Any Pirate X Runaway Princess or Siren (MCPrefered)

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Any Pirate X Runaway Princess or Siren (MCPrefered)

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Today 12:25 AM
This is a bit different from my usual requests, but I have a craving for a pirate story lol.
As a precursor, I love romance and fantasy. I usually have the setting in medieval times for simplicity sake. ANY smut/sex that MAY happen is skipped, no negotiating that. If it even happens. But I would prefer it didn't until later in the roleplay. I respond multiple times a day usually, so if I go a few days without responding please send me a reminder! I will let you know if I am busy for a period of time. I usually write 2-4 paragraphs depending on what the situation is, sometimes less. I prefer quality over quantity. Give me something to respond to that I can continue the story from, and I will be mostly happy. I try to match lengths as well.
I love long term roleplays, but if we ever need to switch it up please let me know, I am always down for input in stories. Tell me all of your ideas! Please! I am happy with roleplaying some side characters romances as well if you would like.

I usually play females just for comfort, but I am happy with whatever gender you would like! We could build the world together as well. I like to use pictures for reference, I don't care if they are realistic or anime-style, but I usually use anime-style.

Okay! So my idea for the story--

MC is a Princess in the kingdom of Stentorian. She had discovered a horrifying secret about her family, and has no control in fixing it. As a solution, she decides to flee. She runs to the closest port to try and find a way out of the kingdom. That is where YC can come in. They can be a pirate looking for new workers, or MC could try and bribe your character with gold. After that, they are on the run. MC tries to keep her being a princess secret, but because of guards and wanted posters giving her away, she ends up telling the truth. We could find treasure maps, and have adventures while they find out how to solve the problem in the Kingdom, or how to get MC truly away from her previous life and into the life of a pirate. Depends on how we want to go with it!

Pretty obvious storyline, but my character is a siren that tries to lure YC to their death. Maybe MC gets captured instead, or maybe MC decides to spare YC. Either way, MC ends up on the ship to learn about human life. YC can use the fact that they can sell MC for lots of gold to get them to work on the ship/find more treasure for them. They could get closer, and we could lead the story from there

If you don't like those two ideas but still want to try out the plot, we can talk about different ideas in chat! Shoot me a message if you are interested <3
I'm already doing an RP with this person, and she is brilliant about it! I highly recommend her to anyone else looking for a meaningful, fun, and exciting RP!
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