she is extremely pessimistic and cynical, with a touch of dark humor/sarcasm that tends to catch others off guard. She's also very emotional and experiences life much stronger than most, feelings often stick with her a lot longer which is very overwhelming.

[ P r o f f e s i o n a l ]
modern Japan
Resides: feudal Japan
Home?: lady Kaede's village
Home Style: traditional Japanese w/ modern decor
Transportation?: bike
Education: high school dropout
Social Class: poor
Occupation: NEET, priestess
Affiliation: n/a
Loyalty: the greater good

[ C o m b a t _ R e l a t e d ]
Physical Health:
in good condition
Eyesight: normal
Senses: slightly above average
Memory: horrible!
Addictions: n/a
Alcohol Tolerance: 1-2 cups and she's done for
Passive or Aggressive?: aggressively fearful
Combat Range: long distance, eventually mid
Equipment: bow and arrows, short sword & set of kunai
Specialty: sacred energy
Strengths: precise aim, willpower, stamina, long range, barriers, spiritual energy & herb knowledge
Weaknesses: speed, physical combat, strength, defensive techniques, emotional blackmail, careless w/ money & naive

Fighting Style
Hiroko prefers fighting from a safe distance where she can fire her arrows with peace of mind, able to draw them and shoot before her target approaches which isn't always possible. She has a set of kunai she likes to throw 3
at a time but isn't always the most accurate with those, she's still learning! As for actual combat she has zero skills and relies on her spiritual powers/creating barriers in order to protect herself. She is working on becoming stronger and aspires to become a demon slayer much like Sango.
  • |Spiritual Energy| despite only having half of Kikyo's spirit, Hiroko's spiritual power is very strong and much easier for her to tap into than Kagome. Due to this she tends to manifest this energy and use it to shoot at her target(s) in strong blasts or even impressive barriers that only brute strength/durability can penetrate. She is able to use this as a healing force for exceptionally strong demons and for humans, but it is incredibly exhausting and requires immense recovery.
|Purification Arrows| she has been trained to use her spiritual power to purify evil energies and does this through weapons, most commonly her arrows but she has been known to create purification blasts. She is also able to purify negative emotions of those around her as it is a form of negative energy, although this can backfire and instead be absorbed by her which messes with her spiritual energy.
  • |Spiritual Awareness| she is able to sense strong energies around her although she's still learning how to differentiate between humans and demons, even still she is very sensitive to these auras and is able to mimic them with her own. This does not give her their powers or do anything other than show people the effect such aura has on those around them. She tends to be rather soothed by very familiar auras and can radiate them without purposely attempting to. This helps her to sense the shikon jewel shards. This acts as a danger sense.
|Experienced Markswoman| while she didn't catch on to this right away, she has worked very hard and been training her aim constantly to the point where her aim is very precise and able to hit moving targets. At most she can shoot two arrows at a time but her rapid fire skills aren't the best and she's still working on drawing faster. She is very good at hitting on/near the spot she was aiming for.
  • |Herbology| thanks to lady Kaede and google, Hiroko is exceptionally skilled at knowing the flora around her and its many uses. She knows which make the most potent poison, which tend to common ailments and even ones that make the best healing salves.
|First Aid| she has taken various medical classes that truly came in handy with her new life, as well as being experienced when it comes to CPR. Due to this she carries various medical supplies and knows how to tend to a wide variety of wounds/injuries, knowing what to do and which ones are dangerous to move her target with.
  • |Psychic Link| something she didn't know was possible until the end of Kikyo's life, she and Kagome are desperate to figure out how to create a link between them.
|Illusion/Demonic Energy Resistance| she is incredibly stubborn and thick headed which typically allows her to resist most illusions and the pain of demonic energy, protecting her mind. However she is incredibly emotional and tends to absorb negativity around her which can damage her body, something akin to chronic pain. She typically needs to cleanse her mind when she absorbs too much demonic energy.
  • |Time Travel/Immunity| for reasons still unknown she is able to pass between eras through the bone eater's well. She also is immune to spells that stop time.

[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]

[ B a c k g r o u n d ]
family info


teen years


[ N S F W ! ]
Sub or Dom?:
Favored Positions:
Turn On's:
Turn Off's:
Sex Meaning:
Virgin?: yes
Experience: n/a
Type of Person:
Physical Attractions:

"insert something"
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*Nym, everyone *Little Doe/Daisy/Betta, family


Earthblood-Tidebound hybrid

chaotic good​

panromantic, demisexual


Nymeria is a very empathetic elf who not only makes an effort to understand what others might be feeling/thinking, but is capable of feeling these emotions herself. Open minded she knows just how vast the world and
experiences of others are and has faced discrimination firsthand, which is why she always tries to be open minded and give everybody at least two chances before making up her mind. She's very understanding and good when it comes to offering emotional support to those around her, whether it's a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to she tries to be there for others. While a bit wary at first, those who worm their way into her heart know just how loyal she truly is. Nym prioritizes her friends/family and would never betray or sell them out even at the cost of her own life. Dependable and true to her word, she is someone that others can truly rely on and if she says she'll do something then she will get it done.

While rather introverted and reserved when it comes to socializing with others, she has a playful and affectionate side that not everyone gets to see. Physical touch is how she shows her feelings for others and sometimes she
isn't the best with personal space, or can come across as overly motherly. She's pretty sassy and full of cheeky comments and bold statements, often paired with bouts of high self-esteem and the occasional witty banter. She tends to be rather flighty when it comes to new situations/people and is always ready to make a break for it, judging carefully whether she will be in danger or not. She tends to dance around certain topics and redirect conversations when she doesn't feel comfortable discussing whatever topic is at hand, instead of just voicing this. Nymeria also appears to be rather patient but this fully depends on her temperament and stress levels, sometimes she is quiet and appears to be content when in reality she is seething and moments away from snapping; it's a gamble.

Possibly her worst trait would be her stubborn and headstrong nature, she refuses to back down and has a lot of trouble regarding change. She tends to react more with her feelings rather than her head and can be rather
impulsive, something that often gets her into trouble. Holding grudges is her talent and if she feels wronged/taken advantage of she'll let you know... In the most passive aggressively cold way ever! The severity of this "crime" goes hand in hand with how easily she's willing to forgive and if you even have a chance. Once her trust is betrayed/broken it is almost impossible to restore it and move forward, she'd rather just cut her losses. Due to growing up in a very brash and loud family, Nym can be considered shameless by normal standards and in certain situations which she doesn't feel embarrassed/bothered by in the least. She also tends to be rather aggressive and chooses violence when it comes to defending herself/being threatened, which is how she earned the nickname "Betta" after the aggressive fish.

treasure hunter/drakerider​

the drakewood​

twin scimitars, oak bow & various potions on a belt

  • Archery: something she has practiced since she was a wee child and perfected, Nym is very familiar when it comes to her wooden bow and has exceptional aim.
Duel Wielding: from a family of fighters it was seen as shameful to use a bow, so Nym was expected to choose something more befitting of a warrior and she chose swordsmanship. Nym has trained with a pair of scimitars the moment she could walk and it has become second nature for her, she fights aggressively yet with careful strikes and typically doesn't lose her cool unless she's excessively taunted.
  • Earth Magic: despite everyone believing her to learn water magic, Nym has connected the most with the earth and nature thus being blessed by her birth. Nym doesn't believe in using this magic to hurt her opponents and instead she uses it as a defensive mechanism if she truly needs to. This includes raising earth walls around her/comrades or wrapping vines/roots around her target in order to get away. She'd much rather use this to give life to dying flora or to make flowers bloom early. She isn't capable of entering stone form but she can navigate with plant life and use it to track down others.
Alchemy: she has always been very interested in flowers and the many uses they could have, which opened her eyes to alchemy. With this knowledge she knows how to make various potions whether it's to restore mana, cure ailments, help injuries heal faster or even more deadly results like poison. She mostly keeps these recipes in a trusty notebook that she locks with plant magic.
  • Animal Knowledge: not only has Nym always loved nature but she's always been an animal fan, feeling much more at home with these creatures than fellow elves. Due to this interest she has studied the various creatures carefully and often, resulting in her gaining a lot of knowledge on typical behaviors, temperaments and body language. This allows her to know which creatures are friendly and how to communicate with them as well as to know which animals she needs to stay away with, that has little chance of befriending.
Underwater Stuff: blessed with gills on her neck and below her breasts she is able to filter the water into oxygen, just like a fish could. She is able to swim a bit faster than her fellow elves but not to the extend as a true Tidebound elf could, making her a liability when it comes to dangerous creatures. Her eyes were not blessed with a protective film so water can agitate them at times, suffering from blurry vision on occasion. Her body adapts to the temperatures but when she leaves the water she is exceptionally cold and remains that way for a week as her body adjusts to the land again.

  • Fern, squirrelfox: this was her very first animal friend, she lured this winged creature with some sweet berries and various nuts which eventually earned her friendship. Fern has been with Nym for roughly 9 years now and is very attached to her, which leads to a bit of overprotectiveness and territorial aggression. Fern is exceptionally built for a squirrelfox with strong muscular limbs and sharp claws, making her well suited for battle. She has a love for exploring and wandering off especially in the forests and so she tends to leave Nym for large periods of time before returning by her side. Fern is very friendly with others and loves endless pets and bellyrubs, rather easygoing by nature and loves to nap! She is very protective of both Nym and her kit and doesn't hesitate to protect them if she feels threatened, generally she is quite loving though. She loves to hunt and tends to bring back her kills as presents of love
Frostbite, squirrelfox: this little kit is only 2 and the only offspring of Fern, to this day Nym has no idea who the father is or when conception even happened! He was quite the surprise and too cute to let go, so she helped
Fern to care for him and worked on bonding with him from the start. He is rather small when compared to his mother with tiny legs, larger ears and fluffier fur. He is rather skittish when it comes to others and tends to be slow to warm up with strangers, often wrapping himself around Nym's neck or hiding between her legs while fluffing up. Despite this he is highly curious and loves exploring with his mother, the two of them often disappear together which worries Nym since he's not as suited for hunting as his mother. He is rather energetic and very playful with a loving disposition, extremely affectionate when it comes to Nym and fiercely protective. While he tolerates pets he isn't big on them (especially head pets) and would rather have some scratches on his back or chin rubs.

  • Kyanite, dragon: this baby dragon was caught by one of Nym's uncles and thrown into the pit of despair for the entertainment of being ripped to shreds. Nym was unable to let this go because it was so small that she jumped into the pit herself to save it, despite the protest of the other elves. She fought with everything she had to keep the little dragon safe and because of this, was allowed to keep her although this didn't count as passing her test since it was such a small dragon. Due to stepping in to save this creature they developed a strong bond and Kyanite has become very attached to Nym, choosing to remain with her instead of returning wherever home is. Kyanite is a very intelligent koi dragon who came from the ocean and is roughly the size of a labrador puppy. She has a very spoiled attitude and loves food, she will do just about anything for food and doesn't tolerate being left out of anything even if she dislikes the food present, she expects to be offered. She tolerates new people but doesn't go out of her way to be friendly, you must give her a suitable offering to earn her affections/interests otherwise she will simply ignore you. Nym has had Kyanite since she was 10 years old herself, making it a 12 year friendship between the two and thus they have been on many adventures. Kyanite is capable of breathing/manuevering in the water and has visited Tidebound elves together with Nym many times. She has grown very attached to her little hat to the point of refusing to take it off.
Naim, dragon: a fiercely reserved earth dragon that has made its home undisturbed in the Drakewoods for many years, he isn't afraid to stand his ground although he'd rather leave before it could result in a problem. Naim is
a very proud dragon and expects a certain amount of respect and behavior in order for him to stick around. His skin is hardened like the cool oak while his deep green feathers are decorated with leaves and jewels he's collected over the years. Kyanite introduced Nym to this dragon while on her pursuit of becoming a Drakerider which was no easy feat, Naim did challenge her and was pretty tough to "tame"; it took 5 tries! But the dragon was rather pleased with her determination and allowed himself to become her dragon, greatly impressing her people when the pair returned. They have a strong friendship and understanding when it comes to his needs, he will help her out when needed but enjoys his solitude and returning home every so often. He's rather uninterested when it comes to others and usually intimidates them away from interacting with him anyways.





Sunfire Elf
Lawful Good




Twin-Tailed Inferno Tooth Tiger:








































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|Trigger Warning: mentions only|
»Self Harm/Scarring »csa »suicidal thoughts/attempt »neglect »abandonment »physical/emotional abuse »depression

[ B a s i c ' s ]
»Honeybun, father: she adores this very much and has many fond memories of this. However she finds it weird if anyone other than her father uses this, even her uncles.
»May, uncle: she absolutely hates this because while it's such a cute nickname, it's only used condescendingly and has left a bad taste in her mouth. She doesn't like to be called this and will tell you not to use this if you try.
»Maze, friends: she really likes this one because it makes her feel special, even if you're not exactly a friend she doesn't mind being called this.
»Titanbait/Bait, corps: honestly it only miffs her a little bit because of how fitting it is, even still she does get a slight twist of feelings because it feels like an insult.

Aliases: Bait, Titan Bait
Name: Masie Aaldenberg
Name Meaning: "pearl or rebellion" ; "old mountain"
Age: 25, 850 ---> 29, 854 ---> 32, 857
Birthday: May 5th 825
Zodiac: taurus
Gender: agender
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: panromantic, demisexual
Race: human
Alignment: chaotic neutral

[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Height: 5'5 1/2
Weight: 180lbs
Body Type: endomorphic
Body Shape: hourglass
Bust Size: c
Skin Color: tanned
Eye Color: dark reddish brown
Hair Color: light brown
Hair Length: neck --- chin
Hair Style: messy bob
Birthmarks: moles everywhere on her body and face
Scars: various scrapes/marks from close calls, deep scar on left stomach from being grabbed & self harm scars down both thighs and arms.
Tattoos: n/a
Piercings: ears
Make-Up: lip balm
Hygiene: long shower in the morning and a short/rinse before bed
Scent: honey and oranges
Noticeable Features: resting bitch face, heavy eyebags, thick eyebrows, frizzy hair & moles everywhere
Fashion Style: anything comfortable and easy to maneuver in, paired with the occasional pink/girly dress for visits in town and a red bow.
Looks: [x]

Maisy is slightly above average height and is considered overweight, with a very muscular physique and a slightly visible hourglass shape. Her hair is a light brown with hints of graying (don't mention this to her!) from stress and kept in a short bob that always seems to get frizzy, thick darker brown eyebrows and natural hair covering her arms and legs. While her breasts are very large and C-cup her ass is extremely flat and there's barely anything to grab. She has a broad build with thick limbs and a slight thigh gap. Her body is littered in dark brown moles that go up her neck and even to her face, with too many to count. Due to being rather accident prone her body is covered in scars from hitting the ground to close calls, as well as some fading self harm scarring. Her face is exceptionally round with soft cheeks and plump pink lips usually turned in a frown, a somewhat thick nose and dark reddish brown hooded eyes, resembling an almond. Around her eyes are dark eyebags from sleepless nights and she has a natural dusty pink blush across her nose. She's never seen without a rusted autumn leaf pendant necklace.

[ P e r s o n a l i t y ]
Mental Stability: hanging by a thread
Mental Illness?: insomnia, anxiety, depression & ptsd
Trauma(s)?: rape from her mother's client, physical/emotional abuse, neglect
Sane or Insane?: moderately sane
Passive or Aggressive?: completely passive, total pushover
Optimist or Pessimist?: pessimist
Religious or Atheist?: atheist
Sleep Routine: 4-6hrs typically with the occasional 8+ from exhaustion, any less than 4hrs and she's shaking like a leaf
Addictions?: sugar & caffeine
Alcohol Tolerance: complete lightweight and will get buzzed with 1-2 drinks, typically only drinks socially and slowly enough to just enjoy a manageable drunken state
Dark Secret: raped by a upper MP, severely depressed and suffers from suicidal thoughts, has left soldiers to die & has ended the lives of soldiers who couldn't make it back to camp
Obsession(s): baking, exercising & helping out as often as possible (anything to keep busy and out of her head)
Goal(s): to assist Hange at any/all times & to help as many people as possible
Ambition(s): n/a
Dream(s): fall in love and get married, maybe with kids
Talents: giving massages, singing in tune, maintaining balance, baking & putting others at ease
Inept At: making a neat bed, saying "no", cooking/baking without a recipe, navigating without a map & handling her stress
Fears: being eaten/tore apart by a titan, the dark, horses (manageable) & large spiders
»avoiding eye contact »stress baking »stress exercising »bottling up emotions »overdoing it »sugarcoating her words »helping whenever asked, no questions »changing the subject when uncomfortable
»not letting others know when her boundaries are pushed

»that flat ass »broad shoulders »how she looks in a dress »angry resting face »easily taken advantage of »dark/noticeable eyebags »tongue pokes under teeth when she smiles »non petite feet

»can't say no »extremely stubborn »bottles/closes up instead of reaching out »coward in moments of need »unable to settle down »changes the subject instead of dealing with it »selective mutism »flirts with close/platonic friends

Pet Peeves
»excessive tapping »purposeful smacking of lips »beating around the bush/indirectly saying something »being ignored »being looked down on simply because of her gender »excessively long lectures »slow talkers
»being taken advantage of »emotional blackmail

»coffee »junk food »helping »making a difference »attention »being included »small animals »soft textures »boiled vegetables »soft colors »sleeping »windy days »her physique »taking it easy »visiting/communicating with family
»days off »going into town »visiting friends



[ P r o f e s s i o n a l ]
People Killed:
Reason For Enlisting:
Shadis Individual Evaluation:

[ S t a t s ]
Eyesight /10 »Strength /10 »Combat /10 »Agility /10
»Stamina /10 »Endurance /10 »Dexterity /10 »Speed /10
»Intelligence /10 »Wisdom /10 »Wits /10 »Charisma /10
»Leadership /10 »Alertness /10 »Willpower /10 »Initiative /10
»Teamwork /10 »3DMG /10 »Technique /10 »Groundwork /10
Total /190

[ A b i l i t i e s ]

Physical Health:
Passive or Aggressive?:
Combat Range:



[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]

love interest




close friends

best friends



[ B a c k g r o u n d ]
family info


teen years


[ N S F W ! ]
Dom or Sub?:
Type of Person:
Physical Attractions:
Sex Meaning:
Favored Positions:
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  • beautiful elven mage w/ unnatural hair+eye colors (blonde/yellow | pink/idk)
    [*]unnatural hair because of strong ties to magic, potentially dyed on top of that
    [*]abusive/neglectful mother but very kind and loving father, was sold into slavery at the age of 8 after magical accident
    [*]very much traumatized and suffers from Stockholm regarding her master, he's been kind to her as he's been cruel and where would she go?
    [*]very well educated for a slave and was taught the art of performance in many aspects, due to her unusual beauty
    [*]endomorph and gains weight really easily, which resulted in her being starved/immensely limited when it came to food; loves it so much though!
    [*]incredibly empathetic and understanding of others situations, generally very kind and rather naive with a very emotional personality. Thanks to a coping mechanism
    [*]magic was trained very early on as to learn control and to serve her master well, rather powerful in her own way. Support only however and doesn't know how to fight back in any way
    [*]it's been so long she doesn't remember what her name was and her father's memory is fading, but she still remembers his kindness, love and wishes for her to live a good life.
    [*]terrible navigator and gets lost so easily, while she's been many places she doesn't remember much about them let alone names
    [*]due to naive and gentle disposition she is easily taken advantage of/picked on by others, especially humans
    [*]sent to Kirkwall to gather information for her master, under the cover of a kirkwall refuge
    [*]Antiva is all she remembers and her home, where her master has chosen to reside



Alias: Arabella
Name: Viola --- Enansel (blessing)
Nicknames: tbd/rainbow: Varric,
Age: 25
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Race: elf
Sexuality: demiromantic
Alignment: good
Class: mage
Occupation: slave/spy --- apostate
Affiliation: her master --- Hawke/friends
Strengths: healing, buffs, control, mana & pain tolerance
Weaknesses: fighting, physically weak, navigation, stamina & naive
Specialty: support

Arabella is an incredibly naive and sheltered woman who follows the rules closely and tries to stay out of trouble.





-Name Meaning
-Templar vs Mages
-Sleep Schedule
-Mental Illness
-Alcohol tolerance
-dark secret
-Physical Health
-Favored Positions
-Sex Meaning
-Turn On's
-Turn Off's
-She has a very thick, Antivan accent
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  • MC x Leona/Floyd/Jamil/Epel/Vil/Malleus/Lilia/Idia/Crowley
  • Musical Mermaid x Azul/Floyd
  • Muscular Lioness x Leona/Jack/Jade/Malleus/Jamil
  • Ignihyde's Extrovert x Idia/Deuce/Epel/Malleus/Jack/Jamil
  • Pomefiore's Mistake x Carter/Epel/Vil/Lilia/Malleus/Jack/Floyd
  • Pink Dragon x Malleus/Lilia
  • Pink Fairy x Lilia/Malleus
  • Konomi x
    • "Last" Unicorn x
  • Scarabia's Dancer x Jamil/Leona/Jack
  • Pink Himidere x heartslabyul/Che'nya/Malleus
[ G e n e r a l ]

~insert quoted explanation~
Name Meaning:

[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
Body Type:
Body Shape:
Bust Size:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Hair Length:
Hair Style:
Skin Color:
Recognized For:


Fashion Style

[ P e r s o n a l ]

Mental Stability:
Sane or Insane:
Mental Illness?:
Passive or Aggressive?:
Optimist or Pessimist?:
Religious or Atheist?:
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Sleep Schedule:
Dark Secret:
Pet Peeves:
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite:
Inept At:

[ P r o f e s s i o n a l ]

Best Subject:
Worst Subject:

[ P h y s i c a l ]

Dominant Hand:
Physical Health:
Aggressive or Passive?:
Combat Range:
Magic or Other?:

Fighting Style



[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]

outside college
love interest(s)

[ B a c k g r o u n d ]

[ N S F W ! ]

Type of Person:
Attracted To:
Sex Meaning:
Sub or Dom?:
Favored Positions:
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[ G e n e r a l ]
»Name: Maisy Lynn Bergeson
»Name Meaning: "pearl" ; "son of the mountains"
»Nicknames: child of man, Malleus | herbivore, Leona/Ruggie | trickster, Rook | Puffer, Floyd
»Birthday: 05/05
»Zodiac: taurus
»Age: 23
»Gender: non-binary
»Pronouns: they/them
»Race: human
»Alignment: chaotic neutral
»Sexuality: panromantic, demisexual
»Languages: English
»Homeland: Earth
~insert quoted explanation~

[ A p p e a r a n c e ]
»Height: 5'5 1/2
»Weight: 228lbs
»Body Type: endomorph
»Body Shape: apple
»Bust Size: d-cup
»Eye Color: dark reddish brown
»Hair Color: dark brown
»Hair Length: shoulder
»Hair Style: down, ponytail for gym, bun when lazy & halfdo for parties
»Skin Color: fair
»Birthmarks: moles spread across her body and face
»Scars: various scrapes/scratches since coming to this world
»Piercings: ears, nose, tongue, lip & belly button
»Make-Up: lipgloss and blush across nose for school, cotton candy themed if inspired/has time & on the heavy side for parties
»Scent: cotton candy w/ traces of vanilla
»Hygiene: bathes in the morning and before bed
»Recognized For: cotton candy aesthetic, cheeky and blunt attitude & dead/angry mushroom looking face

Maisy stands very proudly at 5'5 and 1/2 (don't ever forget that part-) while weighing 228lbs, as they'll quote "A lady never tells". Their body is endomorphic by nature and shaped like an apple, with a slight dip in the waist. Their breasts are D-cup and very large with a surprising lack of sagging, while their ass however is flatter than a pancake and only a handful because they're overweight. They have rather short legs and thick limbs all around which slim down a bit after her time at Night Raven college. Their hair is naturally a very dark brown but has been dyed pink and blue since, cut to barely touch their shoulder tips. Maisy's face is shaped like a rectangle with exceptionally round cheeks, a small nose, thick pouty lips and hooded dark reddish-brown eyes. Their body and face is littered in dark brown moles and they have quite the collection of scrapes/marks from her new lifestyle which she honestly doesn't mind. They wear trans pride glasses despite not being transgender themself and use it as an opportunity to brag about their very best friend. They love wearing accessories and have multiple body parts pierced, often decorated with pride styled jewelry but not always. [x]

»Fashion Style
Maisy is very versatile when it comes to fashion and while they enjoy masculine/androgynous styles, they tend to dress extremely girly and feminine since coming to this world. They have a preference for making a statement with pink/blue colors occasionally paired with jeans or something more subtle. Anything bold, bright and colorful and they'll be wearing it.
~insert quoted explanation~

[ P e r s o n a l ]
»Mental Stability: hanging by a thread, slowly stabilizing
»Sane or Insane: sane
»Mental Illness?: depression, ptsd, insomnia & generalized anxiety
»Trauma?: overdose attempt, physical assault, emotional/physical abuse & neglect
»Addictions?: caffeine
»Passive or Aggressive?: in between
»Optimist or Pessimist?: pessimist masquerading as an optimist
»Religious or Atheist?: believes in a higher force/god(s) but isn't actively religious
»Positive Traits: empathetic, patient, kind
»Negative Traits: blunt, stubborn, vengeful
»Sleep Schedule: capable of running on 6hrs of sleep but isn't recommended ; typically only gets 4-6hrs depending on when they get to bed
»Dark Secret: they're starting to forget their world
»Obsessions: passing their classes, making new friends & learning anything they can
»Goal: to pass all of her classes and remain at this college
»Ambition: to find a way to say goodbye to their family in their world/send back their friends that wish to return & to open up a writing club next year
»Dream: to remain in this world and build a life for themself
»Fears: death, being abandoned, large spiders, interacting with ghosts, Grim trying to eat her stuff, letting others down, strangers in the dark, performing solo in front of crowds & heights
»Habits: intense eye contact/absolutely none, fidgeting with things, switching topics when uncomfortable, allowing others to walk all over them, speaking brutally honestly & trying to befriend antisocial beings
»Flaws: tends to hold grudges, vengeful when wronged, if betrayed tends to shut that person out, stubborn/hot headed, doesn't always think things through & speaks their mind
»Insecurities: their pancake ass, lack of waist definition, misjudging a situation, how they always take it too far, susceptibility towards emotional guilt & their slightly yellow teeth
»Pet Peeves: excessive tapping, pen clickers, long lectures/explanations when it isn't necessary, being left out/ignored, not being able to sleep & know it all's
»Likes: cool/windy weather, pink and blue, trying new things, boiled vegetables, listening to music, meeting new people/visiting, fluffy small animals, praise, affection, being right & compliments
»Dislikes: panic attacks, extremely loud people, being left out/ignored, raw vegetables, emotional blackmail, know it all's, jazz, excessively long lectures, hot/humid weather & being broke
»Hobbies: attending various clubs, partying, making friends, singing & practicing their magic
»Favorite Food: chicken pasta, boiled carrots/broccoli/cauliflower, cheesecake or ice cream
»Least Favorite: raw vegetables, tomatoes, indian & tai food
»Talents: singing in tune, understanding others, feeling emotions & cleaning other people's messes
»Inept At: making a neat bed, keeping things tidy, letting things go & controlling their magic
~insert quoted explanation~

[ P r o f e s s i o n a l ]
»Homeland: Earth
»Resides: Night Raven's campus
»Housing?: ramshackle dorm, 1 bedroom apartment on Earth
»Transportation?: flying broom, electric bike on Earth
»Education: highschool dropout, 12th grade
»Grade: freshman
»Class: A
»Seat: #8
»Club(s)?: light music, gargoyle research society & mountain appreciation
»Best Subject: support/defensive magic
»Worst Subject: everything...
»Occupation: college freshman/campus cafe, formerly fast food
»Affiliation: Night Raven college
»Loyalty: n/a
~insert quoted explanation~

[ P h y s i c a l ]

»Dominant Hand:
»Eyesight: long distance is extremely blurry, requires glasses
»Memory: extremely forgetful and has to practice repetition for higher chances, tends to only remember things they're interested in
»Physical Health: very out of shape (working on that) but otherwise no problems
»Aggressive or Passive?: aggressively defensive/supportive
»Combat Range: long but can manage mid
»Magic or Other?: magic over time
»Specialty: support magic

»Fighting Style



~insert quoted explanation~

[ R e l a t i o n s h i p s ]

»outside college
»love interest(s)

~insert quoted explanation~

[ B a c k g r o u n d ]

~insert quoted explanation~

[ N S F W ! ]

»Type of Person:
»Attracted To:
»Virgin?: yes
»Sex Meaning:
»Experience: quite a few dates but no relationships, nothing casual either
»Sub or Dom?: switch
»Favored Positions:

Darth Maul

|fellow sith|
  • x is the offspring of a female Zabrak and a male Zeltron, her mother formerly being a nightsister from Dathomir and attempting to educate her daughter in their ways. It has been a lifetime since X was with her parents and can no longer remember what they looked like, their names, or anything regarding her father. The very little that she remembers was a life no better than her situation and the history her mother drilled into her head about their culture and what it meant to be a nightsister. | father could be zeltron or nautolan | zeltron would give her some form of darkish pin skin/hair while nautolan would be a sandy brown/something dark
X doesn't remember where she was from, except that she was taken at the age of 8 when her force sensitivity was discovered by a Sith warrior. She was instilled with their organizations beliefs and encouraged to allow her emotions to dictate her life, every day was a threat to her life; the possibility of being replaced for someone stronger or better than her. She had to fight just to maintain the right to live, which gave her some very undesirable traits such as food possessiveness and striking before a threat could arise. Not knowing any better she submitted to this difficult life and was desperate to prove herself and to remain useful to her master. As she grew and proved herself worthy, she was allowed to partake in higher up missions which is what led to her becoming familiar with Darth Maul. Nearing adulthood is when things became difficult and her master began to doubt her resolve and abilities, finding someone more fiery and young who could take her place. X was extremely bothered and offended by such a notion, that she had to fight for her place once more... Except her years of training did not assure this victory, instead this less experienced and far more desperate tbd defeated her. Such a shame could not be redeemed and her master exiled her, didn't even bother to kill her for such a display of years of molding. X finally snapped over this time on her own, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do if she was no longer a Sith apprentice. X traveled for 2 years and discovered she could have a life outside of this world, made connections and helped out others when she could... But it wasn't enough, she wasn't satisfied with allowing her failure to ruin her life. X gave tbd a total of 5 years to learn as much as they could, carefully keeping tabs on the pair and planning her revenge carefully before finally striking back. It was when tbc was on their final mission to fully prove they were ready to move up the ranks, when their master deemed them ready. X striked back hard and patiently, testing this apprentice to the point of toying with them before making her killing blow. While it was true tbd had more power than herself, they lacked control and allowed their anger to cloud their brilliant strategizing capabilities which allowed X to prevail. Not missing a beat X lobbed their head and bagged it, discarding the body for the wildlife and returning to her master fully cloaked. She tossed the bag with his apprentice's head to him and only revealed her identity after he demanded it, a bright and cheery smile as they caught up with each other. X's master was not only willing to take her back as his apprentice, but was fully pleased with her progress and intended for her to become a Sith Assassin. However it was not enough for X who had finally surpassed her master, she didn't need him anymore and in his moment of weakness she killed him and presented both heads to a higher up Sith to earn the title of Assassin. From there onward she has taken many missions and managed to keep two separate lives at once, making sure she was fully cloaked when it came to Sith business so that she could blend better in general. X tracked down Darth Maul once more and the two became a pair.
  • |p1| x has known Maul off and on her entire life, since they were children and the pair did not get off to a good start. X was very violent and possessive of everything, she picked many fights with this boy that she could not back up and was always put in her place. As time went on things changed between the fiery pair, these interactions were fueled with a tension unlike anything X had ever experienced and their relationship changed. The two became physically involved with each other and something more, that they both didn't understand at the time and didn't go unnoticed by their masters. While the two had learned to get along and made a fitting pair, this sort of relationship was something X's master worried for and lacked approval and so the two were separated from each other for many years.
  • |p2| X didn't see Maul again until her exile and by chance, approaching him cheerfully and with a very different demeanor than he had known. It was an interesting encounter and she remained persistent in worming her way into his life despite the change, the two becoming close once more in a relationship that had more freedom for the two. They continued meeting up with each other/her showing up wherever he was, turning it into a game of "hunting" each other. X was very happy to have him back in her life without the worry of him being taken away once more. X was very interested in learning as much as she could, becoming very fascinated in his fighting style and asking him to teach her. However they always seemed pulled away from each other, both had very important duties to fulfill.
  • |p3| far enough along in her adulthood and newly promoted to Assassin, x returned to Maul with the intent of making things clear and official between the two. While duty would demand them to separate, they always reunited with each other and completed as many tasks as possible together. Despite her intentions on keeping her secret identity she was eventually found out by none other than Obi-Wan, eventually connected to her fighting style which made her easy enough to spot from the jedi order. X was known to balance Maul out rather impressively and while she had not lost her streak for violence, her personality had changed and she was known to be very cheerful and optimistic which was unbefitting to their order. X knew Maul very well by this time and it became second nature to her, dealing with the anger deeply rooted inside him.
***force dyad: this is a concept I am very intrigued by and would love the chance to explore if you'd be okay with it, I didn't actually know there was something like this until I was researching the Sith order and it fits everything I was envisioning for this pairing. It would be nothing like the one prophesized, hell I'd even prefer it meaning a mental link strong enough to transcend space/being emotionally and physically connected to each other. Or to keep the entire thing because it's not something detectable, so it could potentially not become noticed/brought attention to and just a special connection between the two

***if we did this pairing I'd like to start around p2 where they'd be in their twenties, very open for age here, during her exile. It means they haven't seen each other since they were children/teenagers and gives us writers the chance to explore and develop their dynamic, gives us the fun/mystery and to see if they could achieve this connection I enjoy envisioning.

***i'm not sure if I'd want her to be part zeltron or nautolan, it's tricky! Zeltron was her original concept to make her some shade of pink (I think I made her dark pink) and something I really liked, especially paired with the natural attraction Zeltron's install into others and how she'd have a little bit of that (but not to the extent a full one could) and give them solid "reasoning" for such a draw to each other. Meanwhile adding Nautolan was something I just came up with tonight while browsing some fanart of this super cheerful nautolan with Maul, it was cute and reminded me of the sunshine jedi idea! Then I remembered I have a nautolan/zabrak base idea visually already based on really pretty art of a hybrid I saw, plus it was really cool thinking of a more cheerful and full of life Sith which I hadn't really considered. Plus with her abilities with water it would give her a bit more coverage/use to add to her character and could explain some of her missions and remaining useful for the order.

|sunshine jedi|
x is a full blooded togruta and very visually pleasing to the eyes, with a bright yet soft yellow skintone and unusually golden-orange eyes. She came from a family with strong ties to the force and the majority of them serving the order, so it was decided to check her potential. X was very young when she manifested her abilities and was taken away from loving and encouraging parents to become a recognized initiate. While she adjusted well and adhered to the rules she had always been curious, often finding herself filled with burning questions about their ways and the reasoning behind them. She had no troubles when it came to the gathering and with her kyber crystal, she created a lightsaber with a gentle and warm yellow which many found befitting. She did her best to catch on and was eventually selected to become a Padowan, learning more about their ways and what it looked like in the real world. X continued following these rules/expectations but remained curious, truly believing there had to be another way. X was able to maintain her emotions well but struggled with not taking action, she felt like it was their mission to help those in need with their powers. She worked hard and was eventually deemed worthy enough to become a Jedi, something she was honored by and ready to serve. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist using her powers for good she chose the path of a Jedi Seeker, something that didn't require frequent communications with the order and allowed herself to be on her own unless needed. X always had a knack for sensing this potential in those around her and had a very friendly and inviting aura, quite frankly she was a natural. Despite earning her way into the order and maintaining a good reputation, X didn't know if she'd ever consider taking on a Padowan because of the lifestyle she lived. Her way of life worked for her because she was in control of her feelings, capable of managing/maintaining strong emotions and forbidden activities without creating a problem out of it. Could a innocent youngling follow her on this path or would it lead them astray and vanquished from the order? It was a risk she could not take and another reason to be checked up on, too much attention risked uprooting her lifestyle.
  • I really love the idea of him being specifically ordered not to kill her, it's such a fun concept to explore and I think I figured out a reason for it: simply her being a seeker! He could've been tasked with obtaining those children she finds for their cause. We could draw it out and X could not have any huge/big leads at the time, or even Maul simply being tasked with keeping an eye on her for when she does find force sensitive children.
  • relationship wise I can picture a lot of ideas and X would be a lot of fun because of her unique mindset/behavior, she'd be so happy going and peaceful in just about every situation and wouldn't have strong bouts of emotion until becoming closer with Maul. She'd essentially be a true neutral, so the worst of Maul wouldn't affect her like it should. Him taking these children for the order wouldn't have her gasping and angry, she wouldn't really feel anything except a strong curiosity. She'd ask why he did that and if he truly thought it was better for them, she'd always question his motives/decisions and get him to think more on it but ultimately? She wouldn't care one way or another, I also think she wouldn't wish the path of a jedi on anybody. She'd be incredibly patient and would have moments of cheeky behavior, a playful aura about her every once in a while. There's also the opportunity for them to discuss Jedi's methods for finding jedi, I love picturing the dialogue they could have regarding that topic especially with how that's something he's held onto for so long (why didn't they come for him).
  • eventually though she would have moments where she doesn't have that crystal clear control of her emotions, she'd be more emotional with certain topics/situations and I can even see moments of using the dark side.
***she'd have a very fluid and graceful way of fighting, full body yet light on her feet and I think she'd have two lightsabers.

|twi'lek slave|
x is a full blooded twi'lek and is going to be purple all together, but with a vitiligo pattern across her body although I haven't figured out the exact shades/ideas for her color scheme. X would've came from a normal enough family that suffered hard times and had no choice but to sell their daughter into slavery for a chance at a life, being fully capable of giving up their daughter for the opportunity. X would've been a young teenager when this happened, maybe 14 but close to 15. X's training would've been relatively easy and soon enough she was the ideal slave who never complained or gossiped, she simply existed in a way that pleased her master. X was not taught any methods of fighting or self defense and whatever was supposed to happen would simply happen, after all her life was not her own. Instead she was taught to perform and please others with her body, capable of a vast variety of entertainment. Now 25-28 years old, X has no intentions of leaving and has accepted her life as it is. X has never fallen in love or allowed herself to act in her own interests whatsoever, she lives to serve her master which has been noticed. X is in charge of keeping an eye on the other slaves, gathering information from her masters clients/anyone they come into contact with and even tasks her master has no intentions of doing themselves.
  • I think this might be my favorite ideas you suggested for two reasons: his general disinterest in X and a slave being of use to him, it's such a fascinating concept! I love imagining X coming onto him and being totally shut down, backing off and respecting his wishes but she'd be so dumbfounded. That isn't something she's ever experienced so she wouldn't really know what she's supposed to do, how to behave in his company because she's so used to being of use. X would start off pretty awkward and requiring his protection but the further they're away from her master, the happier she'd get and her behavior would begin changing. She'd be so fascinated at the concept of fighting, very intrigued with his fighting style in particular and would want to learn despite not being a Jedi. It's such a perfect idea too because since she's the ideal slave, they wouldn't have to worry about a time frame all that much. It would be so fun seeing their interactions changing and X being so interested in the world around them. She wouldn't have really been afraid of him either, his demeanor would be off putting and remind her of being in trouble but what more could he do to her than she's already dealt with? So his threats wouldn't bother her whatsoever. She'd totally end up mimicking his battle stances too while traveling together, potentially even picking up a stick to "train" with.
  • Something to work with too could be her finding her family again and seeing they were perfectly fine and even had a child to replace her, threats of her family would've been the only thing driving her perfect behavior and to find out it was all lies would get to her. That was all that really kept her grounded so she'd be pretty shaken up, most likely angry. Plus with Maul being who he is, I don't think he'd be all that worried about a slave lord. There's so much to work with and so many ideas we could incorporate.
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Aliases: princess, Fujiwara-hime, lady
Name: Aratani Fujiwara
Name Meaning: "precious jewel" ; "wysteria field"
Nicknames: the spoiled princess, Momoiro
Birthdate: February 24th
Age: 1,800
Gender: cisgender
Sexuality: heterosexual
Height: 5'3
Weight: 140lbs
Race: 9 tailed fox goddess
Occupation: princess/heir
Aratani has light peach skin and a hourglass shaped body with very large breasts, while her behind is rather grabbable. Her long pink hair falls just below her breasts and messy bangs frame her face, two ring like braids on either side of her head and decorated with sakura blossoms. Both her ears and two tails match the color of her hair and are rather thin, often compared to a cat and not a fox. She has a thin round shaped face with large blue eyes. Her body is free of blemishes with smooth skin, however parts are decorated in intricate blue tattoos [x]
When it comes to her fox form she is exceptionally small and very fluffy, more akin to the size of a kit than a fully grown fox! Her fur becomes a more dusty pink and she has heian white eyebrows, her eyes slitted and very hard to see the blue. When she does draw more power she can manage two tails and a sakura flower appears above her eyebrows. Changing size is hard but she is able to become the average size of a fully grown female fox, although with the effort her tails are stuck together [x]
P2 tba [x]
P2 tba [x]
Fashion: nsfw
P1 main~alternative~formal affairs~casual wear~date wear~swim~pajamas | P2 main~alternative~formal affairs~casual wear~date wear~swim~pajamas
Aratani is a notorious troubemaker known for all manners of mischief, especially to those unable to retaliate in any form. She's spoiled and very self assured when it comes to her looks, to the point some make the assumption that she is vain. Despite being capable of respectful interactions she very much would rather behave like a spoiled brat, used to everything being handed to her when she wants it. Curious by nature she tends to pry into other's affairs and is very fond of gossip and being in the loop, paired with a cheerful attitude and a lack of boundaries/personal space. Aratani is blunt with her words and has no trouble speaking her mind, brutal honesty in which she means well. She's prone to cheeky comments and far too many sassy moments to count! All in all she's very extroverted and talkative with a preference for laidback interactions free of tradition, paired with a stubborn nature and a childish hatred to losing.

Aratani is the eldest daughter

Notable Relations


|Father, TBN|

|Mother, TBN|

|Sister, Sakura|

|Sister, Umeko|

|Aunt, TBN|

|Cousin, TBN|

|Uncle, TBN|









|Fujiwara Clan|
  • A family of pink foxes who were almost wiped out once upon a time, the only survivor of this massacre was Momoiro and her two young daughters. Due to their exceptional beauty and once high reputation they have agreed to marry into the Yoshikane family, all except for Momoiro who wishes to remain a widow.

Momoiro, grandmother: widow
  • An ancient pink fox whose hair has since faded to white and the only survivor of her clan's massacre, most of her life remains a mystery. Preferring to keep to herself she is always on edge and alert for any chance of trouble. While mostly calm and dignified there remains a childish youthfulness seen once a moon. She appears to be courting Kasetsu, but doesn't seem to be making any progress.
  • ***Momoiro means "pink"

Airi, mother: married to Kaneyuki Yoshikane
  • The eldest daughter to Momoiro, she has no memories of the massacre of her family or who her father was. Airi always has a dignified air around her and treats others with respect and courtesy. One of the kindest beauties you will ever meet, however she hides her true feelings well and never lets her mask fall.
  • ***Airi means "messenger of love", MC: engaged to Giichi
  • Airi and Kaneyuki's eldest daughter and the chosen heir to her clan, all thanks to her paternal aunt. Full of life and mischief she's never seen without a smile, many have fallen to her pranks! Currently her power is rather unstable and she only has two of her nine tails.
  • ***Aratani means "precious stone"

Sakura, sister:
  • Airi and Kaneyuki's second child and a very dignified young woman, it is often talked about how she should've been the chosen heir to the Yoshikane clan. Sakura is very talented and the perfect example of how a lady should act, due to this she is her father's favored daughter. Sakura is very strict and known to scold both her younger sisters. Many young men wish for her hand in marriage but her father has bigger plans for her.
  • ***Sakura means "cherry blossom"

Umeko, sister:
  • Airi and Kaneyuki's youngest child and the most spoiled, without any huge expectations on her shoulders she is free to act however she wishes. Umeko only interacts with those worthy of her status and is known to spread gossip rather mercilessly. Despite this she has her moments of kindness, well a little! She's very interested in fashion and rather superficial.
  • Umeko means "plum child"

Akemi, aunt:
married to Fuyuki Yoshikane
  • Momoiro's youngest daughter and survivor of their massacre, she was just an infant when it happened. A sly woman who has always lived in Airi's shadow, causing a bit of a twisted personality. Rather devious she's always looking for trouble or the latest gossip, any chance to rise above her sister. Akemi was previously married to Tomoyuki Yoshikane before he was banished from his family, due to refusing to conceive more than one child with his wife. Due to this she was remarried to Fuyuki instead.
  • Akemi means "bright beauty"

Kanon, cousin:
  • Akemi's firstborn child and older twin to Rina, she is believed to be the biological daughter of Tomoyuki but her father is in fact Shion Aoyama which is a secret heavily guarded and known by few. Kanon is very much her mother's daughter and is cunning and not to be trifled with, getting a sick thrill putting others in their place. She is aware of her complicated parentage and knows how lucky she is to be recognized as a Yoshikane. Kanon has a very close friendship with the Inari Okami and has dedicated her life to the ways of a priestess, honoring her specific shrine. Knowing how intense family traditions are and she would've been forced into an arranged marriage, Kanon has chosen to take a vow of celibacy.
  • ***her true parentage isn't public knowledge, however she has figured it out
  • Kanon means "flower's sound"

Rina, cousin:
  • Akemi's second born child and younger twin to Kanon, he has chosen to follow in his sister's footsteps and dedicated his services to the Inari Okami's shrine as a priest. Rina is very intelligent and just as cunning as his sister, however he's more interested in creating trouble rather than bending others to his will. It is believed that he has taken a vow of celibacy but he has in fact not, cultivating this rumor himself to avoid an arranged marriage. Rina is known to be quite mysterious and very charming, attracting a lot of female attention.
  • ***her true parentage isn't public knowledge, however she has figured it out
  • Rina means "jasmine"

Sakutaro, cousin:
  • Akemi's third child and believed to be Fuyuki's son, he was the result of a calculated affair involving Kinshirou Yoshikane, a man his mother couldn't tie down. Sakutaro is much more laid back than his mother and attempts to be careful when it comes to his mischief. Despite his best efforts to keep his personal interests hidden, his promiscuous habits involving both genders are widely known and anything but a secret. Sakutaro isn't well liked by the Yoshikane family which he could care less about, especially since his mother spoils him and his "father" requires nothing from him. He is allowed to choose his own path in life and to make his own decisions.
  • ***his true parentage isn't public knowledge, not even he is aware
  • Sakutaro means "son of many blossoms"

Ayaka, cousin:
  • Akemi's youngest daughter and the only biological daughter of Fuyuki's, thanks to her father's choices she isn't required to follow family traditions and has much more freedom than her cousins are allowed. Due to this Ayaka is very laid back and doesn't have to worry about her preference in modern clothing, or being forced into marriage. Ayaka is quite a bit of a loner and prefers making friends with her region's citizens rather than the nobles, finding them more down to earth like herself. Despite her behavior and choices in life, she is very much loved by the Yoshikane family and doesn't get lectured very often.
  • Ayaka is still figuring out her sexuality but she's pretty sure she's a lesbian.
  • Ayaka means "colorful petal"
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***all my characters are available to your OC's of any gender and aren't restricted to the listed pairings below, these are just my personal pairings I've come up with for different rps/on the spot.
***please inquire about which character(s) interests you the most in order to check availability, sometimes I'm not in the mood for I/H or I'm really wanting to use them for my pairing.

|Female OC's|
  • Enan Sucra--> multicolored twi'lek slave to a notorious human crimelord, sold at a very young age by her family in Ryloth (very wealthy/influential, many children) as offering for peace. Enan was raised to please and to become an assassin only loyal to her master, whom she loved dearly. Chipped and rewarded with much more freedom than her fellow slaves, including the ability to take on her own lovers. Very cheerful and upbeat, generally takes what she wants without repercussion. Playful and full of life, knows a few languages and has a bit of a reputation.
Asakaa--> fearsome togruta from a warrior clan of togruta set on Shili, born to parents who managed to overthrow tribe leaders and took their place. Suffered a very abusive childhood where she quickly learned she had to be tough in order to survive, becoming a well known warrior as a child. She killed her first Akul early on and eventually overthrew her parents, however her tribe was attacked and captured by slavers. She ended up on another planet where a very kind and patient Togruta elder took her in and taught her to be kind, that life wasn't just violence. She stayed in this city and did her best to "blend" in but was eventually found by a Sith Rattataki and taken as his slave/warrior which she served loyally as he bested her in combat. Misses her mentor dearly but loves her life, especially conflict with the rebels.
  • Kaesha Spritsi--> a human bounty hunter hailing from a educational focused planet, where education was completely free and accessible to all. Her family was quite large and very family oriented, as well as putting a lot of value when it came to education and what is to be expected for work. Kaesha loved to learn and had a thirst for knowledge, however her father was very poor and struggled making a living. While it was discouraged she decided to set out to become a Bounty Hunter, eventually making a name for herself and finding a loyal crew. She lives on a very sandy planet where her home is an underground base set under a old landing pad, where she lives a very wealthy life. She isn't home very often but has a vast variety of technology and things, allowing her to keep in contact with her father regularly and to live a luxurious life. She has a family of Ewok's who go with her on simpler missions and stay with her father when she tends to more dangerous jobs.
Poppy--> a cathar/farghul hybrid assassin who belongs to a very dangerous crime syndicate lord, enslaved at the tender age of 6 with only a necklace of her family left. This was an underground child ring where children of various ages were pitted against each other and expected to fight to the death, where the best would be chosen as TBN's personal bodyguard/slave. Poppy was the second oldest brought in along with an older boy whom she fell in love with, despite knowing what was to be expected of them she took care of the other children and reassured them it was alright... But it wasn't and she usually ended up killing these children, something she carries to this day. Eventually another cathar was brought in, called Maeve and the two become inseparable and climbed the ranks viciously. Both cared for the other children but showed no mercy in the ring, they did what they had to. Her love wasn't interested in her, instead Maeve which hurt but she encouraged. The pair believed TBN to have been killed but in reality, he escaped from this life. Poppy and Maeve impressed this crimelord so much that he chose them both as his winners, both were trained very well and earned quite the reputation. Poppy was involved with Maeve for a while until they realized they were platonic soulmates. Poppy attempted love another time with one of their close business partners/tavern owner but it wasn't meant to be, strike 2. Poppy knew that this life was having it's toll on Maeve and so they ran away together, forced to constantly remain on the move in order to avoid recapture and the punishment that awaited them.
  • Ebieyo Edrash--> a nautolan/zabrak hybrid who has since forgotten her parents, all she remembers from them is her mother drilling the ways of the nightsister and her history into her brain. Ebieyo was but 8 when she was discovered by a Sith lord and taken in as an apprentice, a very abusive and traumatic experience. Everything was a challenge and Ebieyo had to fight in order to survive, which led to some very unattractive qualities like food possessiveness and to strike before things can get out of hand. Ebieyo met Darth Maul in their youth and the two often competed with each other, her always starting fights she could not finish. They worked together and as they grew older their relationship changed, things became different and filled with tension neither could explain. This led to the two getting intimate in their late teenhood and the reason they were split apart, before they could form a bond. However it was too late for this as she had become attached to him. It wasn't long after that her master discovered another suitable apprentice, a male who went by the name Ambrose and who was much stronger than Ebieyo. Despite years of training she was bested and replaced, not even granted the mercy of death for her failure. This led to her shamed and outcasted from the Sith order, something that haunted her. Even still she attempted to form a "normal" life and forged connections with those around her, something easy enough to do due to her keeping a double life. However it wasn't enough to keep her satisfied and she was haunted by her shame, so she began tracking Ambrose and her master. She often reunited with Maul and would inquire information from him, surprising the man with her change in attitude and temperament. She gave her master 4 years to train her replacement before challenging him once more, waiting until her master believed him to be ready. While it was true Ambrose was physically more powerful, Ebieyo was much more cunning and precise and she used this to her advantage. She tracked down her old master clad in black and delivered Ambrose's head to the man, before revealing herself. Her master was impressed and even willing to take her back, but she had plans of her own. She gave her former master little time to react before challenging him, managing to best him in combat as well. She took back both heads to present as her token back into the Sith's order, claiming those two lightsabers as her own. Since then she has climbed the ranks and partnered with Darth Maul in her spare time, when she is not required for other tasks. Ebieyo has trained with Maul during this time and requested his help in building a double bladed lightsaber, turning her own into a lightwhip.
Kaatis Dakeg 1--> a zabrak/zeltron hybrid known to be force sensitive, she came from a very influential and wealthy family of Zabrak's and was one of the few mixed individuals in this family. Her father was the 7th son with 8 brothers total which didn't leave him with much of anything, having to work hard to maintain a life he believed a girl should be with her mother. Kaatis spent her childhood rarely getting to see her father and under the extreme watch of her Zeltron mother, who had little interest in raising a child. Due to this she was most often on her own and had to learn to take care of herself, seeing as her mother hoarded the gifts/food sent by her father. This is how she met the orphan Zorac and became so close to him, they both had to look out for themselves. Kaatis learned the ways of the streets through Zorac and in return, she shared any/all resources that she gained equally with the echani child. Even when her mother found out she ran around with a street urchin she was unable to keep the pair separated, it only drove them closer together. By the age of 12 her father had caught wind of this neglectful situation and took Kaatis home with him, where she was educated up to standard of her family and taught how to be a proper lady. She vouched for Zorac who was taken in by her family and offered the same education as herself, although he was trained for combat much better than Kaatis due to being deemed her protector. The two shared feelings for each other but out of respect of her family, didn't get involved with each other for quite a while. Even still the two were close and Zorac helped Kaatis to enjoy the thrills of life, such as underground fighting rings and common pleasures. Kaatis loved him dearly and wanted nothing more than to help him pursue his dreams of returning to Eshan and turning it into a patriarchal world. The two embarked together for such a goal with her families support in funding his group, in search of more support. This was when the two became a couple which was something Kaatis knew wasn't meant to last, he was determined to do anything in order to secure a ruling position of another planet. In their group there was one other force sensitive being, a male zabrak-human. They eventually ended up in one of the Inner Rim planets that supported Zorac's causes and things were set into motion, they had this king's support and Zorac was even set on marrying his daughter to secure this planet. Together they were directed towards the Sith order and the 3 were trained to use the dark side, even tasked with creating their own lightsaber's. Things became so complicated between the two when Kaatis was content with continuing on such a path to darkness while Zorac was unsure, but his securing of a political marriage was what pushed the two apart. Kaatis continued down this path and chose the dark side, working on following this path and becoming a Sith Jedi instead of an apprentice. ||| has the potential of ending up with Darth Maul, being accepted as his pupil after much persistence/begging and things going from there (same age/very close)
  • Kaatis Dakeg 2--> a zabrak/zeltron hybrid coming from a very influential and well of family of Zabrak, known to be force sensitive. Kaatis lived a very spoiled life since so few of her family lacked the ability of the force and thus riches could be spent on her. She was discovered to be force sensitive and was to be guided by a Jedi in her family at a young age, however this operation was intercepted by the Inquisitorius and she was taken. Immediately she was put into a slave conditioning process and raised quite brutally to become loyal to the organization and Sidious who had chosen her by hand. She worked very closely with Darth Vader during this time and had lost a limb(s) to ensure her loyalty, being replaced with a much improved biotic. She was paired with a fearsome togruta woman and both shared their number, forming a very close trauma bond with each other. Kaatis has long since put her past behind her in order to survive, fueled with rage, mostly at the thorough lesson of loss being drilled into her | Kaatis met Levi during her quest to eliminate the remaining Jedi, her and TBD had swept most of the Jedi under his leadership but had been separated which led to her capture. Kaatis was kept under his strict watch during this time and quickly discovered to be impenetrable when it came to information, there was nothing this man could do to her that she couldn't take. This is an unlikely pairing where relationship is built on Levi's understanding, patience and eventual kindness which is what gets her to turn on her organization eventually ||| has the potential of ending up with Darth Maul, the two stumbling upon each other at some point and her interest piquing in him.
Dath'Kaciah'Begth--> a chiss/togruta
  • Kaelyn'Dolerg--> a twi'lek/human
Jennifer--> an albino twi'lek/human
  • Cyra "the sun"/Elna "the suns rays"/Mirri "the sun"/N'vina "bright one"/V'ntha "golden"--> a yellow togruta
Koton Kendi "cotton candy"--> a non-force sensitive chiss/zeltron
  • TBN--> a iktotchi
TBN--> a chagrian
  • TBN--> a half-bothan
Mina Ashido--> a balosar with sith heritage
  • Shalqi "watermelon"--> a very patient pink/green togruta and newly appointed Jedi
TBN--> a pantoran noble and absolute princess
  • Starfire--> a force sensitive Zeltron
***Otena'tbd'tbd: chiss muscular, inspired by friend's
***Kiyat: cotton candy colors, force sensitive race without eyes
***Mako: twi'lek spice runner
***TBN: twi'lek purple slave w/vitiligo, unable to fight whatsoever but highly intelligent/cunning/knowledgeable

|Male OC's|
|Darth Maul | Kit Fisto | Din Djarin | Kylo Ren | Anakin Skywalker|
  • Zachale Peftru--> parents died when he was very young so he was raised on Shili by his grandmother, who owned a pottery business. Troubled teen who ran around with a group of crime filled orphans as he tried to make more money for them, was involved with a fellow human girl named Nataadri who ditched him for a rich nobleman. Turned it straight to ease his grandmother and was ushered to start his own journey and to not worry about her by 18, eventually begrudgingly sets out. Despite his grandmother's wishes he sets out to work for a notorious crimelord in which he meets Enan, the twi'lek who stole his most beloved valuables passed down by his grandmother. Complete virgin with no sexual experience so far, as well as lingering feelings for the woman Nataadri. [M crime interest x F slave, forbidden love]
Nagad--> a zabrak warrior born on Dathomir and raised as a nightbrother, something he was proud of, becoming a very well known warrior which was eventually selected for a mate of a nightsister. He was so desired that many fought for this honor and he made his family proud, however he desired a different life. He knew how things were off planet and was desperate to make a difference in the world, he wanted revenge against the Empire for what happened to his family. It took quite a bit of work but he managed to escape his planet and joined the Rebels first chance he got, climbing the ranks from there on. He was the one to best the fearsome warrior Asakaa in combat and was responsible for bringing her in, as well as making sure her treatment was humane which is how she ended up being his responsibility. [M rebel x F Empire, opposite sides]
  • Kee'lok--> a very rare red colored twi'lek who has no recollection of his biological family, all he remembers is slavery and a very kind older red twi'lek caring for him. It was this woman who named him and educated him during their slavery. She was the reason he was able to escape although at the cost of her life, something that haunts him still. He's made it to a very dusty and tough city where he sleeps on the streets, forced to go into prostitution to get by which is very dangerous for a specimen such as himself. He meets Kaesha by chance who offers to take him home for a very expensive price, something he agrees to but fears is a trap once they get out to the middle of nowhere. Despite this she treats him very well and offers for him to stay with her paying him, a chance for good food and being cared for without the expectation of sex. [M prostitute x F bounty hunter, storyline about finding love/safe place/first actual friend]
Feral--> a cathar bounty hunter who doesn't remember his past, instead he was guided by a Kiffar jedi and chose the path of killing to get by. He is mute due to a close call in battle but has no trouble communicating his needs, preferring to keep to himself and not building connections with others. He remains on very good terms/respects this kiffar jedi, is close to a Omwati nobleman through him he has a casual relationship with a vixen Cathar. Fate brings him and this Omwati in the care of a force sensitive Cathar, a newly 18 year old whose father he had personally killed. The guilt of this and knowing she survived has led to him becoming determined to watch over her and get her in touch with the Kiffar Jedi so that she can learn the ways of the force. Saving her from a deadly poison is what brings him in contact with Poppy and Maeve, becoming a team and unaware of their past. [M bounty hunter/protector x F assassin/crimelord's top slave, fellow hunters/potential to make something work]
  • Zorac--> an orphan originally from Eshan, however things fell apart very early on and his mother escaped alongside him. His mother worked as a prostitute to keep them afloat but eventually passed from sickness, leaving Zorac all alone. He learned very early on that he could only rely on himself and the world was a cruel place, with no warmth for orphans. He fell into a gang of fellow street urchins and gained the habit of stealing from nobles, a very rewarding challenge. It was around this time that he met a fellow poor child, Kaatis who was in a neglectful situation herself. He became very fond of her and took care of her, rather surprised and relieved to discover that she was indeed from a noble family herself. Zorac knew the ways of his people and the history of his planet, he had high ambitions that involved the eventual overthrowing of Eshan's matriarchy and ruling his own planet. He was the one who brought it to the Dakeg family of Kaatis's situation and was given the honor of becoming her bodyguard, offered an extensive education/luxuries he couldn't afford/vast fighting training in return that he would prioritize Kaatis's safety and wellbeing which he accepted. As the two grew older feelings became mutual but he was a guest in their home, as well as an ambitious young man so he couldn't afford to ruin this golden opportunity. He attempted to keep his desires at bay with a variety of random women, something that never worked for long. In their mid teenhood he formed a group of likeminded beings who supported his quest for power, as well as winning the Dakeg's support and being given a highly generous amount of funding to get them started. They took off to head for the Inner Rim in search of gaining other planet's support in changing Eshan. This was when he became romantically involved with Kaatis, whom he truly loved but knew could not marry. This ambition led them to a patriarch planet who desired control of Eshan, earning this ruler's support in changing the planet's ways. It was a Sith ruled planet and him, Kaatis and this zabrak-human were given extensive training in order to hone their powers regarding the dark side. He took this training seriously and was very proud of his lover and best friend's progress, things were looking good. He even managed to secure a political marriage with the ruling man's daughter that would ensure him the power he wanted. This was when he lost Kaatis as well as his best friend and spiraled. His organization fell apart and was lost to him, the final piece being him rushing into things with the princess and being outcasted from the planet. He traveled far and wide in search of finding Kaatis again, ready to give up his ambitions in life and to settle down with her. During this time he had purified his lightsaber into a piercing white and was found by a Jedi master, who decided to train him in the ways of the force. Zorac did not share his Sith past with the man or understand how significant this opportunity was, but he relished and trained to take on the Jedi Order's idealizations for himself. He set out once more for Kaatis in hopes of turning her to the light, returning to this Outer Rim planet where his fiancé had become queen. He continued leading her on into believing they would be married and used that planet's connections on his quest to reunite with Kaatis. However it has been a very long time since the two have seen each other and much has changed, the biggest being Zorac's rather emotionless disposition/personality. [M jedi x F Sith, opposite sides/childhood friends]
Levi-->a human Jedi master who was formerly a street urchin, born into a force sensitive family known for avoiding the Jedi. His mother died when he was very young and had been a slave, a life forced upon himself until his uncle came to collect. From then on he was taught how to survive the streets and what it took to become a successful bounty hunter, before being abandoned by his uncle something that left him deeply hurt and confused. levi had to learn to be tough and to take on those stronger than himself, seeing as living a malnourished life left him quite small compared to those his age. He formed a group of crime with two fellow orphans and ended up gaining the Jedi council's attention when they managed to collect quite a few lightsabers together. Although he was much older than most Younglings he wasn't too old and was defeated by a very strong Jedi who was rather amused with his antics, offering him a better life. Levi didn't want to leave his two friends behind who had become family but didn't have much choice, the two encouraging him to live a better life and come back to spoil them rotten! Little did he know the path of a Jedi would be difficult and where attachment was not allowed, something he struggled immensely with. Even still he was trained by a very patient master and worked hard to become an official Jedi which was frowned upon by most of the order, believing Levi to be unfit as a Jedi. Even still he became a very powerful Jedi that survived the Jedi purge, forming something akin to a new Jedi order and protecting as many Jedi as possible. During this time Levi had become a Jedi Master himself and still worked closely with his former master, even having a newly adult Padowan of his own. He remains in contact with his former family despite it going against their code, furthering these interactions once their order officially falls and these rules are no more. Despite being extraordinarily muscular he is very short for his age due to malnourishment as a child, suffers insomnia/ptsd, doesn't know how to swim and has an obsession with cleanliness that he takes very seriously. He fights with two pure white lightsabers and values raw power over health, leading to many dangerous calls and a body covered in scars he keeps covered up. Levi used to struggle with keeping calm and collected, something that has greatly improved although he does still struggle with the dark side from time to time | | | Levi meets Kaatis when she and her partner wipe out a good chunk of his Jedi, something that invoked his wrath and led to her capture. He was more than ready to break her which was something that failed, seeing as she had nothing else left to lose. He was forced to keep her under watch by his former master and encouraged to attempt a different approach, one of kindness and understanding despite the massacre she caused. He is very much not interested in her at first, until he starts to see similarities from his own past in her and a life where she had no choice. Kaatis is used to brutality and torture is nothing new to her, she simply laughs in the face of Levi's methods for getting information she would be killed for giving. However she doesn't expect him to show her a sense of kindness or even comradery especially after killing some jedi under his watch. What starts out as an extremely hostile environment changes and she's treated with something she never considered, kindness and an opportunity to start over. Can these two get over their differences or is Kaatis too far gone to be saved? [M jedi master x F inquisitrous victim, unlikely pair]
  • Ahashi--> a force sensitive Echani who was taken by the Jedi as an infant and raised as a youngling, where he learned the way of the force early on and was very talented at it. He understood what it meant to remove attachments and did his best to uphold this, believing this meant a Jedi needed to be strong physically/mentally and capable of solitude so he kept himself distant from his fellow younglings. However at the tender age of 12 all of the younglings he was grouped together with were massacred, the Jedi in charge of them unable to protect them. It was a miracle that Ahashi survived himself, losing the "friends" held dearest to him and leaving him riddled with trauma. He suffered from survivors guilt from then on and trained to become a powerful Jedi, one capable of protecting others and encouraging teamwork. This was a lesson taught to him during his time as a Padowan and a way to cope with his trauma, something that interfered with his connection to the force. Even when becoming a master Jedi in his own right he refused to take on a Padowan of his own because he believed them to be unworthy. A loner of his own right he did his best to remain distanced as he feared losing anyone like that again, not allowing himself to form attachments of any kind. [kakashi hatake] | | | open to being paired + storyline
Aizawa--> a very stoic human Jedi who remembers little of his past, except that his parents were extremely wealthy and had given him up to the order very young. He has always been very stoic and duty focused even as a youngling, although helping others has always been a big motivation of his own. Even when chosen by his master, he remained very close to two fellow Padowan's from his class throughout his life although they lost a dear friend along the way. Muriel chooses to pursue a path of independence and is very strict when it comes to taking on Padowan's himself, preferring to help teach lessons as a whole. Despite this he choose his padowan when he bonded with a force sensitive zabrak child, one whom he saved and brought into the order. He kept a very close eye on her and when she was ready, chose her as his padowan and has been teaching her ever since. As of now, she is 18 years old and has learned very well. Known to be rather off putting and very strict, Muriel prefers to keep to himself along with the very cheerful and friendly albino but due to his worrying nature he frequently checks in with the other Padowan's and helps keep an eye on the next generation of Jedi. | | | open to being paired + storyline
  • Bakaaro--> a zabrak/kiffar born to a fearsome zabrak Jedi who fell in love with and married a gentle and submissive kiffar man, despite the jedi's code of conduct. Due to his mother being force sensitive he was monitored from infancy and claimed as a youngling before he could walk, separated from his family and placed into a class of future Jedi. Bakaaro took this training very seriously and was determined to become the strongest Jedi ever known, suffering from a hot-headed attitude and a struggle to maintain the light side. Bakaaro had never desired to be a Sith and was very openly against such an order, however he was very passionate and had much to learn in the ways of meditation and harnessing this emotion without drawing from the dark side. Despite his foul attitude and habit of picking on the more emotional younglings he was rather popular and had a wide selection of friends throughout the class. He was chosen by a very patient and understanding master, one who works with him carefully and thoroughly due to his lightsaber bordering on an orangish red. Despite being well into adulthood he has yet to become a Jedi, his one last trial is to prove that he is the master at his emotions and to successfully work with another Jedi. | | | Bakaaro is paired with Shalqi a very sensitive and quiet togruta whom he bullied growing up, leading to her having a strong aversion towards the man. Bakaaro was utterly enraged that not only was the pipsqueak a Jedi before him, but he was expected to work with her and gain her approval in order to be promoted, what a joke right?! To top it off Bakaaro has a very hands on and violent approach to missions, while Shalqi prefers stealth and information gathering/thinking things through before making her move. Can these two settle their differences and work together or is there no hope for Bakaaro? [mixed M padawan w/anger issues x sensitive F togruta Jedi, storyline about "one" final task of teamwork in order to be promoted]
Kuba--> a togruta survivor from a very primitive clan set on Shili and one of the strongest warriors of his clan, Kuba's parents were both strong and kind and should've been the rulers. When two dangerous and cunning togruta overthrew the ruling couple, it was Kuba who ensured their daughter survived and she remained under his protection. Due to this Kuba was familiar with Asakaa but purposely avoided interacting with her. Due to this clan living so deeply and undisturbed, slavers were attracted to them and managed to conquer and enslave their entire village which was split into two ships. Kuba managed to remain with the former chieftain's kind and naive daughter, doing his best to keep her safe. Together he staged an attack with his fellow tribesmates and while they managed to successfully attack, it caused the ship to crash onto a unknown planet where he was the only survivor. Riddled with this guilt and failure to keep the former chieftain's daughter, Kuba has chosen to isolate himself except for a stubborn Ewok who nursed him back to health and remains with him. | | | Kuba was intended to be paired with Kaciah the chiss-togruta who discovered his ship's wreckage. She was attacked by a protective Kuba when visiting the burial grounds, caught off guard to the point of dropping her collected flowers. Kuba starts off very standoffish and mean to the hybrid who stood her ground and stubbornly remained. You see she remained because she could see the pain deeply rooted into this togruta man and she was determined to help him heal and move forward in life. [togruta M w/PTSD x sunshine F jedi, storyline about healing]
  • Vinny--> a near human with red hair and heterochromia, while he never met his dad he was raised with love by his human mother in a very poor environment. Vinny used to be a very sweet child with a heart of gold but after enduring so much intense bullying and abuse from those around him, he learned to be tough and earned his reputation as a "monster" by the age of 12. Vinny was discriminated against due to his unknown heritage regularly which led to his mother being facially scarred protecting him when he was young. Since then he has become very introverted and even shy when it comes to girls showing an interest in him, something he hides with a fierce disposition and thirst for violence. Despite them struggling to make ends meet his mother believed education to be very important, even sending him to the local school and eventually a male only academy for Imperials, which he struggled to behave for. Even still he met his best friend Minaev there who was bullied to the point of considering suicide, something Vinny helped talk him out of. Eventually he was kicked out of the academy due to bad temperament, which he was relieved for since his mother had been diagnosed with a deadly health condition. They couldn't afford treatment or surgery and it was up in the air regarding how long she had to live, something that fucked him up despite acting like he could care less. This was when Vinny got involved in every illegal operation he could, you name it he's probably done it. Although the main jobs that got him by included street races, running spice, pimping and bounty hunting. He struggled to cope with his mother's sickness which led to him not only blowing the money he worked so hard to put together for her, but even hounding his own mother for money which she obliged. Depression was something he suffered from and his small apartment showed such, often being rather messy and lacking in the food department. One of the only joys he had in life involved racing, something he splurged on along with clothing. It was through a large scale racing operation he became part of a misfit group full of various races, for the first time he had a group of friends. He even met a beautiful and dangerous human woman who was interested in him, what comes of that is up to you. This racing operation he got involved in however was legal which forced him to keep his nose clean, working for a high ranking Crimelord family's son at their exclusive club doing bodyguard work. He's determined to win this competition and use the money to finally take care of his mom's condition, something possible even with splitting the reward with his crew. [potential for force sensitivity] | | | he is paired with Kaelyn a twi'lek/human pink/fleshy in color and unusually has hair. Vinny has known Kaelyn since they were both children and when he used to be sweet, the two were practically inseparable and had an innocent relationship together. Even when life hit hard and he changed, they remained very close friends and he was known to have a protective streak when she was involved. Little did he know but Kaelyn had changed too come adulthood and wasn't as innocent as she seemed, you see life had hit her hard too and she changed. It became rather difficult for the two to maintain a friendship since life had set them on different paths, but Kaelyn put in the work. She helped care for his mother and began working to help her with treatment, taking dangerous/degrading jobs that she worked hard to keep from Vinny. She was the one to visit him and put in the effort of keeping in touch, always coming to visit him and cheering him on. In her eyes he's not interested in keeping a friendship and has outgrown her, especially once meeting his new friends and this very beautiful human woman. However he is actually just become that shy around Kaelyn, paired with being so used to her coming and going as she pleases. As time goes on he begins discovering this other side to her, witnessing these dangerous jobs that she's been taking on which he disapproves of greatly. He finds out she's the one helping his mom get regular treatment, something concerning his mother enough to ask him to check up on her regularly. Can these two open up and talk things through or will their friendship simply cease to exist? What's more, will Vinny discover she plans to sell herself into slavery willingly or will he find out after receiving a profit? [near human M: racer/illegal activities w force potential x twi'lek F considering slavery, childhood friends]
Tbn--> a regular human with a knack for engineering and gifted with a brilliant mind, however he's been pulled back due to responsibility of being second eldest in a large and poor family. Both his parents are deadbeats who had 6 kids they couldn't take care of which led to him and his big sister having to look out for them, losing a lot of opportunities for them in life. X prioritizes his family above all and has a preference of working smart not hard when it comes to money and keeping food on the table, leading to him being the "brains" behind most smuggling operations in his city or fixing things up on the spot for insanely high prices. X is very flirty by nature and has the habit of sleeping around and keeping things casual, once scorned by love has left a sour taste in the young man's mouth and ruined it for everyone! | | | he is favorably paired with a newly appointed Jedi and childhood friend, a force sensitive TBD who was taken as an initiate at the age of 8. Despite so many years passing the pair attempted to remain in touch which failed, something that didn't stop her from tracking down X once she was able to. Ignoring the Jedi's rules of maintaining relations she intended to visit her family/X for a short while and make sure they were doing okay. You see she also had ulterior motives of recruiting X for the order and fulfilling X's dream of becoming a well paid engineer, having talked X up and praising his intelligence. Will she be able to convince X to leave his family behind for an opportunity that would set them up for life or will he refuse? More importantly, can she continue dancing around X's sexual advances and avoid feelings or will she become another one of his victims? [extremely smart M w/engineer potential x newly jedi F & childhood friends, potentially love triangle]
  • Gojo--> a very powerful Miraluka with breathtakingly blue eye "implants", either a Jedi Master or Sith Lord but either way he's loyal to his cause/master/preserving the next generation. Known for a rather disrespectful attitude towards others he is allowed this behavior due to his utter strength and abilities with the force, either very powerful in the dark side or balanced with the force and able to use darker abilities without affecting his psych. A true neutral, TBN is a very complex individual with a nonchalant and playful attitude with the initiates and just about everyone. When it comes to his enemies however he proves to be downright cruel and unsympathetic in their plights. He is confident in his abilities and has no qualms about using electricity or force choking his enemies when they get too close. He judges others by strength and shows no interest in someone with no potential, with quite the level of arrogance. He hopes to train the next generation to be equals with their enemies, in hopes of maintaining the balance. TBN has a childhood friend who worked closely together with him, before defecting to the other side, a decision that haunts him greatly | | | open to being paired + storyline
Fenris--> a sephi
  • Omwati-->
  • Elicorn Kendi--> a force sensitive chiss-zeltron
Iwamyu Oket--> a nautolan noble from a traditional family set in the old ways, Iwamyu sought more than an arranged marriage and a life filled with music on his home planet. His father was extremely strict but his mother supported his dreams and tried to work out something between the two, which was utterly rejected. After a lot of thought he decided to leave his home of luxury behind in order to seek
  • Judeauu--> a young chiss man with a mysterious background he doesn't discuss with others, following a deep shame casting him out from his people and revoking his name. While not a force sensitive individual, Judeauu is a very skilled alien and a jack of all trades so to speak. His talents vary far and wide and while he's good, he has yet to perfect anything in particular and thus has no special talent. A very charismatic and easy going young man, he is noticeably charismatic and popular with the females despite struggling to confess/share his feelings when he does fall. He traveled around different planets and made his living by performing any chance he got, before being inspired to join a specific crew and choosing to dedicate his life to Zorac's cause. Exceptionally perceptive he is able to read emotions and suppressed feelings in those around him, excelling when it comes to advice/comfort/friendly push in the right direction but sadly cannot apply this to himself. His equipment includes two short swords, one regular sword, a set of throwing knives and two blasters. | | | open to being paired + storyline
***Wookie Male
***Darren "Spicer": human playboy/orphan
***Itos'Vuren: twi'lek playboy/spoiled man
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~insert pic~
E n a n _ S u c r a
*looks *playlist?

Enan has a very cheerful and introverted attitude despite her situation, with a love for life and enjoying the little things. She is kind and courteous to all and known to be very flirty, with all no matter gender or race and will
make sure all feel welcome/entitled to her attention. She is very good at putting others at ease and getting them to talk, not only is she a very good listener but she knows how to probe for information. She is incredibly observant to her surroundings even when engaged in conversation, paired with subtle changes in body language/cues. She is completely loyal to her master and prioritizes him above all, everything that she does is in accordance and approval of him. She tends to be more sensitive than she lets on and things stick with her, leading to the occasional mopey periods and lack of smiles. She is very spoiled and tends to only do things of her own accord/interests, although it's hard for her to be selfish. She truly cares for others and tends to connect with others through their upbringing/how life has treated them. Despite this she is a trained killer and is capable of shutting off her empathy completely, the only way to cope with such bloodshed and manipulation. She understands right and wrong but it doesn't change or interfere with what is expected of her, or the life she lives.

It takes a lot for her to actually judge you, with the life she has lived/choices she makes/what she's seen she tends to give multiple chances to others. She looks out for those she deems as friends and depending on the relationship, will gift them with "favors" such as specific information or procuring work/gaining an audience with the Basla crimelord. While she will never actively go against her masters wishes, she also doesn't mind taking a few punishments if it means helping out someone special to her. She is very food oriented which is the only "rebellious" side she has, ultimately rejecting the specific diet placed upon her and begging for food any chance she can get! She is used to getting her way/things and thus simply takes whatever catches her eyes, getting caught is generally avoidable or her target is punished by her master if she's actively put into harm's way. She's noticeably sassy and prone to cheeky or downright blunt comments, as well as flaunting her beauty to whoever is in her presence. She has come to expect gifts from those she stays in contact with as well, something she will demand and pout if offered nothing. Her self-esteem is through the roof and her spoiling has turned her into a complete attention whore. Despite this her confidence is simply facts as she is visually pleasing, she actually is much more modest than she comes across.

Species: twi'lek
Sexuality: pansexual, no preference
Appearance: thin/shapely build-->chub/thick, soft rainbow skin, pink eyes, rainbow tattooed eyebrows
Identifying Characteristics: rainbow skin tone, bright tattooed eyebrows
Likes: good food, praise/affection, being the center of attention, pretty things, stealing, gemstones, jewelry, singing for others, healthy mischief & chatting/flirting with others
Dislikes: strict diets, being told "no", punishments, solitude, sticks in the mud, injustice, bland clothing, being purposely left out/bullied, competitions of any kind & flying/vehicles
Hobbies: wandering the city, stealing, singing/performing, plotting food heists, collecting gifts & offering favors
Weapon(s): various poisons, throwing knives, sniper rifle, guns w/silencers, twin jagged short sword's, two piece staff, dart gun w/tranquilizers, thigh dagger laced w/paralyzer & spiked chain set
Force Sensitive?: no
Occupation: assassin/bodyguard & slave
Affiliation: Basla crime family
Fighting Style: she tends to wait for the perfection opportunity to strike, utilizing stealth and the element of surprise before making her move. When she does strike she favors throwing knives laced with one of her wide varieties of poisons, carefully picking out the desired effect ahead of time. When she does have to engage she is very quick on her feet and quite flexible, carefully studying her opponents attack pattern and testing how quick they are on their feet. She fights with two thin and short swords where the metal is jagged/prickled and each sharp point is appointed with a different kind of poison with the aim of slowing/killing her opponent quicker. This is a double edged sword as she doesn't always have the anecdotes on hand, thus lethal if used against her. She also carries a two piece staff which folds into a solid and long weapon, intended for any potential encounters with jedi. Occasionally she will fight with a set of spiked chains, but those are to tangle her opponent or disrupt their balance. All in all she is a very experienced weapon master but what she has on hand depends, she prepares ahead of time.

Love Interest: single, still coping w/breakup
Family: thriving parents & too many sisters to count
Children: none
  • Enan's parents were highly influential politicians couple who oversaw most matters of their underground society, located on Ryloth. Together they had far too many children to count and were only able to produce daughters. Their society was very reclusive and had moved deeply underground to avoid slavery, their people being taken advantage of and to keep bloodlines pure. Despite these they were discovered by the notorious Basla family and ushered a deal, for a undisclosed number of twi'lek slaves every 6 months they would be left in peace and protected from discovery; an offer too good to resist and has been upheld by both ends.

  • Enan'sucra was one of the younger daughters to the politician couple of twi'leks and unlike her sisters, was born with an extremely rare mutation which resulted in multicolored skin. Despite this being an obvious genetic mutation her father believed her to be the result of an affair, which led to mistreatment from both parents and each of her sisters. She was only 7 when the crimelord's 14 year old son Ezeadri hand picked her to become his bodyguard and property, enchanted by her rainbow skin. Enan was very young and had no trouble leaving both her family and society behind, seeing as neither had been kind to her and discrimination was unavoidable. She was however very taken aback by how bright and vivid the world was, 7 years old and she had never been above ground. It was then that her name was split and she was simply Enan. From then on she was trained to become the perfect tool for her master Ezeadri. Not only was she highly educated but she was broken to obey her master, put into grueling/inhumane weapon training, taught the art of pleasure/entertainment, how to gain information and the art of stealth all the way to adulthood. Her training never seemed to stop and anytime something useful was discovered, her master had her taught.

  • Enan however was too young to see how this lifestyle was wrong, in her eyes this was not only normal but the dream life. Due to her beauty and knack for picking up new skills she was spoiled mercilessly and the obvious favorite, leading to the other slaves heavily disliking her and desperately trying to get her in trouble. Enan behaved to perfection and had no hesitation in keeping the other slaves in line and proving there was a reason she remained at hand. Throughout her entire life she was in love with her master, something he found to be cute and took advantage of/enjoyed early on. However her master was a man of many tastes and soon enough her puppy dog habits were found to be more of a nuisance than anything, attempting to send a message by leaving her out during sexual activities or even having her watch. In hopes of directing her affections further away he gave her permission to take lovers as she saw fit, something he monitored carefully but didn't interfere with. Thanks to this Enan was known to take many lovers back to her bedroom, however none had managed to win her heart or fill the void left by Ezeadri

  • There has only been one individual who almost won her heart and that was the human male, Zachale Peftru. Enan was charmed by this young man who sought to make a name for himself under the Basla's crime family, the pair meeting prior to this when Enan robbed the poor man blind! The two had a fun game of "cat and mouse" where she eventually returned his precious family heirlooms to him, developing the slightest of feelings. Enan was attracted to his kind heart and lack of experience in both sex and romance, something she had much fun in teaching him. The two became a couple under Ezeadri's watchful eyes, a very loving yet complicated relationship where she wasn't able to be faithful. Zachale taught her a few things in turn, but the lesson that stuck the most was true love. It was a beautiful feeling and together they overcame many challenges, including his first love Nataadri being brought back into the picture in hopes of driving them apart. Things ended when Zachale attempted to free her and escape together, despite the fact that she was chipped with a self destruct feature. They lived together for 3 months moving from place to place, Enan got to meet his grandmother and experience a monogamous love. But those 3 months passed by too fast and they were discovered with her being returned to her rightful place. Enan was told that Zachale accepted a more than generous amount of money and promise of a luxurious life in return for cutting ties with her, little did she know he had died trying to win her freedom in a very cruel arena. Enan was utterly heartbroken but couldn't bring herself to have hard feelings, instead she was happy he would be set for life and could care for his grandmother, as it was more than she could ever provide.

  • Since then she has become noticeably more reserved in her interactions with others, perhaps even a tad solemn. She was strictly punished by her master and left chained in solitude for the 3 months she had left him, before everything was back to normal between the two and she was allowed to entertain his clientele. She wasn't allowed outside of the property for 3 more months after that but since then, everything has been back to normal and she is allowed to roam in her free time. Enan hasn't taken back very many lovers since then and is still mourning her first real love, coming to realize that she no longer held deep feelings for her master in such a sense. Her general disinterest in him and lack of reactions has caused much annoyance with Ezeadri who keeps her on a much shorter leash and closer by his side because of it.

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K a e l y n ' D o l e r g
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Force Sensitive?:
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J e n n i f e r _ "F e r n" _ TBD
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A s a k a a
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N 'v i r a _ K a r
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S h a l q i _ P h e
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D a t h 'K a c i a h 'B e g t h
*looks *playlist?



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K o t o n _ K e n d i
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Name: Aoyama Aratani
Name Meaning:


Notable Relationships




Name: Shikentani Kenji
Name Meaning: "unyielding will valley" ; "strong & vigorous"


Notable Relationships




Name: Genji
Name Meaning: "two beginnings"


Notable Relationships


Star Wars: canon
Darth Maul x Acia --->togruta/zeltron, childhood friends
Kit Fisto x Ebieyo Edrash --->nautolan/zeltron, both jedi
Din Djarin x N'vira Kar --->togruta, jedi survivor
oc pairings
Vinny x Kaelyn'Dolerg ---human+twi'lek/human, childhood friends slowburn
Levi x Asakaa ---human+togruta, inquisitor's pet
Zoracani x Kaatis Dakeg ---echani+zabrak/zeltron, jedi w/sith
Iewahk x Liliji Karalla ---miraluka+pantoran, all powerful w/spoiled "princess"
Kee'lok x Kaesha Spritsi ---twi'lek+human, prostitute w/bounty hunter
Kuba x Kath'Kaciah'Begth ---togruta+togruta/chiss, overcoming grief/ptsd
Lathpus x Koton Kendi ---selphi+chiss/zabrak, slave on the run
Feral x Poppy ---cathar+cathar/farghul, bounty hunter x target
Confowl Varia x Loxi Bhuqux ---omwati+balosar/sith, ambassador w/jedi bodyguard
Dalbay Barrlet x Dar "Lulu" Amedda ---omwati+chagrian/nautolan, bad boy w/former sith
Silas x Enan Sucra ---nautolan+twi'lek, fugitive w/information broker

"Daken" Akihiro x Nagami | Kenji
Magneto x Persephone

|Young Justice|
Bruce Wayne x
Dick Grayson x
Kaldur'ahn x
Conner Kent x

|The Dragon Prince|
Aaravos x

|Your Alchemist Life|
Fendark x Maisy
Lindow x Keihokou
Gowen x Aratani
Shadis + Kinu
Goma-kun + Konomi-chan

|Twisted Wonderland|
Malleus x Mc
Leona + Nalani
Azul/Floyd + singing mermaid

|Darth Maul| canon
  • Aacie was born to a togruta man and a falleen woman, although she doesn't remember very much of either. It has been so long that her father has faded from her memory, but she still remembers his kindness and unconditional love. Her mother remains more prominent in her memories and she remembers there being no love, a life full of neglect, abuse and hunger. She was only 6 years old when she had caught the attention of a Sith Lord and was handed over with no hassle by her mother, the act that kindled the hate in her heart. However this new master and opportunity was anything but a blessing, instead she was trained mercilessly and had to fight every second of the day simply for the chance to live. This led to some rather undesirable habits far into her adult life, including food possessiveness and striking before a conflict could form. Due to this harsh treatment she was always getting into fights even if she could not back it up. It wasn't until her mid teens that she met Darth Maul and determined to prove herself, she challenged him every chance she got despite being beat down each time. As time went one these fights became... Different. They were filled with tension that led to a different form of fighting between the two. However before they got a chance to develop something further the two were separated and Aacie didn't see for a very long time. Her training continued and eventually another notable force sensitive "child" was found, one with far more potential than her. Aacie was bested by this being with no training or experience prior, an act that brought such shame to her master he didn't even bother killing her. She was simply left and exiled from the Sith order, a shame that haunted her. Despite this she attempted to make the most of this freedom and traveled to many planets, forging connections and relationships the entire time. While she kept herself entertained she still felt something was missing, it simply wasn't enough. During her exile she ran into Darth Maul on more than one occasion and was very different from the angry and violent young woman he knew before. Instead she was much more sure of herself and very much in control of her emotions. rather playful and smiley! She caught him off guard and was persistent in seeking his company, to the point where the two would exchange information. 4 years had passed and Aacie was more than ready to take her revenge, having kept a watchful eye on the pair this entire time. She knew her master believed his pupil to be ready and waited patiently for her chance to strike, until this replacement was sent on a solo mission. While it was true they were far stronger and an excellent strategist, Aacie was very crafty and had kept an eye on them for many years. It was a long and tough battle which ended with their head bagged, a present for her former master. She had been clad in black when she presented this gift, removing her hood once prompted. Her master was very impressed and ready to welcome her back with open arms, however it wasn't enough for Aacie. She killed him as well and used both their heads to make amends with the Sith organization. From then on she has worked on climbing the ranks and remaining with Darth Maul in her spare time.
  • potentially Darth Maul could've gotten involved in either of her battles, leading to a huge argument between the two as Aacie was insistent if she was meant to die then so be it. Could lead to him lashing out his feelings that he didn't want her to die, whether he realized they were romantic/not at that point. Would be rather touching from her end despite her annoyance and anger still, would have the potential of them becoming a couple though. Also would give her an argument for way down the line when he insists on handling situations himself, she'd never let him live it down-
  • childhood "friends" troupe
  • togruta/falleen hybrid: light green skin, slight shapely build, white montrals w/black markings, black hair kept up in exquisite styles, sith yellow eyes & taint=black sclera, teeth and mouth.

|Kit Fisto| canon
  • Ebieyo was born on the planet Glee Anselm and raised by her father and family, she never met her Zeltron mother but heard many stories about the woman. She lived a very simple life full of weaving the nets and materials needed by the fishermen, something she dreamed of becoming one day. However she showed signs of being force sensitive and by the age of 8 she was taken in as a Jedi youngling. The only piece of her homeland she was allowed to bring with was a beautiful gemstone necklace and her family name, Edrash. From then on she trained to become a Jedi and eventually taken on by a Jedi Master, doing her best to adhere to her training and forging two orange lightsabers. Since then she has worked hard to bring peace to anyone she could and to keep her emotions in check. Despite being promoted to Jedi Knight she still has much to learn, something she is well aware of and has caused a bit of anxiety for her.
  • Jedi Master x Jedi Knight: still so much to learn "troupe"
  • nautolan/zeltron hybrid: pink skin with magenta tones, spotted tentacles, pink two toned eyelashes, bright blue eyes, small pear build & colorful pieces of jewelry
|Silas: nautolan|
|Din Djarin| canon
  • N'vira Kar doesn't remember anything of her family as she was brought to the Jedi order as an infant, they are the only family she has ever known. While she has always behaved and followed the orders strict rules she has always
|Vinny: human|

|Levi: human|

|Zoracani: echani|

|Iewahk: miraluka|

|Kee'lok: twi'lek|

|Kuba: togruta|

|Lathpus: selphi|

|Feral: cathar|

|Confowl Varia: omwati|

|Dalbay Barrlet: omwati|
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