MxF Optimistic Roleplays! Romance! Happy Endings! ADDED PLOTS BELOW

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MxF Optimistic Roleplays! Romance! Happy Endings! ADDED PLOTS BELOW

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
  2. Any (Groups)
Content Warning
  1. Incest
Preferred Genres
  1. Erotic
  2. Low Fantasy
  3. Sci-fi
  4. Slice of Life
  5. Historical
  6. Space


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Today 7:54 AM
Long-time roleplayer here... I think I've been doing it 15 years or so, give or take.

Most important note: I am a romantic optimist. My RPs will always move toward a happily-ever-after, or at least an optimistic resolution.

To any partners who I've played with in the past, apologies. Life jumps up, as we all know Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss renewing a story or starting something new.

I have time for 1 or maybe 2 partners right now. I prefer to deliver quality over quantity and would rather be a dedicated partner to a limited number of people.

I'm going to start with the scenes I'm interested in. TLDR, scroll down below to see about me, preferences, etc.


I'm putting these out there in more general terms, and working them up from more vanilla to more taboo.

More detailed plot ideas will be listed in replies to this post below.

Close proximity leads to...more
  • Friends to lovers.
  • Roommates attracted to one another.
  • Classmates.
Stuck Together
(A particular favorite of mine is people thrown together through outside conditions.)
  • Snowed in
  • Shipwrecked (or some variation)
  • Fake wedding date, etc. Something where two people have to pretend they are a couple. They kiss to make it seem real, and then it starts feeling real, and so on.
Forbidden/Taboo Love

Taboo can mean so many things, what I'm talking about here is love that's forbidden.
  • Older/Younger (and I can play either side of that equation.)
  • Professor/Student
  • Cousins. A note on family stuff. I always expect there to be reluctance and boundaries to overcome. I prefer not to go with 'Saw you in the shower, let's bone'
Those are my main categories.

  • Note, I'm male and like playing males in my RPs, and I prefer playing against females. All RPs below are straight hetero pairings unless otherwise marked.
  • Story/Smut Ratio. Anywhere from 70/30 to 50/50. I love smut in my stories.
  • Please PM me and don't reply to this thread.

About me:
  • Respectful.
  • Open communication. I love OOC chat to discuss the RP to be sure we are
  • I don't ghost. I'll let you know if I'm not feeling a RP or if life gets busy, which it can.
  • Along those lines, not everybody can be a match. I would much rather one of us voices that a RP isn't working and not drag out something that isn't resonating with one of us.
Post length and style
  • I lean toward 2-3 paragraphs (ish) and tend to match my partner. I can also write super long posts if I'm feeling a RP.
  • I will say that I'm a fairly concise and direct writer. I've played with a few people over the years who have this expectation that every paragraph be 5 sentences and every post be 6 paragraphs minimum (something like that). I find that sort of post will tend to be padded with excessive detail and flowery language. If you have those minimums, I'm not your guy.
Genres (in preferred order, top to bottom)

  • Slice-of-Life
  • Romance
  • Science fiction (original universes/settings)
  • Fantasy
  • Medieval
  • Historical
(with any of the above, we would have to do a bit of planning for me to feel comfortable)

  • Fandoms. You might be able to convince me to do OC's in a universe we both know. But out of the dozens of fandoms I've played out, I've only had two that went the distance. Clearly, I'm not a good match for this.
  • Non-con. If it is true non-con with no evolution into the partner enjoying it: Not my thing.
  • Dark/Angry/Cruel. I'm an optimist and lean much more toward happy endings.
  • Mafia. Sorry, I just can't connect to this genre. Mafia, Yakuza, Organized Crime, etc. Not my thing.
  • Celebrity. I'm fine with using celebs as a face claim, but I really don't have much interest in bringing the actual celebrities to life.
  • When I'm playing, I'm good for at least a post per day, often more.
  • I don't expect a partner to keep that pace, but 2-3 posts a week is nice .
  • If your frequency is less than one post a week, we're not a great match. I'll lose interest.


I have a few things that will cause me to end a RP very quickly.
  • Unwavering brats. I use that term because it has popped up a few times. My least favorite RPs are where someone sets up a character who has a defiant point-of-view that will not change. To me, RP is about give and take and responding to the partner. I ascribe to the 'yes, and...' school from the world of improv. This means that you do all you can not to say a hard 'no' to your partner. If I get more than 2 or 3 hard nos from your character rather than them taking in what MC has said/done and adapting to it, it won't work. To clarify: This doesn't mean that I expect your character to say yes to every request or suggestion of my character. That can be boring. But, an unchanging character who essentially ignores what my character does or says... I will bail.
  • Backseat Driving. I've had a few RPs where the partner offers an OOC suggestion or feedback after every post. That will lose me very quickly.
  • Switching Perspectives. Going from 3rd person to 1st person in the same post. Switching from past-tense to present-tense in a post. I'll qualify this by saying that I play with people who like 1st-person and others who like 3rd-person. Sometimes, I will fail to switch gears when I post. Generally when that happens, my partner will call me out and I'll fix it. What I'm talking about is the drifting perspective and tense. I just can't.
  • Drama OOC. We're grownups here. If the roleplay isn't working for you, just say so and we can part ways. I don't need accusations or critiques of what I'm doing wrong or how I can improve as a player. This isn't to say you can't ask for a different direction or a post to be fixed. Just talk about the post or the RP, not me.
  • Easy Sex. Look, I like smut in my RPs just as much as the next person. Like, a lot. But the characters need to work for it, or it isn't interesting. If you want a one-off quickie, great. I can do that. But, if we have set up a plot with the expectation of our characters building up to their sexual encounters, please don't have your character get horny and stripping in the first or second post.
  • Changing the RP. I think we can all agree on this. If we've agreed that YC is an average college girl and in the 4th post she reveals she has supernatural abilities... just, WTF.
  • Face Claim Disparity. This might be hard one to explain. I'm a very visual person, but with that said, I'm just as happy with going with a description as opposed to a face claim (either photo or drawn, it doesn't matter to me). However, a major pet peeve of mine are partners who like to have a specific face claim for their character, but don't care about what my character/face claim looks like. I'd rather not deal with face claims if that is your approach.
In Conclusion

If you've read this far, thank you. I know it takes some time to go through this much text.

If you've found something that caught your attention, please do PM me. I'd love to chat and see if we're a good match!
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I have a setup that came into my head that I really like.

YC is highly intelligent, but has her wild times. In college, she starts a camgirl page and before long she is recruited for porn. She is very successful and gains quite a following. But, when she hits her mid-20s, she just loses the taste for it. She goes back to school and finishes her degree.

But, her past follows her, especially in relationships. Some guys she dates know who she is, others don't. The guys who know who she is expect her to be who she was on camera. Most of the guys who don't know who she is have a hard time coming to terms with it.

Perhaps it also proves to be a problem in her professional life. She comes into the office and someone has left her PornHub page up on her screen.

This is where MC character comes in. He's in the second camp. He has no clue about her adult work. They start to date and they have amazing chemistry. When things really get serious, she feels she has to come clean with him. It wouldn't be a problem for him, but it also wouldn't be something he could ignore.

Lots of questions here.
How does MC feel when he watches her videos. Do they watch them together?
A lot of Porn is performative, but is there anything YC misses about her past life? (open question here, for lots of elements)

I see this as a potentially very romantic, yet fraught scenario as we play our characters and they navigate forging a life together.

I do have one concept I would like to explore.

So, this idea came up with a conversation I was recently having with a very fun roleplayer and I thought I'd throw it out there.

Think about an ordinary couple. Married, perhaps. Perhaps just boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe not all vanilla, but they have never really explored something more adventurous or Dom/sub.

Or, perhaps they aren't a couple at all. Perhaps they are just a professor and a grad student. Perhaps they are just coworkers. Perhaps they are in other relationships and that would complicate what is discussed below.

SOMETHING catapults them into a world where that is the norm.

This is where we can discuss that something.

  • A Magical artifact thrusts them into a barbarian/Gorean type world. One minute, they are sitting in their living room, the next they are standing on a rustic street and he is holding a leash. The other end is attached to a collar around her neck. (insert approprirate clothing to match) If they don't act the part, it will look suspicious, so he has to yank her around and at least act like he owns her and give her orders. What else must they do to not stand out?
  • They put on VR headseats and find themselves in a world of old-school norms... Dad works, Mom is the homemaker... but perhaps with a dark underside.
  • They are reporters who are assigned to infiltrate a secret Dom/sub community.
  • They are time or space travellers who awake from deep sleep into a society where free use of partners is the norm.
  • Other thoughts?
The point is, they enter this world, and have to play their 'roles', but then they return to a more 'normal' environment, they are forced to confront what they did and didn't like about where they had been.
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