MxF Plots, plots and more plots

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MxF Plots, plots and more plots

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Hello, so I am brand spanking new to this site but not to roleplay in general. I am going to try and post here and hope I don't break any rules lol. I usually do my roles on other sites. So, I really have no idea how to roleplay on this site but I am hoping to learn.

This is a plot dump post. Like, literally, it's just going to be all my plots. A little about me; you can call me Em. I am a female in her 20's. So you must be at least 18 to participate. I write in third person; I write 500-2,000 words per reply. I am in the CST time zone, but I will work with any time zone. I write an 80 percent story to 20 percent smut ratio.

What I am looking for in a partner:

1. Match my length
2. Bring your characters to the table.
3. These roles are not all smut; please respect that.
4. Enjoy OOC
5. No ghosting; if you lose interest, say something.
6. I expect someone who wants to do this too; writing with you should not be like pulling teeth.

Now, with that out of the way. Let's get to the good stuff. These plots are broken down into lighthearted, angsty, and dark. All plots can be written gay, straight, or anything in between. Just let me know!

Muse A is my character.
Muse B is your character.

Lighthearted plots:

1. Muse A and B are fighting for the same spot in a fraternity or sorority. So the frat and sorority students decide to make up a contest. Muse A and B are told to meet outside the frat house at sundown on Halloween. Then they are blindfolded and taken to the secret meeting place. Here they are handcuffed together and told to complete a near-impossible scavenger hunt. The only problem is Muse A is paralyzed while Muse B towers over her. Even moving is difficult, so how did they win?

2. Muse A and B are strangers, both having a mutual friend that invited them on a hike through the mountains. Spending eight months together in a tent, feelings are bound to develop. One night when Muse A steps off the path. Muse A ends up falling 200 feet, injuring themselves severely. Muse B is the first to find them trapped in the canyon. Little did the two know that being stranded while waiting for help was the thing they needed to confess their feelings.

3. Muse A and B are coworkers that do not get along in anyway. The office is fed up with this, so they send them on a cruise, telling each one they are going on a different vacation. Expect they aren't; they are sharing the same tiny cruise room.

4. Muse A is flying to see her long-distance boyfriend; only flying terrifies her. Having been injured in a plane crash before leaving her an above-knee amputee. Muse B is the passenger sat beside her. They spend the entire eight-hour flight talking, watching movies, and laughing. Muse A thanks him and leaves for her vacation. Only she can't stop thinking about the kind stranger.

5. Muse A and B are set up on a blind date by friends. Neither think it will go well; neither really wants to date, but their blind date ends up going right. They go from strangers to the couple everyone wants to be.

6. muse A blind woman is on vacation in Vegas for her birthday. While trying to get back to her room, she ends up trying to get into Muse B's hotel room. Little did either of them know this was the start of a loving relationship that would last until their last breaths.

A little more angst:

1. Muse A and B live in a world where everyone gets a soulmate tattoo when they turn 18. So there are bound to be some hardships and mixes up. Muse B bullies Muse A relentlessly. Always picking them because they are in a wheelchair. Imagine the conflicting emotions that come up when they realize they are each other's soulmates.

2. Muse A and B were friends until one rainy night five years ago. The two were drinking and got into an accident. Muse B walked away unscathed, while Muse A's life is forever changed. The two have not spoken since then. Today Muse B comes across Muse A's YouTube channel while scrolling through their phone. The love and friendship never died.

3. Muse A and B have been dating for a long time. They are supposed to be getting married; that was until Muse A found out it was all a joke. They were only dating because Muse B was dared to ask her out. Their relationship was in shambles; Muse A stormed out of the house. That was the last thing she remembered. Waking up in the hospital with him sobbing beside her Muse A is even more confusing. Who is this man? Why is he crying?

4. Muse A is a patient in the hospital dying from heart failure, though she doesn't have insurance, so she attempts to check herself out. Muse B is the head of the cardiologist department. The head surgeon. He decides to marry Muse A for the insurance. The love story is slow and painful until she shows up in the emergency room.

Darker roles:

1. Muse A is the head of the mob. She is strong and powerful; she is nicknamed Mama because she cares for the entire mob, each and every one of them. The rival mob is even afraid of her, but when one of their members gets too cocky, he can take down Mama. They turn him over. Sitting in a cold, damp, dark room, Muse B thinks he is dead. Though she had been planning to spare him until he laughed in her face. The mob is outraged for her, and she doesn't seem to care about the order she had just given. Muse B is captured by her.

2. Muse A is a serial killer. A gruesome serial killer. Muse B is her husband of nearly twenty years. Today he gets a call; they caught the serial killer, but he needs to come to the station. Muse B loses it. Why is his wife sitting in interrogation? She couldn't be the killer, right?

3. Muse A is a single mom to a severely disabled child. Muse B is an ex-con that just moved in across the street. He is covered in tattoos; he gives off a terrifying vibe, but when Muse A's child insists on being friends with the man, Muse A is nervous about it. Until she realizes the scary-looking guy is a huge teddy bear with a soft spot for her daughter.

4. Muse A is a serial killer; they are dangerous, on death row, and simply waiting for their day. Muse B is a young criminal put into a program to straighten him out. Though his mouth gets him in trouble, he winds up in Muse A's cell. Neither of them thought by the time the year was up they would be tearfully hugging goodbye and promising to write. So what happens when Muse B offends again because life without Muse A is simply too hard?

Fandom Roles:

Grey's Anatomy:

1. George/Bailey. What if that scene where George says's doctor Bailey and I are in love was true?

2. Alex/male characters. A John Doe is brought in, but he is not recognizable. Though he keeps yelling for another doctor working at the hospital. Basically George's death, but they live and put themselves.

Law and order SVU:

1. John/fin. John has been lying about his life for years; yes, he really did have all those failed marriages. But he did have a child. An eight-year-old daughter, but she is severely disabled. So John was afraid his coworkers would ridicule him. Even if the thought was ridiculous, he keeps his daughter a secret from them. That is, until today, her day nurse never shows up, forcing the night nurse to bring her to John at work. At first he is beyond surprised but happy because the station is empty. When they all get back from the call, Fin smiles as he walks over, giving John a kiss. John hadn't planned to come out ever; none of this was supposed to be known. What will happen to his job? Why is Craigen fussing over John's little girl? Maybe these people are her family.

Sample of my writing:

Paige sat in the rundown, disgusting gas station bathroom. Five minutes——five minutes of pure hell. She paced the single--stall bathroom, wishing her feet didn't stick to the floor. wishing it didn't smell in here. This wasn't how she had planned it or how she had planned her life. Though everyone always said you can't plan life, Paige had found a way to make it work.

The stickiness of the floor seemed to drag her back to reality, which was somehow worse than planning to run from this problem, but she couldn't run from it. No, this was her life now as she looked at her phone again. 4 minutes and 45 seconds were left.

Paige was spiraling, probably because they were not even speaking at the moment. The fight seemed so stupid now. So small compared to this, but it wasn't that she had caught them together. In her bed, in her apartment. The memories came flooding back, no matter how much Paige tried to block them out. Her best friend had slept with her boyfriend. She supposed though it was made better by the fact Adrain and slept with Jeffrey. That was something Paige couldn't give him. It wasn't another woman.

Standing in that bathroom, in the crappy, definitely haunted gas station on Seventh Street, Paige was contemplating her entire life, and the only two people she wanted to talk to were currently not speaking to her.

That was most definitely on account of her reaction, but how else was she supposed to react to walking in on that scene? Was she supposed to throw them a party? Adrain was still cheating, and the part that hurt the worst was Jeffrey's betrayal. Jeffrey was her best friend; they had grown up together. The two were inseparable from the moment Paige moved into the neighborhood at nine years old.

It was the fifth foster home in five months, the fourth couple, and the fifth month without her older brother. Justin was her everything. He raised her, but when Paige got pneumonia from the cold winter nights spent sleeping outside, Justin had to do what he could. "I'll always love you, and the second I can, I will come get you, I promise," the words ran through her head as she closed her eyes for a moment.

That was nearly fifteen years ago. Fifteen years ago, that was the night a terrified nine-year-old girl met the little Jewish boy down the street, and suddenly she had a friend in this world.
"Justin, I need you to come get me." Paige whispered softly as she wiped her eyes. Her voice was breaking as she thought about her hero for the first time in a long time.

Justin had died five years ago, but that wound never quite healed. There was always a time in her life when Paige needed her brother. She thought Justin was more like her dad until she met Jim. Jim Goldberg was her adoptive father, and that man would do anything for Paige. Would he do this? I love her through this. Paige shook softly as she stood in the far-too-bright gas station bathroom.

The loud and obnoxious ring of the timer on her phone pulled Paige from her spiral only momentarily. The alarm going off meant she had to look and see if she was pregnant or not. The stick on the counter wrapped up in that neon pink wrap seemed to be taunting her. Maybe it was just food poisoning or the flu. Maybe she was being paranoid. God, she hoped she was being paranoid. Mumbling a prayer under her breath, Paige sighed softly as she reached forward. Her long, thin fingers shook violently as she picked up the stick.


In that moment, Paige was positive; it made her heart stop. She at least definitely stopped breathing for a moment or two. That word was taunting her. She was pregnant. Pregnant, unmarried, and very Jewish. The sound that escaped Paige's lips was a gut-wrenching noise as she stood there.

All she wanted in that moment was to call Justin and tell him she had to come get her. He wasn't going to ask why she couldn't drive herself home from a gas station. No, there would be no questions; he would simply give her a ride in silence and worry about her Jeep tomorrow.
With shaking hands and teary eyes, Paige called the next person she could think of. "Daddy" Paige cried as she held the phone to her ear.

Suddenly she was nine years old, again terrified of Jim's very presence in his own home. She was back in her childhood bedroom, hiding under the bed. She smiled at the memory of Jim reading bedtime stories in an empty room as Paige hid under the bed. He would end everyone with, "papa, loves you; it's okay. You are safe." She needed that now more than ever.

The password is Elvis

Hello, if you liked what you read, please include the following when you reply or whatnot I do not really understand it lol. It's just to help me search through everything, and now you read it all.

1. The password
2. Which role are you interested in?
3. A writing sample
4.Any questions you have
5. Messages that do not meet these will be ignored.
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