MxF Possible unorthodox Vampire and another Monster/fantasy race pairing?

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MxF Possible unorthodox Vampire and another Monster/fantasy race pairing?


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Today 1:28 PM
Sigh...well shall we get started? If there's anything you're curious about, I believe the title itself should be more then self explanatory what the point of this thread is. But I'll go ahead and clarify once more that the target audience of this post are those fellow lovers of ungodly, chaotic and not quite regular and normal human pairings, who would be piqued by matching up another monster, demi human or creature of night with an vampire. Be it werewolf, demon, an hybrid, dark elves, sorcerers, angel, deity or the like. I have some plot inspirations listed below but feel free to bring your ones too or message to build something together!


𝘼 𝘽𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤 𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚

I've been writing and role playing for over five years. I write in the third person, and would prefer my partner do the same. I've tried first person, and I just find I cannot write as creatively that way. The fun things you can expect from me as a partner would be best way to describe my writing is quirky but it gets to the point, it's detailed where and when it needs to be. Posts vary in size in tandem with my partners. I do best to describe my writing style as accurately as possible and it may be possible I have missed something. Let's face it, expectations can change slightly, depending on your wants.

My usual length is around 3-7 paragraphs or 300-1000 words at a push. But I am looking to challenge and push myself and learn to write longer and more detailed responses.

I do not do real life face claims. I know a let down to some but it's just something that's uncomfortable for me to do and don't enjoy doing.

My timezone is GMT+2.

I can be a tad slow to respond sometimes, but I try to aim for one response a day or two depending on the length/inspiration. But if it's been a while, say a week, don't be afraid to poke me. Most likely I've been caught up by real life and work.

I do like a bit of OOC; I like making friends with my partners.

Ghost friendly! I get it, life happens. I usually consider about two weeks unless told otherwise, of course. If you would like to try again. Don't be afraid to message me again.
𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙄𝙣 𝘼 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙣𝙚𝙧!

What I look for in a partner is somebody who is decently literate. I know typos occur and that nobody is perfect, but I want to know that the person I'm building a world with is trying and that I can understand what is being said. PLEASE, no one liners. As nothing kills a story faster than not having anything to go on. I also need a partner who writes in third person, as stated above, I just can't write creatively in first person.

Pairing plots
For hundreds of years, the vampire realm had been offering virgin maidens to fulfill their part on the treaty they made with the Court of Shadows after an long fought war, wishing to keep their realm under their protection. To be chosen meant death to their kin as there was no turning back nor holding much chance of survival.

Upon realizing that her younger sister was chosen as one of the maidens to be sacrificed by their impoverished town to the new demon emperor , descendant of the first who once ruled their land and who they rebelled against, MC volunteered to take her place instead to save her.

There was nothing exceptional about her, except for being an unfortunate bastard child who's been born under the blue moon, which was seen as sign of Ill omen and death unlike the crimson blood moons. However, even before she was taken away, the vampire had already caught the eye of the demon king.

The unmated Alpha of the largest pack in North, is facing reality where Elders are pressuring him to marry a bride of their choice, wishing to strengthen the pack .

A marriage of convenience. A marriage for power.

Of course there is no secret that Elders want to use him in their schemes, and YC determined to show them that he is no one's pawn. No one can force him into marriage, not his friends, advisors nor the elders. Yet whence during one of the hunts the clan ends up clashing with the vampires, YC gets injured and lost in the woods that are filled with many other dangers besides vampires who much would love to mount an pack leaders head on spike and parade it. When the darkness takes over however the alpha awakens in a cottage, his afflictions treated. And his saviour being no other then a vampire.
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