MxM Prox's Proper Path

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MxM Prox's Proper Path

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxM
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. High Fantasy
  3. Low Fantasy
  4. Slice of Life
  5. Historical
  6. Supernatural
  7. Modern


Happy Birthday!! 100 Likes! 100 Posts! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 3:33 PM


Writing a search thread is probably my least favorite thing but it is what it is.

I have been writing for probably around 15 years with increasing levels of literacy as time goes on. I usually am a three paragraph minimum type of person but I get that sometimes shorter things are necessary or just have to happen that way to move the plot along. I tend to write to match so the more you give me, the more I will return. I like to have pretty open communication between us so we can collaborate on the story and make a shared world. We can either do that through PMs or discord, whichever works best for you.

I shouldn't have deleted that template.

So I only write gay, mxm, yaoi, bl, whatever term you want, I write gay men. I am very open to discussing the nuances of what it means to be a gay man.

I like writing more fantasy than slice of life but I am not opposed. There just needs to be some type of element of magic to make the ordinary interesting. Even if we do sort of 'normal life', both of us should have some type of 'power' be it actual powers or the power of kindness or compassion or money or whatever - there are a bunch of ways to make each character interesting and unique even if one of them is a plain ol' human.

I mentioned in my hello thread that I like playing bottoms the most lately because I like playing the 'delicate beauty can and will rip your arm off' type but I am open to playing a bigger, beefier build and lead top. It just depends on the muse and the story. I like pretty bottom ravages his giant partner, it's a nice image I think. While I prefer to play against a beefcake build, it is not necessary as my preferences aren't universal. We can talk about what you like to have your person look like vs what you'd like to see in my character if it's necessary to plan.

I have very open availability due to a very relaxed job so I can post multiple times per day as muse and busy-ness allows. I understand this is not the case for everyone BUT I need at least once a week to maintain interest. I can no longer handle once a month waiting. Bi-weekly is discussable but I need at least ONCE A WEEK.

I'll add more as I think of it.

I thought of more:

My hard nos: noncon, dubcon, underage, bestality, watersports, gore during sex, vore.

My hard yes's: age difference (18+ minimum), size difference, orcs, large men, romance, chaos



Malik, the Djinn (Not Available Currently)


I will always be able to write Malik as he is my anchor character. He is meant to have long purple hair, a warm brown complexion, and bright blue eyes but finding that face claim is difficult. He goes wonderfully in most any story but I have a few templates written for him. The first is:

Always: an 18 year old is sold to one of the richest men in the world (age gap preferred) and it turns out he hasn't just bought the most beautiful man in the world. He has bought a living god, hidden in man's blood to escape persecution and death from centuries ago. What had once been a being worshiped and adored has become the perfect sexual partner and knows no other life. They die young, broken, brutalized, and without power. I'd like the master character to be more of a gentle man who doesn't want to hurt his new slave, but rather love him and worship him so he can become a living god again. I've had someone play the master as someone literally dirt poor who inherits this great wealth and this slave all in the span of a few days and I like that route but I'm open to ideas.

The second idea:

This one is modeled after Ganon from Zelda and follows similar rules to the Gerudo curse. A desert nation where one male is born every few hundred years and automatically becomes King. If ever a second male is born in the same life time, it is considered an omen and the child is killed immediately. In reality, they are two star-crossed lovers who are destined to find one another again but due to the rival/frenemy nation sewing propaganda against the second male centuries ago, the true fable of the desert people has fallen into ruin with everything else. The King's spirit is one who has lived countless lives, trapped in the cycle of rebirth as he tries to prevent himself from turning into a catastrophic monster foretold in many legends. That fable has never changed among the nations. Malik is the reincarnated god that had once loved that human king and had been tricked into turning him into a monster. Malik knows all of his past lives and all of the ways he has died- at the hands of his beloved or in the cradle; they are all known to him.

In this lifetime, he has been kept in secrecy on an island just off the coast of the desert kingdom, raised to adulthood so he may attempt to find a spot at the king's side and save him before he turns into a world-ending beast. I would like the King to be intelligent and tactful, probably looking at ways to prevent his sealed fate of damnation. That way he will eventually see Malik and not immediately kill him as an omen or curse. Thoughts about Malik attending a bride-choosing ceremony in disguise and to be picked only to reveal himself to the King when they are alone and wed. Malik is so beautiful he can pass for a woman but his body is distinctly and noticeably male.

The King could also be more of a brutal warlord who is only soft to his partner, I like that take too. Really open to interpretation. I think this King might want to be trying to change fate by partnering with the rival/frenemy nation.

Ragnar, the Jotunn (Please Someone Take Him)


This is more of a beefier, stockier build. The idea for Ragnar is he is one of the last surviving Jotunn after Odin enacted a huge genocide against the giants. The few survivors, maybe 2 dozen in total, return to Jotunnheim and lock the gate behind them so the war god cannot finish the bloodbath that he's started. A few remain behind in Midgard, biding their time or licking their wounds. Ragnar is planning on finding a way into Asgard to kill Odin but it will take time and patience and preparedness that he doesn't always have.

While living in the middle realm, he wears a flimsy human glamour to the dwarf town at the bottom of the mountain he has made himself a hut on. He spends most of his time hunting and chopping wood and training his body to be able to withstand Odin at his worst. He will get revenge for all those that have fallen at the One Eyed King.

Ragnar's true Jotunn name is hidden because it is in the Edas and revealing his name reveals his destiny, written by the Norns.

He has a standard 'human' size that he keeps to most of the time but I imagine some scenario in which he gets physically larger as a stressful situation plays out.

I had envisioned him meeting an older hunter and the hunter getting injured on his isolated mountain, causing grumpy and stoic Ragnar to show his kindness by nursing him back to some kind of health begrudgingly. He won't let someone die- he's seen too many deaths.

The hunter, or whoever you choose to play, could be a god in disguise either from the Norse pantheon or another. God of War the game is a huge inspiration for this and anyone who knows might be a good candidate for my giant.

Idris, the War Strategist

Idris is the last known survivor of his nation of Ozan.

In Ozan, tribes are lead by warlords and strategists, teams that seem linked beyond the means of mortal men. The warlord is the muscle, the strategist plans the battle. Because Idris and his warlord, Enitan, are so powerful as a duo, they are able to carve a space for peace in Ozan, their village Bakonache. They are happy and in love and their world is secure. All until one night, colonizers from the nation of the Holy Martyr arrive on their shores and demand they bow to the One True God.

All of Ozan falls in a blaze of blood and violence the likes of which had never been seen.

The isolated nation is turned into another victim of the Holy Martyr's crusade.

Idris is taken as a prisoner to be delivered across the great waters as a prized pet to be shown off and trotted around, raped as the lords pleased, whipped for being a heretic. But when he makes landfall in the much more advanced nation, he slips away from his captors and begins a rampage of every priest and bishop that falls in his path towards the Holy Martyr, God's Voice on Earth.

For his crimes against the Divine and the King, he is sent to the globally ordained prison city (name to be decided). Inside the walls, a whole ecosystem has grown from the inmates to the corrupt guards, where the most elite prisoners run the prison like their own personal kingdom.

While inside the prison, there are monthly games played to earn a higher prison number and more rewards. You don't even need to win, you just need to survive. Some prisoners are chosen by lottery, others volunteer for the risk of reward.

Idris is hollow without his husband and warlord, Enitan.

Who will help him survive when his life ended that night in Bakonache?

Kannik, the Living Relic

Kannik of the tribe Kitungaagaitka, a village far to the icy north where tradition is the law of the land.

Kannik's original story got too unwieldy so he really can be built up and around for.

The general idea of the Kitungaagaitka tribe is the importance of relics. On a child's first birthday, they are presented with a small collection of seemingly mundane objects to choose from. Whichever item they pick is then considered their relic, their object representing their deepest souls. Then, each member of the village will put a drop of their own strange mystical power into the relic so the child will grow up feeling strength and ability beyond that of a normal person living outside of Kitungaagaitka. The drops of power from the village will eventually transform into power of only that individual, a reflection of the love and dedication the village has for each person inside of it.

When the child turns 16, they are considered legally an adult and they undergo the next stage in their evolution. Their precious object will be ground down into a fine ash powder under their own hands and then part of the ashes will be thrown into a grand fire where everyone celebrates and rejoices in the exciting new growth of this young person into an adult.

Throwing the ashes into the fire causes strange and divine shapes to appear in the smoke above - these are considered the images of the power and love the object held on behalf of the person.

The other half of the object's ground ashes will then be tattooed into the skin of the new adult, making them one with their talisman.

They are mortal and divine, full of the love of the village that raised them.

Kannik, at the age of 22, is tasked with going being Kitungaagaitka into the strange world below the icy mountains and discover what lay beyond the glaciers.

Ranen, The Weaver

Ranen, also known as Nen to his friends, is a versatile character that can be put into more slice of life settings with magical undertones or outright fantasy environments. Ranen's power is 'Weaving', where he can see the threads that surround people and pull on them to get the outcomes that he wants. He pulls on your pulse to up your anxiety, he presses on your temples to cause anger to swell behind your eyes, he tugs on your spine to send fear right through you.

In a more slice of life setting, Ranen is a regular in the craft fair scene as he imbues, Weaves his little potions and charms with actual emotions, the loose threads in the universe that have no where else to go. He mostly keeps his magic hidden as it is important to protect the magical community at large as regular society is known to be prejudiced and to hate that which they do not understand.

The initial conflict in a slice of life setting is his boyfriend/fiance/husband dies in a tragic accident and Ranen performs black magic to bring him back to life but he's different. That would be up to you what kind of different BUT I'm open to any other conflict.

Ranen is about a blank a slate as I have so please, if you think you have something good for him, let me know.

A General Idea

I did this idea a little bit but I don't necessarily care to use the guy I built for it. The general concept is a reverse isekai where a lower-popularity NPC comes out into the real world because the regular guy is absolutely in love with him. The human guy has exhausted all dialogue options for this NPC and sometimes the NPC does something small and new and unexpected, showing a small awareness. Eventually I think they would then BOTH go into the world of the game for a little while to solve why this happened or some other reason, very open ended. When I ran it before, I played the regular guy and I think I'd be willing to do that again because most of my characters are heavily fantasy based. The NPC could have a sort of awareness that the world they live in is somewhat scripted but the way they perceive it feels 'normal' to them. I don't know if it's AI or what but that's kind of the overall idea.

A collection of faces I don't have a story for. I think I could write any of them if the story was right.


That's all I have for now but I will post more soon. Please DM me, do not respond here.

No art is mine.

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