Closed OrganicIntelligence's 1v1 prompts (Featuring cyberpunk, TG, and other strange, sexy tales galore)

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Closed OrganicIntelligence's 1v1 prompts (Featuring cyberpunk, TG, and other strange, sexy tales galore)


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If you are interested in RPing with me please PM me rather than replying to this thread, thank you. Also please provide a (short) writing sample!

Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

I have been roleplaying for 12+ years, although I haven't really done long, paragraph based RPs in a while and would like to get back into the swing of things! For the last few years I have mainly been writing scenarios for my TTRPG games, but part of me has been itching to get back to freeform RP.

I am AMAB they/them, but I am more than happy to play female as well as male characters. I also like to play multiple characters when required, for variety and to help with the plot.

In terms of content, I very much enjoy NSFW roleplays, but I like them to be a good balance of plot, and character with sexual content. However I also enjoy SFW RPs about epic adventures, horror scenarios and starship crews.

In terms of setting, I enjoy fantasy, cyberpunk, magical realism and sci-fi fairly equally, although I also like to dabble in superhero settings occasionally.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

I usually aim to write around 600 words per reply, lengthy enough to give my RP partner something meaty to work with but also reasonably snappy and dynamic. I don't enjoy writing or reading waffling for the sake of length and nor do I enjoy RPs where one person writes out the entirety of a conversation or scene and then the other person just goes through it line by line. However, in scenes where I have multiple characters in play, or several scenes occurring parallel to each other I have been known to reach over 1000 words, sometimes as much at 3000 when I let myself get carried away...

I also love to add additional characters, and may get carried away with throwing in new characters if you let me.

I do not enjoy RPs that are pure romance; I need to have some kind of actual plot mixed in there.

From my RP Partner, I am not expecting the works of Shakespeare but please utilise proper punctuation, spelling and grammar, and please put at least a modicum of effort into detailed your character's actions instead of dry descriptions like, "They did this. They didn't like it. Then they did this other thing." That will make me lose interest straight away. Also I do not feel comfortable using RL faceclaims, especially for smut.

And if you loose interest or do not wish to continue even in the planning stage, please let me know rather than ghosting me, thank you.

I aim to write at least one update per week for any one-to-one I'm in, but that is likely to depend on my available time and mental bandwidth.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

I am generally unfazed by both gore and violence in RP, although I don't need it to occur egregiously.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

I would very much enjoy partners for some sexual content RPs.

In terms of kinks, my more 'regular' kinks that I'm more likely to include would be:

Muscular ladies

My 'weirder' kinks that I'm only going to be introducing in specific RPs unless you really want to do them as well would be:

ASFR and Petrification
Transformation into inanimate objects
Natural Body Magic
Forniphilia (people used as furniture)

My 'nos' would be:

Toilet play
Hardcore feet play
Extreme age differences
BO and other smell-related kinks

Do you write any fandoms?

I might be tempted into the below, with a good plot:

  • Transformers
  • Warhammer 40K
  • Star Wars
  • Helldivers
  • Marvel
  • DC
  • Star Trek

That's all well and good, but what are your actual RP ideas?

That's the spirit.

Biggest cravings:

Six months ago, Hazel Miller got into a car crash.

She was called something different then, and had a different body. A male name, and a masculine body. But in the midst of tragedy, with her body broken and mangled by the accident, came an opportunity; when the doctors came to her with the possibility of extracting her brain and transferring it to a prosthetic body, she asked specifically to have it implanted in a female one, and announced that she was going to begin the process of transitioning socially. Her brain was implanted in her new body, a mechanical endoskeleton encased in false flesh that was designed to match her old body in everything but sex.

Now in her new form and happily enjoying the euphoria of her gender transition Hazel is living the best life and trying to forget the trauma of her accident, helped along by her friends who are themselves adjusting to Hazel's new form. However, it turns out that becoming a gender-affirmative cyborg might come with new problems; like malfunctions, people not recognising her, or when someone with some hacking skills wants to have some fun with her…

I'm looking for someone to play one of Hazel's friends and possible lovers, although they could also be a rival who is behind trying to prank her using their hacking skills. Either's up to you!

Melinda 'Mel' Graves is an aging former singer, actress and model. Now in her late 80s she can feel her body failing despitethe best of medical technology available to her, but there is one way yet to cheat death. She signs up for a program that takes a sample of her DNA and a scan of her brain, which together can be used to create a template that will allow her to be resurrected after her death once technology has advanced far enough. However, things do not go as she expected. After the scan is complete she wakes up in a dingey backalley cloning lab many years in the future, and finds that her template was leaked onto the black market - and now whoever can pay the right price can have a clone of her to do with as they please. YC would be the buyer for such a clone, and it will be up to you if they are benevolent or will resist her attempts to escape.

It is the year 2145. Humanity, after endless environmental collapses and limited nuclear wars have been forced to move en masse into the refuges of overpopulated, crime ridden megacities. In the depths of the city of Neuvotropolis the 37 year old hitman Murphy Byrne has been betrayed and left for dead by his former mob employers, fatally wounded and out of reach of life-saving nanomedicines. Luckily, one person still gives a shit about him, and cannot save his body but downloads a copy of his mind into the only spare body they can find...that being the body of a young woman in her early twenties. Murphy must now both fight his campaign of revenge whilst also getting used to his new body...

So for this I'd be playing Murphy, whilst I'd be looking for you to play Murphy's last remaining friend who rescued him. Possibly a fellow member of the mob, a past lover, a good friend who's a wizz with biomedicine, or whatever other ideas you might have. Aiming for a mix of violence, drama and kinky sex.

Note: the two prompts above could be combined into a single doubling-heavy RP if you so wish, since they could fit into the same setting.

In a dystopian future ravaged by war, pollution, and corporate greed, every night people all over the country tune in for their own little slice of paradise: Idyll Springs. Filmed entirely through secret cameras in an enclosed environment inside which the sun always shines, the birds are always singing and things seem just ideal, this reality TV show follows the whimsical daily events of the inhabitants of a small and pristine town who believe it's the late 2000s. They are all entirely unaware of their true natures as robots, being comprised of synthetic flesh over metal endoskeletons. Occasionally, a real human being will appear in the show, a celebrity, politician or contest winner who gets to guest star on everyone's favourite show and enjoy life in paradise for a short time.

Holly Becker is one of the synthetic denizens of Idyll Springs, a seemingly quiet twenty-five-year-old woman who works at a dying video rental store. She has up until now been nothing but a background character, below the notice of the show's viewers and producers who don't seem to have noticed she's beginning to grow suspicious of life in her town. How so few people ever seem to leave or go. How people never really seem to age. How everyone goes to sleep at the same time each night, and wake up at the same time every morning...

One day a visitor from out-of-town walks into her rental store, and after a brief conversation they take a liking to her. Holly thinks nothing much of it after they leave town a few days later, but little does she know they are seeking to find a way they can help her escape Idyll Springs and into the real world...

So I'm looking for someone to play a visitor to Idyll Springs, of any gender. Who they are is up to you, and we can discuss how they are going to try to help her escape; through hacking the communication systems to send her messages, physically breaking into the town at night, your choice.

Somewhere in the Irish countryside sits the mansion belonging to the Burkes, an extremely wealthy family that by all accounts are quite normal and dislike for outsiders poking into their privacy. Consisting of a wealthy patriarch in his late forties, his former supermodel wife and their three adult children, a daughter, a son and a son, they appear not much more eccentric than any other rich clan...but their appearance couldn't be further from the truth. All of them share a common perverse love of sadism, and love to bring in an outsider to act as their plaything.

Enter YC, a young foreign woman on a trip to the emerald isle for a holiday. What seems like a nice trip to a quiet country turns into a nightmare when she is kidnapped by a criminal gang and sold to the Burkes. YC wakes up in their mansion to discover her new life has been decided for her; She will join them as their maid, housekeeper and sex slave. Will she ever escape? Will she remain trapped with them? Maybe she even finds herself corrupted and turning into a willing victim of their depravities? Time will tell...

In a world where humans live alongside Kemonomimi…

Felicity has just celebrated her forty-second birthday. She's divorced her asshole husband, her daughter has moved out, and now lives by herself. She would seem like any normal human her age, if it wasn't for her cat ears, tail, fangs, and slitted pupils.

She decides that won't do, and looking at herself in the mirror decides she's still got it. So, she once again sets out on the prowl for love, preferably someone younger (human or otherwise). Time will tell if they can handle the voracious cat-MILF…

A very, very silly light hearted plot. YC is best friends and roommates with Dawn, a young woman with a huge secret; her love of night streaking and exhibitionism. YC finds out about this when she catches Dawn returning from one of her late-night jaunts, sneaking back into their shared apartment without a stitch on her. Dawn is mortified at first, until it turns out YC is intrigued and wants to try it out as well…

So, this would be just two friends having naught, possibly smutty adventures indulging their love of exhibitionism. They can go out at night, have some daring (possibly smutty) adventures, then make their way home before the sun comes up. Perhaps they can also wrangle in another friend to drive them places, then let them make their own way home…

Other prompts:

In a world where Kemonomimi exist and are often kept as exotic pets by humans...

Finn the dogboy lives a life of luxury. Kept by a wealthy and rich owner who spoils him with the finest food and fancy clothes, pampers him with long holidays and provides him with the most expensive sex toys his sissy heart could want. But, this all comes to a halt the day his owner discovers he has a diagnosis of terminal cancer, and after a short illness his owner dies.

His estate - and Finn - are passed to an estranged son who has little love for Finn, seeing the canine twink as having pushed him out of his father's heart. The son and Finn meet, but it quickly turns into an argument after the son insults Finn's dead owner. The dogboy, unable to keep his emotions in check, scratches the son and bites him with his fangs, leading to him quickly being arrested by animal control.

Finn now finds himself in the Pound, a prison for Kemonomimi who have been abandoned by their owners or proven themselves a danger to humans. Stripped of his fine clothes and trapped surrounded by tough characters who are quick to size up the fresh meat, he must learn to make friends and navigate this dangerous new world he finds himself trapped in.

Look for someone to play Finn's cellmate, or maybe a bully or other inmate who takes notice of Finn. This was intended to be a MxM prompt, but it can also be a mixed gender prison if you're up for some female x femboy action.

ALTERNATIVELY this can star a female doggirl called Fiona, if you would prefer!

In a world where personal assistance robots are commonplace…

YC finds a strange android sitting deactivated at the back of a shady pawnbroker's store. Appearing as a pretty, effeminate young man with pink hair, the broker tells you that all he knows is that it's a custom F3M-B01 series servant unit whose previous owner deposited him as collateral and ran with the money. He offers YC a discount because it's been sitting there so long, an offer which YC accepts and takes the robot home.

Once reactivated, the android introduces himself as Remi and explains that he was customised to his previous owner's specifications as a maid unit. YC will soon discover that Remi loves to crossdress in women's clothing, loves to wear maid outfits whilst he works, and is programmed to be very promiscuous…

YC can be male or female for this, I'm happy either way. This can be just silly, horny fun, or we can go more dramatic as YC gets used to having Remi around the house. Maybe he has some lingering trauma or dark secrets after being mistreated by his previous owner? We can discuss ideas.

In a world that resembles the 19th century, in a place very similar but not quite to Scotland…

Alexander 'Alex' MacGregor is a young aristocrat of twenty-seven years who has recently suffered the double tragedy of losing first both his parents in a tragic accident and then the love of his life to a terrible disease. Having inherited control of both his parent's estate and the family business, he has become a recluse who rarely leaves his family secluded country mansion and leaves running the business to his accountants and his younger sister.

One day at the prodding of his manservant he goes for a walk in the woods surrounding his home to get himself some exercise. Whilst exploring the wilderness he comes across a bizarre sight; a young woman with a dog's ears and tail living feral in the forest, wounded from an encounter with some wild animal.

Intrigued, Alex takes her back to his home where he intends to nurse her back to health, civilise her, and make her his companion. Of course, easier said than done…

In a fantasy world of heroes and adventure…

Morga Bloodfist is in trouble. Despite being an eight-foot-tall ogre barbarian woman wielding an enormous axe, whilst investigating the tomb of an ancient sorcerer for some loot she finds herself trapped by a curse of living shadows set by the long-dead mage's acolytes. Held in place by a web of entangling black magic, it seems like she is destined to die there like a fly trapped in a spider's web, until…

A hero appears, perhaps a noble paladin, a cunning thief, or a friendly wizard. Whoever they may be, Morga is extremely grateful to them for saving her life, and swears to follow them to the ends of the earth and join them on their quest. They however may not entirely appreciate having the giant woman following them around everywhere, causing just as many problems as she solves with her aggressive temper, lack of civilised social norms, and enomormous appetite – both of the food and sexual varieties…

Riley Banks, 26, is a struggling artist trying their hardest to break into the world of contemporary art. Struggling to find inspiration, they stumble across a trunk in their recently deceased grandparent's attic full of artist and sculptor's tools covered in strange engravings, along with a strange grimoire with only a circle of magic runes adorning the front cover. The book explains that the tools are magical, and allow the artist to transform a human subject into a living artwork - be it a statue, a painting, a sculpture or whatever else they can think of. This process is extremely pleasurable to the subject, and their bodies can be altered in any way by the tools and restored whenever the artist desires.

I will play Riley, who is presumed female but can be male if you desire, and your character(s) would be the kinky person they've convinced to become a series of different art pieces to be put on display. They may also be an artist themselves, and take turns using the tools on Riley instead. Although, if you want to go a darker route and have Riley trick an unwilling participant into being their subject, I'd be okay with that as well.

In a galaxy that is quite far away and a long time into the future, Dani Firestar is a 30-year-old woman working on a farm on a backwater agri-world with dreams of leaving her planet and adventuring throughout the stars. A good shot with a laser rifle, an excellent hovercycle pilot and a pretty handy with a wrench, she seems destined to live out the rest of her days caring for vast tracts of wheat and shooting space rats that get too close.

That is until one day a smuggler's ship crashes out of the sky onto her family land, piloted by a wanted criminal (that is, YC) on the run from the law. Dani nurses them back to health and helps them repair their ship, and in return they take her own as their partner in crime, travelling the galaxy running blockades and transporting illegal drugs and spices. Along the way they would end up getting into lots of risque adventures together, like sneaking into a crime lord's alien harem, or accidentally wooing a betrothed alien prince, and the like.

One hundred years ago, the Apocalypse occurred. The gates of Hell opened and the hosts of Heaven descended for the final battle...and to everyone's shock, Hell won. The supreme being turned his attention away from our world, leaving it to the forces of darkness.

Demons have overrun the planet, reducing most of human civilisation to ash and ruling the remainder with cruelty and wanton hedonism. Humanity are slaves, playthings for their twisted whims. And yet, not all those in heaven have forsaken them...

Evangeline, also known as Eva, is an angel of the lower orders and one of the few that continues to defy the orders of the highest power by visiting Earth in secret, doing what she can bring hope to the remaining human resistance fighters. However on this particular day, she arrives at the usual meeting point with the human resistance fighters to find them nowhere to be seen. As She waits for them to show up, she starts to get the feeling that something is very wrong..

I will play Eva, and for YC I'm looking for one of two options depending on how you want this to play out. Either one of the human resistance finally turns up and begs Eva to help her save th eothe rmembers of the resistance, and we can continue on the adventure from there, or a demon who has set a trap for the unfortunate angel.

In a dark fantasy world that resembles the late 1700s/early 1800s, Dr. Verner 'Vern' Goethe, a polymath and mad genius in his late twenties, lives in his family's ancient castle estate with only the various monstrous homunculi servants he has created for company. Feared and treated with suspicion by the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, he has decided to end his loneliness by creating for himself the perfect lover, a woman who will imprint upon him the moment she emerges from her growth tank. However, his plans go awry when a zealous witch hunter by the name of Hanz Jaeger, hearing about Vern's transgressions against nature comes bursting into his laboratory just as his creation opens her eyes and happens to imprint on both of them. Worse still, Vern soon discovers that due to an error in his formulations, his newest creation has a monstrous side...

I will be playing Vern & Hanz in this, and am looking for someone to play the 'monster'. Due to Vern's error, she will have the tendency to transform into a monster of some sort, maybe a werewolf or a hulking giant or whatever else strikes your fancy.

This plot will largely revolve around both Vern and Hanz each trying to woo his creation to their side, the friction between them due to their opposing professions and having to deal with her monstrous side getting her into trouble...

It felt like a dream...

Holly Green, 26, is driving home one dark evening from her job when she was suddenly stopped by a beam of light shooting down from the sky. Her car suddenly stops and she fells compelled to get out of her car, walking towards the light as strange beings emerged from it. Her mind then goes blank, spending the next few hours, days, weeks or even months in a haze in which her only memories were of being vaguely aware that she is lying naked on a cold metal table and being poked and prodded by inhuman entities looming over her.

Finally, Holly awakes, but not anywhere familiar. She finds herself lying nude in a strange white room, featureless aside from some basic furniture and a massive mirror covering one side. As Holly approaches it, she can swear she can hear voices on the other side, but not voices speaking any language she recognises...

That's when the door to Holly's new home opens, and in walks a visitor...

YC could be either an alien zookeeper charged with taking care of their new exhibit, or a fellow human being trapped with her in their cage. Will they get along? What kind of 'enrichment' activities will her captors come up with to stop Holly going crazy? What kind of strange experiments might they conduct to find out more about the human body and mind? That's ideas we can discuss.

This is an idea heavily inspired by the show Captain Laserhawk, only with characters based on any videogame reimagined into a post-cyberpunk setting rather than just Ubisoft. The year is 2300, and Earth has been abandoned after being overrun by waves of killer machines, cordyceps zombies and interdimensional monsters unleashed by years of warfare. Not what's left of humanity is attempting to colonise Venus, Mars, and the moons of the outer solar system, primarily driven by the interests of super-powerful mega-corporations. Civil unrest is common across the solar system as corps fight each other for power and resistance movements spring up against their rule. In the midst of all this, a team of mercenaries will rise up to make their mark on the battlefields of the future.

Our characters should be characters from video games re-imagined for the above setting. Currently the two main characters I'm intending to play are Kratos as a super-soldier enhanced by the ARES corporation and trying to reconnect with his son, and Princess Zelda as the former heiress to the powerful TriForce Technologies corporate dynasty aggressively taken over and dismantled by their rivals GanonTech, now turned tech support for the mercenary crew.

Philippa Pines, a trans woman of 28, has recently gotten settled into a new town and a new job at a small software firm where she works as a programmer. Although she enjoys her work she can't help but get bored, and one day, long after most of the rest of the office has home and the place is mostly empty, she decides to rub one out whilst hiding in a meeting room where she thinks noone can see her. However, to her horror another female employee sends her a message the next day with a photograph attached of her in the middle of the act. Philippa now finds herself blackmailed into having to do whatever the other woman wants...

Ten thousand years ago....

A great war was waged across the Milky Way galaxy between the forces of darkness and the forces of light. On one side were the Dark Ones, a race of beings that had embraced the powers of chaos magic and sought to bend the galaxy to their will, led by the goddess of shadows herself Queen Maladicta. On the other side were the mighty Galaxy Knights, an army of mostly female fighters who wielded the twin powers of high technology and cosmic magic led by the Celestial Magisterix, goddess of light and supreme protector of the stars. For centuries the two forces clashed, with many worlds ravaged as the Galaxy Knights fought to free countless worlds gripped by the Dark One's tyranny.

Eventually the forces of good were triumphant, with the Dark Ones scattered to the four corners of the Milky Way and Maladicta sealed away inside the heart of a dead moon. But many of the Galaxy Knights had fallen, and in her grief the Celestial Magisterix realised the Dark Ones would eventually return to menace worlds beyond her light. So, she cast a great spell that spread the souls of the departed knights across the galaxy to underdeveloped worlds where they would one day be reincarnated if the Dark Ones came to menace them. She then had her finest techno-mages craft bracelets for each of the reborn knights that would contain a portion of her power and allow them to regain their powers when the time was right.

One day, a young woman on early twenty-first century Earth will have a fateful encounter with a rock that falls out of the sky and splits open to reveal a pink bracelet with an iridescent gem embedded in it. Stranger still the bracelet raises into the air and starts speaking to her, informing her of her destiny to become the defender of her world and that if she puts it on, she will be granted incredible powers...

I'm looking for someone to play a female character who will be our protagonist and reincarnated Galaxy Knight sent to protect the Earth from the forces of the Dark Ones and their monsters. Their name, age, appearance, personality, hobbies etc. is up to you.

YC's powers they get from the bracelet will include, but not necessarily be limited to:
  • Summoning magical weapons and armour
  • Superhuman strength and speed
  • Flight, perhaps by summoning angelic wings
  • Ability to use cosmic magic to repel foes and heal allies, among other uses if the plot demands it
  • Low level psychic powers like premonitions or communicating with animals
My primary character will be Aeon, the artificial intelligence/spirit of the bracelet who will advise YC and explain to her how to use her powers. He has limited telekinesis and telepathy that he can use to aid YC, and can also control most human technology with ease.

Aeon himself is not the world's most socially graceful chap since he's a being comprised of angelic software and all that, so may need your character to help him understand Earth, social cues, relationships, and when not to use his own powers to interfere in her social life (He is also voiced by the real and actual Paul Bettany).

If you want to have sexy times with this prompt, it probably wouldn't be between YC and Aeon, but we can throw in other characters – other Galaxy Knights, or civilians, or even villains – that YC can romance as well.


Morgan Wright is 25, unemployed, a college drop-out and has no prospects in life. They prefer to spend all day living in their bedroom, playing video games and reading books. Their parents, however, are not amused at Morgan's lack of ambition or responsibility, and end up evicting them from the house, saying it's for their own good - they need to find a job and learn to stand on their own two feet. Morgan, however, just ends up moving into their best friend's house - until they too get fed up of Morgan's freeloading ways.

However an alternative to having to get a job presents itself when Morgan, perusing their favourite fetish site one night and after getting slightly tipsy, posts an advert advertising themselves as looking to become someone's fully willing and obedient pet, so long as they agree to feed and take care of them. In the morning they wake up to find that they have a message from another member of the site, offering to take them up on their offer...

I've used they/their so far for Morgan because I'm willing to play them as male, female or nonbinary, but if male then I would prefer to go down a sissification/feminisation route. I also have two sub ideas that could be implemented:

The Maid: Morgan does not live with YC for free, but agrees to be their maid, wearing revealing outfits whilst they work.

The Neko: Morgan agrees to drink a potion as part of the conditions of their new life, causing them to grow cat ears, a tail, and develop some very feline mannerisms.
The Kingdom of Prydwyn, an island nation that has long been ruled by the royal House of Londar, is in mourning following the death of King Orlin the Great. His only son and heir, Aldric has been abroad for many years in a foreign war but set sail to return home to take his father's place on the throne. However, on his voyage back disaster struck, and Aldric and the rest of the crew were presumed drowned after a freak strom struck and sank their ship...

The storm was no accident, but was sent by the court wizard Solomos as part of a conspiracy with Aldric's cousin Vars of Naria, his bitter rival who has long thought his family should rule. With the House of Londar seemingly without an heir he has marched into the capital and seized the throne for himself, wedding Aldric's sister at swordpoint to secure his claim.

Aldric however is not dead, for whilst abroad he was given a magic pendant by a friendly sorcerer that he promised would keep him from death if the worst should happen. And so it did, the magic of the pendant reviving Aldric and allowing him to wash up on the shore of Prydwyn alive. However he is in for a nasty shock when he sees his reflection in the water, for the pendant's healing magic was calibrated for a female user, and Aldric will find himself having undergone some changes...

So I'm going to play Aldric, the prince who finds himself without a kingdom and in a now female body, and I'm looking for someone who'd be comfortable with playing some secondary characters as Aldric tries to either find a way to retake his throne, or get used to his new life as a peasant girl. Maybe he encounters someone who is friendly, maybe they believe him or maybe they don't, or maybe his misfortune is just beginning and he encounters less savory characters. Either is up to you, we can discuss plot details together.
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Hello! I'm interested!! Would you be willing to play CC X OC? I can double up!!!
I am very intrigued by these ideas and impressed by vernacular at the risk of sounding pretentious. I'm not a redditor I swear, just a mysterious type. Are you still seeking partners?
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?

I have been roleplaying for 12+ years, although I haven't really done long, paragraph based RPs in a while and would like to get back into the swing of things! For the last few years I have mainly been writing scenarios for my TTRPG games, but part of me has been itching to get back to freeform RP.

I am AMAB he/him, but I am more than happy to play female as well as male characters. I also like to play multiple characters when required, for variety and to help with the plot.

In terms of content, I very much enjoy NSFW roleplays, but I like them to be a good balance of plot, and character with sexual content. However I also enjoy SFW RPs about epic adventures, horror scenarios and starship crews.

In terms of setting, I enjoy fantasy, cyberpunk, magical realism and sci-fi fairly equally, although I also like to dabble in superhero settings occasionally.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?

I am to write at least a few paragraphs if possible, however I don't enjoy writing or reading waffling for the sake of length.

I aim to write at least one update per day.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?

I am generally unfazed by both gore and violence in RP, although I don't need it to occur egregiously.

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

I would very much enjoy partners for some sexual content RPs.

In terms of kinks, my more 'regular' kinks would be:

Muscular ladies

My 'weirder' kinks would be:

ASFR and Petrification
Transformation into inanimate objects
Natural Body Magic
Forniphilia (people used as furniture)

My 'nos' would be:

Toilet play
Hardcore feet play
Extreme age differences
BO and other smell-related kinks

Do you write any fandoms?

I would generally prefer original settings, but I would be happy to write for any of the below fandoms:

Star Trek
Star Wars
Warhammer (any version)
Mortal Kombat
Marvel or DC

That's all well and good, but what are your actual RP ideas?

That's the spirit.

Mostly plot, but (possibly) some smut:

It is the year 2345. Mankind is at war, with the nations of the world having been split up and divided between competing corporate overlords that fight for the planet's remaining resources. One of the main tools used in this conflict are Warmechs, 50-foot-tall war robots that combine the armour and firepower of heavy machinery with the agility and skill of an organic human pilot.

MC would be Johnny Razor, a pilot fighting as a mercenary in the employ of whichever corporation is willing to pay him the most for his services. I would be looking for YC to be his wingman/wingwoman, fighting alongside him in their own mech as well as in whatever trouble they get into out of cockpit. Primarily meant to be a SFW RP but I have zero issue with it getting NSFW as well.

One day, a young woman's life will change when a meteorite falls from the sky into her back yard. When she goes to inspect it the space rock breaks open to reveal a pink bracelet with an iridescent gem in the centre of it. The bracelet suddenly starts glowing and floats in the air before her, speaking directly into her mind. The bracelet has been sent to her by the Celestial Magisterix, the supreme protector of the galaxy. Thousands of years ago the Magisterix sent souls across the galaxy to underdeveloped worlds to be reincarnated as part of the local populace if it was ever threatened by the Dark Ones, a race of alien invaders. The young woman is the reincarnation of that soul, and when she puts on the bracelet, she will be transformed into one of the Galaxy Knights, protectors of the stars.

I'm looking for someone to play the young woman whilst I will play Aeon, the AI inside of the bracelet as well as various NPCs. Aeon will guide her and help her in managing her powers, and perhaps even started to develop a relationship with her over time? Also, this would be primarily SFW, but if you're up for it I wouldn't mind things getting pretty fanservicey.

A bit of a riff on Star Wars. Dani Firestar is a 30 year old woman working on a farm on a backwater agri-wrold with dreams of leaving her planet and adventuring throughout the stars. One day a smuggler's ship crashes out of the sky onto her family land, piloted by a wanted criminal (that is, YC). Dani nurses them back to health an dhelps them repair their ship, and in return they take her own as their partner in crime, travelling the galaxy running blockades and transporting illegal drugs and spices. Along the way they would end up getting into lots of risque adventures together, like sneaking into a crime lord's alien harem, or accidentally wooing a betrothed alien prince, and the like.

An even mix of character, plot and smut:

Riley Banks, 28 is a struggling artist trying their hardest to break into the world of contemporary art. Struggling to find inspiration, they stumble across a trunk in their grandparent's attic full of artist's and sculptor's tools, which a book of instructions marked with magic runes. The books explains that the tools are magical, and allow the artist to transform a human subject into a living artwork - be it a statue, a painting, a sculpture or whatever else they can think of. This process is extremely pleasurable to the subject, and they can be restored whenever the artist desires.

I will play Riley, who is presumed male but can be female if you desire, and your character(s) would be the kinky person they've convinced to become a series of different art pieces to be put on display. They may also be an artist themselves, and take turns using the tools on Riley instead.

Melinda 'Mel' Graves is an aging former singer, actress and model. Now in her late 80s she can feel her body failing despite the best of medical technology available to her, but there is one way yet to cheat death. She signs up for a program that takes a sample of her DNA and a scan of her brain, which together can be used to create a template that will allow her to be resurrected after her death once technology has advanced far enough. However, things do not go as she expected. After the scan is complete she wakes up in a dingey backalley cloning lab many years in the future, and finds that her template was leaked onto the black market - and now whoever can pay the right price can have a clone of her to do with as she pleases. YC would be the buyer for such a clone, and it will be up to you if they are benevolent or will resist her attempts to escape.

Morgan Wright is 25, unemployed, a college drop-out and has no prospects in life. They prefer to spend all day living in their bedroom, playing video games and reading books. Their parents, however, are not amused at Morgan's lack of ambition or responsibility, and end up evicting them from the house, saying it's for their own good - they need to find a job and learn to stand on their own two feet. Morgan, however, just ends up moving into their best friend's house - until they too get fed up of Morgan's freeloading ways.

However an alternative to having to get a job presents itself when Morgan, perusing their favourite fetish site one night and after getting slightly tipsy, posts an advert advertising themselves as looking to become someone's fully willing and obedient pet, so long as they agree to feed and take care of them. In the morning they wake up to find that they have a message from another member of the site, offering to take them up on their offer...

I've used they/their so far for Morgan because I'm willing to play them as male, female or nonbinary, but if male then I would prefer to go down a sissification/feminisation route. I also have two sub ideas that could be implemented:

The Maid: Morgan does not live with YC for free, but agrees to be their maid, wearing revealing outfits whilst they work.

The Neko: Morgan agrees to drink a potion as part of the conditions of their new life, causing them to grow cat ears, a tail, and develop some very feline mannerisms.

Tracey 'Ace' Holmes, an English woman of 24 years, has gotten the job she's always wanted working for an experimental physics lab. Lab coat coat on, lanyard with her smiling face on it hanging around her neck, she finally feels like a real scientist - only, things aren't what she hoped they would be. Mostly all of the interesting stuff and accolades are going to the other members of the team, whilst she's getting stuck with the shit jobs and fetching coffee. One night whilst everyone else is out of the office she finds herself getting bored cleaning around one of the machines - a 'multiversal full-spectrum probe', one of the other scientists had called it - when she decides, in an act of rebellion, to make a little mess of her own. She starts jerking it right there in the lab, grinning at the thought of how angry it would make her bosses if they could see her. And just when she's about to hit climax, the machine suddenly switches on by itself and a portal opens, sucking her in...

Ace finds herself travelling through the space between universes, where a helpful voice appears to explain that the higher powers of the multiverse are quite annoyed at her trying to disrupt the barriers between dimensions, and as punishment she must complete several tasks across the multiverse if she ever wishes to return home. Ace tries to explain that she was only an assistant, the experiment wasn't her doing, but her words fall on deaf ears as she is dumped into another world, with the voice informing her of what her first task is. Oh, and as she is about to discover to her horror, every time she is sent to a new universe she arrives completely naked - and the tasks she is being given are rather scandalous in nature...

I'll be playing Ace in this plot. For YC, I'm looking for someone to play a or multiple characters that she encounters in each world OR a fellow multiversal traveller, perhaps one who is also given various takss to do or works for a rival power and is tasked with hindering Ace by any means possible.

Straight up smut:

Grace, a young woman in her mid-twenties, is suffering from constant bad luck . She is struggling to hold down a job as a waitress, is unlucky in love, and is reliant on her BFF and roommate to pay the rent. But, her luck is about to get much worse when she accidentally spills water at work over an older woman, who unbeknownst to Grace is a witch. The witch in her anger casts a curse of humility on Grace, and now every day after sunset her clothes vanish! The only way to break the curse is to perform a series of magical tasks, but they can only be done after sunset...

I'm looking for someone to play Grace's BFF/Roommate, with two main directions I'd like to take it:
  • She is also a witch, or was the witch in disguise, and decides to have some fun with Grace's predicament without her realising. Perhaps she's tired of Grace being a burden and wants some revenge, or maybe she has a crush on her oblivious roommate?
  • Or somehow her BFF also gets afflicted with the curse, and they have to work together to break the curse!

Philippa Pines, a trans woman of 28, has recently gotten settled into a new town and a new school where she works as a physics teacher. Although she enjoys her work she can't help but get bored, and one day, long after everyone else has gone home and the school is mostly empty, she decides to rub one out whilst sitting at her desk. However, to her horror, another lady teacher sends her a message the next day with a photograph attached in the act. Philippa now finds herself blackmailed into having to do whatever the other teacher wants...

Ragnar Stormson, barbarian, thief, plunderer and warrior, is known for two things; his fighting skills, and his womanising tendencies. One day whilst drinking in a tavern in his favourite establishment, drinking to a good day's raiding and slaving, decides to slap the rump of a woman who catches his eye. At first she seems annoyed, until she leads him outside with the promise of some fun...and then hits him with a spell once out of the sight of his comrades.

Ragnar wakes up in the local slave pits, confused and unable to remember what happened. He discovers to his shock that he can no longer speak the common language, and worse still - has been turned into a woman! Before he can try to escape, he finds himself being led to the auction block, where YC will eye up the new item and decide to purchase them. Will Ragnar escape? Will he ever get his old body back? Or will he learn to enjoy his new life?
Hii I'd like to rp with you :D
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