MxF Psycho Killers

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MxF Psycho Killers

Wade Von Doom

God Among Men
Local time
Today 9:31 AM
So this is a big mishmash of ideas I have, ones specifically about certain weird ideas I have.

Specifically, ones involving the multiverse. Or rather multiple worlds, perhaps even people who can visit multiple worlds. It's a concept I'm always playing with, a golden goose if you will that allows us to explore ideas and themes through various settings. Like a Steve King novel, if it doesn't suck that is.

Some ideas are more singular, others are more connected, but in my own weird head, they're all apart of this multiverse. Most often with me, they're about really horrible people, and that won't really change with this.

The plots below are based around rather dark and disturbed human beings doing awful things because the world around them molds them as such. Their worlds are horrible, and they wish to find some semblance of sanity in it, through power, fame, riches, or even sadistic pleasures. Add in the ability to play god, and you have a boiling pot of character interest

I'm looking for people who wanna tell a character driven story. I like giving characters depth, complex personalities, backgrounds that explain how they ended up like this, and telling a story of where they'll go from here, but above all else, besides having a partner interested in making fun characters to write, I want ones that show they'll add to the story. Interest is great, but if I'm the only one making up ideas of where to go with our guys and gals, it won't be too fun. I want to feel like we're both contributing to something. Also, I like good, long posts, I enjoy making nice lengthy stuff to sink my teeth into. Nothing crazy like 10 paragraphs, but obviously not one liners or single paragraphs.

I also hate PMs that start with, 'Hey, I like this idea, can we do it?'

That makes me petty as hell, I'll admit that, maybe even snobbish, but if you PM me about wanting to do an idea below, or trying out an idea of your own that fits with what I have in mind, than don't start with, 'Hi, I like this,' or, 'Wanna RP?'

We write here, don't we? Explain what you have in mind for plot elements, characters, even a world to play in, give me an idea of what you want to do. Not a vague PM that probably won't go anywhere. Be creative, and give me an idea that I feel isn't played out or is too cliche we can't have fun with it.

Anyway, I've talked to long, and I think I have enough filler for this, so now I should discuss my ideas. Keep in mind, I am open to suggestions to any ideas you may have, but my main thing for this thread is exploring darker subjects and characters.

Sex plays a part in a lot of my ideas, but I don't consider any of them sex oriented mainly. They're just there, not the big focus.

My only no's I can give are:
  • Furries
  • Incest
  • Rape
  • Futas
That's it, outside of that, I'm pretty much open to a lot of kinks and fetishes, so go crazy.

Onto the plots


Psycho Killers:

To get to our main course, and title of the thread, psycho killers is a Natural Born Killers/Bonnie & Clyde idea. Two people meet up, where is up to us to discuss, but MC is a sociopath who views most of his partners as sex objects, and while he comes off as a rather normal guy, there's a bit of a psychotic edge to him hidden under the skin. He comes across YC and thinks it'll be mostly the same with her, they fuck and move on, but it turns out she isn't quite all there.

She seems quite similar to him, and how I leave up to you. She can be exactly like him, more insane, whatever you wanna try out in a villainous character. But, what starts as your usual dom male meeting sub female gets switched. She has the more dominant personality of the two, so MC becomes more submissive to her, almost treating her like a goddess and he's her pet/slave/obedient fuck buddy, however you wanna view him.

She can be a sub in bed, doesn't matter to me on that part, but she's clearly dominant over MC and MC loves her for it. From there, as the two develop their romance together more, they start to seem more like a corrupting force, not only to themselves, but those around them. Their inner demons come out more, as they act like their vices, and pretty soon, a life of criminal behavior begins. Though MC has another secret to tell YC.

He might be able to travel between universes..... No, he definitely can, so their life of crime quickly goes from robbing people and murdering to making their own criminal empire, and perhaps even a real empire. Rags to riches, with two psychotic motherfuckers.

Cult of Personality:

Hey, cults! Who doesn't love them?..... Well maybe the survivors of Jonestown.... And the relatives of Heaven's Gate......... But hey, I'm doing this anyway. There's an organization focused mainly on helping people with their troubles, be it issues at home, their own mental illness, or addictions they cannot overcome. The organization has set up a small community, and those who join are given what seems like a luxury hotel. Nice rooms, good food, entertainment a plenty, and the environment feels welcoming to all. Big twist to this though, and you might guess what it is.

This community is based in another world. An almost heaven like environment, one that promotes an egalitarian view. People are open about their sexuality, are embraced for their other ideas, and while in this Brave New World, opportunity is made for all. And the group leader, he seems like such a nice fella as well!

Though, after a while, things feel a bit culty, like members forced to wear certain clothing, they're addressed more like animals than people, and there's a small hint of gaslighting going on. But hey, this place is great, what's the worst than can happen! Spoilers: You become more like pets than actual human beings.

With this, I don't want to focus on dubious-consent stuff, or focus on sex. Sex can happen, the cult has themes of sexual identity, hive mind mentality, and a sort've dehumanization of everyone involved, yet they're not abused. Manipulated for sure, no doubt about that, but you get the feeling the leader does love his followers, and while he treats them more as pets, there's a strange love he gives them. Expect a lot of polyamory involved in this.

My Perfect Pet:

So this one's a lot more femdom heavy, and I play the sub! Yay!

MC is a sailor on a ship, and one night, that ship sinks during a storm. He makes a break for the waters in a life raft, but the raft gets capsized. He manages to keep himself from drowning, washing ashore some sort of island, but he is weak and injured by his fight to survive. Thankfully though, someone comes to get him. A woman, who drags him back to her home and nurses him back to health. The twist? Think Misery, but a lot more torture heavy. She breaks him down mentally until he's nothing more than an empty human husk, but once he's at his lowest moment, she again nurses him back to health. This time though, she molds him in her image.

Her perfect pet.

So yeah, you got torture, gaslighting, breaking a human down into nothing, then rebuilding him into your own image. We could even do experiments on him if you want, but when she rebuilds him, I want there to be a focus on their strange relationship. Even though she has made this man go through hell, once he is completely under her wing, she loves her 'pet' with all her heart, and wishes to take good care of him. Let's go dubcon with this, like pure weird shit, I want MC to be ruined. Lol.

Asylum For The Feeling:

So this one is kinda a blend of idea, and the third idea above. MC is a loser, no doubt about it. He's anti-social, very awkward around people, has a bit of a stutter, and while he's not half bad looking, (he could be very cute if he actually took care of his personal appearance a little better,) no one ever really talks to him because he's almost like a ghost. I might even have him wear braces and is embarrassed about that, really depends to be honest.

Yet, somehow YC suddenly appears in his life. She's a fairly social girl, is well known, top of her class. She finds MC, and decides to befriend him. Before long, she even starts asking him out to dates. This takes MC aback, and even stranger, she's willing to even sleep with him. God damn, his luck changed fast!

Problem though: First time they have sex, she's a bit...... Well, BDSM is a good word for it, another is 'rape.' Because she ties up MC, and psychically manhandles him in bed. This experience is a lot more than MC was able to handle, and is quite shaken in the morning, but YC convinces him that it was all okay. As their relationship develops, things get progressively worse, because it turns out, YC is very much into the occult.

She is not mentally sound at all, wanting to have a child with MC, believing the child will be given the powers of a God. MC wants to break things up, but she constantly convinces him otherwise, and starts forcing him to do things that are pretty unethical. She breaks him down mentally, and MC starts going insane as well, enjoying their more evil acts together, and in turn, she loves him more as he becomes more psychotic.

Much like with idea one, two normal people are not so normal, and begin corrupting each other to the point of no return. And they love each other more for it. No idea if I'll have this one be a multiverse travel idea too, but if you want, we can go for it.

Thy Kingdom:

This is an idea I have tried to do in the past, but it never gets off the ground. MC is the prince to a small kingdom that leads in coastal trading. The time period is medieval, and possibly there's magic, depends on if you wanna go that route, but MC's kingdom is corrupt as hell. Black markets, sex trafficking of women and children, and the king is all the more oblivious to it, because the man sexually abuses his kids, forcing them to do acts that are disgusting and mentally scaring. Their mother does nothing but support their father in doing these heinous acts. Eventually, MC runs off and joins a gang, wanting to be as far away from his father as possible.

YC is the daughter to a king that runs the most militarily powerful kingdom in all the lands. Problem is, while her father is dying, she has no right to the throne, being the youngest in the family, and there's quite a lot of family politicking and infighting. She needs an edge. MC is eventually caught and dragged to YC's kingdom to be executed, but YC manages to figure out who MC actually. Knowing his kingdom has the best trading ports, which would impress her family to no end, as well give her an edge in getting the throne, YC convinces MC to help her not only take over the throne in a coup, but also marry her so she can inherit the land.

What follows is a Game of Thrones style plot, where MC and YC want power in the throne, yet as time goes on, you guessed it, they get progressively more evil and darker the more they're around each other.


All I got for the moment, but do give me a PM if any interests you, and let me know what ideas you have for playing bad people. Bye!
Last edited:
So the current craving at the moment is the psycho killers idea, but I do have a strange craving for it.

Have it be an interracial couple. I'd really enjoy trying that plot out, especially with the weird multiverse travel angle to it. It's weird, but offers a lot of fun.
Crap, my stress has come back to haunt me. I'm on break from university, STOP HAUNTING ME STRESS, I DON'T WANT ANY!

...................... There's my name joke of the day.............. I'm clearly too tired to be writing this, but I saw this alert, and I was like, 'yeah, great idea Wade.'
I'm back at it with looking for some fun times to be had.

........... Think that sounds grammatically okay.
Hi, I love your idea. If you are back in the game and are up for a discussion, I have plenty of ideas to play with.
The main one I'm thinking is succubus ... That would be MC, then we could play around with the difference dimensions idea. PM me if you like
So I feel like addressing something: Lot of people enjoy idea one, and I'm glad for that, they're all about exploring terrible human beings coming together, and it's all fun.

One thing though some people are missing: The woman is meant to be the dominant personality in the relationship. Not the sub.

I have no interest in doing that type of relationship. I'm fine with it, there's fun in playing a dominant masculine figure, but I want to do an RP where that gets demolished, and a woman takes control. Forcefully even, depending on where the plot goes.

There's more fun in that because it's not done often enough. It's always men being the guys to corrupt the women and have them be their Harley's. Why can't guys be a Harley too? Food for thought.

Anyway, that's my rant done. Felt the need to address that.
So I edited this to have some more ideas I'm craving, along with a different tone for what I want to do this my ideas.
Right, who the fuck is liking my thread?

Honestly, it's weird that people like the thread, which is nice and all, but I'll take you actually PM'ing me over liking it any day of the week, because then I won't get cockteased by people who may or may not want to RP with me.
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