MxM Plots of things [Open]

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MxM Plots of things [Open]


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Welcome and hello!
Please reach out via PM instead of posting if you are interested.
NSFW content acceptable, characters only 18+

I go by Crux on other sites and that's what I usually go by, and have been roleplaying for 15+ years now? It honestly might be more, I feel ancient. Probably not as old as you are thinking, but my sense of humor is often much less mature. With that being said, you are here for my roleplaying details and not some long explanation of why I choose to role-play and that one summer it reminds me of, or is that a cookbook? Eh, easy to get the two confused (i'm mostly kidding). With that, please refer to the wonderfully organized bullet points below.

  • Weekly responses.
    • While I strive to always do more I am quite gainfully employed and with such gain comes hours and mental exhaustion. This is my creative outlet and as such, can only come after all the hard work has been done.
    • Part time student. I'm perusing a general degree because I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up (even if I am a grown-up).
  • Prone to disappearances.
    • Honestly, I have been lying to myself about this for years - it's the truth. Life isn't always sunshine and daisies. I do always come back. Please PM me if you think this has happened, I might just need to be held accountable for my actions.
  • Plot.
    • Please for all that is creative don't reach out if you are wanting to do a smut heavy plot. While I have done and even enjoy these, I am more of a 70/40 kind of fool. The 70% being plot.
    • Long lost friends of unrequited love or one sided in the very least, is probably my favorite trope.
    • Action, please all the explosions, sword fights, and ends of days!
    • I'm often driven by music, if you ever want to know what might have inspired a plot, reach out. I will gladly share (you are warned! Lol).
  • Faceclaims.
    • No preference, please let me know if you have one.
  • Position.
    • I'm simply going to say switch, because it shouldn't define the entirety of your character. If it does, awesome but that's just not my cup of tea.
  • Slow burn.
    • Seriously, I am all about drawing a story chock full of dark angst, drama and romance out and continuing to plot as we go.
    • Not all my plots are designed with this in mind, and it's by no means a requirement. Let's just see what happens.
  • Para-posting.
    • I usually post a minimum of 3 to 10 or more paragraphs. I'm not looking for single liners, and ask that you help world build and move the story forward.
    • I don't expect my partners to match me post for post, and if you feel as if you are stalling the story (or if I am, it happens!), please feel free to reach out.
  • Nope.
    • Fandoms. I love manga, anime and television like the next person. I just prefer original pairings.
    • Strictly slice of life role-plays with no world building.
    • Furs, Bathroom, Vore stuff.
    • If it's not listed, I'm probably open to it (or it's my fault for not listing it. I will reach out if I prefer to stay away from something).
  • Have fun.
    • I consider myself easy going, don't hesitate to reach out and just do your best. This isn't something that should be stressful.
    • I don't mind waiting for posts, we all have lives outside of this.

Always open for original pairings, send me a PM.

Houston, we have a problem

Setting: Midwestern America / Futuristic City

Era: 80's / 4000's (whenever we live in glowing sky cities)

Other notes: Characters preferably in their late twenties or early thirties, set in their ways. This is a work in progress, don't hesitate to share your own insights and suggestions.

MC is a blue collar, farm raised mechanic. It's never taken him much to be happy, despite the misgivings of those like him. While his siblings were always busy seeing who could shoot a squirrel faster or tipping cows, he would be found with his nose deep in a book. This curiosity never quelled as he grew, finding comfort deep in the pages of various sci-fi novels. One night, MC finds himself in what he thinks is a dream but is actually a very real glitch in his reality exposing a world he had only ever experienced in his books.

Queue, YC who works to keep order in this futuristic world (wealthy, policing, whatever you can think-up!) that is run by capitalism and classism. A system has been created to only allow the wealthiest and those they deem useful to truly exist, all others are left to dream their short lives away, being used as a resource until their worth has been depleted and then they are simply thrown away to make room for another similar resource. However, MC wakes to discover this world. At first it is thought to be just a fluke, but what happens when YC who has been given the opportunity to prove himself, finds MC wandering. Especially when he finds the comfort in this bizarre strangers kind, curious nature?

Never is an awfully long time

Setting: Like Neverland, only darker and no longer a fairy tale

Era: To be determined

Other notes: MC will be twenty-five, I would prefer someone around the same age or older is also good. I was hoping YC to be a pirate, I specifically have an image of YC coming in with a big hat and resting beneath a tree only to have some damn flying man (sounds silly, yep!) come steal it while casually threading him. YC is entirely up to you though.

Neverland is a place that we all know from fairy tales, no matter the version there is a magical land where nobody grows old, nobody dies and even the bad guys are eaten by ticking crocodiles. What happens when reality starts to slip in-between the cracks? MC has long been the leader of the famed lost boys, but there is nothing lost or boyish about these young men that have taken their places. Years before when James T. Hook came to destroy the boy known as Peter Pan, and rid this enchanted land of the lost boys and their shenanigans and that's exactly what he had managed - despite what has been been told over the decades. This loss welcomed eight years of reality to ravage the land that sat within the second star on the right.

An eight year war with Hook's pirates has raged, resulting in a high count of casualties. YC comes to this world seeking the truth about Neverland, hoping that it might provide him whatever he seeks (health, wealth, immortality, up to you!). Quite quickly does YC realize he must pick a side, and Hook is obviously on the loosing side, now that MC has taken up the mantle of the fallen Peter Pan.

Please feel free to PM with your own plots of nothing here catches your attention.​
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