Challenge Submission One-Sided Relationship

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Challenge Submission One-Sided Relationship


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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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The following story can be triggering and if you are sensitive to these types of topics this story may not be suitable for you.

One-sided love has the power to destroy you if you stick around long enough. Love is wonderful when it's balanced.
However, an unbalanced love can be nothing but drama and pain. A fairytale turned into a waking nightmare.

This story plays out a little differently than my normal stuff. This is writing with the expressed concept that you can fill in the blanks. Giving you an overview of a one-sided relationship. This style is not for everyone but given the nature of this story, I felt this was the most effective way to write it without making a small book in the process.


Week 1 Him…

"So much has changed in my life Mom, I can't wait for you to meet her." A young man said as he excitedly spoke with his mother over an open dinner table. "She really is incredible, the way she lights up a room every time she steps into it. You'll see, I've never met anyone like her. I really believe she's the one. I feel it."

He wasn't a bad-looking man standing nearly 6 feet in height and having a well-defined athletic build. Dark locks covered his head that bounced with each movement he made as excited as he was. A strong jawline was slightly darkened by a well-groomed chin strap of hair.
"Alright, honey. Just calm down, I've invited her over but let me make up my own mind okay?" His mother replied. Her soothing voice was one of her strengths. Each word slipped from her aging lips like honey. His mother was a warm and caring woman. Short for a woman she only stood 5'3 but her slimming build only complimented how well she wore her age with light gray hair often being dyed out in hopes of a more youthful appearance.

His mother had always held old-school values and despite how hard his life could be at times. His parents were loving and protective and always had been. His mother believed that her single most important purpose in life was to take care of her children. With this in mind, she prioritized them in her life, and this belief was supported by her husband before he passed. He worked hard all his life in order to provide for his family. Together they lived a life many strived for. Her children wanted for very little, and while she was understanding she was still firm when necessary, teaching each of them the values she believed they needed in order to survive.

"She's late." His mother said, twenty minutes after dinner had been laid out.
"She will be here I'm sure she's just running late. I'll call again." He responded quickly, standing from the table and walking into the front room while pulling out his phone. After dialing he drew it to his ear and thankfully after the third ring she answered.
"Hey… I'm so sorry, I blew a tire, everything is fine but I need to wait for someone to come fix it. I called AAA but they said it would take a minute." Her words were sweet, but she sounded tired and shaken in his opinion.
"Holy shit, are you okay? I can come out there and stay with you until they arrive."
Tears built in her eyes as conflict built in her heart. "I'm sorry, I-I would really like that. Are you sure it's okay?"
"Yeah, Hang tight I'll be right there. No, you know what just stay on the phone I'll head out now."
"Thank you so much. I really appreciate this."

Week 12 (3 months) Her…

The cheerful blond moved into the front room. "Hey, honey want to go out tonight? It's been a while. Maybe we could go see a movie or get something to eat what do you think?"
Pressing pause on his game he looked up from the tv while remaining on the sofa and spoke. "Sure, I guess we can do that. Where did you want to go? Have some place in mind?"

The two set plans and her heart lightened at the idea of going out again. Their love life had started slipping but what she missed the most was just those fun dates. She loved it when he was pining over her. He fought to show how he felt. Things hadn't been that great lately, they weren't bad just not what she expected three months in.

Moving into the restroom she spent the next hour getting ready. It was important to her to show him that she still wanted to appeal to him. She still wanted him to be proud. Tonight, she was going to show him that. She had the plan to make things get back on track. A romantic dinner, a nice movie and a night he wouldn't soon forget. It excited her and she felt giddy inside about it. Sure it was her idea but it didn't matter, what mattered is that the two of them would be happy and maybe if things went well they could do things like this more often.

After styling her hair, getting dressed up, and secretly laying out a teddy she just knew he would love, it was finally time to go. Stepping out she spoke though her heart gave a thud when she saw he hadn't got ready and was still playing his game. She moved closer and stood behind him sliding her delicate hands down the front of his chest from his shoulders down. "Hey, we have to go soon. Are you going to get ready?" Could he smell her? He made a comment about her perfume once, she hoped she didn't use too much.

Pausing his game he moved his hands up and lovingly wrapped them around her own speaking in a softer voice. "You know babe, I'm really not feeling up to it. Could we do this another night?"
She felt her heart crack just a little. This was one of those moments, where she needed to decide what kind of woman she was going to be. Taking a deep breath she drew her hand back and spoke more assertively.
"No honey, I already got ready. You said we were going to go, if you didn't want to go why did you say you would?"
Groaning he stood to his feet tossing the remote for his game system down with a thud onto the table. "Fuck it, fine! Let's go do your thing."

The night did not go as she had hoped it would. The arguing got worse in the car and by the end of dinner, any hope of salvaging the night was lost. His anger grew and her sadness grew with it.

Week 24 (6 months) Him…

Opening the door he walked into the house and groaned as he moved into the front room slumping down onto the sofa and speaking out. "I'm home!"
"Hey, how did it go?" She asked coming out from the laundry room.
"Shitty, no one is fucking hiring. God, I'm tired."
"Maybe you could go back to day labor you liked that, and you were good at it."
"That isn't how it works. You have to stand in a fuckin line all day then bust your ass for pennies. It's bullshit. They make a shit ton of money while you barely scrape by."
"But it was something right? And it helped. I saw that Burger King was hiring. Maybe try there."
Almost upset at the ignorance of the suggestion he turned and angrily spoke out. "I'm not fucking working at a fast-food joint. I actually have a soul. I'll go out again in the morning and try to find something. Fuck, you act like we are falling behind or something were not."
"It's been over a month, I'm just saying anything right now is better than nothing."
"GOD!! Just stop alright, I don't want to fight with you today. Jesus, did you even bother making dinner?"
"I've been doing laundry. I'm tired too, maybe we can order out."

Week 32 (8 months) Her…

Sitting in the bathroom she tapped her foot as her delicate hand slid over her belly while she waited for the pink stick. "God please… oh fuck… I can't be pregnant, I just can't be. Please…" She whispered to herself waiting.

Things had not been going well. They argued often, and their priorities were different. He was so invested in his games, too much sometimes, but she loved that quality about him. That need to passionately embrace something. But that's all he had been doing, he barely cleaned, he hadn't worked in months, he didn't like to leave the house, and despite trying she found that she was frequently making excuses for his behavior. She never considered herself an insecure person, but everything was getting harder. The last thing they were ready for was a baby.

Timidly she reached out and lifted the stick looking down at the very clear + symbol on it. Conflict filled her heart instantly. Fear at what he would say, fear at what she was going to do. But she wanted to keep it, she couldn't get rid of it.

After gaining the courage needed to actually talk about this she walked out into the front room and looked at him while he intently played his game. Taking another breath she spoke, quieter than normal at first. "Honey…" He didn't hear her, of course, he didn't hear her. "Hey, pause for a minute we need to talk."
"Alright, one sec." He responded as his fingers rapidly jerked at the controls.
"No really, we need to talk." She said and she hoped that the tone of her voice got across how serious this was and she was happy that it seemed to be because he looked concerned when he looked back at her.
"What's wrong? I told you I made some calls, I just didn't find anything is all. I'll go out again in the morning, promise."
"It's not that." She said and moved to the sofa sitting down. She could feel her heart beating faster as she placed the stick on the table and tried not to cry as his eyes widened. "I'm pregnant."
"Oh fuck… really? How long have you known?"
She huffed a little. "I suspected but this confirmed it."
"What do you want to do? I mean… well, we can do whatever you want but I just… I mean shit… do you want to keep it?"
"Of course I do."
"Fuck, this is going to change everything. We barely have enough to make ends meet now. A baby, holy shit."
"Aren't you happy?"
"Of course I am."
"Things have to change, you need to get a job. It's important." She said with more structure to her tone.
His eyes rolled. "I know alright, fuck this is just a lot to take in. Give me a minute to fuckin process all this. Please."

The end…

Red Flags to look out for.
1. You're putting in more effort than your partner.
2. Your priorities are different than your partner's.
3. You frequently make excuses for your partner's behavior.
4. Your partner is controlling.

If you or someone you know is suffering from a one-sided relationship, seek help. Talk to your friends. Confront the problem and keep confronting it even if your partner doesn't respond favorably. If your partner doesn't change after being made aware of the imbalance, you could be damaging yourself and creating a situation that is even more difficult to get out of.
Seek help.​
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