MxF •In Another World•

Currently reading:
MxF •In Another World•


•She Walks in Starlight in Another World•
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Today 3:32 PM
• Hello again, lovelies! •

I am here searching for some role play partners. I am eager to get something started soon as it is the weekend and I have a very busy work week. I will not be able to reply as much during the week due to work and life. However, I can promise consistent replies and to always keep you in the loop if it may be longer than normal between replies.

I am primarily interested in romance, high fantasy, epic adventures, and historical fiction. However, I have been roleplaying over 10 years now and I am open to anything with a good plot in it! It does not need to be Male X Female either, but that is generally the only instance where I really enjoy doing romance. I'm not interested in hardcore, plot-empty, smut. I like building worlds with my RP partners and exploring those with our characters while growing an interesting and realistic relationship, romantic or not!

Please message me so we can dive into another world!

• Additional Details •
  • Length and Quality: I do enjoy writing several paragraphs in my replies. Usually between 3-4 written with good grammar and spelling. I like to ask about the same from my roleplay partners. Of course, everyone makes mistakes and sometimes you'll have a shorter than average post but in general, one liners and poor grammar really hurt my desire to reply.
  • Frequency of Replies: I enjoy being able to reply and receive replies frequently. I can usually reply at least once a day (sometimes more often depending on my work schedule). I will always message you if a day is going to go by where I am unable to reply. I would like the same from my role play partners, however, I am okay with getting replies less frequently than once a day as well, especially if you say so before we begin RPing :)
  • Out of Character: Definitely not a requirement, but I am a very friendly person. I love getting to know my role play partners a little bit and having friendly chats OOC.
  • Preferences/Limits: My preferred genres are romance, high fantasy, epic adventures, sci-fi, and historical fiction. However, I do not limit myself to those! My only limits are no rape and no abuse unless discussed with and approved by me in OOC for the purposes of serving some plot.

• Current Ideas •

These are very base ideas, any of which can and should be expanded upon and/or tweaked. I love brainstorming with my RP partners and think that's half the fun of world building.

  • Elemental kingdom, factions divide the kingdom according to elements which correspond with surroundings (EX. Fire-Deserts to the South, Water-Eastern coast, Earth - Landlocked, mountainous region). Two factions previously at war come together when their lands begin to change and an unknown darkness begins to taint them (possibly their magic). The two faction leaders, previously at odds, embark on a quest to discover the source of their problems.
  • In a world where Race is everything, a band of unlikely heroes have been gathered, one from every race (Races can be decided on, Main characters and Secondary characters). They have been called by the Goddess, who many believe to be Dead, for an unknown reason. Each has seen the Goddess, been personally chosen and could not refuse the invitation. How will they interact despite the violent racial tensions and what will happen when their purpose is revealed to them?
  • In a medieval type Kingdom, a princess is captured and kept as a political prisoner, with the intentions to be forcefully married to the prince that caught her, an awful and truly nasty being. Even before they are married, he is cruel and publicly humiliates and hurts her. Unbeknownst to her, one of the very Knights that stands beside the crown Prince during all his cruel acts, is actually working for an ally of her fathers. He reveals himself to her and together, they must navigate the deadly politics of royal intrigue, trying to keep the princess alive and the Knight's true identity hidden long enough for them to escape.

I am open to any ideas outside of these as well!
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