MxF Quinnsation's MxF Search

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MxF Quinnsation's MxF Search

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My name is Quinnsation, but you can call me Quinn if you want. I'm a 32 year old female. I work 11 hours a week, so you would think I'm always free, but I'm also a new mom so my baby can take up a lot of my time. I adore love-hate relationships and I tend to curse a lot, but I'm really fun and loving once you get to know me.
I will post about 300-1200+ words average for a regular post, usually longer for an intro, but I will only post what I am given. If you give me two or three sentences, you may only get that back. I also find those roleplays tend to move very slowly and can get boring, so if that's the only thing you can provide me, I might not be the partner for you. I understand writers block, and am ok with a few short posts, but please don't let that be all I am working with.
I also love getting to know my partner. I like building relationships with them, joking around, and just chatting. I find it opens us both up to be more willing to plot build together as the roleplay gets going, or be more open to and willing to let each other know if we would like to change the direction or just flat out say that we are getting bored.

Rules and things:
1.) No god-modding or Mary Sues
2.) Not a fan of purely smut rps, I like 80/20-60/40 plot/smut ratio
3.) No one-liners (I love a minimum of 3-4 sentences or a paragraph per posted reply)
4.) Please reply at least once a week, or if you're busy say so, don't just go silent.
5.) 21+ partners only please
6.) Have proper grammar and spelling, though I do understand the occasional typo, happens to us all.
7.) Be willing to plot before throwing yourself into a roleplay. I've had too many people throw a idea at me and jump into it without a clue what to do next.
8.) Provide samples. I'm tired of starting roleplays with people whose writing does not mesh with mine at all. I will provide a sample in return.
9.) I prefer switches but can play a dom if you really like
10.) No size play like some giant and a tiny human girl
11.) I am cool with gore, and horror, but not a whole rp centered just plain on it.

-Incest or rape

Will play/work with
-Some others if you can catch my interest.

Please do not send me a message saying 'Hi' and that's it. Please let me know what kinds of roleplays you are wanting to do, if you have any ideas of your own, if you like one of my plots, as well as any of your kinks or things you will not do. If I haven't scared you off by now, feel free to send me a message.


Returning to the Pack
(Werewolf RP)
As a child he had grown up in a pack of werewolves in a small, hidden away town. There were a lot of families in the pack, but the werewolf gene being a submissive one, only a handful were actually wolves and the humans sometimes felt ostrasized. His father had died when he was young, and his mother didn't have the gene so she took him away from the pack to try to live a normal human life. Now that he was older, he felt the need to return to the pack. He said his goodbyes to his mother and went to seek out the pack he use to be a part of. He didn't know if they would accept him, if they would turn their back on him, or if they would attack him, but he knew that he had to try.

She was the daughter of the alpha, next in line to run the pack, but she didn't have a mate and the pack was uneasy about an unmated female controlling them. Some were trying to force her into a marriage she didn't want, some threatened to fight her for the power she held. No matter what they said, she felt a duty to them but an uneasiness about her future. When a new wolf shows up in town she is the one to seek him out, showing the pack that she can take control. What she finds though, is a childhood friend of hers. One that the pack felt betrayed by because of his mother's actions.

Stalked in the Night (Werewolf RP)
Word of a rogue werewolf had reached coast to coast, but it wasn't any rogue. It was one that had been cast out of his pack for trying to turn women. Females were rare for their kind, being mostly unheard of and thought of as legends as none had been around for as long as anyone could remember, since most weren't strong enough to survive their first change. Every pack was on high alert, hunting for the rogue and end his cruelty and risk of exposing them. Unfortunately for one woman, he had succeeded in his endeavors and was now keeping her a captive as his own private play thing. He had made a mistake and had found a cabin at the edge of one pack's territory and the pack had found him. They rescued the woman, but not without letting the rogue slip from their grasp. Determined to get his toy back, the rogue vowed to recapture her and would return for her later.

Destined for Failure (Vampire/Demon)
For centuries demons and vampires have walked among human kind, keeping their true selves secret from the world. A war between the races was making that harder to do so a few decades ago they came out to show what creatures lived right next door. The war still raged on, demons and vampires losing numbers each passing year, and it was time to come to an agreement to end it. Both races choose members to pair together in marriage, unknowingly causing more hatred for the elder members of both the demons and vampires. One specific pairing had become a worry to them.
(Could also be used with a different pairing)

Others to come...

As I said, I like plot building with my partner. If you have a very small idea that we can work off of, or even a fully developed plot you are wanting to do, let me know!
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