MxM Pain, Healing, Love~

Currently reading:
MxM Pain, Healing, Love~


10+ Year RPer
Local time
Today 6:36 PM
Middle-Earth (USA/CA)
Trigger Warnings: Graphic abuse, past sexual violence, past self-harm
All characters are (18)+
Tags: Fantasy Medieval, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort

So. The point of this plot is major angst and hurt/comfort. I don't want it just one side focused on MC, so I'm totally open to discussing various events YC goes through whether during his childhood as mentioned in the plot or during the time he was away. I do want this to end happily though. So it's not always gonna be sad and pain focused.

I also want to add that I don't want to establish a permanent 'bottom/sub' or 'top/dom'. I want our character's to naturally be whatever is needed at the time.

I would really like my RP partners to write somewhere between 3-6 paragraphs, or 300+ words. I also prefer writing in 3rd person. No offense to anyone who identifies or enjoys 1st or otherwise, I just get extremely confused when trying to write or read in that POV.


Our characters had been childhood friends, one raised in poverty (YC) and the other raised in royalty (MC). In the beginning neither understood each other's world but pain (YC being abused by their family as well as what you want to add) brought them to an understanding. As time passed they became the best of friends and eventually Lover's. They learned from each other and wanted nothing more than to be at each other's side for the rest of their days. To change the world and make it better.

Sadly, that would not happen.

As they reached adulthood YC was sent away by MC's father, on a mission to infiltrate one of the most concerning enemies on their borders. As the most skilled and reliable spy who wanted to prove to their King that they were more than good enough to have their Beloved's hand in marriage, he went. YC did not expect it to take all the years that it did and for when he returned, to find over half the council replaced by new faces, circulating rumor's, and MC keeping everyone at an icy distance which was completely unlike himself.

Determined to figure out exactly what went wrong during the years he was absent, YC unfolds the many secret's that have appeared. While also revealing his own trauma dealt during his years away, in the hopes that the two can heal each other's pain as they did as children and start anew.
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