MxF Orc trying to figure out love

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MxF Orc trying to figure out love

Night Writer

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For more details on me, please refer to my Interests Page, otherwise, this post is going to be fairly barebones to generate a starting point.

I intend to play some kind of orc or human, I'm leaning towards orc but am adaptable towards my partner. He is huge. Strong. Fought his way to lead a war clan. Nomadic. Ravaging cities, kingdoms, and the countryside. Medieval version of khan. Broad shoulders, thick chested, deep resonating voice, firm square jaw and an omnipresent 5'oclock shadow. Arms like barrels, legs that can climb mountains, he's the most powerful and shrewd of his clan.

Will your character catch his attention? Become a Beauty and the Beast inspired trajectory? Trying to learn how to be softer? Kinder? Or will she inspire him to fight her? Beat her? Rape her?

In depth focus on our characters with side characters to keep the story moving forward is needed. Your character will not be chained and will be allowed to run...if she dares...

Im motivated by the process of love. While I want to play a dark and powerful character right now, I'm a romantic at heart and am inspired and kept on the edge of my seat on details that allow my character to objectify yours. How does she look? Think? Feel? Wear? Stand? Position herself? Her expressions? Can you portray your character in such a way to grip mine's heart? I think so. Will he have a new arch and try and fight for her? For good? To turn his life around? Give up all the power he has? Maybe.

Your character: I'm thinking she's about to be married or have an arranged marriage. The preparations have had no stop and everything is full under swing. Until everyone is slaughtered around your character except for prize ladies and men who are captured.

Everything is flexible, please message me and let me know if this idea inspires you, as I'm itching to write.
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I don't know if I'm supposed to respond here or in private message, so I apologize if this is the wrong place. I've been hankering to write, myself, and was thinking of getting back into RP on RP forums. I went searching for some late last night when I came across this site and your thread. I had an idea for an orc/human story the other week that I really wanted to explore so when I saw your post it felt like serendipity. I'm a hobby writer, with past RP experience, who wants to focus on improving my skills in character development for romance and erotica. I would love to work with you on this story.

My vote would be for your character being an orc rather than human. The female character I created in my mind is human but I'm amenable and would be happy playing any other kind of humanoid race, orcs included (from a different clan, I'd assume). She can look like anything that might catch your orc's fancy. Tall and sultry or short and petite? It doesn't matter to me. I enjoy playing characters of all kinds. Would he be more impressed with a strong-looking human woman or would he find the dainty fragility of a weaker human woman more intriguing? Would he gravitate toward someone who also showed signs of shrewdness or would he find naivety and gullibility endearing?

I love your idea of having the female character about to be married. It could be a marriage for love in which her seething rage for her bridegroom's murder isn't easily dispelled, or an arranged marriage where she was expecting to fall in love with the man years into the marriage so her current feelings for him were lukewarm, at best. Both would be interesting dynamics to explore.

My original idea for the female character's personality was one that was focused on servitude (with a quiet kind of strength), thus, why she would not be all that upset at being involved with an arranged marriage. But, if you'd prefer any other type of personality, like a firecracker who won't ever back down (clearly not knowing what is in her best interests), that would be great, too. I'd love to play with any kind of personality traits that compliment and/or butt heads with your character. They're all fun and interesting. And, she can be any age, she doesn't have to be young. If she's not young, I can come up with a reason why she's getting married later in life. Perhaps a second marriage after being widowed or being too focused on work or taking care of sick family members to abide by society's rules in marrying early.

I had the idea that the female character is an apprentice alchemist or herbalist of some kind. Not royalty herself but may have worked closely with the royal family, or her family did. Going along with your idea of a wedding, she had been preparing a concoction the night before that would have helped her out on her wedding night. It was to help her feel more receptive to a night of passion during consummation. It wouldn't really make sense to have that on her person during the wedding if that's when the attack occurs, but I had the idea that she reaches for the first thing she gets ahold of to defend herself with. She throws it at the intruders and the 'love potion' bursts on one of them. Or, perhaps it bursts open on her. Maybe she's able to run away from the church only to be cornered in her (or her family's) workshop. That would make more sense for this kind of mishap to occur.

I also had an idea for a female orc NPC within the MC's clan that is not happy with what is occurring and developing between the orc and human/oid. Not necessarily because of [well-placed] jealously but because of the interracial dynamics. She's a type of foil. There was also the idea for an enslaved human female NPC living within the clan that tries to befriend the human MC and help her out, but ends up getting her into trouble because the MC doesn't understand the new culture and rules. Actually, they both might be types of foils, one just does things maliciously and one does things with good intentions in mind. I haven't spent any time developing these characters but their existences came to be when thinking of the story. They don't have to be used.

And, of course, I'm never married to my ideas and am happy to change them up or alter them to fit something better. In the past, I have struggled with knowing how to add direction to an RP but I've also learned that good characters can figure out ways to move the plot along, as if on their own.

Since I'm still new to the site, I'm still exploring and getting my profile up-to-date. I see that your 'No List' is amenable to mine. I don't have any major triggers that I can think of. I like pushing the envelope and exploring darker things through fiction, where the environment is safe to explore such things in. I will write up a writing sample and get that to you within the next couple of days (aiming for late in the day today). If you'd like to discuss things further, let me know what else you need from me and I'll get it to you ASAP.
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