Any Puffloo's menagerie of requests

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Any Puffloo's menagerie of requests

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Hey there! Firstly, thank you for clicking this thread and taking a look at it. The fact that you're taking the time to read through this means a lot to me ♥

Moving onto my roleplay preferences, I'm incredibly flexible with my response lengths and the genres that I play. Though I prefer multi-para, I can do para and novella. One-liners I don't mind during dialogue scenes. I do have a bias towards fantasy, horror, and adventure orientated worlds, but I'm open to trying any genre! I can play multiple characters or one, depending on what the story requires. I can play either male or female characters, however, I prefer to play females. Romance isn't a mandatory element for me, even if I enjoy playing slow-burn romances on occasion. I prefer MxF or FxF pairings, although I'm still up for trying MxM. I tend to make a new character for every roleplay, so I, unfortunately, don't have a thread listing all my characters. If there's a character you've noticed I've used before and you'd like to roleplay with them, just let me know!

The first few plot lines I have set up are more suited for group roleplays, however, I'll be more than happy to do them one on one if you ask. I'll be acting as a GM throughout these storylines, playing multiple characters and NPCs rather than one. I have a basic idea of how the narrative will flow, but you will decide the outcome.

The Morning Rose - horror
Morning Rose is a thirty story, upscale apartment built in a bustling city. With a University placed a mere fifteen minutes away and business offices even closer, one would expect costly rent to come with the apartment complex... Yet the rent is cheaper than what you would find in the rougher spots of the city. Very few locals live at the Morning Rose and the few that do seem like they have more than a few screws loose. Rumors trouble The Morning Rose... Stories of a woman seen jumping off the top of the building, but no one ever seeing her body land. Cases where people go missing, or the entire building going dark for days on end. Whatever haunts this apartment complex is a mystery that may never be solved.

Whisteria - high fantasy
In a world where the wind is always strong and hurricanes are a common occurrence, Whisteria is a land dictated by the wind. Humans have resorted to staying in large, closely built communities that are, for the most part, built underground. The only allies mankind has to turn to are creatures called Whists. Whists are, more or less, spirits that ride the wind and occasionally befriend humans. With hundreds upon hundreds of subraces, each human could have a different Whist, if they wished. The world of Whisteria is littered with secrets, all waiting for some unfortunate soul to stumble upon them. (If you're interested in the world and you'd like to know more about it, send me a pm. There are way too many little details for me to properly list them here.)

Cosmic Cafe - magical girls ♥
Cosmic Cafe is a simple establishment, run by 12 girls and one manager. What the general public doesn't know, however, is that each girl possesses a Star, locked inside an ornate pendant. The Stars allow the girls to possess powers that are only bound by their imagination, and what their human bodies can handle. At first, these girls used their power to stop petty crimes, such as burglary, theft, or murders within their own city. However, they've recently been experiencing more curious cases where odd happenings threaten the well being of their precious home. Cases such as teddy bears coming to life only to attempt to smother their owners, or Nutcrackers biting off the fingers of young children. With the police department stumped and looking for answers, it's up to The Cosmic Cafe to find the root of this issue and put a stop to it.

The next couple of plot lines are aimed to be one-on-one, where I play one or two characters instead of several. The ones that are listed in a genre other than romance might have some romance sprinkled into them, but it won't be the main focus.

Seafoam - romance
The year is 1946, a mere seven months after the end of World War II. People are still recovering over the loss of their loved ones, and with the cold war beginning to form, life looks bleak for the general public. So when the Circe de la Lune announced its grand, re-opening, people flocked to buy tickets... [Muse A] being one of them. What the people weren't expecting, however, were the odd creatures the circus had for display. Among them was what appeared to be a [mermaid/merman], long, glistening tail and all. As [Muse A] wandered the aquarium, [Muse B] caught their eye. One look into their glowing, orange eyes was enough to entrance [Muse A]. [Muse A] finds themself frequenting the Circus, just to catch a glimpse of [Muse B]. They begin to feel a sense of pity for [Muse B], seeing them trapped inside a tank and forced to perform tricks from dawn 'till Dusk. When the circus announces its final performance, [Muse A] finds themself pressed for time and struggling to save [Muse B].

Karma's a Witch
- high fantasy
[Muse A] is known to be an infamous witch, frequently stealing from the rich and tormenting aristocrats. For ten years, [Muse A] has been able to avoid the royal guard and continue her antiques without a care in the world... Until one day, she finds herself stuck with a dragon egg that once belonged to the Queen. Originally, [Muse A] was simply going to kidnap the egg and sell it on the black market, but for one reason or another, she finds herself unable to do so. With a target painted on her back, [Muse A] must avoid detection from the Royal Guard and find a way to get rid of her pesky egg.

Devil's Dagger - adventure
[Muse A] has, for one reason or another, has found themself in possession of an ancient dagger. Once [Muse A] unsheathes the dagger, they find a demon sealed within the dagger. [Muse B] is a demon that has been trapped inside a dagger for over a century, often possessing the owner of the weapon and controlling their every action. This time, however, [Muse B] is unable to possess [Muse A]. The two settle for a compromise instead, agreeing that [Muse A] would help [Muse B] search for a way to release them, as long as [Muse A] can keep their freedom.

Last Wish - mystery
[Muse A] is mourning the loss of their friend, [Muse B]. [Muse B] was found washed up on the shores of a river the two used to visit as children. [Muse B] was assumed to have slipped into the river and drowned, their death a mere accident born from a simple slip up. When [Muse A] goes to help clean out [Muse B]'s room, however, they find a letter tucked away in a book the two used to enjoy. The letter suggests [Muse B]'s death was possibly intentional, hinting that there's more to [Muse B] than [Muse A] initially thought. The letter ends with an address, starting [Muse A]'s path to discovering [Muse B]'s true identity.

High Tides and Messy Rides - romance (fxf)
[Muse A] is the simple daughter of a fisherman. She spent most of her childhood living by the coast, waiting for her father to return from each fishing trip. During those long, lonely nights of waiting, [Muse A] was frequently visited by a lovely young mermaid. [Muse B] would keep her company as she waited, until one night she just stopped showing up. After weeks of waiting by the rocky shores, [Muse A] would soon discover that neither her friend nor her father would be returning. [Muse A] grows up to own her own band of privateers, all relatives of the fishing crew that went missing all those years ago. They ready their sails and set off on their search, [Muse A] hoping her journey would lead to the whereabouts of [Muse B] and her father.

The last few storylines are aimed to be short-term, one-shots that might last a week, at most. They're more casual and fun, rather than focusing on character development and story progression.

Snow Globes - low fantasy
[Muse A] bought a snowglobe from [Muse B]'s trinket shop, a Christmas gift for [Muse A]'s grandmother. Once [Muse A] steps out of [Muse B]'s shop, however... they find themselves in the world illustrated by the snowglobe, the trinket nowhere in sight. [Muse A] is now stuck with [Muse B] in this make-believe world, struggling to find a way out before Christmas.

One Drink too many - slice of life
[Muse A] is a drunk stripper heading home from work when they run into [Muse B]... A police officer. The two are in for an incredibly confusing night, as [Muse B] attempts to escort [Muse A] home, only to be met by arguing and insults from a hammered [Muse A]. [Muse B] is left wondering if they should just arrest [Muse A] and get the ordeal over with.

Lemonade Stand - slice of life
[Muse A] runs a lemonade stand. [Muse B] wouldn't find this odd, if they weren't in the middle of an alaskin winter. Every day, [Muse B] will find [Muse A] running their lemonade stand at the same park, selling the same frozen 'drink'. Somedays, [Muse A] gets inventive with their advertising and other days, [Muse A] gets bored enough to build an igloo around their stand.

Rendezvous with Death - low fantasy
[Muse A] is visiting their great aunt's funeral, where they come across Death himself. What's worse, Daddy Death informs [Muse A] that their greandmother shouldn't be dead, and that the two need to go on an adventure to save the old woman and bring her back. [Muse A] is left wondering what was in the fruit punch they drank.
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